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[RF] Pale in Comparison

Winter had sucked all the color out of the world.
The prairie in the glory of midsummer had been a surge of green, summer winds sending pulses through the tall grass, causing it to wave like an underwater kelp forest in a strong current. Now, however, it had relinquished its blooming majesty, its former radiance dulled to straw the color of a deerhide. The flowerheads were stripped of their colorful identities, appearing like sepia photographs of themselves; the ghosts of summer past. The sweetclover, which had extended from one horizon to the other back in June, covering the prairie in a blanket of gold, was now skeletonized, its broken-off stems rolling like tumbleweeds in the winter gales.
Trevor was over it. Another South Dakota winter, another four months until the snows would cease and the ice would melt in the creek. In March and April, the spring blizzards would bury the world and on the subsequent sunny days, the combination of blue sky and white land would be startling, like finding oneself living in the center of a bicolored flag.
But for now, a capricious midwinter thaw had left snowdrifts only in the prairie draws, on the north-facing ridges, in the shadows of the ponderosas that speckled the hills. And around the trailer, mud. In a few nights, a deep freeze would turn the sides of the tire ruts into knife edges, testing the suspension of any vehicle that took the approach too fast. Still, that was better than the loamy mud, which could imprison even a 4x4 until freezing cold or drying winds finally freed it.
The view from the front porch could be gorgeous. Back in July, when the church group from Virginia had constructed a wheelchair ramp for the trailer, the evening sun had set the prairie on fire, its light reflected by a thunderstorm hanging in the sky as if by a puppeteer’s strings. “God almighty,” the youth pastor had exclaimed. But now, grays and browns mingled in a decidedly drab palette. Over at the little bird feeder, the goldfinches were no longer yellow-and-black exclamation points, but had acquiesced to dullness, dressed for a time of year when vibrant color seemed to be outlawed by some unseen authority.
Trevor stared at the expanse of mud that spooled out from in front of the trailer and unwound into a ribbon that led over the hill toward the old sundance ground and, eventually, the paved road. He wondered if he would get out today. Always a calculation this time of year. Driving on the muddy channel that was his approach was out of the question; he would set a course across the grass, which would provide enough barrier to keep his tires from sinking in again. Two-tracks radiating out onto the prairie showed how many times he and his family had taken this course of action since the last snow.
It felt ironic that their approach took them by far the long way around – heading north to go south; harder than it needed to be, like so much of life around here. But the way south was blocked by Roanhorse Creek. This wasn’t all bad; the creek provided nice wading in the summer and water for the horses for most of the year. It also gave rise to the only trees on the property, although the cottonwoods whose leaves whispered in the summer breezes now stood dumb and impassive, and resembled skeletal wraiths at nighttime.
A horse would make it, of course. He could saddle up the buckskin, ride cross-country and be in town in twenty minutes. But that would be silly…he snorted at the ludicrousness of this thought. First of all, he had to go way beyond town today. And even if he were just going to his old job at the tribal building, was he supposed to just hitch it up outside for the day? Tie its reins to one of the smokers’ benches by the entrance? What was this, 1895? No, better not to risk TȟatéZi getting stolen or having some gang sign spraypainted on it or some shit. Besides, he needed to pull into his job interview looking halfway decent, not spattered with mud and smelling like horse sweat.
Trevor regarded his truck, sitting smack in the middle of the sloppy mess. Fuck, he thought.
Still, he didn’t really have a choice today. No job interview, no job. No job, no funds. Another calculation, but this one was straightforward. He went back into the trailer and made his way to his bedroom in the back, passing his brothers in the living room. One was sleeping on the couch and the other was crashed out in the recliner, oblivious to the flickering hearth of the muted TV. Let ‘em sleep today, Trevor thought.
In the bedroom, he stepped across piles of clothes – some clean, some dirty – and over the miscellany of his life; a pile of old DVDs, a defunct gaming console, a canister of Bugler and squares of broadcloth for the tobacco ties he was supposed to make for ceremony, a scattering of empty Mountain Dew cans, a 24-pack of ramen, a basketball.
He hunted around in his closet for the dressy clothes that he knew were there. He had worn them once, on the day of his high school graduation, three years before. And there they were; a purple button-down shirt, a solid black tie, and black chinos. Further rummaging found him a pair of brown loafers and a tan braided belt. He would look sharp for this interview – couldn’t hurt.
Trevor took a quick shower. The hot water always took forever to come and once it did, didn’t last long. He got dressed hurriedly, glad the tie that had come as a set with the shirt was a clip-on, and ran a comb through his hair. It wasn’t long enough to do much with other than backcomb it a little with some hair gel, but he figured that looked better than not. He considered putting in big stud earrings to look extra fly, but decided again it; might not be the right look for the occasion.
Now fully dressed and ready, Trevor took stock of his appearance. His summer tan was long gone and his skin was as pale as the white kids he had met during his one semester of college. The same change of season that had desaturated the prairie and garbed the birds in dull colors had undone all those days spent out in the badlands sun – working with the horses, swimming at the dam, helping keep fire at sundance. Too many French fur traders in his lineage. He recalled the book that his eighth grade teacher had assigned them – Part-time Indian or something – and thought, Yup, that’s me. Indian in the summer and wašiču in the winter, like changing plumage.
Trevor envied his brothers their melanin. He had learned that word in one of his college classes and now thought of it nearly every day. Travis was a rich brown complexion even in the dark days of midwinter. Trenton was in between the two but had jet-black Lakota hair and definitely looked “ethnic,” enough to be followed around stores in the border towns. Trevor knew it was his privilege to be exempt from such treatment, but it bugged him nonetheless. He hadn’t asked to be light-skinned. His brothers called him žiží – a reference to his tawny hair. They had gotten into scraps over this, and Trevor even bloodied Travis’ nose in one such altercation. Once one of them had even called Trevor a “half-breed” but Trevor retorted with “Fuck you, boy, you got the same blood as me. Fuckin’ dumbass.” This seemed to put the issue to rest.
Trevor’s brief stint at college had been at an out-of-state school, which now struck him as an ill-advised decision. At least South Dakotans had some experience with Natives. Even the East River kids had at least crossed paths with one at some point, and didn’t think of Indians as something from the pages of a dime novel. Trevor was the first Native in many years – maybe ever – to attend the small-town liberal arts college in a neighboring state. He thought the fact that the college was reasonably selective would mean that the students were smart enough not to ask dumb questions. He was wrong.
The queries were predictable enough, clichéd even; Are you really Indian? (Yes) Do you speak your language? (No) Did you get in because you’re Indian? (Who knows? I’m pretty smart and got good grades.) Does the college have admissions quotas for Indians? (If it did, you’d think more would go here.) What’s it like on the reservation? (I don’t know; different.) Do you prefer “Native American”? (I find the question annoying, to be honest.) Do you like Leslie Marmon Silko? (Who?) Have you seen Dances with Wolves? (Some of it.) Do you know a guy from Pine Ridge named Verdell? He used to work with my dad. (Maybe) His last name was something Horse. Running Horse? (No)
Fielding these questions was exhausting and added another layer of weariness and alienation to his college experience.
He found himself having to answer such inquiries from his roommate, classmates, professors, his R.A…Sometimes they were cloaked in well-meaning concern (I bet you get tired of all these questions, huh?) but they were always there. Most evenings, Trevor would retreat to his room and call his mom. His roommate, Skyler, a cross-country runner who was handsome in an unspectacular way and who monitored his water intake religiously, was hardly ever around. He seemed to have no trouble making friends in college and reveled in the social opportunities around him.
In his phone calls back home, Trevor found himself experiencing a homesickness that inhabited the pit of his stomach like a hunger pang. He had never been gone from home for that long. Really, his only trip away had been the summer before his senior year, to a weeklong STEM camp for Native kids that one of the state colleges had put on. But that had been with a half dozen other students from his high school. Here he was alone.
The subjects of their conversations would leave Trevor feeling a gravitational pull toward home: Trenton got into a fight at school and got suspended. Travis is drinking again. We had sweat for your auntie because they have to amputate her leg after all. Those dogs were back again. Everett hit $200 at the casino on Tuesday night but of course he put it all back in. They’re having a basketball tournament for that boy who got paralyzed in that wreck. Our hot water heater went out but uncle came and fixed it. They still haven’t found that Two Arrows girl that went missing. Travis wants to go up on the hill this spring – maybe that will get him to quit drinking.
Good news, bad news, mundane news…The latter tugged at him the most. Like many who grew up on Pine Ridge, he had a love-hate relationship with the reservation. It was the home of his people after all, and could be so beautiful (“God’s country,” as it was called by even those who had no time for the white man’s God). But the hardships, the tragedies, the death…it all wore away at your spirit, hardened you. Still, the news of day-to-day life going on in his absence; a school powwow, a bingo tournament, tribal council drama, rumors of a Dairy Queen opening. It made him miss home in an ineffable way.
The last vestige of his indecision evaporated after a particular conversation in the lounge of his dorm. He had been sitting on a beanbag chair, discussing random topics with two friends (at least, he considered them friends, in some ill-defined adolescent way). They had all left a dull party that hadn’t livened up even after a couple of drinks, but still felt heady and obligated to prolong the night a little longer. So, they were shooting the shit, in a garishly-lit common space that smelled of burnt popcorn, and Trevor was feeling rather collegiate. An off-campus party, late-night conversation; weren’t these the trappings of university life that he had seen in teen movies, if a much more prosaic version?
Kayleigh, tipsy off Jäger bombs, started the chain of events that would unravel his college experience with a simple, but pointed question: “How Indian are you, anyway?”
Colton snorted at this comment. “Kay, you can’t just ask that!” But he was clearly more amused than disapproving.
“You mean like my blood quantum or what?” Trevor asked.
“Is that what you guys call it?” said Kay, now playing the innocent party. “I just mean, like, you say you’re Indian, I mean like I know you are, like, I know you are on paper…” The alcohol was causing her to trip over her words but she plowed on. “I mean like, okay, if I were to like, run into you on the street…” Kay was now gesturing expansively, as if the meaning of what she was saying wasn’t explicit from words alone. “Like, I wouldn’t be like, ‘Damn, look at that Indian,’ right? I’d just assume you were a white guy. I mean you know what I mean? Ugh, I’m not making sense.”
She was making perfect sense. Colton looked embarrassed, and for a second, Trevor thought he might shut Kay down. But instead, his inhibition similarly worn down by a few shots of German 70-proof, he followed suit. “I think what Kay’s drunk ass is trying to say is, like, your ancestors are Indians, right, like in the history books. Like Geronimo or whatever. But do you consider yourself one of them? Or are you, like, their descendant?”
Trevor could feel the ball of rage growing within him, a sea urchin radiating spikes in his gut. Stop talking, he thought. Just stop talking.
Colton continued, heedlessly. “Okay, so like I’m Irish but I’m not like Irish Irish, like a leprechaun or some shit. Like my ancestors…”
Trevor stood up, his fists balled. He was now stone-cold sober but his anger was its own intoxicant. “It’s none of your fucking business. It’s none of your business what the fuck I am!” He was shouting; he couldn’t help it. He picked up a half-empty can of PBR and threw it at the wall, slamming the door to the lounge on his way out. The sudsy contents of the can leaked onto the ugly orange dorm carpet, as Kayleigh and Colton sat in stunned silence.
“Jesus,” said Colton finally. “Just trying to ask an honest question.”
After that, Trevor had holed up in his room for a few days, skipping classes and avoiding other students. When he told his mom he was dropping out, she hardly sounded surprised. He knew she would be glad to have him back home; the prodigal son returning. Trevor, the one who had his shit together, who had gone to a STEM camp and was almost salutatorian. He knew she thought that once he got back, he could do what she couldn’t; get Travis on a better path, bring another income to the household, fix what needed to be fixed around the trailer, shoot at the stray dogs when they came around. It would all fall to him. His failure was their blessing; they would lean on him as long as he could stand.
So here we fucking go, he now thought, patting his gel-stiffened hair and giving himself one last hazel-eyed glance in the mirror. Gotta get that bread. His brief stint at the tribal building hadn’t panned out. He was a good worker but wet weather made his road too sloppy to get out easily. Too many latenesses had translated into a pink slip. “Shit man we all got bad roads. Gotta leave earlier,” his boss had said.
So, lesson learned, he was giving himself extra time getting ready for this interview. Really, the lady had just told him to come by “around mid-morning,” so he’d probably be okay. The job was off-rez, down at the county livestock auction and sale barn in one of the closest border towns, “white towns,” as Ridgers called it. It was mostly going to be paperwork – inventory and itemizing and that kind of shit – but it was decent pay and Trevor hoped that he could transition over to working with the animals before long. On most days, he preferred their company to dumbass people.
Grabbing his bag, Trevor stuck the loafers inside with his other miscellany. He would need to wear his cowboy boots across the muddy expanse between the bottom step of the porch and the door to his Blazer so he jammed his feet into them. Outside, he walked gingerly so as not to stain his black slacks with muck. Once in the driver’s seat, he figured he would leave the boots on for the drive, since they were already smearing mud on the floor liner, and in case he got stuck and needed to get out. Trevor knew that the people who worked at the sale barn were as countrified as he was and wouldn’t judge muddy boots under most circumstances, but he also knew that being from Pine Ridge meant he had to put his best foot forward, literally in this case.
Trevor fired up the Blazer, put it in four low, and gunned it. His tires found grip and he jerked along, slimy divots of earth spattering his windows and roof like hail. His windshield wipers left a pasty smear that obscured much of his view, but he practically knew the way by feel. As soon as he could, he bumped up onto the grass, gopher holes and clumps of prairie bluestem jolting his ride, testing what was left of his suspension. When he finally hit the pavement, the smoothness was startling as it always was, like a TV being suddenly muted, like silence after a door slamming.
He cruised through town, passing the gas station, the other gas station, the commod building, the quonset hut, the old BIA headquarters…and turned south into Nebraska. He tried to ignore the persistent squeal under the hood that had gotten worse lately. The overcast sky reflected the dullness of the land – as below, so above – and Trevor alternated between zoning out and counting hawks on telephone poles. A handful of miles south of the border, the vehicle gave a jolt and Trevor felt a temporary loss of control. He hit the brakes and steered toward the shoulder, but the Blazer was suddenly steering like an army tank. Fuck, he whispered.
Once he wrestled Blazer off the road, Trevor got out and popped the hood. He already knew what he would find under the rising steam. “Fucking serpentine belt,” he hissed to the universe. Trevor was good with cars but he didn’t have the tools for this fix. Luckily, he thought, out here in the country, somebody who did would be by soon. Lots of Natives on this road, maybe even a cousin would happen by who could at least give him a ride to town. Trevor thought of calling his dad’s brother Everett on his cell, but figured he’d give it a bit. He hated the thought of owing Uncle Ev anything.
Sure enough, in a few minutes, a gunmetal gray truck passed by slowly, hit a u-turn, and pulled up behind him. Trevor felt a twinge of envy over this late-model Dodge Ram MegaCab with duallies. It had county plates on it, so the cowboy-hatted driver was a local guy, and as he got out, his Carhartt overalls and mud-caked boots identified him as a rancher.
“Trouble?” MegaCab asked, giving Trevor an easy smile.
“Serpentine belt busted,” said Trevor, unconsciously smoothing out his rez accent in favor of a more neutral affectation. Code-switching – another term he had learned at college (by the professor who asked him if he prefers “Native American”).
“No shit, huh?” MegaCab considered this information. “I got nothing for that but I could give you a ride somewhere. You call anyone? Someone coming after you?”
“No,” said Trevor. “I’m trying to get down to the sale barn for a job interview.”
MegaCab looked at Trevor as if for the first time. “Oh ok so that’s why you’re all fancied up. Well, hop in if you don’t mind leaving it here.”
Trevor considered this. He was off the rez so there was less of a chance that the Blazer would end up with busted windows or slashed tires. And he was eager to get his interview over and done with.
Before he could answer, MegaCab added “I have to stop in Whiteclay first but then I’ll take you down.”
This was only a few miles out of the way so Trevor assented and climbed into the rancher’s idling behemoth. It still retained some new-truck smell, mixed with a tinge of manure and rich earth. Really, it was almost luxurious.
MegaCab flipped a u-ey again and headed back north toward Whiteclay. Formerly notorious for copious alcohol sales to people from the dry reservation whose border it sat on, Whiteclay’s package stores had been shuttered after the state had revoked their liquor licenses following years of protests over their depredatory business model. Now, it was just a town of a couple small stores and fewer than a dozen permanent residents, its streets empty of vagrants, its ghosts banished.
“So, you from Hot Springs?”
Trevor momentarily wondered where this question had come from, and then remembered that he had 27-plates on the Blazer – Fall River County, a relic of when he bought the car from a white lady over there. He had kept the off-county registration because the plates were far less likely to get you pulled over off-rez than the infamous 65s of Oglala Lakota County.
MegaCab continued without waiting for an answer. “I used to go up to Hot Springs a lot when my dad was in the V.A. hospital up there. Nice town.”
“Yup, it’s pretty nice,” said Trevor, wondering if he would have to sustain this small talk the whole way.
Luckily, MegaCab took it from there, reminiscing about his high school football team dealing Hot Springs a particularly lopsided loss, and then they were at Whiteclay. Trevor played around on his phone while his driver of the moment went into the little grocery store. He looked up his old roommate Skyler on Facebook (why, he didn’t know; certainly not to friend him) and then Googled “Pine Ridge South Dakota Dairy Queen” just to see if there was any truth to that rumor.
MegaCab returned with some mail – Trevor had forgotten that there was a little post office in there – and they turned south toward Rushville.
Two miles and five hawks-on-telephone-poles into their trip, MegaCab got chatty again:
“I still can’t believe that the state revoked the liquor licenses. They had no legal right to do that of course, but just like everyone else these days, they bowed to the pressure from liberal special interest groups. Those store owners – my brother was one of them – followed the damn law to a T but still got their rights taken away. They’re the real victims in all of this.”
Trevor, whose father was found dead in Whiteclay when Trevor was ten years old, didn’t answer.
“You know it’s just going to push the problem down the road. These Indians are gonna get their liquor one way or another. You guys must see that all the time up in Hot Springs.”
These Indians. You guys. Trevor suddenly recognized MegaCab’s presumption, and wondered when if he should correct it.
“If they wanted to buy millions of cans of beer in Whiteclay every year and drink themselves to death, shit, I say let ‘em. It’s a free country, right? Those AIM types are always going on about Native rights and shit, y’know? Well shit, you have the right to drink and die if you want. Not saying that I want that for those people or anything, but the nanny state can’t be protecting everyone from problems of their own making.”
Trevor, whose brother had first gotten jailed for drunk and disorderly at age 14, two years after their father died, said nothing.
MegaCab continued to rhapsodize about “the Indians” and their problems, adopting the tone of an expert, one who knew all about them. Trevor felt the blood rise to his face. Some coloration at least, he thought darkly. In the pit of his stomach, the sea urchin had returned to stab at his insides. What must it be like, he wondered, to live a life in which people aren’t constantly telling you who you are, naming your characteristics like symptoms, trying to trap you like a spirit in a photograph?
The Blazer came in sight on the shoulder ahead. “Can you let me out at my ride?” Trevor asked, his voice hardly recognizable to his own ear, like hearing himself talk underwater.
“Sure, you need to grab something out of it?” said MegaCab, reluctantly pausing his diatribe.
“No it’s okay,” replied Trevor, “I’m gonna call someone to come help me fix this after all.” He fiddled with his phone as if to underscore this intention.
“Well, if you’re sure,” said MegaCab. “And hey,” he added as Trevor stepped down onto the running board. “You be careful around here. One of these rezzers might see you here all by yourself and try to mess you or your car up. And watch out for drunk drivers. You just never know with these Indians.” MegaCab gave a serious nod to accentuate this show of concern. Then he wished Trevor luck and drove off.
Trevor watched the truck recede into the distance until it was merely a gray speck between the monochrome earth and the steely sky. He sat down in the cold front seat of the Blazer and looked into the rearview mirror. Hazel eyes stared back at him under a pale forehead. Fuck it, he thought; people are dumbasses. Let ‘em believe what they want; that he was from Hot Springs, that could be was related to that Apache, Geronimo, that he was only Indian on paper. Trevor saw what they didn’t; the hidden depths beneath the surface, and in their faces, in the spaces between their words, their ignorance displayed like a tattoo.
In another minute or two, he would call Uncle Ev for a ride. In another hour or two, he would be offered a job at the sale barn that would bring another income into his household (and buy him a new serpentine belt). In another day or two, he would finally finish the tobacco ties for ceremony, at which he would pray for Travis’ sobriety and his auntie’s diabetes. In another month or two, the lengthening of the days would be unmistakable.
Spring would come as it always had, first heralded by a single meadowlark piercing the predawn silence with his song. This would be followed by a green sprig on the prairie, pushing up, perhaps, through snow. Then a cluster of pasqueflowers appearing suddenly on a hillside, a skein of geese overhead, sheet lightning on the horizon. Small miracles, one after another. Finally, color would surge back into the world like paint scintillating on a canvas, causing goldfinches to glow like stars and evening thunderheads to stand like towering fires.
The brilliant Dakota sunlight would stoke the melanin in Trevor’s skin, and nobody would mistake who he was. He would go up on the hill for two days and nights with Travis that spring, and Trenton would keep fire for them. He would pray for the coming year, for the survival of his people, for enough blessings to outweigh the hardships. And there, among a sea of undulating green, facing the crimson blaze of sunrise, he would again know himself and find the strength to carry on, in the face of all the peculiar indignities of this world.
submitted by PrairieChild to shortstories [link] [comments]

Comprehensive Comic Book Catch-Up Guide

(Main Series) Friendship is Magic #1-4 The Return of Queen Chrysalis (Major Storyline)
Main Characters - Mane 6, CMC, Chrysalis
Summary - Queen Chrysalis has returned, replaced all the citizens of Ponyville with changelings, and kidnapped the CMC. Will the our heroes be able to stop her before it is too late? Or will rising tensions between the friends spell out their doom?
Quick Review - A worthy introduction to the comics with some fun character moments. Any comic drawn by Andy Price is worth checking out for the art alone. Chrysalis literally throws a kitten at a wall and it explodes into blood. 6/10

FiM #5-8 Nightmare Rarity (Major) (Highly Recommended)
Characters - Rarity, Mane 6, Luna, Spike
Summary - Rarity is overcome by insecurity and the fear that she doesn't provide enough to the group, and allows herself to be corrupted by Nightmare. As her friends rush to save her, Luna must overcome her own guilty past in order to defeat it again in the present.
Quick Review - Nightmare Rarity's design is superb. So are the moon denizens. Katie Cook's writing style can lean into the absurd sometimes, but she knows how to do an emotional moment. We see how Luna earned her flowing mane. Spike saves the day. Trixie gets a few lines. 8/10

FiM #9-10 Zen and the Art of Gazebo Repair (Highly Recommended)
Characters - Big Mac
Summary - Big Mac has to find nails to fix his gazebo during the Summer Wrap-Up festival. But the world has other plans for him.
Quick Review - Big Mac plays a wonderful comedic straight man. Seriously, the comic is hilarious, the art is amazing, and Big Mac is a chad. Dude has to fight off like four different mares fawning over him, including Luna. He just wants to repair his gazebo, for god's sake. 9/10

FiM #11-12 (Neigh Anything)
Characters - Cadance, Shining Armor, Biff Tannen
Summary - Discover the romantic tale of how Cadance and Shining Armor came to be. Can Shining Armor prove himself worthy to Cadance? Will she choose him over High School Gigachad Buck Withers? Probably.
Quick Review - I enjoy it. Not much to say. Shining Armor belts out some Oingo Boingo for Cadance, and lord knows there is nothing more romantic than singing about how much you love little girls. (6.5/10)

Annual 2013: Equestria Girls (The Fall of Sunset Shimmer)
Characters - Sunset Shimmer, Celestia
Summary - Sunset Shimmer is a magical prodigy. But Celestia will not further her teachings, because despite her prowess, the young sorcerer has much to learn. Sunset believes otherwise.
Quick Review - To everyone clamoring for a proper Sunset backstory and motivation I am proud to announce that this is not it. It's unbelievably vague and generic. It pains me as a massive Shimmerfriend. Also, all the human designs look like ayy lmaos. More so than the show. Hopefully they pick it up in the next EqG comic... (3/10)

FiM #13-14 (My Little Pirate)
Characters - Fluttershy, Mane 6, Hoofbeard
Summary - Fluttershy has become too attached to a fish she rescued, and regrets letting it go. So when a dangerous pirate arrives looking for a crew, she take it is an opportunity to reunite with her fish. Also a pirate adventure thing, Hoofbeard seeks a treasure behind a perilous journey.
Quick Review - Utterly forgettable. I really cannot be bothered to reread it for a review. It was okay I think? (5/10)

FiM #15-16 (The Book Worm)
Characters - Twilight, Mane 6
Summary - A magical bookworm begins devouring his way through Twilight's library. That wouldn't be such an issue (except to Twilight), if the characters from to books didn't begin popping up in the real world. Now Twilight and co must take down the bookworm in it's own domain: The Realm of Books.
Quick Review - I like Pinkie's fantasy world. Another just okay one. Lotta references to other media. Marvel, LoTR, Disney shlock, you get the idea. The void had some solid character moments for Twilight and Rainbow. (6/10)

Friends Forever #1: Pinkie & Applejack
Characters - Take a guess
Summary - In the issue, Applejack and Pinkie Pie enter a baking contest, and culinary hijinks ensue.
Quick Review - Rough start for FF. Predictable and silly. Art here is really not good. However, it does have Guy Fieri pony. (3/10)

Friends Forever #2: CMC & Discord (Highly Recommended)
Characters - CMC, Discord
Summary - Discord takes the crusaders to increasingly dangerous dimensions in their search for a cutie mark.
Quick Review - This one is super sweet. Some of the best Discord showing in the series. The CMC being some of the only ponies to understand and show gratitude towards Discord for his effort is so damn heartwarming. (8/10)

Friends Forever #3: Celestia & Spike (Highly Recommended)
Characters - Celestia, Spike
Summary - Spike wants to get Twilight something nice for her birthday, but the gift he settled on turns out to be slightly hard to come by. He enlists Celestia's help in getting the gift for her student, a gift found deep in the dangerous Crystal Mountains.
Quick Review - By far my favorite portrayal of Celestia. Lot of nice and touching dialogue between her and Spike, and some insight on Celestia's mindset as a ruler and teacher. Shame they went further down the "Celestia is an incompetent and petty klutz" route later on. (8/10)

FiM #17-20 (Reflections) (Major) (Recommended)
Characters - Mane 6, Celestia, Starswirl, Sombra
Summary - Celestia has been secretly visiting another dimension for quite some time. A world where good is evil, and evil is good, and she has fallen madly in love with the benevolent King Sombra. A world where she and Luna are villains threatening to take over both dimensions. And it's all her fault.
Quick Review - This one is super polarizing. For me, it's a collection of great ideas utilized poorly. The mirror dimension is a very interesting concept that I wish would be re explored. And i'm content with all the characters. But the climax, touching as it maybe, kinda dampens this one for me. Still, (7/10)

Friends Forever #4: Twilight & Shining Armor
Characters - ^^^^^
Summary - Twilight Sparkle is worried her and Shiny have drifted apart since their foalhoods. An opportunity presents itself to rekindle when her and Shining Armor team up to catch a ghost that haunts the Crystal Empire palace.
Quick Review? - Turns out, there are a lot of FF comics, and a lot of them are pretty inconsequential. There are only so many times I can say, "It was cute. I liked it." before that gets redundant. So unless I have something more to say, i'm gonna reduce these to just Rating and Summary. Pretty good tho. (6/10)

Friends Forever #5: Fluttershy & Zecora
Summary - Fluttershy and Zecora try to figure out why Fluttershy can suddenly hear her animal friends talk. Spoilers: It was Discord. Go figure.
Rating - (4/10)

Friends Forever #6: Rainbow Dash & Trixie
Summary - Rainbow Dash is called upon by a newly crowned Queen Trixie to perform for a kingdom of Diamond Dogs. Turns out being Queen isn't all its cracked up to be.
Rating - I mean, it's got Trixie. (6/10)

FiM #21-22 (Manehattan Mysteries) (Recommended)
Characters - CMC, Babs, Trixie, AJ, Rarity
Summary - Doesn't need one. Trixie and Babs are in it. Go read it.
Quick Review - The relationship between Babs and Trixie here and they parallels they draw from each other are pretty great. I always love those kinds of strange character interactions. (7/10)

Friends Forever #7: Pinkie & Luna
Summary - Princess Luna seeks Pinkie Pie's help in making ponies laugh so she can participate in a Royal Event.
Rating - (6/10)

Friends Forever #8: Applejack & Rarity
Summary - Typical Rarijack episode, road trip edition.
Rating - It introduces those stupid bull cowboys. For that (4/10)

FiM Issue 23 (Pets to the Rescue)
Characters - Angel, Winona, Opalescence, Owliscious, Gummi, Tank
Summary - When there owners are nowhere to be found, the pets team up and must set out to find their owners and assist them in whatever magical conundrum they may have found themselves in.
Quick Review - I think the villain here would have been really interesting in almost any other scenario. Other than that, minimal dialogue, and the art isn't exceptional, so (5/10)

Friends Forever #9: Granny & The Flimflam Bros
Summary - Granny Smith helps Flim and Flam patch things up after they have a falling-out over a mare.
Rating - This one is pretty wholesome. (7/10)

FiM Issue 24 (Discord in Time)
Characters - Discord, CMC, Flutters
Summary - Discord take the CMC and Flutterbutter on an a journey through time to show them some animals. Hijinks ensue.
Quick Review - Another really nice Discord issue. He isn't use to having all these friends and watching out for them in his chaos, so he drags them along in his dangerous adventures. He then immediately forgets this lesson. (7/10)

Friends Forever #10: Fluttershy & Iron Will (Major)
Summary - Fluttershy helps Iron Will with has marital problems.
Rating - (6/10)

Friends Forever #11: Rainbow Dash & Spitfire
Summary - Rainbow Dash helps Spitfire overcome her greatest fear: Children.
Rating - Art style is cute, but super jarring. (6/10)

FiM #25-26 (The Good, the Bad and the Ponies)
Characters - AJ, Mane 6, Bulls
Summary - Doesn't matter.
Quick Review - Don't read this one. Seriously, it's bad. Nothing really makes sense. Applejack has some sort of brain defect. Twilight arbitrarily cannot use her magic on Equestrian citizens. Even when they are dangerous criminals, apparently? (1/10)

Friends Forever #12: Pinkie & Twilight
Summary - Twilight tries to help Pinkie overcome her harrowing cocaine addiction. When that fails, Twilight starts doing coke herself to make the guilt go away. Pinkie stops doing coke for like five minutes, and Twi considers that a success.
Rating - (4/10)

Equestria Girls Annual 2014: Holiday Special
Characters - Humane 6, Sunset Shimmer, CMC
Summary - The holidays are nearing, and Sunnybun is feeling pretty down in the dumps. The girls try to cheer her up by inviting over for a few nights of debauchery. This cheers her up a bit. So, the Humane 5 go home on the shortbus and Sunny walks home, finally content with herself. Meanwhile the CMC decide that Sunset is keeping them from spending time with their sisters(?) and start a social media account in her name, called Anon-A-Miss, which they use to spread explicit photos of their sisters from the "sleepovers" and frame Sunset. Everyone in the school begin to tragically suffer from severe mental deficiencies and buy it immediately. Because the chick who just saved all of your sorry asses from soul sucking harlots like a week ago is going to post shit about her friends with her fucking face attached to the account.
Quick Review - I really wish I could shit on this more, but I got quite a bit to get through. (-3/10)

Friends Forever #13: Rarity & Babs Seed
Summary - In the issue, Rarity must entertain Babs Seed when Sweetie Belle falls ill. Turns out Babs idea of entertainment is different than Rarity's.

FiM #27-28 (The Root of the Problem) (Major)
Characters - Mane 6, Bramble, King Aspen
Summary - The Everfree spontaneously begins protruding into Ponyville. At the root of this problem, the druid-esque Deers who wish to reclaim the parts of their forest that were lost.
Quick Review - The Deer are really neat, and having them be the night elves of Equestria is a fun concept. But the deer people kind of get the shaft, and most of the story focuses on the avaricious minotuar Well-to-do. (6.5/10)

Friends Forever #14: Luna & Spike
Summary - In the issue, Princess Luna enlists Spike's help in solving a dragon problem in Fillydelphia.
Rating - Luna and Spike spend three pages together, and the rest of the story is focused on an annoying pink fangirl dragon. (4/10)

Friends Forever #15: Applejack & Mayor Mare
Summary - In this issue, politics are boring.
Rating - (5/10)

FiM Issue #29 (Ponymania XXIX)
Characters - Cheerilee, Cherry Blossom
Summary - Cheerilee reunites with her twin sister—one of the most famous wrestlers in Equestria. But when Cherry Blossom gets injured, Cheerilee is forced to take her place in the ring.
Quick Review - As with most Jay Fosgitt's stuff, cute, but a lot of fluff and not much to carry an interesting story. (6/10)

FIENDship is Magic #1: King Sombra (Major) (Highly Recommended)
Characters - Sombra, Radiant Hope
Summary - Twilight Sparkle and Princess Cadance discover King Sombra's diary and learn of his rise to power. But before that, how he was a sickly outcast, a troubled young amnesiac whose only friend was the equally strange Radiant Hope, who still had imaginary friends.
Quick Review - Much needed backstory for Sombra, and very well done at that. His connection to Radiant Dawn feels genuine, and his corruption by way of shitty crystal ball is absolutely tragic. My dude just wanted to go the Crystal Faire ): Also Princess Amore fucking dies. (9/10)

FIENDship is Magic #2: Tirek (Recommended)
Characters - Tirek, Scorpan, Sendak
Summary - Tirek, young and ambitious, sneaks out of his royal families castle to visit the unhinged sorcerer Sendak to learn more about magic. Scorpan is worried about his brothers ambitions.
Quick Review - Doesn't add much character depth to Tirek, but it's suitable. Presents a lot of cool ideas not explored as thoroughly as they could be. Leaves a lot up to interpretation and head canon. (7/10)

FIENDship is Magic #3: Sirens (Non-Canon)
Characters - The Dazzlings, Starswirl
Summary - The fate of the world is determined by a music battle, and if the Dazzlings win, all is lost. This is not Rainbow Rocks.
Quick Review - Not a single character acts in character, and while the other Fiendship issues are take themselves pretty seriously, this one is drastically different tonally and opts for comedy. Which really sucks, because I wanted actual backstories for the Sirens. Humor falls flat as well. (2/10)

FIENDship is Magic #4: Nightmare Moon
Characters - Nightmare Moon, Nyx (Not that Nyx)
Summary - A recently banished Nightmare Moon attempts exacts revenge on Princess Celestia through the world of dreams. The Nyx, the keepers of the dreams, will not allow it.
Quick Review - I much prefer Nightmare Moon as a manifestation of Luna's negative emotions over depictions a corrupting parasitic entity. Story is serviceable, a bit sad, nothing noteworthy. (6/10)

FIENDship is Magic #5: Queen Chrysalis (Major)
Characters - Twilight, Chrysalis
Summary - The Mane Six visit the imprisoned Queen Chrysalis, who recounts her past exploits.
Quick Review - Case of unreliable narrator here. Chrysalis implies that changelings are made of pure dark magic, which is an idea I actually quite like, but having them reform like they did would say otherwise. Story is sorta all over, like a Chrysalis anthology short. (6/10)

Friends Forever #16: Diamond Tiara & Silver Spoon
Summary - Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon compete against the Cutie Mark Crusaders in a scavenger hunt.
Rating - Smokin' hot goth pony makes an appearance. (7/10)

FiM #30-31 (Ponyville Days)
Characters - Rarity, AJ, Twilight
Summary - Civil War over a land dispute or something, can't really be bothered with this one.
Quick Review - As far as I remember, this is one of the issues that gives everyone in Ponyville a crippling case of "has to wear a helmet while outside". Dumbing down characters to make a story work is obnoxious. (3/10)

Friends Forever #17: Twilight & Big Mac
Summary - Twilight takes a trip into Big Mac's brain to learn how to focus as well as he does.
Rating - (7/10)

Friends Forever #18: Rainbow Dash & Fluttershy
Summary - Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy go to their flight camp reunion.
Rating - Pretty adorable. (7/10)

FiM #32-33 (Night of the Living Apples)
Characters - Mane 6, Spike
Summary - Apples take over Ponyville. Our heroes turn into bats. This is not a crackfic.
Quick Review - Batpony designs are pretty damn cool. Story is whatever. (5/10)

FiM #32-33 (Night of the Living Apples)
Summary - Rarity gets carried away when she goes into business with Mr. and Mrs. Cake.
Rating - (6/10)

Friends Forever #20: Luna & Discord (Recommended)
Summary - Princess Luna helps Discord when he has trouble sleeping.
Rating - Neat character dynamic. Good stuff for Luna and Discord. (8/10)

FiM #34-37 (Siege of the Crystal Empire) (Major) (Non-canon) (Highly Recommended)
Characters - Sombra, Mane 6, Chryssi, Umbrums
Summary - A mysterious new villain brings several of the series' past antagonists together to attack the Crystal Empire.
Quick Review - I want to keep my gushing about this one brief. The umbrum design and lore are some of the best things to come out of the comics. This Sombra is infinitely better than the one in the show. I definitely didn't cry at the end because i'm a big boy. (9/10)

Friends Forever #21: Spike & Zecora
Summary - Spike and Zecora save Ponyville from a disease, and only they are immune.
Rating - (7/10)

Friends Forever #22: Celestia & Pinkie
Summary - Princess Celestia tasks Pinkie Pie with making the perfect cake for Princess Luna's birthday party.
Rating - Barely any Celestia. (4/10)

Friends Forever #23: Applejack & Fluttershy
Summary - Applejack and Fluttershy become involved in the search for a legendary creature called the Pigasus. They must keep its existence a secret.
Rating - No Kirin (5/10)

Friends Forever #24: Rarity & Gilda
Summary - Gilda enlists Rarity's help in designing uniforms for a new sports team in Griffonstone.
Rating - (6/10)

FiM #38-39 (Don't You Forget About Us)
Characters - CMC, Diamond Tiara, Snips, Snails
Summary - The Cutie Mark Crusaders, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, Snips, and Snails become lost in the mountains during a class field trip. AB and Diamond Tiara are forced to learn how to work together.

Friends Forever #25: Rainbow Dash & Twilight
Summary - Rainbow Dash seeks Twilight Sparkle's help after her wings mysteriously vanish.
Rating - Weird body horror. (7/10)

Friends Forever #26: Shining Armor & Prince Blueblood
Summary - Shining Armor is forced to work with Prince Blueblood on a diplomatic mission to Yakyakistan.
Rating - Holy shit they made Blueblood redeemable. (8/10)

FiM Issue #40 (Twilight meets Spike)
Characters - Twilight, Spike
Summary - You know, it's exactly how it sounds.
Quick Review - Very cute. (7/10)

Friends Forever #27: Pinkie & Granny Smith (Recommended)
Summary - Pinkie Pie offers to help Granny Smith after she breaks her hip right at the start of cider season.
Rating - Precious. (7/10)

FiM Issue #41 (Rainbow Dash and the Very Bad Day)
Characters - Zecora, Rainbow
Summary - Rainbow Dash is being a c**t, and enrages literally everybody else in Ponyville. In other words, they captured her character just right in this one.
Quick Review - I like rhyme schemes, but I hate bluefast. (4/10)

Friends Forever #28 Princess Luna and the Cutie Mark Crusaders
Summary - The Cutie Mark Crusaders assist Princess Luna during a foal slumber party at Canterlot Castle.
Rating - I like bone pony. (6/10)

FiM Issue #42 (A Pinkie Pie Story That Pinkie Pie Kinda Sorta Remembers) (Recommended)
Characters - Rarara, Ponker Po
Summary - Pinker Pop, still cooling off from her ten month long cocaine binge, tries to help Rarity make a gift for a friend very special to her.
Quick Review - Very cute, very funny, cried. (8/10)

Friends Forever #29 Rarity and Maud Pie
Summary - Rarity assists Maud Pie in her rock science interests and helps her discover her inner enthusiasm.
Rating - Nice Maud character development. (7/10)

FiM Issue #43-45 (Ponies of Dark Water) (Major) (Recommended)
Characters - Mane 6, Luna, CMC, Spike
Summary - The Mane 6 bathe in cursed waters and become distorted versions of themselves. Pinkie Pie becomes a domestic terrorist.
Quick Review - I like the part where Pinkie bombs a movie theater potentially killing dozens of ponies. Hilarious. (8/10)

Friends Forever #30 Twilight Sparkle and Princess Cadance
Summary - Twilight Sparkle helps her sister-in-law Princess Cadance when she suffers from an unexplained lack of self-esteem.
Rating - I quite like this little arc for Cadance. (7/10)

Friends Forever #31 Rainbow Dash and Little Strongheart
Summary - Little Strongheart seeks Rainbow Dash's help in finding a legendary creature called the Rainbow Crow.
Rating - Little Strongheart, where ya been for six years dude? Beautiful art. (7/10)

Friends Forever #32 Fluttershy and Daring Do
Summary - Daring Do enlists Fluttershy's help in uncovering an ancient treasure. She must also face her arachnophobia.
Rating - Better than the actual Flutters/Do episode. (7/10)

FiM Issue #46-47 (Election)
Characters - Twilight, Mayor Mare, Donald Trump
Summary - Mayor Mare struggles in her bid for reelection, against definitely not Donald Trump guys I swear.
Quick Review - Haha I lied, but like I totally got you though right? Like it was super subtle? I bet you didn't even catch on. (5/10)

Friends Forever #33 Applejack and Cherry Jubilee
Summary - Applejack learns the secret history of Cherry Jubilee.
Rating - Cherry Jubilee is pretty hot. (6/10)

FiM Issue #48-50 (Chaos Theory) (Major) (Recommended)
Characters - Discord, Starlight, Mane 6
Summary - An astronomical event causes Discord to transform from a creature of chaos to a being of pure order. But not all is at seems with the newly minted Accord.
Quick Review - Starlight gets one arc throughout all of these comics. luckily it's pretty good. She gets some good character growth. Accord is pretty god damn terrifying. Actual sound logic is used to best the villain, which is pretty rare. (8/10)

Friends Forever #34 Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich
Summary - Pinkie Pie and Cheese are eaten by a possessed party house. Seriously.
Rating - (6/10)

Friends Forever #35 Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer
Summary - Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer's attempt to organize the books in the Castle of the Two Sisters turns into a battle of egos.
Rating - This would have been much better is not illustrated by Fosgitt. It doesn't suit this more weighty type of story. (7/10)

Friends Forever #36 Rainbow Dash and Soarin (Recommended)
Summary - Rainbow Dash follows Soarin to a remote location to help him with a dangerous mission.
Rating - Great Soarin and Spitfire moments. (8/10)

Friends Forever #37 Rarity and Trixie
Summary - Dude, it's got two of the best pones. Read it.
Rating - (7/10)

FiM Issue #51-53 (From the Shadows) (Major)
Characters - Mane 6, Donut Steel
Summary - The edgiest OC to ever exist begins to erase Equestrian history from books and minds, in fear of his heritage catching up to him.
Quick Review - Super interesting villain motivation, terribly generic villain design. (7/10)

My Little Pony: Deviations
Characters - Prince Blueblood, Mane 6, Nightmare Moon
Summary - Have you ever wondered what would have happened if Prince Blueblood was sent to Ponyville instead of Twiliight? No? Too bad, dude.
Summary - I would have loved to have gotten more deviations. Read about Blueblood being an arrogant prick for half an hour. It's fine. (6/10)

Friends Forever #38 Princess Celestia and Princess Luna (Recommended)
Summary - Princess Celestia and Princess Luna's minor squabbling escalates just before they plan to participate in the Sisterhooves Social.
Quick Review - Friends Forever Finale. Andy Price outdoes himself yet again. Hilarious and Heartwarming. (8/10)

FiM Issue #54 (I Didn't Read This One)
Summary - No seriously, didn't read it. Fosgitt, Fluttershy, fluff, the three F's of i'm going to be fucking bored. Maybe it's a masterpiece. I'll never know.

FiM Issue #55-56 (Wings Over Yakyakistan)
Characters - Rainbow, Rutherford, Ember, Spike, Pinkie
Summary - When the dragons invade Yakyakistan over an ancient treaty, it's up to heroes to defend the Yaks and try and diffuse the situation. Spike doesn't like the idea of fighting his own kind.
Quick Review - Let it be known that I would have been totally cool with the Yaks getting destroyed. Typical let go of the past, look to the future stuff. Rainbow's parents are here, and they are fun, and Spitfire gets a bit of extra love, so (7/10)

FiM Issue #57 (Apinkalypse Now)
Characters - Pinkie, Mane 6, Discord
Summary - Pinkie Pie accidentally becomes trapped in Discord's realm. If you wanted to see more of Chaos Pinkie, then here you go.
Quick Review - I really like the how the chaos dimension is shown in the comic, in that adapts to the current owner if they themselves can't be turned. You'll notice by this point the writers will do whatever in their power to make sure Starlight can be written out somehow. (7/10)

FiM Issue #58 (The Vines That Bind)
Characters - Twi, Flutts, Zecora, Cattail, Aqua Vine
Summary - Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, and Zecora follow the notes of Mage Meadowbrook search for a flower said to cure any ailment. The search soon becomes an obsession for Twilight, determined to get her name in the history books.
Quick Review - Dude, Twilight, you already saved the world at least seven times. That Magenta Bloom shit would just be a footnote. Overall pretty forgettable. (5/10)

FiM Issue #59 (Pie in the Sky)
Characters - Rainbow, Pinkie
Summary - Jesus Christ Pinkie she doesn't fucking like pie. We had a whole episode about just this. We didn't need a comic to teach the same lesson. That's a;lso your review. (3/10)

FiM Issue #60 (The Stars on Our Ponies)
Characters - CMC, Gilded Lily
Summary - The Cutie Mark Crusaders help a filly who doesn't want to follow in her family's footsteps. But she is scared to disappoint them if she does pursue her own interest.
Quick Review - Gilded Lily's design is absolutely adorable. She also looks like she tastes pretty good, like Oranges n' Creme. Solid one-off. (7/10)

FiM Issue #61-62 (Convocation of the Creatures!) (Major)
Characters - Twilight, Raven
Summary - Twilight Sparkle makes a discovery during the largest assembly of creatures in history that threatens to redraw the map of Equestria.
Quick Review - Glenda canonically has a stutter, making her best changeling. Good bit of overbuilding in this one, without falling into the common trap of making the convocation feel too modern. (7/10)

FiM Issue #63 (All in Marederation)
Characters - Twilight, Pinkie, Temperance
Summary - Ponyville gets swept by an anti-sugar movement that threatens to put Sugarcube Corner out of business.
Quick Review - MLP's thinly veiled take on the Temperance Movement. Another one where all of Ponyville is turned into exceptional individuals. (4/10)

FiM Issue #64 (Everything Old) (Recommended)
Characters - Rarity, Fluttershy, Coco Pommel
Summary - Fluttershy and Rarity travel to Manehattan, where Rarity discovers that old, ugly fashions are back in style.
Quick Review - I absolutely adore the message here. Things you made when you were younger that you maybe embarrassed of now don't have to be cast aside and forgotten. Rather, look to them to see how you have improved and how you can still improve. Coco is a QT. (8/10)

My Little Pony: Legends of Magic Annual 2018 (Major) (Recommended)
Characters - The Pillars, Pony of Shadows
Summary - The Pillars of Old Equestria face a new danger that tests their skills as a team. One that they may find feels a bit like a deja vu.
Quick Review - I really like the relationship between Stygian and Rockhoof here. I wonder if Starswirl was always meant to be a dickhead? Green Pony of Shadows looks badass as fuck. Also, Somnambula is cute as hell. (7/10)
Edit - Consider there are twelve of these. I am not awake enough to add them all. Read' em. They're pretty good lore stuffs.

FiM Issue #65 (Queen for One Less Day) (Recommended)
Characters - Celestia, Scarlet Petal
Summary - Princess Celestia disguises herself to live among ordinary ponies for a day. But when her magical necklace is stolen by a thief, she may lose the ability to turn back into herself for good.
Quick Review - I love this comic. Shows off the best parts of Celestia's character. I'm running out of synonyms for heartwarming, so just go read this one. (8/10)

FiM Issue #66 (Applewood Follies)
Characters - Mane 6
Summary - Twilight Sparkle and her friends discover that a film is being made about them. But when the director hands them the reins, they discover it's harder to make a movie than they thought.
Quick Review - I'm really not a fan of more modern tech in Equestria. I don't mind it at all if it's used as a background gag, but here, where it's the plot of the comic, I just find it obtrusive.

Ponyville Mysteries Issue 1
Characters - CMC, Nurse Redheart
Summary - "Welcome to a new series of mystery and intrigue! The Cutie Mark Crusaders discover their inner detectives and solve crimes nopony else can! Will they be able to discover who is stealing supplies from Ponyville hospital and get their schoolwork done at the same time?"
Quick Review - None of these are particularly engaging, so I won't review the rest. When I figure these mysteries out all by myself like the grown man I am I feel particularly proud, like I just solved a crossword puzzle they have on those Kiddie menus at iHop.

Ponyville Mysteries Issue 2
Characters - CMC, The Dude
Summary - "There's a major mystery at the... bowling alley? Ponyville's team is set to break a bowling record, but the alley keeps being ransacked by a mystery criminal! Will the Cutie Mark Crusaders be able to set the pins right and solve the caper?"

Ponyville Mysteries Issue 3
Characters - CMC, Old People
Summary - "The Cutie Mark Crusaders must solve a dangerous mystery at the Ponyville Retirement Village before it's forced to close! Is one of the curmudgeonly residents to blame or could it be a villain from their past?"

FiM Issue #67-68 (Tempest's Tale) (Major) (Highly Recommended)
Characters - Tempest, Cadance, Glitter Drops
Summary - Tempest Shadow travels across Equestria to learn more about friendship and comes face-to-face with her past.
Quick Review - These issues do wonder for Tempest's previously scarce character. If your a fan of Tempest, or especially if your not a fan of Tempest, check these out. Smug Cadance is best Cadance. (8/10)

Ponyville Mysteries Issue 4
Characters - CMC, Applejack
Summary - "The Cutie Mark Crusaders are trying to solve the case of the missing spa water! But what happens when all signs point to a member of a Crusader's own family being the culprit?"

FiM Issue #69 (Magical Apple)
Characters - Pinkie, Mane 6
Summary - Pinkie gets god powers. Again. Didn't we do this already?
Quick Review - Oh, Pinkie, maybe someday somebody will figure out how to write you well again. (4/10)

Ponyville Mysteries Issue 5
Characters - CMC, Rarity
Summary - "The Crusaders have their biggest case yet when a priceless artifact belonging to superstar Songbird Serenade is stolen!"

FiM Issue #70 (Extreme Bingo)
Characters - Golden Horseshoe Gals, Rainbow, AJ
Summary - Grannies Gone Wild 2!
Quick Review - Grannies Gone Wild 2! (5/10)

FiM Issue #71 (Happy Haunts)
Characters - Student 6
Summary - Twilight Sparkle's School of Friendship students experience Nightmare Night in Ponyville for the first time. Things don't exactly go as planned.
Quick Review - I hate this issue. Not because it's bad, but because we are teased with infinitely more interesting stories. I want to see the princesses on Nightmare Night, like the cover! I want to see Shim and Glim's NN, like on the first page! Fucking cocktease. (4/10)

FiM Issue #72 (Pie in the Sky, Again)
Characters - Pinkie, AJ, Pear Butter
Summary - Applejack discovers an old Apple family pie recipe and seeks to recreate it for Granny Smith. Along the way, they meet ponies who her mom has touched in her life. I wouldn't mind being touched by Pear Butter.
Quick Review - Standard. Wholesome. Sweet. (7/10)

My Little Pony: Nightmare Knights (Major) (Highly Recommended)
Characters - Luna, Stygian, Trixie, Capper, Tempest, Daybreaker, Eris
Summary - Princess Luna assembles a team of former villains to face a new threat to Equestria.
Quick Review - I cannot recommend this arc enough. Every single character gets a chance to shine. Stygian gets much need development. Eris and Daybreaker make a menacing evil duo. The villain casino makes a great setting. Sunset Shimmer gets a cameo. (Even though her and Starlight are once again shafted.) Capper absolutely steals the show. Tempest is a bit more brutish than she usually is, but as we don't know much about her anyway, that's a very minor gripe. (9/10)

FiM Issue #73 (Copycats)
Characters - Fluttershy, Twilight
Summary - A magical amulet causes Fluttershy to become more animalistic.
Quick Review - I have no idea what the fuck what went on in this issue or why. It's a mess. (3/10)

FiM Issue #74 (On the Mane Stage) (Recommended)
Characters - Zephyr, Fluttershy, Silverstream, Pixie Cut
Summary - Fluttershy's brother Zephyr Breeze attends the All-Equestria Mane Styling Conference.
Quick Review - Even Zephyr Breeze can snag a qtπ hairstylist gf. There is hope for us yet, bros. Could you tell i'm down a third of a bottle of Grey Goose by this point? (7/10)

FiM Issue #75-78 (Major) (Recommended)
Characters - Cosmos, Twilight, Discord, Fluttershy
Summary - The Mane Six's quest for the fallen stars of a missing constellation puts them on a collision course with their most galactic adversary yet. Discord's clingy ex wife who still hasn't received any child support.
Quick Review - They don't even bother to write Starlight out anymore. She just doesn't exist. Cosmos isn't as fun of a villain as Eris or the Storm King, but she's serviceable. I do like her design. Discord puts his past behind him for good physically and metaphorically. (7/10)

FiM Issue #79 (The Ponyville Anniversary Spectacular) (Highly Recommended) (Major!)
Characters - Sunset Shimmer, I don't know I don't remember the rest
Summary - Fuck you it has Shim Sham.
Quick Review - Sunnybutt jams out on a guitar at the end. (11/10)

My Little Pony: Spirit of the Forest
Characters - CMC, Filthy Rich, Diamond Tiara, Mayor Mare
Summary - Something about a forest mystery?
Quick Review - Lackluster follow up to the amazing Nightmare Knights. Stop giving the CMC mini series you hacks. (4/10)

FiM Issue #80 (Live-Action Role Pony!)
Characters - Mane 6, Bulk Biceps
Summary - The Mane Six play a live-action role-playing game. The usual Pinkie hijinks ensue.
Quick Review - I'm so use to using LARP as an insult now, it's weird to see it in an endearing manner. Fun little adventure issue. (6/10)

FiM Issue #81 (Pretty Fly)
Characters - Scootaloo, Rumble, Rainbow, Wind Sock
Summary - Scootaloo and Rumble learn about the only Earth pony to become a member of the Wonderbolts.
Quick Review - Heartwarming. Seriously, someone get me thesaurus. (6.5/10)

FiM Issue #82 (Dog-Dog-Dogged Determination)
Characters - Rarity, Mane 6, Celestia, Cerberus
Summary - Rarity is tasked with giving Cerberus obedience training after he leaves his post at Tartarus again.
Quick Review - Dude, Rares, never change. (6/10)

FiM Issue #83 (The Strange Case of Silver Blaze)
Characters - Twilight, Spike
Summary - Twilight Sparkle and Spike investigate when a famous racing tortoise goes missing.
Quick Review - Less Sherlock Holmes and more Ace Ventura: Pet Detective. This is a good thing. (6/10)

My Little Pony: Feats of Friendship (Major) (Recommended)
Characters - Student Six, Swift Foot
Summary - Come one, come all, to the School of Friendship's very first sporting event-the Feats of Friendship! As Sandbar, Smolder, Gallus, Ocellus, Yona, and Silverstream prepare for the new competition, they realize they're going to need one more pony to round out their team. Enter Swift Foot, a mysterious new exchange student! But will she help strengthen the Young Six's bonds of friendship-or just drive them apart? Jealousy threatens our favorite youngsters in this brand-new miniseries!
Quick Review - This is by far and away my favorite Student 6 depiction in the franchise. It shows off very well how far they have come and how well they work together as friends and individuals. Swift Hoof makes for a great antagonist, trying to plant seeds of resentment but realizing that it doesn't work on the students and realizing her own faults. Dom Athenian Warrior waifu also included. (8.5/10)

FiM Issue #84 (Identity Crisis)
Characters - Ocellus
Summary - Ocellus struggles to complete a big project for the School of Friendship midterm.
Quick Review - Man, I wish my problem was that I was so booksmart I had trouble fitting it all into my creative outlets. What a fucking struggle that would be. But I understand wanting to be a perfectionist, and that sucks. Amazing insight as usual by me. (5/10)

FiM Issue #85 (Apple Bobbing)
Characters - AJ, AB, Big Mac
Summary - Applejack teaches Apple Bloom the meaning of courage by telling her the story of how she conquered her fear of the water when she was little.
Quick Review - A whole lot of touching moments between AJ and AB. A very cozy little story if you ignore the giant spider. (7/10)

FiM Issue #86 (Marble and a Hard Place)
Characters - Maud, Marble Pinkie
Summary - Pinkie Pie and Maud Pie help their sister Marble make friends by helping her throw a party.
Quick Review - I love the Pie family, dude. The chemistry between them is something we don't get to see often enough. (6.5/10)

FiM Issue #87-88 (The Fast and the Furriest)
Characters - Big Mac, Rainbow, Angel
Summary - Rainbow Dash and Big McIntosh take part in the Draytona Breach 500, which an antiquities dealer uses as cover to smuggle a priceless artifact.
Quick Review - Meh. (6/10)

I can finally pass out now.
submitted by CoopertheCamper to mylittlepony [link] [comments]

What's happening around town (Wed, Oct 16th - Tue, Oct 22nd)

Oklahoma City's event list.


Wednesday, Oct 16th

  • 🍴 Anthem Drown Night! (HiLo Club - Oklahoma City) Our local friends at Anthem Brewing Co. have some great beers! Every Wednesday night from 9pm to close enjoy $8 Drown Night! Their Power Pils will be flowing!
  • Bi-Weekly Meetup (51st st. Speakeasy - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:00pm
  • 🎡 Carnival of CASH (Remington Park - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Get in the Halloween winning spirit every Wednesday, and Sunday, in October at the Remington Park Casino! Earn entries to compete in the fun and rewarding Carnival Games, every Wednesday and Sunday in October from 6-10pm. The Grand Prize that could be won each night is $1,000! Begin earning entries every Wednesday and Sunday in October starting…
  • Chickasha Fall Auto Swap Meet (Chickasha) Thru Sat, Oct 19th Find almost anything auto-related at the Chickasha Fall Auto Swap Meet. Held on 40 acres just east of the Grady…
  • Fire Department Program: Plan and Practice Your Escape (Edmond) Start Time: 10:00am The Fire Department will be here performing a “Not every herowears a cape ” skit on ways to stay safe in case of an emergency.
  • Fire Department Program: Plan and Practice Your Escape (Edmond Senior Center - Edmond) Start Time: 10:00am The Fire Department will be here performing a “Not every hero wears a cape ” skit on ways to stay safe in case of an emergency.
  • 🎭 Glass Mansions / The March Divide / Blunderbusst at RED BRICK BAR (Red Brick Bar - Norman) Start Time: 8:00pm @[117145628306663:274:Glass Mansions] returns to Red Brick Bar with @[401585956556066:274:The March Divide] and @[343757425654:274:BLUNDERBUSST]! Free Admission
  • Grand National & World Championship Morgan Horse Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Oct 19th
  • The Happy Fits in Oklahoma City, OK (89th Street Collective - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm Tickets: https://www.ticketstorm.com/event/thehappyfits/89thstreetokc/oklahomacity/23455
  • Hello, Dolly! (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Oct 20th Visit the Oklahoma City Civic Center Music Hall to watch OKC Broadway perform "Hello, Dolly!" This exciting show,…
  • Herb Alpert & Lani Hall in Concert (Tower Theatre Studio - Oklahoma City) Experience music royalty live as husband and wife duo Herb Alpert and Lani Hall take the Tower Theatre stage in…
  • 🎓 JobNewsUSA.com Oklahoma City Job Fair - October 16th (Embassy Suites - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 10:00am ATTN: Job Seekers! 100s of Jobs are up for grabs at the Oklahoma City Job Fair on October 16th! This is your opportunity to meet one-on-one with recruiters and hiring managers from some of the area’s best businesses who are now hiring for immediate openings!
    Whether you’re looking for an entry-level position or a more experienced…
  • 😂 John Wesley Austin (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Oct 19th
  • 🎓 Managing Your Diabetes (Norman Public Library - Norman) Start Time: 9:30am Join us for the first class in this six-week series for Managing Your Diabetes. Presented by the Oklahoma Healthy Aging Initiative (OHAI), this is open to individuals who are pre-diabetic, have been diagnosed with diabetes, or think they may have it. We encourage family and caregivers to attend as well, and participants do not have to attend the…
  • 🍴 Neustadt Night (Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art - Norman) Start Time: 6:30pm Join World Literature Today for refreshments and listen to remarks by 2019 NSK Prize laureate Margarita Engle at OU’s renowned Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art, where the name of the 2020 Neustadt Prize winner will be announced. Be the first to hear the news! Visiting writers will also be available to sign copies of their books.
  • 🎓 Science Matters Mobile Museum (Norman Public Library - Norman) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 3:00pm The Science Matters Mobile Museum brings the thrill of a hands-on science museum into our community. The mobile museum is a fully immersive exhibition contained within a 40-foot truck that literally transports visitors into an interactive environment with highly engaging exhibits that encourage them to explore, investigate and experiment. Choose…
  • Chickasha Swap Meet (Chickasha) Thru Sat, Oct 19th Start Time: 1:00pm Find anything and everything AUTO related!!!! We are a RAIN or SHINE EVENT!!! That means: if it's RAINING we will be there and if the SUN IS SHINING we will be there!!!! Along with hundreds of vendor spaces. parts - classics - antiques - street rods - muscle cars - special interests - accessories - auto literature - memorabilia - signs -…
  • Wednesday Wonder: Mandrake Madness of the Wizarding World (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 1:00pm Wednesday, October 16, 1-2pm, come and go Children’s Garden FREE with admission to Pumpkinville Best for ages 7 to 12 Stop by Professor Peppers and Professor Dias’ Herbology class to learn about where the Magical and Muggle plant worlds meet. You’ll play a game to learn about plants found in the beloved Harry Potter series that have…

Thursday, Oct 17th

  • Beyond the Book with Lou Berney (Norman Public Library - Norman) Start Time: 6:30pm Adults and teens are invited to join us for an exciting author visit and book discussion featuring Oklahoma award-winning author Lou Berney! Lou will be available to discuss his most recent release, "November Road." Registration is required for this free event. Click the Tickets link to register, or contact the branch.
  • Boo on Bell Fall Festival (Main Street - Shawnee) Thru Sat, Oct 19th The annual Boo on Bell Fall Festival in Shawnee celebrates the autumn season with family-friendly activities galore. Dress…
  • 🍴 Choices 2019 Luncheon (Oklahoma City Golf and Country Club - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 11:00am Join Planned Parenthood Great Plains and reproductive health trailblazers, Laura Kaplan and Martha Scott, two members of Jane, an underground network in Chicago that provided counseling, support, and abortion services for women who wanted to end their pregnancies before there were safe legal options. Hear about their struggle for reproductive…
  • Chickasha Fall Auto Swap Meet (Chickasha) Thru Sat, Oct 19th Find almost anything auto-related at the Chickasha Fall Auto Swap Meet. Held on 40 acres just east of the Grady…
  • Grand National & World Championship Morgan Horse Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Oct 19th
  • Hello, Dolly! (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Oct 20th Visit the Oklahoma City Civic Center Music Hall to watch OKC Broadway perform "Hello, Dolly!" This exciting show,…
  • 😂 John Wesley Austin (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Oct 19th
  • 🏃 Koda CrossFit at Together Square (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:45pm Thursdays 5:45-6:45pm September 5–November 21, 2019 $5 per person, pay upon arrival All levels Bring water Together Square is the perfect spot to discover the benefits of the incredible Koda Crossfit Workout. Join us Thursday evenings at 5:45pm beginning September 5 through November 21 for an hour of training. By performing a wide variety of…
  • 🎨 Love's Third Thursday (Oklahoma City Museum of Art - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:00pm Love's Third Thursdays are special, creating the perfect opportunity to mingle at the Museum with friends, experience something new, and enjoy the Museum’s latest exhibitions. From 5 to 9 pm, enjoy late night access to the Museum with new activities and experiences planned for each month. During the summer months, enjoy a cocktail on the…
  • The OneVoice Luncheon (Embassy Suites - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 11:30am The OneVoice Luncheon is the Oklahoma Women’s Coalition’s yearly celebration and primary fundraising effort held every autumn. Statewide Coalition supporters gather to celebrate the successes and advancements made for Oklahoma women and girls over the past year. Powerful and personal testimonies are shared and guests learn how our OneVoice…
  • 🍴 Saloon Series (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Join us at the Museum for a unique happy hour experience with our first wine Saloon Series! Boardwalk Distribution's expert Adam Rött will give a wine tasting and be there to answer any questions. Pay $25 online or $30 at the door for a drink flight, tasting class, appetizers, "Six Shooter Sangria," fun games and live music by Chase Kirby!…
  • 🎓 Science Matters Mobile Museum (Norman Public Library - Norman) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 3:00pm The Science Matters Mobile Museum brings the thrill of a hands-on science museum into our community. The mobile museum is a fully immersive exhibition contained within a 40-foot truck that literally transports visitors into an interactive environment with highly engaging exhibits that encourage them to explore, investigate and experiment. Choose…
  • Chickasha Swap Meet (Chickasha) Thru Sat, Oct 19th Start Time: 1:00pm Find anything and everything AUTO related!!!! We are a RAIN or SHINE EVENT!!! That means: if it's RAINING we will be there and if the SUN IS SHINING we will be there!!!! Along with hundreds of vendor spaces. parts - classics - antiques - street rods - muscle cars - special interests - accessories - auto literature - memorabilia - signs -…
  • 🎨 Teen Anime Night (Guthrie Library - Guthrie) Start Time: 6:00pm We will choose between three anime and partake in snackage. @[139181842792560:274:The City of Guthrie, OK - Municipal Government] @[1716001705334748:274:ChooseGuthrie] @[207071275983790:274:Guthrie Chamber of Commerce] @[1164807446892607:69:Real Talk Around Guthrie]
  • 🎭 Theater Thursday: Tall Tale Theater (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 1:00pm Thursday, October 17, 1-2pm Come and go during Pumpkinville Join us in the Myriad of Oddities for an interactive storytime experience! Audience members will help us bring stories to life by creating sound effects, pulling funny faces, becoming animals and circus performers and other crazy characters, and generally making a big ruckus. All ages…
  • Whitechapel in Concert (89th Street Collective - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:30pm Catch deathcore band Whitechapel as they tour through Oklahoma City in celebration of their latest "The Valley"…
  • Wise Guys at The Press Patio (Plaza District - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm Members of the Oklahoma City are cover band The Wise Guys will be playing a set of Oldies covers from 7pm to 9pm on Thursday October 17th on The Press Patio.

Friday, Oct 18th

  • 3rd Friday Block pARTy (Celebration Of Life Park - Shawnee) Come join the fun at Shawnee's Downtown Block Party in Celebration of Life park located in historic downtown Shawnee.…
  • An Affair of the Heart (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Oct 20th An Affair of the Heart, one of the largest arts and craft shows in the United States, is known for its quality and variety…
  • Boo on Bell Fall Festival (Main Street - Shawnee) 1 day left The annual Boo on Bell Fall Festival in Shawnee celebrates the autumn season with family-friendly activities galore. Dress…
  • 🎨 Carnival Pop In Painting with Wine & Palette (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 1:00pm Friday, October 18, 1-3pm, come and go 4×4” $5 and 5×7” $10 No registration is required WALK-UPS WELCOME! Wine & Palette will be in Pumpkinville painting with you on small canvas panels! Pop-in Painting with an array of Vintage Autumn Themed Carnival inspired painting ideas to choose from! No registration is required, WALK-UPS WELCOME!
  • 🏆 Central OK: University of Central Oklahoma Women's Volleyball vs Missouri Western (Edmond) Start Time: 6:00pm University of Central Oklahoma Women's Volleyball vs Missouri Western https://www.bronchosports.com/calendar.aspx?id=6389
  • Chickasha Fall Auto Swap Meet (Chickasha) 1 day left Find almost anything auto-related at the Chickasha Fall Auto Swap Meet. Held on 40 acres just east of the Grady…
  • Fall Fling Craft Show (Grady County Fairgrounds - Chickasha) Day 1 of 2 Head to the annual Fall Fling Craft Show, held at the Grady County Fairgrounds in Chickasha, for a wide variety of arts and…
  • Grand National & World Championship Morgan Horse Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) 1 day left
  • Haunt the River (Oklahoma River Cruises - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm Tired of the same old Halloween Parties? Come Haunt the River and enjoy the decorated boat, haunted tunes, light snacks and cash bar. This cruise is an adult only cruise and boards at the Exchange Landing at 7:45pm. Advanced ticket purchase required www.okrivercruises.com
  • Hello, Dolly! (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Oct 20th Visit the Oklahoma City Civic Center Music Hall to watch OKC Broadway perform "Hello, Dolly!" This exciting show,…
  • Indian Taco & Native American Arts and Crafts Sale (NorthCare Pete White Health and Wellness Center - Oklahoma City) Come hungry at the Indian Taco & Native American Arts and Crafts Sale in Oklahoma City. Guests can feast on…
  • Joel Melton, Bill Lewis, Stacey Sanders (The Blue Door - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • 😂 John Wesley Austin (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) 1 day left
  • Kobra and the Lotus USA 2019! (Diamond Ballroom - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 4:30pm We're heading out with legendary rock king Sebastian Bach August 29- Nov. 1 in support of our new album EVOLUTION releasing September 20th PRE_SALES available now at https://napalmrecords.com/kobraandthelotus/ Tickets and VIP experiences available at www.kobraandthelotus.com
  • 🎡 Looking For Something? (The Blue Door - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm Joel Melton
  • A Night in the Life: The Swinging Sixties (Oklahoma History Center - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm Join the Oklahoma Historical Society (OHS) for an immersive evening in the 1960s with drinks, food, music, dancing, live entertainment, and more! A Night in the Life: The Swinging Sixties will be held on Friday, October 18, from 7 to 10 p.m. at the @[45949710786:274:Oklahoma History Center]. This year’s event will take guests back to the days…
  • Noble Friends of the Library Fall Book Sale (Norman Public Library - Norman) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 4:00pm
  • Oklahoma Cannabis Expo (Cox Convention Center - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 9:00am The most exclusive and inclusive hemp, CBD and medical marijuana expo in America. Priceless for patients. Inner circle industry exposure for professionals. Education for all.
  • Paint the Town Pink (Chevy Bricktown Events Center - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm Former Good Morning America host and breast cancer survivor Joan Lunden will headline a celebration of survival at the fifth…
  • 🎓 Oklahoma City Personal Injury Attorneys Meetup (Oklahoma City) Start Time: 9:00am Come and have drinks and share personal injury case stories with other lawyers in Oklahoma City. We are professional network of legal professionals comprised of attorneys, law students, legal professional staff, recruiters and legal industry and technology. This meetup is designed to provide live networking opportunities and support for legal…
  • 🍴 Redbud Women's Club Autumn Brunch (Gaillardia Country Club - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 10:30am For more information, contact Marla Balentine, 405-843-5229
  • Sebastian Bach in Concert (Diamond Ballroom - Oklahoma City) See Sebastian Bach live in concert at the Diamond Ballroom in Oklahoma City. Join this live performance celebrating the 30th…
  • Sebastian Bach 'Skid Row' Album 30th Celebration Live in OKC (Diamond Ballroom - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm Sebastian Bach - Live in Concert Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of Skid Row, the acclaimed self-titled breakout debut album. GA Tickets + VIP Upgrades available on FRI 6/7 10am Here: http://www.sebastianbach.com
  • 🎨 Sister Act The Musical (The Sooner Theatre - Norman) Start Time: 8:00pm Music by Alan Menken Lyrics by Glenn Slater Book by Cheri Steinkellner & Bill Steinkellner Additional Book Material byDouglas Carter Beane Based on the Touchstone Pictures Motion Picture, Sister Act, written by Joseph Howard. When disco diva, Deloris Van Cartier, witnesses a murder, she is put in protective custody in the one place the cops are…
  • Chickasha Swap Meet (Chickasha) 1 day left Start Time: 1:00pm Find anything and everything AUTO related!!!! We are a RAIN or SHINE EVENT!!! That means: if it's RAINING we will be there and if the SUN IS SHINING we will be there!!!! Along with hundreds of vendor spaces. parts - classics - antiques - street rods - muscle cars - special interests - accessories - auto literature - memorabilia - signs -…
  • University of Oklahoma Ghost Tour (Evans Hall, Administration Building - Norman) Discover the mysterious side of an Oklahoma landmark with a University of Oklahoma Ghost Tour. Visitors who join this…
  • Chickasha Vintage Lamp Show & Sale (Grady County Fairgrounds - Chickasha) Day 1 of 2 The Vintage Lamp Show & Sale in Chickasha will feature the display and sale of Aladdin kerosene mantle lamps and other…

Saturday, Oct 19th

  • 🏃 24 The Hard Way (Bluff Creek Trails - Oklahoma City) The event is a timed event race on a certified road course. The athlete can sign up for 6, 12, or 24 hour races.
    We also have a 1 Hour race.
    DoubleDirtyDozen is a trail version of the same races, held simultaneously.
  • An Affair of the Heart (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) 1 day left An Affair of the Heart, one of the largest arts and craft shows in the United States, is known for its quality and variety…
  • Big Wild in Concert (Tower Theatre Studio - Oklahoma City) An evening of immersive electronic music awaits as Big Wild's "Superdream Tour" stops at Oklahoma…
  • Boo on Bell Fall Festival (Main Street - Shawnee) Last Day The annual Boo on Bell Fall Festival in Shawnee celebrates the autumn season with family-friendly activities galore. Dress…
  • CPN Fall Festival 2019 (Firelake Arena - Shawnee) Start Time: 9:00am Head to FireLake Arena this October for CPN's Fall Festival 2019! With fun for the entire family, there's something for everyone. There will be over 30 game booths as well as bingo, clowns, a cakewalk, inflatables, concessions and delicious candy. Take your chances and enter the raffle drawings held all day. Both game booth tickets and raffle…
  • Chickasha Fall Auto Swap Meet (Chickasha) Last Day Find almost anything auto-related at the Chickasha Fall Auto Swap Meet. Held on 40 acres just east of the Grady…
  • Fall Fling Craft Show (Grady County Fairgrounds - Chickasha) Day 2 of 2 Head to the annual Fall Fling Craft Show, held at the Grady County Fairgrounds in Chickasha, for a wide variety of arts and…
  • Fall Y'all Show (Hudson Place - McLoud) As summer starts to become a distant memory, gather up the crew and head to downtown McLoud for the Fall Y'all…
  • Edmond Farmer's Market (Festival Marketplace - Edmond) Start Time: 8:00am
  • Frontier City Spirit Spooktacular (Starlight Amphitheater @ Frontier City - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 9:00am Cheer and Dance competition open to all teams and individuals! visit www.midwestcheeranddance.com for details.
  • Grand National & World Championship Morgan Horse Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Last Day
  • Haunt the Zoo for Halloween (Oklahoma City Zoo - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Oct 27th Mark your calendar for the last two weekends of October and get ready for a Halloween adventure at the Oklahoma City Zoo.…
  • Heard on Hurd (Edmond) On the third Saturday of each month, downtown Edmond hosts a pop-up community celebration called Heard on Hurd. Walk through…
  • Hello, Dolly! (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Visit the Oklahoma City Civic Center Music Hall to watch OKC Broadway perform "Hello, Dolly!" This exciting show,…
  • Industry Flea (Oklahoma City) Start Time: 9:00am Head to midtown Oklahoma City for a shopping experience bringing together craft folk from all over the state. At the family…
  • 😂 John Wesley Austin (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Last Day
  • Myriad Kitchen: Coffee (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 1:00pm With Coffee Slingers Roasters Saturday, October 19, 1-3pm, come and go Pumpkinville Programming Tent $2 requested donation per visitor Freshness and quality win people overall around the world. With this approach, Coffee Slingers Roasters has handcrafted original beverages as a means of building positive bridges with coffee. This drop-in event…
  • Noble Friends of the Library Fall Book Sale (Norman Public Library - Norman) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 4:00pm
  • OKC Painting Palooza (Reed Conference Center - Midwest City) Thru Sat, Oct 26th Celebrate all forms of creative arts with OKC Painting Palooza. During this week-long event, learn art techniques from…
  • Oklahoma Cannabis Expo (Cox Convention Center - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 9:00am The most exclusive and inclusive hemp, CBD and medical marijuana expo in America. Priceless for patients. Inner circle industry exposure for professionals. Education for all.
  • OU Sooners vs West Virginia Mountaineers (Gaylord Family Oklahoma Memorial Stadium - Norman) Get ready for some edge-of-your-seat action as the Oklahoma Sooners take on the West Virginia Mountaineers at Norman's…
  • Stockyards Stampede (Stockyards City - Oklahoma City) Bring the whole family to Stockyards City in Oklahoma City for the district’s premier Western heritage event,…
  • Chickasha Swap Meet (Chickasha) Last Day Start Time: 1:00pm Find anything and everything AUTO related!!!! We are a RAIN or SHINE EVENT!!! That means: if it's RAINING we will be there and if the SUN IS SHINING we will be there!!!! Along with hundreds of vendor spaces. parts - classics - antiques - street rods - muscle cars - special interests - accessories - auto literature - memorabilia - signs -…
  • Trunk or Treat 2019 (Britton Health Center - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 3:00pm Variety Care's 3rd Annual Trunk or Treat is coming soon! Join us on Saturday, October 19, for a safe, no-cost community event that the entire family can enjoy. This year's Trunk or Treat will take place at the Britton Health Center, located at 721 W. Britton Road.
    Trunk or Treat features 20-30 trunks decorated by our staff and community…
  • Chickasha Vintage Lamp Show & Sale (Grady County Fairgrounds - Chickasha) Day 2 of 2 The Vintage Lamp Show & Sale in Chickasha will feature the display and sale of Aladdin kerosene mantle lamps and other…

Sunday, Oct 20th

  • An Affair of the Heart (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Last Day An Affair of the Heart, one of the largest arts and craft shows in the United States, is known for its quality and variety…
  • 🏃 Country Roads 5K Run/Walk (Oklahoma Academy - Harrah) Oklahoma Academy's annual 5K is a fun way to get in shape for the season. The beautiful country course makes for a refreshing morning run and provides great hills training. The Oklahoma Academy Anatomy & Physiology class will be doing free blood pressure screening and a complimentary vegan brunch will be provided after the race. Arrive at 7:30,…
  • 🏃 Fall Classic Duathlon (Route 66 Park, Lake Overholser - Yukon) Final race of the TRI-OKC season. Great for beginners but also very competitive for our veteran athletes. Truly fast and flat! The very popular Fall Classic TRI-OKC long-sleeved shirt will be the swag. TRI-OKC Member discount for members.
  • Haunt the Zoo for Halloween (Oklahoma City Zoo - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Oct 27th Mark your calendar for the last two weekends of October and get ready for a Halloween adventure at the Oklahoma City Zoo.…
  • Hello, Dolly! (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) Last Day Visit the Oklahoma City Civic Center Music Hall to watch OKC Broadway perform "Hello, Dolly!" This exciting show,…
  • OKC Painting Palooza (Reed Conference Center - Midwest City) Thru Sat, Oct 26th Celebrate all forms of creative arts with OKC Painting Palooza. During this week-long event, learn art techniques from…
  • 🏃 Red Coyote Runtoberfest 5K (Red Coyote Running & Fitness - Oklahoma City) Red Coyote's RUNTOBERFEST 5K is the most fun event in Oklahoma City brought to you by Red Coyote and COOP Aleworks! Runtoberfest will be a 5K/3.1 mile course hosted by Fassler Hall and a new Midtown course. The party continues after the race with a free beer from COOP Aleworks, music, fabulous race medals, and awards!
  • Wiggle Out Loud (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Load the kids up and make the drive to Myriad Botanical Gardens for Wiggle Out Loud. This Oklahoma City family friendly…

Monday, Oct 21st

  • Haunt the Zoo for Halloween (Oklahoma City Zoo - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Oct 27th Mark your calendar for the last two weekends of October and get ready for a Halloween adventure at the Oklahoma City Zoo.…
  • OKC Painting Palooza (Reed Conference Center - Midwest City) Thru Sat, Oct 26th Celebrate all forms of creative arts with OKC Painting Palooza. During this week-long event, learn art techniques from…

Tuesday, Oct 22nd

  • Haunt the Zoo for Halloween (Oklahoma City Zoo - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Oct 27th Mark your calendar for the last two weekends of October and get ready for a Halloween adventure at the Oklahoma City Zoo.…
  • OKC Painting Palooza (Reed Conference Center - Midwest City) Thru Sat, Oct 26th Celebrate all forms of creative arts with OKC Painting Palooza. During this week-long event, learn art techniques from…
  • Storybook Forest (Spring Creek Park, Arcadia Lake - Edmond) Thru Tue, Oct 29th Kids and their parents are invited to walk through the not-so-scary Storybook Forest around Edmond's Arcadia Lake to…
  • Theory of a Deadman in Concert (Diamond Ballroom - Oklahoma City) Witness an awesome night of tunes as Theory of a Deadman is joined by Spirit Animal to deal a heavy…
  • Warbringer & Enforcer in Concert (89th Street Collective - Oklahoma City) Metal acts Warbringer and Enforcer will deliver a solid wall of sound to fans gathered at 89th Street. Step inside this…

See Also

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March 2019 - Olean Area Things to Do

What are you most looking forward to for the month of March? I found so many things I have to put the last two days in a comment to make it fit!
Please include links to the event info if possible.
submitted by pschultz to olean [link] [comments]

February 2019 - Olean Area Things to Do

What are you most looking forward to for the month of February?
Please include links to the event info if possible.
submitted by pschultz to olean [link] [comments]

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Bingo is bing-gone at Spirit Mountain Casino. Due to low attendance, Spirit Mountain Casino held its final bingo session on Thursday, Feb. 27. “This decision was carefully made after extensive efforts over the past several years, which included additional retail marketing, a new advertising campaign and numerous promotions in attempts to increase business levels,” said Marketing Director ... Spirit Mountain Casino property details section: This casino is an indian casino and can be found in Grand Ronde, Oregon. Spirit Mountain Casino has a total of 2000 slot machines and 49 table games for you to indulge in. World Casino Directory also books casino hotel reservations in Grand Ronde. You will also find photos of Spirit Mountain Casino or see the latest news headlines about Spirit ... Get reviews, hours, directions, coupons and more for Spirit Mountain Casino at 27100 Salmon River Hwy, Grand Ronde, OR 97347. Search for other Casinos in Grand Ronde on The Real Yellow Pages®. Search for other Casinos in Grand Ronde on The Real Yellow Pages®. The best Spirit Mountain Casino Restaurant Hours sign-up bonuses at casinos are those that are lucrative, easy to understand, and do not restrict the betting process. To this end, has put together a list of the best Spirit Mountain Casino Restaurant Hours sign-up bonuses offered by the most popular casinos online. All of these casinos are open to USA players and the sign-up bonuses are clear ... 246 reviews of Spirit Mountain Casino "Spirit Mountain isn't anything like the casinos in Vegas, but its the best Oregon is going to get for now. Unlike the majority of the other Indian casinos (Chinook Winds, Seven Feathers, etc.), a full hotel complex was built not long ago. Expect intense cigarette smoke on the casino floor, a rowdy environment on the weekends, fun dealers, and the ... Spirit Mountain Casino has it all - exhilarating blackjack, tempting roulette and the laid back fun of Pai Gow. Test your luck and find your fortune at Spirit Mountain, the Northwest's premier gaming destination. Read More. Sportsbook At Spirit Mountain Casino. Spirit Mountain Casino offers sports betting through a partnership with BetMGM! Place your bets on all the biggest professional and ... Hi, Thank you for visiting Spirit Mountain Casino. We appreciate your feedback about your recent visit and want to let you know that as of 11/17/2020, we are a non-smoking gaming facility. Smoking is not allowed indoors or within 20 feet of any entrance. This includes all areas such as the lodge, gaming floor, restaurants, lobbies, etc. This measure will stay in place until further notice ... Avi Resort and Casino NOW OPEN with updated hours and safety protocols. Click here for additional details. Spirit Mountain is now OPEN! Click here for additional details. BOOK A STAY 1.800.AVI.2.WIN GET DIRECTIONS AVI REWARDS. All your favorite games. Poker, Blackjack, Roulette, and more. All your favorite games. Poker, Blackjack, Roulette, and more. Casino. WE HAVE IT ALL… FOR YOU! Where ... Reduced hours of operation to allow for additional deep cleaning: Sunday – Thursday 6:00 a.m. – 2:00 a.m. Friday & Saturday 6:00 a.m. – 4:00 a.m. Age Restrictions: No one under the age of 21 will be allowed on Spirit Mountain Casino or Lodge properties during the first phase of the reopening. Masks are required. The Casino will have masks available for guests to wear if they do not have ...

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spirit mountain casino bingo hours

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