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The rebellion in Europe against Covid totalitarianism is inspiring, and should be supported by all people who value human freedom and indeed human life

A rebellion is occurring in Europe over Covid-19 totalitarianism. In Italy, 50,000 businesses have refused to comply with a lockdown order.
Hysteria over Covid-19 has ushered in one of the most extreme forms of totalitarianism in human history. It does not seem that way to most because people aren't being rounded up and put in camps (yet), but we are increasingly living under concentration camp-type conditions; a few days ago, the province of Quebec in Canada initiated a curfew; the rules will see most residents face police questions or fines of up to $6,000 Canadian if they’re out between 8 p.m. and 5 a.m. for the next four weeks. Protests are underway.
It is one thing to say you're not allowed to vote, or that you can't form a labor union -- that's horrible enough; it is quite another to suggest that the state has the right to control every aspect of your life, including whether you can attend a religious ceremony or walk in a public park.
This is a grim harbinger of things to come, because if people are willing to throw away all of their rights for a virus with a relatively tiny lethality rate, imagine what we will do if one of those truly deadly bioweapons escapes from a lab.
The corporate media is effectively functioning as a terrorist organization. Worse, in fact; while terrorist groups periodically terrorize people, the media is terrorizing people 24/7. And they are completely censoring scientists/doctors who challenge the state consensus.
The Covid-stats are dubious at best. This is because the tests they use to track the virus have an extremely high rate of false positives. This is not a "conspiracy theory." Eg this article published in Australia's Conversation admits:
However, following the same calculations as in the example above, at a prevalence of 0.03%, even a test with 99.9% specificity would mean only 30% of people who test positive actually have the condition. This means more than two-thirds of positive results would actually be false positives if we were testing asymptomatic people with no increased risk.
Moreover, if you come down with the flu and get a Covid-19 test, you may test positive if you had Covid19 six months ago. So the more tests they do, the more it will appear as though the epidemic is spreading even if the worst is already behind us.
Leftists as a whole (and I am a leftist, of the traditional sort) are ambivalent about the response to Covid because we really want to protect gramma and we really want a basic universal income: well here's the "good" news for leftists who value civil liberties: lockdowns don't work, masks don't work, and social distancing doesn't work (obviously).
Here's what the lockdowns do accomplish: suicide rates are vastly increasing, mental illness is vastly increasing (including among children), poverty rates are vastly increasing, alcoholism and drug addiction are vastly increasing, starvation and malnutrition rates are vastly increasing (especially in the third world), human misery is vastly increasing, and the wealth of billionaires is vastly increasing.
Here's an excellent article on the economics of Covid, one of the few criticisms of Covid totalitarianism from a leftist POV: The Great Covid Class War:
Indefinite closures have never before been used as a disease control method on a global scale. These experimental restrictions were shaped by the discredited Imperial College Model which predicted 2.2 million US deaths. Many epidemiologists and doctors questioned these doomsday projections and pointed out that there was not sufficient data to justify lockdowns. The virus has a low mortality rate, especially for people under 65, and 94% of US covid deaths have occurred with comorbidities. Most statistical analysis does not show lockdown measures to be an effective strategy for reducing mortality.
Lockdown fanatics have helped manufacture consent for a brutal reorganization of labor that will plunge millions of people into serfdom. The work-from-home lifestyle is only possible through the labor of logistics workers who transport, sort, and deliver goods. Currently about 10 million jobs that existed in February have not been replaced. Many workers have been forced to take on part-time, no-contract work, a labor model that is rolling back decades of hard-fought protections.
Internationally, workplace closures and supply chain disruptions will result in the loss of 305 million jobs. 1.6 billion informal economy workers are at risk of losing their livelihoods. This devastation will be compounded by famine and the increased spread of untreated diseases like tuberculosis. In July closed food markets were linked to 10,000 child deaths a month. Food is being discarded and crops are rotting in the fields while the number of people facing acute hunger this year has doubled to 265 million.
At the start of the covid crisis, vocal segments of the American left argued that economic shutdown was a way to resist billionaires and capitalism. This demonstrated a deep misunderstanding of the way financiers can profit from economic contraction. Many on the left chose to ignore the Biblical scale of the destruction that economic stoppages would cause, arguing that the covid crisis was an opportunity. Today the left continues to advance the illusion that meaningful relief is possible, while workers’ pensions are plundered, children’s futures disappear, and 150 million people are pushed into extreme poverty worldwide. Lockdowns were not bungled by incompetent leaders. They were in fact executed perfectly, because their purpose was not public health but rather the rapid installment of a regressive neoliberal agenda designed by the nonprofit industrial complex.
The beneficiaries of this neo-feudal dystopia are the ownership class, tech CEOs, investors, NGOs, and private foundations. Their ongoing immiseration of workers is intentional. 80% of covid loans offered by the IMF to developing countries were contingent on governments implementing austerity programs such as cuts to healthcare and elimination of public sector jobs. In the US, seventeen of the top 25 corporations will make $85 billion more this year than in previous years, and shareholders will reap the rewards. Over the same period, American workers have lost $1.3 trillion.
Remnants of the covid class war will touch every domain of life for decades. Officials have suggested that social distancing will need to continue even after mandatory vaccinations. Masks have become a potent symbol of both physical purity and mutual mistrust. Our fantasy of a sanitized and deathless society has created a world where the home is a prison and friends and family are a health hazard. In this world children are told they are killing their grandparents simply by existing. Right now we are still at the beginning of sweeping changes that may include social credit, immunity passports, a rent-only economy, AI and robotics expansion, financialization of natural resources, increased mass surveillance, the Uberization of everything, and rolling lockdowns for climate change or the flu. We have a limited window of time to reclaim the things that make life worth living: family, community, cultural heritage, the social sphere, public institutions, common spaces, and free movement. That window may be closing quickly, but it is not fully closed yet.
In case it isn't clear yet, here's the reality: people advocating for lockdowns are unwittingly advocating for mass murder.
Most people would be astonished to learn that not even the WHO recommends lockdowns.
I think the problem here is that a small number of epidemiologists seriously overestimated the lethality of Covid-19; the media stirred people up into a frenzy; politicians responded; and the billionaires made out like bandits. Now there is the sunk cost fallacy: nobody in power wants to admit that they royally fucked up and killed millions of people unnecessarily. So we all have to pretend as though Covid-19 is akin to that virus in the film Contagion.
It is somewhat charming, even quaint, that human beings think they can "defeat" a virus by "social distancing" and wearing a piece of paper over their face (lol), or sometimes locking down and sometimes not. Less charming is the selectivity: if you want to go to church or have a family dinner you can be arrested; if you want to go to Wallmart that's A-okay. People are now being encouraged to snitch on their neighbors and family members for violating Covid mandates; I'm eagerly anticipating the new "junior Stasi" badge for kids to wear.
Life is not a safe space. There's risk in everything. I'm at a higher risk to die from a Covid-19 type ailment than most (lungs) but I don't live my life in fear. And I'm certainly not selfish enough to demand that others give up what few liberties they have to endow me with an illusory sense of safety. I wouldn't care if the virus had a 90 percent lethality rate, rather than 0.5 percent or whatever the current estimate is. And I certainly wouldn't be so selfish as to suggest that millions of children should starve to death because I'm nervous about a really bad case of the flu.
Here's how a responsible government would have acted: encourage people to lose weight, get out more, exercise more, get more sunshine, take Vitamin C and D, and treat infected people with one of the many drugs that have proven to help. The very last thing we should be doing is encouraging people to hole up in their houses and become progressively more depressed.
But that's what totalitarianism does best. Here is a relevant passage from Hannah Arendt's The Origins of Totalitarianism:
"Totalitarian government, like all tyrannies, certainly could not exist without destroying the public realm of life, that is, without destroying, by isolating men, their political capacities. But totalitarian domination as a form of government is new in that it is not content with this isolation and destroys private life as well. It bases itself on loneliness, on the experience of not belonging to the world at all, which is among the most radical and desperate experiences of man.
Loneliness, the common ground for terror, the essence of totalitarian government, and for ideology or logicality, the preparation of its executioners and victims, is closely connected with uprootedness and superfluousness which have been the curse of modern masses since the beginning of the industrial revolution and have become acute with the rise of imperialism at the end of the last century and the break-down of political institutions and social traditions in our own time. To be uprooted means to have no place in the world, recognized and guaranteed by others; to be superfluous means not to belong to the world at all. Uprootedness can be the preliminary condition for superfluousness, just as isolation can (but must not) be the preliminary condition for loneliness. Taken in itself, without consideration of its recent historical causes and its new role in politics, loneliness is at the same time contrary to the basic requirements of the human condition and one of the fundamental experiences of every human life."
Here is the Global Covid-19 Civic Freedom Tracker. To sum up: the UN charter of rights is dead. May we resurrect it.
submitted by Vwar to WayOfTheBern [link] [comments]

FoundryVTT - modules!

Hello everyone. You might remember I wrote a couple guides for roll20 and promised I'd write one for Foundry. This is not that. I have this weird draft with notes and dots and confusing language sitting aside, and one day I'll finish it, but as it turns out one of the reasons it's not done is that it works best if I break it in parts. So I'll write up a nice introduction and guide to the basics... one day. For now I have a module guide ready, so you get this. I know, I know, I'm working in reverse. That's the risk you take when you read guides written in Australia, be glad it's not poisoned.

So, let's start from the menu. From the main page you'll find a tab labelled Add-On Modules. That's what we're working on today, and that's where you start.
To install a module, simply go to the Add-On Module section and hit the Install Module button at the bottom. You can search from a list of community approved modules, or you can install a module manually using the web address for its manifest file (but that is something you do when you know what you're doing, so don't worry). For now, simply search the names, hit install, and watch the magic happen.
You also should make sure your Foundry, System and all Modules are up to date. A quick update search won't hurt.
So, what modules do we look for?
I always state front and center that the Furnace is mandatory.
Not only does Furnace enable a bunch of extra functions and macro abilities, it also adds one insanely convenient function to your left-side menu bar: Ignore Token Vision. Clicking this blessing from the heavens will stop you from getting locked in into the field of view of your players every time you click on them, allowing you to do your job without having to click something else first.
So, install Furnace first, and then we can talk about everything else.
Done? Good, let's continue with suggestions. From now on, pick what you like.

Core modules:
These modules enhance key experience, usability, and function.
PDF to Foundry Importer: Converts your paizo adventure path pdf into a foundry world, with preset maps, walls, npcs and everything else. Specifically and intentionally does not work with pirate pdfs.
No Token Animation: have you noticed how tokens constantly drift around and float lazily to wherever you bring them? With this, you can turn that off. Tokens will still pan when using pathing and movement (ctrl+drag or cmd+drag). A more advanced version of this, Token Animation Tools, allows for the same function OR for more defined options in regards to how / when panning happens.
Pings: So that you can now hold your mouse and show a tiny crosshair. The image, colour, and effect on it is locally customisable, so that colourblind players can choose to see pings differently. GMs can also shift+ping to move everyone to a point of interest.
PopOut: To create small popout windows out of sheets and other features. This tends to create some issues with blank pages when encountering high latency, but it's a very good way of avoiding GM screen clutter.
Grid Scaler: adds a few extra buttons to your toolbar to help with map managment. I mostly just use it to quickly align maps, but there is more to it if you want to experiment.
Deselect: to easily remove selection of tokens and creatures. Suggested by u/bigsexy420
Actually Private Rolls: to hide the fact that you rolled something, rather than just the result.
No Summon Vision: Grants players vision of all their tokens combined, rather than the one selected. This means you can give them summons with no vision without blinding them.

Some modules cause bugs due to interactions with the PF2 core system: do not install Dynamic Effects, or it'll mess up your modifiers. A few other modules (such as Spell Effects) don't work with pf2, but DE is the only one that caused me straight up issues.

Fancy modules:
These modules are made with the clear intent of making roll20 jealous.
Token Mold: This module can set some default options for tokens. For example, it could make it so that all tokens you make are slightly different in size, making NPCs look more unique, or it could add random extras to their names, such as "fat goblin" and "fearsome goblin". More interestingly, however, it can create specific token overlays, where you decide a type of token, a symbol, and a value to display. Users with ownership of the token will see the overlay, either always or on hover. To me, this means that players and monsters always display their AC value, players display their Hero Points, and hazards display their Perception DC.
Trigger Happy: If you want automation, Trigger Happy is your gateway. The module allows for events and triggers, such as "a player stepped on this trap". They can be more or less complex, but my favourite so far is this:
@Token[trap] u/Trigger[capture move] u/ChatMessage[/BadFeeling] 
or, in human words, "when a Token moves on or across then token "trap", have it send the message "/BadFeeling" in chat". /BadFeeling is a script macro which freezes the game, preventing anyone from moving, and lets the unfortunate character say the words "I have a bad feeling about this..."
Multilevel Tokens: This is an interesting one. It allows GMs to set mirroring areas - areas that replicate the movements and images of tokens located elsewhere. Its use is fairly niche, but I've used it to let players "look down" on lower floors or similar effects... however, the reason it's here is way more interesting: it lets people climb stairs. I'll explain. Say you have a two level map, and there's a staircase. You install Multilevel and draw a square with your drawing tool (make it invisible). Then, in the square, add a label called "@inout:north". Do the same on the other staircase you want to connect. So long as the square is larger than the tokens, anyone that steps in there will be teleported to the connected square. MAGIC! You can do a ton of stuff with this. Like a pit trap.
Maestro: A ton of audio options, from explosions tied to fireballs to better control over soundtracks to even giving a player or villain a main theme during his/her turn! Suggested by u/Unikatze
Pathfinder 2e quick rolls: This is the kind of thing you either love or hate, but it's automation to the extreme. Quick rolls allows you to automatically roll one or more tokens for a specific check and find out the degree of success and by how much it beats or fails. For example, targeting six hobgoblins and clicking the Reflex Save under the Fireball spell will automatically do everything and tell you which one succeeded, critted, failed, or critfailed. Targeting a player and rolling the hobgoblin's strike will tell you whether the player was hit or not in a single click. And so on. You can choose to enable or disable almost any function on it, as well as who can use it or when. To me it's a mild timesaver.
FXMaster: Foundry has a few weather effects, like snow or rain. FXMaster has the rest, including ember rains, underwater bubbles or ondulating effects, or random passing crows. Highly customisable.
Dancing Lights: FXMaster does weather. Dancing Lights does lighting. You already know dynamic lights can be sized and changed, but with Dancing Lights they can pulsate, grow like firelight, change colour, fade, or any combination. If you want atmosphere, you want Dancing Lights.
Ambient Doors: Adds custom SFX to doors. I wish it also did ambient light settings, but maybe one day. Suggested by u/Unikatze

Handy Modules:
These modules save you some work, or show something neat which might come useful at times.
Token Auras: Add an aura effect to any token. Handy to keep track of spell effects.
Token Action HUD: in my roll20 guide I strongly advised to set tokens buttons. Foundry has much better functionality, so it's not as needed, but if you got used to them, this is how you get them. Suggested by u/ParticularFreedom
Torch: Adds a token button to turn on/off a light source without having to do manual assignment. Range can be customised.
Health Estimate: displays a description of the %-health state for tokens. Good to add uncertainty while still giving a quick read to players.
Combat Enhancements: Allows for a radial health bar rather than the classic flat line. Also allows to use drag/drop to alter the turn order. Suggested by u/Unikatze
Let Me Roll That For You: A handy way for GMs to prompt a roll request - player will then need to confirm the roll. Basically you're pointing them to it, which is great for newbies. Suggested by u/Unikatze
Mount Up!: allows to join tokens so that your familiar can mount the wizard or the fighter can mount his horse. Just don't try to mount the druid.
Virtual Tabletop Assets: Tokenizer: lets you quickly turn an image into a formatted token. Suggested by u/bigsexy420
Turn Alert: allows you to add turn tracking or turn alerts, handy for big fights. Suggested by u/bigsexy420
Turn Marker: adds a little UI to highlight the active playenpc. Suggested by u/Unikatze
About Time: tracks time intervals, handy for downtime activities and to track immunities. Suggested by u/Unikatze
CalendaWeather: add an implemented Golarion calendar, including seasons, regional climate, randomised weather and day/night cycle. Suggested by u/Unikatze
Polyglot: Allows to implement language text, which is unreadable to those who don't understand the language. Suggested by u/magispitt
Forien's Unidentified Items: Places an overlay onto an item's sheet that makes it unreadable until it's identified. Suggested by u/Unikatze

The main element of FoundryVTT is its customisation, so there are dozens and dozens more modules out there - I only showed the ones I like most out of the ones I tried :) Let me know what module YOU loved most of all, and scroll through the comments to find some new ones!

Also, now that I posted the Modules guide, it's a 50/50 shot on whether I publish the macro guide or the intro guide next. We'll see how it goes!
submitted by Ediwir to Pathfinder_RPG [link] [comments]

The History of Medicalized Circumcision Part 4: 1940-1979

The History of Medicalized Circumcision Part 4: 1940-1979
The second wave of circumcision promotion was begun in the 1940s with shoddy gynecological research promoting male genital cutting for supposed benefits to female health. Like all the studies promoting male cutting before them, these studies were eventually disproved, but they had the intended effect on promoting genital cutting.
At this time, childbirth, which had traditionally been done in the home, began to move into hospitals. While there are benefits to this, one issue this led to was newborns being easy prey for circumcising doctors. Parental consent was not needed yet, and circumcision was nearly automatic for boys born in hospitals. This is also when the shift begins to happen between the U.S. and the other circumcising countries (mostly English speaking). After WWII, most countries adopted a public healthcare system and did not cover circumcision. The U.S., however, continued with privatized healthcare, adding a financial incentive to continue the procedure.

1940: ~65% of the newborn American male population is circumcised and 42% of adult men

1940 Charles Lane, a physician in Poughkeepsie, New York, believed the clitoris “a very important organ to the health and happiness of the female,” and performed circumcisions on women unable to reach orgasm. In a 1940 article concerning his use of circumcision on a patient—Mrs. W., a 22-year-old woman who had recently married but had yet to experience an orgasm—Lane noted “that little trick did it all right.” [quoted in S.B. Rodriguez]
1940 Aaron Goldstein invents the Gomco Clamp, manufactured by the Goldstein Medocal Company. It was widely marketed and quickly became the most popular tool for circumcision on the U.S. and Canada.
The Gomco method requires the foreskin be torn from the glans and a dorsal slit cut on the tissue. A bell is placed over the glans and the foreskin is pulled over it. The base of the clano is placed over the bell. By applying the nut, the device is tightened cutting off blood to the foreskin. After sitting for 5 minutes, the surgeon will amputate the foreskin with a scalpel.
[U.S. Patent 119180, issued February 27, 1940]
1941 Allan F. Guttmacher promoted mass circumcision as a means of "blunting male sexual sensitivity." He also implied incorrectly that an infant's intact foreskin needs to be forcibly retracted to be scrubbed daily. This was an imperative to damage children's genitals from a medical authority, the doctor-editor of a parenting magazine and the founder of Planned Parenthood. He claimed that failing to treat a child by damaging his foreskin would inevitably lead to foreskin deformity (phimosis). Supporting the anti-masturbation rationale for the surgery, he wrote:
"[Circumcision] does not necessitate handling of the penis by the child himself and therefore does not focus the male's attention on his own genitals. Masturbation is considered less likely."
He minimized the importance of consent (to the point of non-existence) by mentioning that some doctors performed the surgery without even thinking of obtaining a parent's permission:
"Some doctors make a practice of routine circumcision unless specific objection is raised by the parents, while others first consult the parents in order to discover their wishes."
When consent was not even a consideration, there must not have been much concern about concealing doctors' financial motivation to perform the surgery:
"When the obstetrician performs the operation he ordinarily adds 10 to 15 percent to his bill, although some include it in their original fee."
[Should the baby be circumcised? Parents Magazine.]
1942 Abraham Ravich claimed that circumcision prevented prostate cancer. [The relationship of circumcision to cancer of the prostate. JU.]
1946 Benjamin Spock recommended circumcision in his popular parenting book, a best selling parenting book for three decades: [Baby and Child Care, NY:Dutten. 1946-76]
1947 Navy doctor Eugene A. Hand successfully advanced the idea within the military that black men were dangerous carriers of disease, and that the low rate of circumcision among them was the main reason for this.
"Circumcision is not common among Negroes.... Many Negroes are promiscuous. In Negroes there is little circumcision, little knowledge or fear of venereal disease and promiscuity in almost a hornet’s nest of infection. Thus the venereal rate in Negroes has remained high. Between these two extremes there is the gentile, with a venereal disease rate higher than that of Jews but much lower than that of Negroes."
1949 Eugene H. Hand declared that circumcision prevented venereal disease and cancer of the tongue. Darby wrote of Hand's dubious research, "Newsweek gave generous coverage to these sensational findings, thereby fuelling the popular perception that a policy of mass circumcision was both scientifically valid and of critical importance to the future security of the nation." [Circumcision and venereal disease. Arch Derm and Syphilology.]
1949 Douglas Gairdner reported that the foreskin develops entirely normally and free of all problems in all but 1% of boys by the age of 15 correcting the popular misconception phimosis was normal, a key part of the pathologization of the foreskin.
"It is a curious fact that one of the operations most commonly performed in this country is also accorded the least critical consideration. In order to decide whether a child's foreskin should be ablated the normal anatomy and function of the structure at different ages should be understood; the danger of conserving the foreskin must then be weighed against the hazards of the operation, the mortality and after-effects of which must be known. Though tens of thousands of infants are circumcised each year in this country, nowhere are these essential data assembled. The intention of this paper is to marshal the facts required by those concerned with deciding the fate of the child's foreskin.
Male circumcision, often associated with analogous sexual mutilations of the female such as clitoric circumcision and infibulation, is practised over a wide area of the world by some one-sixth of its population. Over the Near East, patchily throughout tribal Africa, amongst the Moslem peoples of India and of South-East Asia, and amongst the Australasian aborigines circumcision has been regularly practised for as long as we can tell. Many of the natives that Columbus found inhabiting the American continent were circumcised. The earliest Egyptian mummies (2300 B.C.) were circumcised, and wall paintings to be seen in Egypt show that it was customary several thousand years earlier still.
According to Elliot Smith circumcision is one of the characteristic features of a "heliolithic" culture which, some 15,000 years ago, spread out over much of the world; others believe that the practice must have arisen independently among different peoples. In spite of the enormous literature on the subject (well summarized in Hasting's Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics), we remain profoundly ignorant of the origins and significance of this presumably sacrificial rite. The age at which boys are circumcised varies widely in different races, from the Mosaic practice of circumcising at about the eighth day, to the custom in many African tribes of making circumcision part of an initiation ceremony near the age of puberty. Circumcision was introduced into Roman Europe with Christianity; little is known about its status in mediaeval Europe, but it was probably customary only amongst adherents of the Jewish faith until, with the rise of modern surgery in the nineteenth century, its status changed from a religious rite to that of a common surgical procedure.
It is often stated that the prepuce is a vestigial structure devoid of function. However, it seems to be no accident that during the years when the child is incontinent the glans is completely clothed by the prepuce, for, deprived of this protection, the glans becomes susceptible to injury from contact with sodden clothes or napkin. Meatal ulcer is almost confined to circumcised male infants, and is only occasionally seen in the uncircumcised child when the prepuce happens to be unusually lax and the glans consequently exposed (Freud, 1947).
[Cultural genital cutting in the UK appears to be performed primarily for social class distinction.] Amongst the Western nations the circumcision of infants is a common practice only with the English-speaking peoples. It is, for the most part, not the custom in continental Europe or Scandinavia, or in South America. In England the collected data of various colleagues* who have kindly made observations on infants, school-children, and university students reveal wide variations as between different districts and between different social classes. For instance, in Newcastle-upon-Tyne 12% of 500 male infants aged 12 months were circumcised; in Cambridge the comparable figure was 31% of 89 male infants aged 6 to 12 months. Boys coming from the upper classes are more often circumcised, 67% of 81 13-year-old boys entering a public school had been circumcised, whereas only 50% of 154 boys aged 5 to 14 in primary and secondary schools in the rural districts of Cambridgeshire, and 30% of 141 boys aged 5 to 11 in primary schools in the town of Cambridge, had been circumcised. The influence of social class is shown also by some figures analysed by Sir Alan Rook from a group of university students. Whereas 84% of 73 students coming from the best-known public schools had been circumcised, this was so of only 50% of 174 coming from grammar or secondary schools.
About 16 deaths in children under 5 years occur each year from circumcision. In most of the fatalities which have come to my notice death has occurred for no apparent reason under anaesthesia, but haemorrhage and infection have sometimes proved fatal. Haemorrhage is not uncommon after circumcision. F. J. W. Miller and S. D. Court (1949, personal communication), who followed 1,000 infants in Newcastle-upon-Tyne for their first year, found that 58 were circumcised, and two of these bled sufficiently to require blood transfusion. In my own experience about two out of every 100 children circumcised as hospital out-patients will be admitted on account of haemorrhage or other untoward event. Blood losses in the first year are particularly apt to lead to anaemia, and several infants have been seen with severe iron-deficiency anaemia following haemorrhages after circumcision. Reference has already been made to meatal ulcer, which, in so far as it is so much more frequent in circumcised male infants, should be counted a sequel of the operation.
Through ignorance of the anatomy of the prepuce in infancy, mothers and nurses are often instructed to draw the child's foreskin back regularly, on the supposition that stretching of the foreskin is what is required. I have on three occasions seen young boys with a paraphimosis caused by mothers or nurses who have obediently carried out such instructions; for, although the size of the prepuce does allow the glans to be delivered, the fit is often a close one and slight swelling of the glans, such as may result from forceful efforts at retraction, may make its reduction difficult.
[Developmental errors causing foreskin abnormalities may be promoted by wearing soiled diapers too long.] Inflammation of the glans is uncommon in childhood when the prepuce is performing its protective function. Posthitis - inflammation of the prepuce - is commoner, and it occurs in two forms. One form is a cellulitis of the prepuce; this responds well to chemotherapy and does not seem to have any tendency to recur; hence it is questionable whether circumcision is indicated. More often inflammation of the prepuce is part of an ammonia dermatitis affecting the napkin area. The nature of this condition was firmly established by Cooke in 1921, bit is still not universally known. The urea-splitting Bact. ammoniagenes (derived from faecal flora) acts upon the urea in the urine and liberates ammonia. This irritates the skin, which becomes peculiarly thickened, while superficial desquamation produces a silvery sheen on the skin as if it were covered with a film of tissue paper. Such appearances are diagnostic of ammonia dermatitis, and inquiry will confirm that the napkins, particularly those left on through the longer night interval, smell powerfully of ammonia. Treatment consists in impregnating the napkins with a mild antiseptic inhibiting the growth of the urea-splitting organisms. When involved in an ammonia dermatitis the prepuce shows the characteristic thickening of the skin, and this is often labelled a "redundant prepuce" - another misnomer which may serve as a reason for circumcision. The importance of recognizing ammonia dermatitis lies in the danger that if circumcision is performed, the delicate glans, deprived of its proper protection, is particularly apt to share in the inflammation and to develop a meatal ulcer. Once formed, a meatal ulcer is often most difficult to cure.
[Phimosis concerns wildly overstated.] A number of symptoms of obscure cause, such as enuresis, masturbation, habit spasm, night terrors, or even convulsions, have from time to time been attributed to phimosis, and circumcision has been advised. No evidence exists that a prepuce whose only fault is that it has not yet developed retractability can cause such symptoms.
Conclusions It has been shown that, since during the first few year of life the prepuce is still in process of developing, it is impossible at this period to determine in which infants the prepuce will attain normal retractability. In fact, only about 10% will fail to attain this by the age of 3 years. [Estimates of this age have varied.] In a very few this may prove impossible and circumcision might then be considered a justifiable precaution. Higgins (1949), with long experience of paediatric urology, also concludes that circumcision should not be considered until "after the age of, say, 2 to 3 years." [Thorvaldsen and Meyhoff (2005) carried out a survey in Denmark reporting the average age of first retraction without external assistance at 10.4 years.]
The prepuce of the young infant should therefore be left in its natural state. As soon as it becomes retractable, which will generally occur some time between 9 months and 3 years, its toilet [hygiene] should be included in the routine of bath time, and soap and water applied to it in the same fashion as to other structures, such as the ears, which are customarily treated with special assiduousness on account of their propensity to retain dirt. As the boy grows up he should be taught to keep his prepuce clean himself, just as he is taught to wash his ears. If such a procedure became customary the circumcision of children would become an uncommon operation. This would result in the saving of about 16 children's lives lost from circumcision each year in this country, besides saving much parental anxiety and an appreciable amount of the time of doctors and nurses."
[The Fate of the Foreskin: a study of circumcision. British Med J 1949;2:1433-7.]
Darby wrote of the impact of Gairdner (1949):
"In the United States, however, Gairdner’s paper was ignored, and the old myths repackaged by doctors such as Guttmacher held sway instead. Medical textbooks became even more insistent that obstetricians should examine every newborn boy to check whether his foreskin was adherent, unretractible or too long , and to perform an immediate circumcision if such symptoms of “phimosis” were present – as they nearly always were. In 1953 obstetricians Richard L. Miller and Donald C. Snyder published an influential paper in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, calling for the immediate circumcision of all males straight after birth. Ignoring Gairdner and relying heavily on the writings of Wolbarst, they insisted that “phimosis” required immediate surgical correction, and asserted that circumcision would “reduce the incidence of onanism”, heighten male libido and “increase longevity and immunity to nearly all physical and mental illness.” They also stated that circumcision immediately after birth was convenient for the doctor and in the financial best interests of the hospital. Leading obstetrical textbooks were soon rewritten to include Miller and Snyder’s recommendations. [65, 66]"
1949 Joseph Lewis published his intactivist volume. [In the Name of Humanity]

1950: ~72% of the newborn American male population is circumcised and 50% of adult men

1950 Hollister Inc. invented the Plastibell circumcision device. Initially it was called scalpel free because prepucial skin was not cut but left to slough Gomco, it
requires a dorsal slit and tearing of the foreskin from the glans before it can be fitted.
The plastibell method requires a dorsal slit on tand tearing of thr foreskin from the glans. Then the foreskin is pulled up over the bell, and a ligature tied to crush it into the groove. Everything distal to the ligature dies and, to stop this from upsetting parents
too much, the foreskin may be cut off first.
[U.S. Pat. No. 2,272,072]
1951 Abraham Ravich theorized that circumcision prevented cervical cancer in women, that 25,000 deaths annually from cancer were caused by the foreskin, and that between 3 and 8 million American men then living had contracted prostate cancer through the influence of their intact foreskins. [Prophylaxis of cancer of the prostate, penis, and cervix by circumcision. NY State J M.]
1953 R. L. Miller and D. C. Snyder suggested routine neonatal circumcision for all males immediately after birth while still in the delivery room to provide "immunity to nearly all physical and mental illness."
"We do feel that there are many excellent reasons for routinely circumcising the male...Circumcision will reduce the incidence of onanism [masturbation]....Longevity, immunity to nearly all physical and mental illness, increased physical vigor, etc., are all attributed to this practice... In addition to the aforementioned reasons for doing the operation, we shall list several reasons to support immediate circumcision. ... Convenience: Under the present regime the obstetrician finishes his episiotomy, walks across the hall and circumcises the infant, and is finished with the whole business. Stimulation of the baby: Frequently following a general anesthetic the newborn is depressed and various stimulants are employed; circumcision unfailingly produces and excellent response in a sleepy baby."
[Immediate circumcision of the newborn male. AJOG. 1953;65:1-11.]
1954 Ernest L. Wydner claimed universal circumcision prevented cervical cancer in women. [A study of environmental factors of carcinoma of the cervix. AJOG.] He showed his own study to be invalid 6 years later, because the cervical cancer patients in his study incorrectly reported that their husbands were uncircumcised without actually having any idea whether their husbands were or not. They were just giving the answer they thought the doctor wanted to hear. Wynder later recognized and admitted the error in Wynder & Licklider (1960) showing most women didn't know the difference and even many men were not aware. This circumcision to reduce cervical cancer hypothesis was also disproved by Stern & Neely (1962).
1954 Brooklyn Rabbi Harry Bronstein invents the Mogen clamp. This becomes one of the main methods used in American circumcisions and especially Jewish ritual circumcisions.
The Mogen Clamp requires the foreskin to be torn off from the glans. After stretching it distally and away from the glans, the clamp is applied pinching the foreskin. After allowing 2 to 5 minutes to fit off blood flow, the foreskin may be amputated.
[U.S. Pat. No. 2,747,576]
Together, the Gomco clamp, Plastibell, and Mogen clamp make up the majority of circumcision methods done in America and the western world.
1956 Raymond Creelman invented the Circumstraint™ which straps down and immobilizes the baby's arms and legs. [USPTO patent number RE24,377]

1958 C. F. McDonald said:
"the same reasons that apply for the circumcision of males are generally valid when considered for the female."
Curiously, this doctor used "circumcision" to refer to the separation of clitoral adhesions with a probe, technically this is non-amputative preputial adhesiolysis and female circumcision had until then been used only to mean (excisive) prepucectomy. Performed on an infant, adhesiolysis would be likely to cause skin bridging as noted by unisex prepucectomy advocate Edwin H. Pratt in 1898 in Circumcision of Girls. [Circumcision of the female. G P.]
1959 W. G. Rathmann wrote that among the "benefits" of female circumcision [prepucectomy], it cured psychosomatic illnesses and would help marital problems and would "make the clitoris easier to find" for the husband. He favored only therapeutic surgery though writing, "Routine circumcision because of a functional problem alone, without the proper anatomic indications, will probably be of no benefit and might be harmful." [Female Circumcision: Indications and a New Technique [NSFW]. G P.]

1960: ~78% of the newborn American male population is circumcised and 57% of adult men

1962 Stern & Neely refuted Ravich's hypothesis that foreskin caused cervical cancer in women. [Stern & Neely. Cancer of the cervix in reference to circumcision and marital history. J Am Medical Women’s Association.]
1963 D. Govinda disproved Wolbarst’s theory that smegma was carcinogenic [D. Govinda Reddy. Carcinogenic action of human smegma. Arch Pathology.]
1965 William Morgan’s provocatively titled paper debunked all the arguments then used to justify infant circumcision. [The Rape of the Phallus. JAMA.]

The Sexual Revolution
In the '60s, male cutting was maintained at that key time of widespread intellectual revolt against tradition by decisive and extremely successful rebranding. Now that genital cutting had become the social norm, it needed to be viewed as altruism. This is when the idea the foreskin did not play any role in pleasure was introduced to replace the anti-masturbation hysteria of previous generations of circumcision promotion. Masters & Johnson's utterly false claim that the foreskin played no role in coitus and did not affect the sensitivity of the penis was key in maintaining the genital cutting tradition. Those claims were not based on any evidence or data they ever published or were able to produce when requested for review.
1966 John M. Foley's The Practice of Circumcision: A Revaluation (New York: Materia Medica, 1966) was published.
1966 Masters and Johnson made the false but highly influential claim there were no differences in sensitivity between penises with and without intact foreskin. Their work established the false dogma that circumcision had no effect on sexual function, which then went unquestioned for the next 40 years. [Human Sexual Response. Boston: Little Brown.]
1969 Morris Fishbein called for circumcision to prevent nervousness and masturbation.
"When children are kept busy with wholesome play, work and planning, and when they are loved and understood in matters such as these, a little masturbation may occur but will be speedily forgotten. Be sure the children are healthily tired when they go to bed. Be sure that there is no need of circumcision, or if there is that it is corrected."
[Sex hygiene in Modern Home Medical Adviser. Garden City, NY: Doubleday. p 115.]

1970: ~82% of the newborn American male population is circumcised and 63% of adult men

1970 Noel Preston drew attention to how unscientific the claims that foreskin caused cancer were and the other supposed preventative benefits of foreskin destruction. Whither the foreskin? JAMA.]
1970 Meredith Campbell, a renowned urologist, includes in his textbook:
"Parents readily recognize the importance of local cleanliness and genital hygiene in their children and are usually ready to adopt measures which may avert masturbation. Circumcision is usually advised on these grounds."
This is about the last mention in mainstream science of circumcision preventing masturbation for these reasons:
  • Masturbation was no longer feared nor thought to be harmful
  • Harming your children to damage their future sexuality was no longer a socially action
  • It was obvious at this point that circumcised men could still masturbate
[The Male Genital Tract and the Female Urethra. in: Campbell's Urology. vol. 2. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company. 1970:1836.]
1970 I. O. W. Leitch published a paper that eventually lead to the de-normalization of the practice in Australia as Gairdner (1949) had done in the UK and New Zealand.
"A review of the literature suggests that many of the traditional indications remain unproven. In the light of this study, and other surveys which indicate the hazards of the operation, it is suggested that circumcision should be confined to those with a genuine medical indication.
Nowadays, in Australia, despite a state of enlightened civilization that average Australians are thought to enjoy, circumcision is still the rule. The exposed glans is the fashion. The undressed penis stands as a social symbol, and the foreskin is still a schoolboy's curiosity, viewed secretly with wonder and awe. Circumcision now performed as a social ritual, and those in favour of the operation have justified its performance on medical grounds.
It has been said that circumcision is a simple operation with little associated morbidity and mortality, and that benefits include increased hygiene, and prophylaxis against malignancy. Opinion against the performance of the operation of circumcision is just as certain that if the foreskin is subjected to adequate toilet [hygiene], carcinoma is not a problem, neither is balinitis.
In the belief that the operation of circumcision is not without risk, it was decided to analyse some of the case records of circumcision performed at this Hospital to obtain statistics concerning the actual morbidity. Should a significant morbidity exist, then it seems obvious that there are no grounds for the present-day practice of social circumcision.
The incidence [of complications] was rather high (Table II), and for convenience they have been analysed in 2 groups, early and late, according to whether they occurred before or after 2 weeks. Late complications occurred in 15 (7.5%). One of the 2 cases of meatal stenosis eventually required a meatotomy; in one healing was delayed for 5 1/2 weeks; and in 2, too little skin was removed at operation.
The total complication rate was 31 in 200 cases, i.e. 15.5%.
In an attempt to evaluate these complications, several aspects were analysed. The first of these was the experience of the operator; surgeons had a complication rate of 14.9%, surgical registrars 17.6% and resident medical officers 50%. Perhaps this would not suffer statistical scrutiny, but it probably reflects the residents' lack of experience.
Haemorrhage was the most common complication, and on clinical grounds was classified as mild, arterial or brisk venous haemorrhage as moderate, while clinical signs of blood loss and/or the need for transfusion were classified as severe. The procedures required to control this haemorrhage were also listed.
Meatal ulcer was the second most common complication, and an attempt was made to correlate it with the type of dressing or any adjunct smeared on the glans after circumcision. It was assumed that management after circumcision was similar in most instances, and in fact the type of dressing used had no significant effect on the incidence of meatal ulcer.
Two deaths from routine circumcision occurred in Australia during the period 1960-1966. Speert (1953) in a survey of the period 1939-1951 quoted one death in a series of 566,463 circumcisions, and 243 deaths from carcinoma of the penis during the same period. In England and Wales, between 1942 and 1947, 16 children died annually as a result of routine circumcison (Begg, 1953), while Gairdner (1949) reported 16 deaths in a series of 90,000 circumcisions, high mortality figures for a simple operation.
Mortality aside, circumcision is accompanied by a considerable number of less serious complications (15.5%) including haemorrhage, meatal ulcer, meatal stenosis and infection in the series reported here. Other complications included laceration of the glans during operation, delayed wound healing, and ineffectual circumcision. A less serious delayed complication of circumcision is ammoniacal dermatitis causing a meatal ulcer and stenosis, a sequel which only occurs in the circumcised. Other less common but more serious complications not seen in this survey are urethral fistula, amputation of the glans, avulsion of the scrotum and septicaemia (Patel, 1966).
Severe haemorrhage, also absent from this series, may require tranfusion with its attendant occasional complications, or further surgical intervention with the possibility of an additional anaesthetic. Meatal stenosis may require a meatotomy, and the rarer severe complications may require elaborate plastic surgical procedures. A second operation because of the failure or complication of the first is not unusual and constituted 9.5% of this series.
A circumcision, then, is an operation which is accompanied by a not inconsiderable risk which should be seriously considered when the operation is entertained.
With proper counseling, circumcision becomes an unnecessary operation, even more so when it is realized that the prepuce plays an important part in protecting the glans during the period of urinary incontinence in the first years of life.
Finally, from a review of the recent literature and the results of this survey it is deduced that routine circumcision is largely unwarranted, and that adequate personal hygiene, possibly aided by making all foreskins retractable at the age of 3 years, has exactly the same effect as circumcision with none of the complications."
[Circumcision: A Continuing Enigma. Aust Paediatr J 1970;6:59-65.]
1971 Abraham Ravich theorized circumcision prevents cancer of the bladder and the rectum. [Viral carcinogenesis in venereally susceptible organs. Cancer.]
1971 The AAP Committee on Fetus and Newborn stated, "There are no valid medical indications for circumcision in the neonatal period." [Committee on Fetus and Newborn Issues. Circumcision. Hospital Care of Newborn Infants 5th Edition. Evanston, Ill: AAP]
1973 R. Dagher, Melvin Selzer, and Jack Lapides declared anyone who disagreed with imposing mass infant circumcision was deluded. [Carcinoma of the penis and the anti-circumcision crusade. J U.]
1973 Abraham Ravich published a book promoting circumcision: [Preventing V.D. and Cancer by Circumcision]
1973 Leo Wollman reported statistics on 100 female circumcisions he performed to cure "hooded clitoris." [Hooded Clitoris: Preliminary Report. J Am Soc of Psychosomatic Dentistry and Med.]
1973 Cathrine Kellison wrote an article promoting female prepucectomy for Playgirl magazine. [Circumcision for Women. Playgirl. Oct.]
1975 Cathrine Kellison penned a second article promoting female prepucectomy for Playgirl magazine. [$100 Surgery for a Million-Dollar Sex Life. Playgirl. May.]
1975 The AAP Task force on Circumcision reported, "There are no medical indications for routine circumcisions and the procedure cannot be considered an essential component of health care." [Report on the ad hoc task force on circumcision. Pediatrics.]
1977 Takey Crist reported on his circumcision of fifteen women, and provided a list of four conditions for when the surgery would be indicated: "a) they could achieve orgasm only by masturbation and/or oral sex, b) they could have orgasm in the lateral or female-superior positions only, c) they stated, "it feels good, I get there, but suddenly it's over," d) they had a positive cotton-tip test, where patients felt a distinct difference when a cotton-tipped applicator was applied directly to the clitoris when the foreskin was retracted as opposed to application to the foreskin". Crist's study concludes, "Patients who have undergone this procedure have generally commented that they have enhanced sexual response." ["Female Circumcision." Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality. Aug.]
1977 Insurance company, Blue Shield Association recommended individual plans stop covering 28 surgical and diagnostic procedures considered outmoded including removing the hood of the clitoris. ["Blue Shield Acts to Curb Payment On Procedures of Doubtful Value", NY Times, 1977]
1978 Sydney S. Gellis wrote,
"It is an uncontestable fact at this point that there are more deaths from complications of circumcision than from cancer of the penis. … Physicians should become more vociferous than they have been in discouraging circumcision of the newborn."
[Circumcision. Am J Dis Child.]

Previous: 1900-1939

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Tom hanks and Corona, a Synchromystic map.

HANX. Or Thanks or Tom Hanks has been Infecting just about just about every “fringe” event of sub-series of conspiracy communities. With all the hoopla surrounding him currently I wanted do dive back a couple years to some of the down right ODD things in connection with Mr Hanks.
From the top I will mention the various point where Tom or connected parties showed up in the particular research I was doing.
First big series of hanks sync weaving was to do when I was researching the Mandela effect and the prominent position Hanks has as a Nexus of effects.
If you are unfamiliar with the Mandela effect then essentially is a a series of pop culture points that have been altered or a wide collection of people have noticed a change from their memory of a particular specific point.
Weather or not it is faulty human memory or something else is up for debate but what is not up for debate is the rampant and creative ways the Mandela effects connect to Tom Hanks.
I made this post as a way of explaining how to play with words and symbolism, ways of looking at things as a puzzle.
Here is a bit of what that looks like.
Mandel means Almond, An almond is the Mandorla, Mandelas prisoner number is 46664 but used to be 4664 according to some. Cern is said to be responsible or at least involved in some way and their video “Happy” Has Both Nelson Mandela and 4664 (the occluded Prisoner number) Cerns logo has the 666 theme as well as being Mandela effected as well and the effect added a mandorla. Cern built the WWW or 666 vav vav vav 777/ which is also the Monster energy drink logo. LOGOS changing LOGOS is the WORD and the thing that was with God during creation. The levels of fractal metaphor are stunning to me. Staggeringly beautiful not just in their existence but the fact that conscious minds can behold it.
Isnt it funny that Jaws (villian) and Jaws(shark) are both to do with The mouth and teeth and the ME involves braces... And that the dolly/jaws scene had them mirror each others smiles, like in snow whites mirror mirror. and that the actress who plays dolly is Blanche Ravelec. Blanche means White/pure. As does Clarice In the Silence of the lions/lamb.... loins fruit of the womb. froot looms loony looms..... the double 00 thing oo like eyes that see.
Sally fields name is effected, her famous Oscar speech is effected, she costars in forest gump which has curious George as a key element and sally field being the one Tom hanks is quoting, he would then be involved in another ME later on. And sally fields brother works at cern... Tom hank is also Woody and Says “Theirs a Snake in my Boots” which contextually makes no sense and reminds us of the Fields not having a plural.. Another way to look at that is “Boots” could be interpreted as a word.. and the Snake is S s is a snake a snake hissessssss los of ssess lol The s on the end can also denote possession (again more S'es) possession is ownership and ownership is shackling and oppressive. You may also be reminded of Field of Dreams “If you build it THEY/HE will come (who is he?) HE is right in the middle of THEY TY thank you... and back to the start with the fact sally fields acceptance speech was her saying thank you to the academy.
This may appear to be nonsense or gibberish but if you had the time and knew the things I was referencing then you would be able to see the connections.
Of Course this is just nothing as it is. But then the universe nods to us this genuine morsel.
Why is Tom Hanks turning the Large Hardron Collider at CERN back on? What is the movie that he is promoting?
Angels and Demons by Dan Brown the continuation of Robert Langdons Symbologist tour all around the world to uncover exotic secrets and truths.
The next in the series is.

Langdon and Brooks figure out that Zobrist, who was obsessed with Dante, has created a viral superweapon he has dubbed "Inferno", with the potential of annihilating half the world's population. In the meantime, they have been traced by both Vayentha and agents from the World Health Organization (WHO),

The craziest part about the LHC CERN connection is that I didn't see it back when I was deeply diving into Tom hanks and the Mandela effect. That fact came later along with this particular nugget I have seen no one reference.
The MANDEL effect is the precursor to quantum computing.
My wife comes in and mentions that she got an ad for the movie Splash with Tom hanks, while I am Knee deep in looking into “Red Shoes”
I started looking into this movie because of the notable Calling Card that Hanx has developed on twitter. He has posted pictures of lone gloves, shoes and other discarded or lost objects. Its kind of his “Thing”
I first had this brought to my attention due too my research into the Death of Issac Kappy. Which is another completely bonkers rabbithole that covers Epstein and leads to the death of researcher Tracey Twymin.
Kappy had called out some folks in his various videos before his death.
ANNNNDD HOLY FUCK what is this!?
Whelp this is new too me. Damn strange , The way hes propped up and the fact the time stamp in the video is 2 mins before he is noted as jumping off the bridge as there was supposedly a group of 6 or 7 teenagers on the bridge attempting to stop him.
Did anyone notice the song playing in the background.”When Im gone” by 3 doors down....
Why is this anything pertaining to Tom Hanks?
Tom hanks posted a picture of a discarded glove with the caption “Historic Route 66. Roadkill? I hope not! Hanx. “
This was on 4-4-2018 and 40 days(5 weeks 5 days) before Kappys death on Route 66.
2 posts later on the day that Kappy died Hanks posts
Look up the significance of handkerchiefs.
That wasn't what I expected but it fits in.
It looks like Hanx twitter is where a lot the juicy conspiratorial coincidences lie.
Make not of all of the posts made from 3-13-20 and beyond and you will see that there is a pattern to the posting style not present before.
Before 3-11-20 he posted inside the ap using the twitter posting ap, and writing the post and attatching a picture.
After 3-11-20 all of his posts where he writes a blurb are pictures of text with pictures embedded With this seeming like the post he had been destined to post this whole time. The lone glove in bio-hazard waste bin.
And then drops this gem of a post.
Haha oh my, so ironic that I brought my CORONA typewriter all the way to Australia only to get the CORONAvirus.
“My wife has won 6 straight hands of gin rummy and leads by 201 points.”
This first thing that jumped out is 201.
Taking place in NYC on Oct 18-19 by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. (who are also involved with Vaccines and ID2020, and global management systems.)
Nov-17-19 was the first traced case of the Corona-virus Covid-19
This simulation was based on the Coronavirus from Pigs in 2019
Now we are in the year of the RAT. Which is quite heavily intoned with the black plague
The phrase "black death" (mors nigra) was used in 1350 by Simon de Covino or Couvin, a Belgian astronomer, who wrote the poem "On the Judgment of the Sun at a Feast of Saturn" (De judicio Solis in convivio Saturni), which attributes the plague to a conjunction) of Jupiter and Saturn. Hmm that is indeed interesting as I am aware that there is a Great Conjunction this very year, the year of the Rat. And the Year of the Coronavirus.
This conjunction is taking place on the solstice which is quite significant.
May-31-2000 was our last great conjunction and can you see how the world is so much different from that point in time. And we can suspect that this point in 2020 is yet another turning point into a “New Normal”
Note that Dante Alighieri was very involved with astrology and had a penchant for the Great conjunctions in particular. And He was the inspiration of the movie INFERNO with Tom hanks trying to prevent a global outbreak intended to reduce the population to save the planet. …......................................................................................................................... Here is a point of note. I am browsing this wiki for the first time and I am seeing this nugget.
Pope Boniface quickly dismissed the other delegates and asked Dante alone to remain in Rome. At the same time (November 1, 1301), Charles of Valois entered Florence with the Black Guelphs, who in the next six days destroyed much of the city and killed many of their enemies. A new Black Guelph government was installed, and Cante dei Gabrielli da Gubbi was appointed podestà of the city.
Podesta really..... I had no idea this name meant anything, really never looked into it, even though I have an obsession with names and the meanings of said names, I had not sought this.
Ok I seem to be diving into other trails in this Warren of rabbit holes.
Back too Event 201 and Tom hanks game with Rita Wilson where 6 games in is ahead 201 points.
What is this? 6201.................... 6 games 201 points...... bill signed into law the day you and Rita Wilson tested positive for corona virus in Australia with your CORONA typewriter?
So we have a grand convergence of coincidence. 1 with event 201 coming before HR 6201 is passed and 2 with the rummy game hanks played with his wife referencing said bill.
MADAME X is Madonnas alter ego that she created these past couple years. And she had an interesting back to her album cover that came out last year.
The album releasing in June of 2019 has a picture of Madame wearing gloves and typing on a Corona Typewriter, the same typewriter that hanks brought with him too Australia.
Too add more synchromystic stuff too the mix we have this
I searched for Tom hanks and found this post from Typewriters and its simply an autographed Typewriter but altogether a nod that Im on the right path.
OH fuckin Kay I guess this means something
You may mention above I said my wife came In in and mentioned the Tom hanks Movie splash.
Directed by
Babaloo Mandel? Baloo and Mandel, for real? Mandel like the Mandel effect and the Mandela effect. And Baloo like the character from the jungle book who is not wearing coconuts as a bra anymore?
Look up “Baloo Mandela effect” and you'll see what I mean.
This stood out too me because of course Tom hanks connection too the Mandela effect through notably the Most Mandela effects attributed to his name and works. But I didn't think it was 'Enough” to share here.
So after seeing Madonna and Tom hanks connected via the Corona Typewriter I googled . “Tom Hanks and Madonna”
OK so the other film by Babaloo Mandel that stood out as another Tom hanks flick was this movie .
Im getting long winded and as always there is more left out then I have presented it too you as their really is no way of condensing this so that you acquire the full picture.
I end with a question?!!!
What was Madonnas name before she changed it too MADONNA for the purposes of being a star?
Well that's not actually the end because we need to wrap this baby up in swaddling clothes.
Tom hanks wife is Rita Wilson...................... Wilson you say?! Hmmm well the vollyball in CAST AWAY must have been named after her... right????
In the film, Wilson the volleyball) serves as Chuck Noland's personified friend and only companion during the four years that Noland spends alone on a deserted island. Named after the volleyball's manufacturer, Wilson Sporting Goods, the character was created by screenwriter William Broyles, Jr While researching for the film, he consulted with professional survival experts, and then chose to deliberately strand himself for one week on an isolated beach in the Gulf of California, to force himself to search for water and food, and obtain his own shelter. During this time, a volleyball washed up on shore. This was the inspiration for the film's inanimate companion. From a screenwriting point of view, Wilson also serves to realistically allow dialogue in a one-person-only situation
Here is a prime example of synchronicity that when brought up to someone not exposed to these ideas they would come back at you with “Well its prolly because his wife was named Wilson” and then the door is shut for them they don't have to take on any new ideas or modify there existing foundation of reality. If you tell anyone a small peculiar fact then they inevitably try and “Solve” what you just told them. They have to organize the new information in a way that doesn't cause uncomfortability or stress. The human brain seems to have an Autonomic response to new information that doesn't jive with the world view that person has built up over the years.
Mention any Mandela effect and someone will try and come up with a reason to ignore what you are presenting to them. The effects themselves are in such mundane places that it doesn't seem to have much weight to the average Joe.
It seems like many people fall into the logical fallacy of the “Wisdom of the Crowd” Even if they have no concept of what this is they may still fall into its tenants.
Take any of the biggest conspiracies out there. The moon landing, 9-11, flat earth. The bigger and more wide spanning the conspiracy then the more “Well, if this is real then people would have said something about it” “You couldn't keep a secret that big” “Somebody in my life would have told me if X was True/False.” Have you seen the meme from xfiles with the poster Mulder has saying “I want to believe” with a flying saucer on it. Thats what this is like. But the train goes both ways. “I want” and “I dont want. “
Both of these Mantras play out in our heads unbeknownst to our recognition. A duel play on what we wish reality to be and what we wish it not to be. As want and unwant are dualistic sides of the same coin. For someone that believes 9-11 was an inside job. “I want to believe” that I among all these other people on this planet found out that this large sector of society has been duped and I am one of the few people smart enough to have figured it out.
For someone who thinks 9-11 conspiracy theorists are insane. “ I dont want to believe I have been duped by the establishment and that everything I have been taught and all the people that I love have been duped into believing an untruth.”
I think this is mainly something that stems from our human need for others to identify with and a tribe to call home. And to have our beliefs echoed by another group. To be acknowledged as a contributor to the paradigm and to feel validated by others that feel the same way.
Its like we are innately narcissistic creatures who love our own images. We find those most similar to us and we just stare at each other reflecting the same ideas and producing a greater dived between US and THEM.What it comes down to is life's great mystery. Which takes shape in questions we ask ourselves: ” Why do I exist?” “Why is reality a thing instead of a non-thing?” “What is my purpose?”
Instead of “what is my purpose?” it becomes “Is there even a purpose?”
Mainstream elements give us Relativity, The Big Bang, and Evolution.
If a human delves into and absorbs these tenants of culture, then one may come to the conclusion that reality is the result of a freak accident of random number of infinite forces coming together and creating everything you know and love and think and do. That it is all a fluke and you are just lucky..... but luck doesn't exist because this is a random universe and nothing lies deeper than surface exploration.
To identify Self you must also have the Other. The contrast creates the existence of a thing.Imagine 2 worlds, one of infinite shadow and one of infinite light. The one of infinite shadow would be a black slate and the world of light a white slate. Without contrast everything is nothing. Sense without the lack of sense is Nonsense. A world of pure sound or silence is a world where sound isn't a thing that exists. If you ask the question. “What is a thing” the answer would be the inverse of its opposite. What is an exhale. It is the inverse of an inhale. But what is that? It is a see saw..... seeing and after seeing sawing. SAW because it WAS. Its like pIng pOng In and Out IO overlapped is the symbol for power. On/Off. Imagine a hero without a villain. The story of Batman is a prime example of the balancing force of the universe. Without the Joker he would have never experienced the trauma to become the batman, its very possible that if the joker had not killed his parents that he would not have had fear in the cave with the bats. Joker was the primeval creation force alchemizing the batman into existence.
And then you ask would the Joker have done what he did if he didn't have a nemesis to combat against... a force to emphasize his existence
This reality/ game seems like a puzzle of disCERNment. That the presence of so many untruths shows us the massive amounts of truths that can be yielded. The shadows can show us where the light lies.
I see this when I go to CNN today to see that Tom and Rite are at home safe and sound.
Why does she make a video holding a book that she is not reading and making sure to show the title in the scene.
Enders Game, Or is it the End Game of the end times ala Thanos Snap reducing the worlds population.
I read this book in high-school.
Im sure more people are saying whats dat book she readin in dere.
The book is a story of a dystopian future where children are raised on video games and are chosen based on their aptitude to be brought into the military and as a part of their training they do a series of “Wargames” via simulations systems and Haptic feedback suits for realism. SPOILER ALERT! The simulations they were performing were actual drone battle missions where they were killing actual sentient creatures.
The psychology of getting kids to perform against actual foes with the knowledge that it was all a game made them more proficient in their duty to kill.
Ok lets reel it back for a
Tom hanks is involved or a focal point in the Mandela effect phenomenon present in Forrest Gump Life is/.was like a box of chocolates, Apollo 13 Houston we have/we've had a problem, Woody from toy story says “There's a snake in my boot/s ,Momma from Forrest Gump is played by sally field/s whose name is considered a Mandela effect and has a famous Oscar speech that is commonly attributed to the Mandela effect and Sally Fields brother in real life is a scientist at CERN. CERN makes a video set too Pharrells Happy that is filmed at Cern and a scientist holds up signs saying Bond# (Barry Nelson) and Mandela underneath, also showing the number 4664
Tom hanks then turns CERN back on after a failure that had occurred. He did this in honor of a movie Angels and Demons whos sequel INFERNO has Hanks catch a virus set to be a worldwide pandemic for the purposes of population control for the greater good. In Nov of 2019 one month before the first documented case of Novel Coronavirus Event 201 is hosted in NYC by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. And on 3-11-2020 the same day Hanks and Rita announce they are infected with Corona virus, after bringing a Corona typewriter all the way to Australia. Then Hanks announces his wife's score of 6 games 201 points. When 6201 if you google it will get you one thing.
Hanks is called out in a video also calling out Epstein and others involved in the underground trafficking of children, This person is then killed/died/epstiened on route 66 which Tom hanks Tweets about.
There is some funky stuff going on in the world and to be blunt there are 3 options. And then variations between those 3 options.
The extremes are
  1. This is all orchestrated and everything presented through the public is controlled/filtered and dispensed with one purpose. All news media and things that people talk about are intricately put together to share some underlying puzzle.
Ways this could be feasible: this is a simulation and everything is preordained and put in place with no free will to the occupants in the simulation.
Ways it couldn't be feasible. Barring a simulation it just would not cut it to have any sort of person or group in charge of such a thing, its too well orchestrated for human hands.
I suppose a god of the realm in control of such things could perform such a feat..... but why?
  1. This is all the universe playing a coincidence game, a red herring game of sorts to keep some busy and others asleep. Like if Tom hanks really got the itch to bring his Corona typewriter and he and his wife did actually play games of Gin Rummy that resulted in the 6 games 201 points with Event 201 being finished and HR 6201 just passing the same day they are infected with coronavirus.
This is just one facet of the coincidental underlying tapestry that paints itself underneath human activity.
Within this post I detail some stellar findings/coincidences that bear repeating here.
And here Is one of the most incredible coincidence blocks ive ever seen.
What are the odds that is is 666.6 nautical miles between the Kaaba and The Temple Mount of Jerusalem?
What are the odds that 666. Nautical miles =1234.56432 Kilometers ? You have the sequential united with the repetitive number sequences married by a relationship between the size of the earth and the speed of light.
What are the odds of Stanley Kubrick writing a movie that feature 2001 as a key plot point and in this film show a man “Dave Bowman” play chess against HAL which is 1 letter transliterated from IBM and that 666 days before Stanley Kubrick's death IBM's Deep Blue beats Gary Kasparov at chess and that 666 days after Stanley Kubrick's death is the Dawn of the 21st Century 2001. To tie all that up Kubrick References 666 through the occulted wink of the number that is missing. as Officer # 665 and 667 are apprehending the main droog of the story.
What are the odds that Wilson the volleyball is not named after Rita Wilson, his wife who kept her last name. But is instead named because the Writer stranded himself on an island and a Wilson Volleyball washed up onshore. This is the type of coincidence that bars any human forethought or knowledge to arranging. One of those universal winks in the form of syncs.
Look for my post history and you will find hundreds of WTF how is this a coincidence facts that could be both coincidence/divine providence/ or the will of man.
Oh yeah and the 3rd Extreme way of looking at this data I have presented here and in the past is to just shut the door and say.
“Nothing” none of this means anything at all and you are just thinking too much or looking too deep.
The most likely is a synergy of these 3 points. There maybe a controlling organization or AI program controlling the media and news, film and music. But there is most likely a clever universal side of things projecting the ironic in these peculiar times. And im sure some of this is just digging to deep as everything is intrinsically connected .
What cant be stated is the data presented is incorrect(unless it is,im not perfect) it is our interpretation of the data that differs, im not making any conclusions, im only discussing options and possibilities.
submitted by qwertycoder to conspiracy [link] [comments]

Tom hanks and Corona, Kappy, and the mandela effect.

HANX. Or Thanks or Tom Hanks has been Infecting just about just about every “fringe” event of sub-series of conspiracy communities. With all the hoopla surrounding him currently I wanted do dive back a couple years to some of the down right ODD things in connection with Mr Hanks.
From the top I will mention the various point where Tom or connected parties showed up in the particular research I was doing.
First big series of hanks sync weaving was to do when I was researching the Mandela effect and the prominent position Hanks has as a Nexus of effects.
If you are unfamiliar with the Mandela effect then essentially is a a series of pop culture points that have been altered or a wide collection of people have noticed a change from their memory of a particular specific point.
Weather or not it is faulty human memory or something else is up for debate but what is not up for debate is the rampant and creative ways the Mandela effects connect to Tom Hanks.
I made this post as a way of explaining how to play with words and symbolism, ways of looking at things as a puzzle.
Here is a bit of what that looks like.
Mandel means Almond, An almond is the Mandorla, Mandelas prisoner number is 46664 but used to be 4664 according to some. Cern is said to be responsible or at least involved in some way and their video “Happy” Has Both Nelson Mandela and 4664 (the occluded Prisoner number) Cerns logo has the 666 theme as well as being Mandela effected as well and the effect added a mandorla. Cern built the WWW or 666 vav vav vav 777/ which is also the Monster energy drink logo. LOGOS changing LOGOS is the WORD and the thing that was with God during creation. The levels of fractal metaphor are stunning to me. Staggeringly beautiful not just in their existence but the fact that conscious minds can behold it.
Isnt it funny that Jaws (villian) and Jaws(shark) are both to do with The mouth and teeth and the ME involves braces... And that the dolly/jaws scene had them mirror each others smiles, like in snow whites mirror mirror. and that the actress who plays dolly is Blanche Ravelec. Blanche means White/pure. As does Clarice In the Silence of the lions/lamb.... loins fruit of the womb. froot looms loony looms..... the double 00 thing oo like eyes that see.
Sally fields name is effected, her famous Oscar speech is effected, she costars in forest gump which has curious George as a key element and sally field being the one Tom hanks is quoting, he would then be involved in another ME later on. And sally fields brother works at cern... Tom hank is also Woody and Says “Theirs a Snake in my Boots” which contextually makes no sense and reminds us of the Fields not having a plural.. Another way to look at that is “Boots” could be interpreted as a word.. and the Snake is S s is a snake a snake hissessssss los of ssess lol The s on the end can also denote possession (again more S'es) possession is ownership and ownership is shackling and oppressive. You may also be reminded of Field of Dreams “If you build it THEY/HE will come (who is he?) HE is right in the middle of THEY TY thank you... and back to the start with the fact sally fields acceptance speech was her saying thank you to the academy.
This may appear to be nonsense or gibberish but if you had the time and knew the things I was referencing then you would be able to see the connections.
Of Course this is just nothing as it is. But then the universe nods to us this genuine morsel.
Why is Tom Hanks turning the Large Hardron Collider at CERN back on? What is the movie that he is promoting?
Angels and Demons by Dan Brown the continuation of Robert Langdons Symbologist tour all around the world to uncover exotic secrets and truths.
The next in the series is.

Langdon and Brooks figure out that Zobrist, who was obsessed with Dante, has created a viral superweapon he has dubbed "Inferno", with the potential of annihilating half the world's population. In the meantime, they have been traced by both Vayentha and agents from the World Health Organization (WHO),

The craziest part about the LHC CERN connection is that I didn't see it back when I was deeply diving into Tom hanks and the Mandela effect. That fact came later along with this particular nugget I have seen no one reference.
The MANDEL effect is the precursor to quantum computing.
My wife comes in and mentions that she got an ad for the movie Splash with Tom hanks, while I am Knee deep in looking into “Red Shoes”
I started looking into this movie because of the notable Calling Card that Hanx has developed on twitter. He has posted pictures of lone gloves, shoes and other discarded or lost objects. Its kind of his “Thing”
I first had this brought to my attention due too my research into the Death of Issac Kappy. Which is another completely bonkers rabbithole that covers Epstein and leads to the death of researcher Tracey Twymin.
Kappy had called out some folks in his various videos before his death.
ANNNNDD HOLY FUCK what is this!?
Whelp this is new too me. Damn strange , The way hes propped up and the fact the time stamp in the video is 2 mins before he is noted as jumping off the bridge as there was supposedly a group of 6 or 7 teenagers on the bridge attempting to stop him.
Did anyone notice the song playing in the background.”When Im gone” by 3 doors down....
Why is this anything pertaining to Tom Hanks?
Tom hanks posted a picture of a discarded glove with the caption “Historic Route 66. Roadkill? I hope not! Hanx. “
This was on 4-4-2018 and 40 days(5 weeks 5 days) before Kappys death on Route 66.
2 posts later on the day that Kappy died Hanks posts
Look up the significance of handkerchiefs.
That wasn't what I expected but it fits in.
It looks like Hanx twitter is where a lot the juicy conspiratorial coincidences lie.
Make not of all of the posts made from 3-13-20 and beyond and you will see that there is a pattern to the posting style not present before.
Before 3-11-20 he posted inside the ap using the twitter posting ap, and writing the post and attatching a picture.
After 3-11-20 all of his posts where he writes a blurb are pictures of text with pictures embedded With this seeming like the post he had been destined to post this whole time. The lone glove in bio-hazard waste bin.
And then drops this gem of a post.
Haha oh my, so ironic that I brought my CORONA typewriter all the way to Australia only to get the CORONAvirus.
“My wife has won 6 straight hands of gin rummy and leads by 201 points.”
This first thing that jumped out is 201.
Taking place in NYC on Oct 18-19 by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. (who are also involved with Vaccines and ID2020, and global management systems.)
Nov-17-19 was the first traced case of the Corona-virus Covid-19
This simulation was based on the Coronavirus from Pigs in 2019
Now we are in the year of the RAT. Which is quite heavily intoned with the black plague
The phrase "black death" (mors nigra) was used in 1350 by Simon de Covino or Couvin, a Belgian astronomer, who wrote the poem "On the Judgment of the Sun at a Feast of Saturn" (De judicio Solis in convivio Saturni), which attributes the plague to a conjunction) of Jupiter and Saturn. Hmm that is indeed interesting as I am aware that there is a Great Conjunction this very year, the year of the Rat. And the Year of the Coronavirus.
This conjunction is taking place on the solstice which is quite significant.
May-31-2000 was our last great conjunction and can you see how the world is so much different from that point in time. And we can suspect that this point in 2020 is yet another turning point into a “New Normal”
Note that Dante Alighieri was very involved with astrology and had a penchant for the Great conjunctions in particular. And He was the inspiration of the movie INFERNO with Tom hanks trying to prevent a global outbreak intended to reduce the population to save the planet. …......................................................................................................................... Here is a point of note. I am browsing this wiki for the first time and I am seeing this nugget.
Pope Boniface quickly dismissed the other delegates and asked Dante alone to remain in Rome. At the same time (November 1, 1301), Charles of Valois entered Florence with the Black Guelphs, who in the next six days destroyed much of the city and killed many of their enemies. A new Black Guelph government was installed, and Cante dei Gabrielli da Gubbi was appointed podestà of the city.
Podesta really..... I had no idea this name meant anything, really never looked into it, even though I have an obsession with names and the meanings of said names, I had not sought this.
Ok I seem to be diving into other trails in this Warren of rabbit holes.
Back too Event 201 and Tom hanks game with Rita Wilson where 6 games in is ahead 201 points.
What is this? 6201.................... 6 games 201 points...... bill signed into law the day you and Rita Wilson tested positive for corona virus in Australia with your CORONA typewriter?
So we have a grand convergence of coincidence. 1 with event 201 coming before HR 6201 is passed and 2 with the rummy game hanks played with his wife referencing said bill.
MADAME X is Madonnas alter ego that she created these past couple years. And she had an interesting back to her album cover that came out last year.
The album releasing in June of 2019 has a picture of Madame wearing gloves and typing on a Corona Typewriter, the same typewriter that hanks brought with him too Australia.
Too add more synchromystic stuff too the mix we have this
I searched for Tom hanks and found this post from Typewriters and its simply an autographed Typewriter but altogether a nod that Im on the right path.
OH fuckin Kay I guess this means something
You may mention above I said my wife came In in and mentioned the Tom hanks Movie splash.
Directed by
Babaloo Mandel? Baloo and Mandel, for real? Mandel like the Mandel effect and the Mandela effect. And Baloo like the character from the jungle book who is not wearing coconuts as a bra anymore?
Look up “Baloo Mandela effect” and you'll see what I mean.
This stood out too me because of course Tom hanks connection too the Mandela effect through notably the Most Mandela effects attributed to his name and works. But I didn't think it was 'Enough” to share here.
So after seeing Madonna and Tom hanks connected via the Corona Typewriter I googled . “Tom Hanks and Madonna”
OK so the other film by Babaloo Mandel that stood out as another Tom hanks flick was this movie .
Im getting long winded and as always there is more left out then I have presented it too you as their really is no way of condensing this so that you acquire the full picture.
I end with a question?!!!
What was Madonnas name before she changed it too MADONNA for the purposes of being a star?
Well that's not actually the end because we need to wrap this baby up in swaddling clothes.
Tom hanks wife is Rita Wilson...................... Wilson you say?! Hmmm well the vollyball in CAST AWAY must have been named after her... right????
In the film, Wilson the volleyball) serves as Chuck Noland's personified friend and only companion during the four years that Noland spends alone on a deserted island. Named after the volleyball's manufacturer, Wilson Sporting Goods, the character was created by screenwriter William Broyles, Jr While researching for the film, he consulted with professional survival experts, and then chose to deliberately strand himself for one week on an isolated beach in the Gulf of California, to force himself to search for water and food, and obtain his own shelter. During this time, a volleyball washed up on shore. This was the inspiration for the film's inanimate companion. From a screenwriting point of view, Wilson also serves to realistically allow dialogue in a one-person-only situation
Here is a prime example of synchronicity that when brought up to someone not exposed to these ideas they would come back at you with “Well its prolly because his wife was named Wilson” and then the door is shut for them they don't have to take on any new ideas or modify there existing foundation of reality. If you tell anyone a small peculiar fact then they inevitably try and “Solve” what you just told them. They have to organize the new information in a way that doesn't cause uncomfortability or stress. The human brain seems to have an Autonomic response to new information that doesn't jive with the world view that person has built up over the years.
Mention any Mandela effect and someone will try and come up with a reason to ignore what you are presenting to them. The effects themselves are in such mundane places that it doesn't seem to have much weight to the average Joe.
It seems like many people fall into the logical fallacy of the “Wisdom of the Crowd” Even if they have no concept of what this is they may still fall into its tenants.
Take any of the biggest conspiracies out there. The moon landing, 9-11, flat earth. The bigger and more wide spanning the conspiracy then the more “Well, if this is real then people would have said something about it” “You couldn't keep a secret that big” “Somebody in my life would have told me if X was True/False.” Have you seen the meme from xfiles with the poster Mulder has saying “I want to believe” with a flying saucer on it. Thats what this is like. But the train goes both ways. “I want” and “I dont want. “
Both of these Mantras play out in our heads unbeknownst to our recognition. A duel play on what we wish reality to be and what we wish it not to be. As want and unwant are dualistic sides of the same coin. For someone that believes 9-11 was an inside job. “I want to believe” that I among all these other people on this planet found out that this large sector of society has been duped and I am one of the few people smart enough to have figured it out.
For someone who thinks 9-11 conspiracy theorists are insane. “ I dont want to believe I have been duped by the establishment and that everything I have been taught and all the people that I love have been duped into believing an untruth.”
I think this is mainly something that stems from our human need for others to identify with and a tribe to call home. And to have our beliefs echoed by another group. To be acknowledged as a contributor to the paradigm and to feel validated by others that feel the same way.
Its like we are innately narcissistic creatures who love our own images. We find those most similar to us and we just stare at each other reflecting the same ideas and producing a greater dived between US and THEM.What it comes down to is life's great mystery. Which takes shape in questions we ask ourselves: ” Why do I exist?” “Why is reality a thing instead of a non-thing?” “What is my purpose?”
Instead of “what is my purpose?” it becomes “Is there even a purpose?”
Mainstream elements give us Relativity, The Big Bang, and Evolution.
If a human delves into and absorbs these tenants of culture, then one may come to the conclusion that reality is the result of a freak accident of random number of infinite forces coming together and creating everything you know and love and think and do. That it is all a fluke and you are just lucky..... but luck doesn't exist because this is a random universe and nothing lies deeper than surface exploration.
To identify Self you must also have the Other. The contrast creates the existence of a thing.Imagine 2 worlds, one of infinite shadow and one of infinite light. The one of infinite shadow would be a black slate and the world of light a white slate. Without contrast everything is nothing. Sense without the lack of sense is Nonsense. A world of pure sound or silence is a world where sound isn't a thing that exists. If you ask the question. “What is a thing” the answer would be the inverse of its opposite. What is an exhale. It is the inverse of an inhale. But what is that? It is a see saw..... seeing and after seeing sawing. SAW because it WAS. Its like pIng pOng In and Out IO overlapped is the symbol for power. On/Off. Imagine a hero without a villain. The story of Batman is a prime example of the balancing force of the universe. Without the Joker he would have never experienced the trauma to become the batman, its very possible that if the joker had not killed his parents that he would not have had fear in the cave with the bats. Joker was the primeval creation force alchemizing the batman into existence.
And then you ask would the Joker have done what he did if he didn't have a nemesis to combat against... a force to emphasize his existence
This reality/ game seems like a puzzle of disCERNment. That the presence of so many untruths shows us the massive amounts of truths that can be yielded. The shadows can show us where the light lies.
I see this when I go to CNN today to see that Tom and Rite are at home safe and sound.
Why does she make a video holding a book that she is not reading and making sure to show the title in the scene.
Enders Game, Or is it the End Game of the end times ala Thanos Snap reducing the worlds population.
I read this book in high-school.
Im sure more people are saying whats dat book she readin in dere.
The book is a story of a dystopian future where children are raised on video games and are chosen based on their aptitude to be brought into the military and as a part of their training they do a series of “Wargames” via simulations systems and Haptic feedback suits for realism. SPOILER ALERT! The simulations they were performing were actual drone battle missions where they were killing actual sentient creatures.
The psychology of getting kids to perform against actual foes with the knowledge that it was all a game made them more proficient in their duty to kill.
Ok lets reel it back for a
Tom hanks is involved or a focal point in the Mandela effect phenomenon present in Forrest Gump Life is/.was like a box of chocolates, Apollo 13 Houston we have/we've had a problem, Woody from toy story says “There's a snake in my boot/s ,Momma from Forrest Gump is played by sally field/s whose name is considered a Mandela effect and has a famous Oscar speech that is commonly attributed to the Mandela effect and Sally Fields brother in real life is a scientist at CERN. CERN makes a video set too Pharrells Happy that is filmed at Cern and a scientist holds up signs saying Bond# (Barry Nelson) and Mandela underneath, also showing the number 4664
Tom hanks then turns CERN back on after a failure that had occurred. He did this in honor of a movie Angels and Demons whos sequel INFERNO has Hanks catch a virus set to be a worldwide pandemic for the purposes of population control for the greater good. In Nov of 2019 one month before the first documented case of Novel Coronavirus Event 201 is hosted in NYC by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. And on 3-11-2020 the same day Hanks and Rita announce they are infected with Corona virus, after bringing a Corona typewriter all the way to Australia. Then Hanks announces his wife's score of 6 games 201 points. When 6201 if you google it will get you one thing.
Hanks is called out in a video also calling out Epstein and others involved in the underground trafficking of children, This person is then killed/died/epstiened on route 66 which Tom hanks Tweets about.
There is some funky stuff going on in the world and to be blunt there are 3 options. And then variations between those 3 options.
The extremes are
  1. This is all orchestrated and everything presented through the public is controlled/filtered and dispensed with one purpose. All news media and things that people talk about are intricately put together to share some underlying puzzle.
Ways this could be feasible: this is a simulation and everything is preordained and put in place with no free will to the occupants in the simulation.
Ways it couldn't be feasible. Barring a simulation it just would not cut it to have any sort of person or group in charge of such a thing, its too well orchestrated for human hands.
I suppose a god of the realm in control of such things could perform such a feat..... but why?
  1. This is all the universe playing a coincidence game, a red herring game of sorts to keep some busy and others asleep. Like if Tom hanks really got the itch to bring his Corona typewriter and he and his wife did actually play games of Gin Rummy that resulted in the 6 games 201 points with Event 201 being finished and HR 6201 just passing the same day they are infected with coronavirus.
This is just one facet of the coincidental underlying tapestry that paints itself underneath human activity.
Within this post I detail some stellar findings/coincidences that bear repeating here.
And here Is one of the most incredible coincidence blocks ive ever seen.
What are the odds that is is 666.6 nautical miles between the Kaaba and The Temple Mount of Jerusalem?
What are the odds that 666. Nautical miles =1234.56432 Kilometers ? You have the sequential united with the repetitive number sequences married by a relationship between the size of the earth and the speed of light.
What are the odds of Stanley Kubrick writing a movie that feature 2001 as a key plot point and in this film show a man “Dave Bowman” play chess against HAL which is 1 letter transliterated from IBM and that 666 days before Stanley Kubrick's death IBM's Deep Blue beats Gary Kasparov at chess and that 666 days after Stanley Kubrick's death is the Dawn of the 21st Century 2001. To tie all that up Kubrick References 666 through the occulted wink of the number that is missing. as Officer # 665 and 667 are apprehending the main droog of the story.
What are the odds that Wilson the volleyball is not named after Rita Wilson, his wife who kept her last name. But is instead named because the Writer stranded himself on an island and a Wilson Volleyball washed up onshore. This is the type of coincidence that bars any human forethought or knowledge to arranging. One of those universal winks in the form of syncs.
Look for my post history and you will find hundreds of WTF how is this a coincidence facts that could be both coincidence/divine providence/ or the will of man.
Oh yeah and the 3rd Extreme way of looking at this data I have presented here and in the past is to just shut the door and say.
“Nothing” none of this means anything at all and you are just thinking too much or looking too deep.
The most likely is a synergy of these 3 points. There maybe a controlling organization or AI program controlling the media and news, film and music. But there is most likely a clever universal side of things projecting the ironic in these peculiar times. And im sure some of this is just digging to deep as everything is intrinsically connected .
What cant be stated is the data presented is incorrect(unless it is,im not perfect) it is our interpretation of the data that differs, im not making any conclusions, im only discussing options and possibilities.
submitted by qwertycoder to Retconned [link] [comments]

Literally the entire Wikipedia article for Super Smash Bros Melee for the Nintendo GameCube

Super Smash Bros. Melee[a] is a crossover fighting video game developed by HAL Laboratory and published by Nintendo for the GameCube. It was first released in Japan on November 21, 2001, in North America on December 3, 2001, in Europe on May 24, 2002, and in Australia on May 31, 2002. The second installment in the Super Smash Bros. series, it features characters from Nintendo video game franchises such as Mario, The Legend of Zelda, Star Fox, and Pokémon. The stages and gameplay modes reference or take designs from these franchises as well.
Super Smash Bros. Melee Super Smash Bros Melee box art.png North American box art Developer(s) HAL Laboratory Publisher(s) Nintendo Director(s) Masahiro Sakurai Producer(s) Hiroaki Suga Shigeru Miyamoto Designer(s) Masahiro Sakurai Programmer(s) Yoshiki Suzuki Composer(s) Hirokazu Ando Shogo Sakai Tadashi Ikegami Series Super Smash Bros. Platform(s) GameCube Release JP: November 21, 2001 NA: December 3, 2001 EU: May 24, 2002 AU: May 31, 2002 Genre(s) Fighting Mode(s) Single-player, multiplayer Melee includes all playable characters from the first game, and also adds characters from franchises such as Fire Emblem, of which no games had been released outside Japan at the time. Melee's gameplay system offers an unorthodox approach to the fighting game genre, with a counter that measures damage with increasing percentages, representing the knockback the character will experience, rather than a depleting health bar seen in most fighting games. It builds on the first game by adding new gameplay features and playable characters. Following the popularity of its multiplayer gameplay, Melee has been featured in many competitive gaming tournaments, and is one of the most popular competitive fighting games.
Super Smash Bros. Melee received critical acclaim, as well as several awards and acknowledgements from various publications; it is now considered one of the greatest video games ever made. It achieved strong sales upon its release, becoming the GameCube's best-selling title with over seven million copies sold by 2008. Super Smash Bros. Melee was followed by Super Smash Bros. Brawl for the Wii in 2008.
Gameplay Edit
See also: Gameplay of the Super Smash Bros. series Like its predecessor, Super Smash Bros. Melee differs from traditional fighting games as the objective is to force their opponents beyond the boundaries of the stage.[1] Most attacks inflict damage and can, if enough damage is dealt, knock back the enemy. Each character's health is measured by a meter that represents damage as a percentage.[2] The higher the percentage value, the farther the player gets knocked back, and the easier they are to knock off the stage, which will result in the character's death and the loss of a stock, or life.[3] Unlike other games of the same genre, in which moves are entered by button-input combinations, most moves in Super Smash Bros. Melee can be accessed via one-button presses and a joystick direction.[4]
During battles, items related to Nintendo games or merchandise fall onto the game field.[5] These items have purposes ranging from inflicting damage on the opponent to restoring health to the player.[5] Additionally, most stages have a theme relating to a Nintendo franchise or a specific Nintendo game and are interactive to the player.[6] Although the stages are rendered in three dimensions, players can only move on a two-dimensional plane. Not all stages are available immediately; some stages must be "unlocked" by achieving particular requirements.[6] Some stages feature moving elements and platforms and hazards that harm players, while others lack these elements.
Single-player Edit Single-player mode provides the player with a variety of side-scrolling fighting challenges. The applicable modes range from "Classic Mode", which involves the player battling multiple opponents and a boss character,[7] to the "Home Run Contest", a minigame involving the player trying to launch a sandbag as far as possible with a Home Run Bat.[8] Some of these modes are personalized for the character; for example, the "Target Test" sets out a specialized area for a character in which they aim to destroy ten targets in the least amount of time they can. These areas may include references to that particular character's past and legacy.[9] The "Board the Platforms" minigame from the prequel was not included in Melee. Melee introduced "Adventure Mode", which takes the player to several predefined universes of characters in the Nintendo franchise. "All-Star Mode" is an unlockable feature that requires the player to defeat every character in the game while having only three health supplements between battles.
Multiplayer Edit
Bowser, Ness from EarthBound, Kirby, and Yoshi fight in a "Sudden Death" match on the Corneria stage, based on Star Fox. In the multiplayer mode, up to four players or computer-controlled characters may fight in a free-for-all or on separate teams. The central processing unit (CPU) characters' artificial intelligence (AI) difficulty is ranked from one to nine in ascending order of difficulty. Individual players can also be handicapped; the higher the handicap, the stronger the player. Victory is determined in five ways, depending on the game type. The most common multiplayer modes are “Time mode”, where the player or team with the most KOs and least falls wins after a predetermined amount of time, and "Stock mode",[10] a battle in which the last player or team with lives remaining wins. This can be changed to less conventional modes like "Coin mode", which rewards the richest player as the victor. Players must collect coins created by hitting enemies and try not to lose them by falling off the stage; harder hits release higher quantities of coins.[11] Other options are available, updating from Super Smash Bros., such as determining the number and type of items that appear during the battle.[12]
Trophies Edit Trophies (known as "Figures" in the Japanese version) of various Nintendo characters and objects can be collected throughout the game. These trophies include figures of playable characters, accessories, and items associated with them as well as series and characters not otherwise playable in the game. The trophies range from the well-known to the obscure, and even characters or elements only released in Japan.[13] Super Smash Bros. had a similar system of plush dolls; however, it only included the 12 playable characters. One trophy is exclusive to the Japanese version of the game.[14]
Playable characters Edit
See also: Characters in the Super Smash Bros. series Super Smash Bros. Melee features 25 (26 if Zelda and Sheik are considered separate) characters,[15] 13 more than its predecessor. Fourteen are available initially, while the other 11 characters require completing specific tasks to become available. Every character featured in the game is derived from a popular Nintendo franchise.[16] All characters have a symbol that appears behind their damage meter which represents their series, such as a Triforce symbol behind Link's damage meter and a Poké Ball behind a Pokémon species. Some characters represent popular franchises, while others were less-known at the time of the release; Marth and Roy represent the Fire Emblem series, which was not released outside Japan at the time.[17] The characters' appearance in Super Smash Bros. Melee led to a rise in the popularity of the series.[18] References are made throughout the game to the relationship between characters of the same universe; in one of the events from "Event mode", Mario must defeat his enemy Bowser to rescue Princess Peach.[19] Furthermore, each character has recognizable moves from their original series, such as Samus's firearms from the Metroid series and Link's arsenal of weapons.[20]
Development and release Edit
HAL Laboratory developed Super Smash Bros. Melee, with Masahiro Sakurai as the head of production. The game was one of the first games released on the GameCube and highlighted the advancement in graphics from the Nintendo 64. The developers wanted to pay homage to the debut of the GameCube by making an opening FMV sequence that would attract people's attention to the graphics.[21] HAL worked with three separate graphic houses in Tokyo to make the opening sequence. On their official website, the developers posted screen shots and information highlighting and explaining the attention to physics and detail in the game, with references to changes from its predecessor.[22] The game was in development for 13 months, and Sakurai called his lifestyle during this period "destructive" with no holidays and short weekends.[23] Unlike the experimental first Super Smash Bros., he felt great pressure to deliver a quality sequel, claiming it was the "biggest project I had ever led up to that point". Despite the painful development cycle, Sakurai proudly called it "the sharpest game in the series... it just felt really good to play", even compared to its successor, Super Smash Bros. Brawl.[23]
On the game's official Japanese website, the developers explain reasons for making particular characters playable and explain why some characters were not available as playable characters upon release. Initially, the development team wanted to replace Ness with Lucas, the main character of Mother 3, but retained Ness in consideration of delays.[24] The game's creators later included Lucas in the game's sequel, Super Smash Bros. Brawl.[25][26] Video game developer Hideo Kojima originally requested the inclusion of Solid Snake to Sakurai, but the game was too far into development. As with Lucas, development time allowed for his inclusion in Brawl.[27] Marth and Roy were initially intended to be playable exclusively in the Japanese version of Super Smash Bros. Melee. However, they received favorable attention during the game's North American localization, leading to the decision for the developers to include them in the Western version.[28][29]
Sakurai stated that the development team had suggested characters from four other games to represent the Famicom/NES era until the developers decided that the Ice Climbers would be in the game.[30] The developers have noted characters that have very similar moves to each other on the website;[31] such characters have been referred to as "clones" in the media.[32] Nintendo also considered including GoldenEye 007's version of James Bond in the game, but this did not come to fruition. According to Sakurai, there were a number of problems preventing Bond's inclusion; these included his uses of realistic weapons and actor Pierce Brosnan's likeness, and the fact that Nintendo did not have the rights to the character.[33]
Nintendo presented the game at the Electronic Entertainment Expo 2001 as a playable demonstration.[34] The next major exposition of the game came in August 2001 at Spaceworld, when Nintendo displayed a playable demo that updated from the previous demo displayed at E3. Nintendo offered a playable tournament of the games for fans in which a GameCube and Super Smash Bros. Melee were prizes for the winner.[35] Before the game's release, the Japanese official website included weekly updates, including screenshots and character profiles.[36][37] Nintendo followed this trend with Super Smash Bros. Brawl, in which there were daily updates by the game's developer, Masahiro Sakurai.[38] Japanese gaming magazine Famitsu reported that Nintendo advertised the game in between showings of Pokémon 4Ever across movie theaters in Japan.[39] In January 2003, Super Smash Bros Melee became part of the Player's Choice, a marketing label used by Nintendo to promote video games that have sold more than a million copies.[40] In August 2005, Nintendo bundled the game with the GameCube for $99.99.[41]
Music Edit Smashing...Live! Soundtrack album by New Japan Philharmonic Released October 21, 2002 Recorded August 27, 2002 Genre Video game soundtrack Length 61:52 Label Enterbrain Super Smash Bros. Melee features both new and re-arranged music from many of Nintendo's popular gaming franchises. In 2002, Enterbrain released a soundtrack in Japan titled Dairantou Smash Brothers DX Orchestra Concert. The same soundtrack was released in 2003 as Smashing... Live! as a bonus for subscribing to Nintendo Power magazine in North America, and also as a free gift in an issue of the British Official Nintendo Magazine. The soundtrack does not include music taken directly from the game, but features many live orchestral arrangements performed by the New Japan Philharmonic.[42] The game contains a number of unlockable tracks that can be obtained after making certain in-game accomplishments.[43] On the same website, the developers have posted discussions about the game's music and voice acting between Masahiro Sakurai and the game's composers.[44]
Dean Harrington is the game's in-game narrator, and also voices Master Hand and Crazy Hand.
Reception Edit
Reception Aggregate score Aggregator Score Metacritic 92/100[45] Review scores Publication Score AllGame 4.5/5 stars[46] Edge 6/10[47] Eurogamer 10/10[48] Famitsu 37/40[49][50] GameSpot 8.9/10[51] IGN 9.6/10[12] ONM 95%[52] Super Smash Bros. Melee received critical acclaim from reviewers, most of whom credited Melee's expansion of gameplay features from Super Smash Bros. Focusing on the additional features, GameSpy commented that "Melee really scores big in the 'we've added tons of great extra stuff' department".[53] Reviewers compared the game favorably to Super Smash Bros. IGN's Fran Mirabella III stated that it was "in an entirely different league than the N64 version";[12] GameSpot's Miguel Lopez praised the game for offering a more advanced "classic-mode" compared to its predecessor, while detailing the Adventure Mode as "really a hit-or-miss experience".[51] Despite a mixed response to the single-player modes, many reviewers expressed the game's multiplayer mode as a strong component of the game.[48][51][53] In their review of the game, GameSpy stated that "you'll have a pretty hard time finding a more enjoyable multiplayer experience on any other console".[53]
Melee's visuals garnered a positive reaction. GameSpot lauded the game's character and background models, stating that "the character models are pleasantly full-bodied, and the quality of their textures is amazing".[51] IGN's Fran Mirabella III praised the game's use of physics, animation and graphics, although his colleague Matt Casamassina thought that "some of the backgrounds lack the visual polish endowed upon the characters" when giving a second opinion about the game.[12]
Critics praised the game's orchestrated soundtrack;[12][51] while GameSpot's Greg Kasavin commented that "it all sounds brilliant".[51] GameSpy praised the music for its nostalgic effect, with soundtracks ranging from multiple Nintendo series.[53]
Reviewers have welcomed the simplistic controls,[48][12][53] but its "hyper-responsiveness", with the characters easily dashing and precise movements being difficult to perform, was expressed as a serious flaw of the game by GameSpot.[51] With a milder criticism of controls, Bryn Williams of GameSpy commented that "movement and navigation seems slightly too sensitive".[53] The basis of Melee's gameplay system is the battles between Nintendo characters, which has been suggested as being overly hectic; N-Europe questioned whether the gameplay is "too Frantic?", even though they enjoyed the variety of modes on offer.[54] Similarly, Nintendo Spin's Clark Nielsen stated that "Melee was too fast for its own good", and "skill was more about just being able to wrap your head around what was happening as opposed to really getting into the combat".[55] In regards to the pace of the game, Edge commented that it even made gameplay features such as "blocking" redundant, as the player is not given enough time to react to an attack.[47]
Despite the new features added to the game, some reviews criticized Melee for a lack of originality and for being too similar to its predecessor, Super Smash Bros. Caleb Hale from noted that while it was "every bit as good as its Nintendo 64 predecessor" he also felt "the game doesn't expand much past that point".[56] On a similar note, Edge stated that "it's not evolution; it's reproduction", in reference to a perceived lack of innovation.[47] The nostalgic nature of the game received a positive reaction,[48] as well as the accompanying stages and items that allude to past Nintendo games.[54] Gaming journalists have welcomed the roster of 25 Nintendo characters,[48][53] as well as the trophy system, which Nintendo Spin labeled as "a great addition to this game".[53][57]
Sales Edit When released in Japan, it became the fastest selling GameCube game with 358,525 units sold in the week ending November 25, 2001.[58] This success continued as the game sold more than a million units only two months after its release, making it the first GameCube title to reach a million copies.[59] The game also sold well in North America, where it sold 250,000-copies in nine days.[60] In the United States, Super Smash Bros. Melee was the 19th best-selling video game in 2001 according to the NPD Group.[61][62] By July 2006, it had sold 3.2 million copies and earned $125 million in the United States alone. Next Generation ranked it as the fifth highest-selling game launched for the PlayStation 2, Xbox or GameCube between January 2000 and July 2006 in that country.[63] Approximately 4.06 million units have been sold in the country as of December 27, 2007.[64] With a software-to-hardware ratio of 3:4 at one time,[58] some have attributed the increasing sales of the GameCube near the launch date to Melee.[59] As of March 10, 2008, Super Smash Bros. Melee is the best-selling GameCube game, with more than seven million copies sold worldwide.[65] It has been estimated that at one point in time 70% of all GameCube owners also owned Melee.[66]
Awards and accolades Edit Several publications have acknowledged Super Smash Bros. Melee in competitions and awards. In their "Best of 2001" awards, GameSpy chose it as Best Fighting GameCube Game,[67] IGN's reader choice chose it as Game of the Year,[68] Electronic Gaming Monthly chose it as Best Multiplayer and Best GameCube Game,[69] and GameSpot chose it as the Best GameCube Game and tenth best game of the year.[70][71]
GameFAQs placed it sixth in a poll of the 100 best games ever and was in the final four of the "Best. Game. Ever." contest.[72][73] In the 200th issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly, the editors selected Melee as the 92nd most influential game in their "Top 200 Games of Their Time" list, defining Melee as "Billions of things to unlock, plus Yoshi pummeling Pikachu with a bat".[74] In a similar competition, Nintendo Power named Super Smash Bros. Melee the 16th best game ever to appear on a Nintendo console,[75] and selected it as the 2001 "Game of the Year". IGN named it the third best GameCube game of all-time in 2007 as a part of a feature reflecting on the GameCube's long lifespan, citing it as "the grand stage of fighters, much like Mario Kart is for racing fans".[76] GameSpy chose it as fourth in a similar list, citing that it had "better graphics, better music, more characters, more gameplay modes, more secrets to discover" in comparison to its predecessor.[77] The game was ranked 58th in Official Nintendo Magazine's "100 Greatest Nintendo Games Ever" feature.[78] In 2019, Game Informer ranked it as the 2nd best fighting game of all time.[79]
Professional competition Edit
Main article: Professional Super Smash Bros. competition Super Smash Bros. Melee is a widely played competitive video game and has been featured in several high-profile tournaments.[66] Many consider it to be the most competitively viable game in the series.[80][81][82] From 2004 to 2007, Major League Gaming sponsored Melee on its Pro Circuit.[83] Although dropping Melee from its 2007 Pro Circuit, MLG still sponsored a number of tournaments as part of the Underground Smash Series. Melee was also included in the Evolution Championship Series (Evo) in 2007, a fighting game tournament held in Las Vegas and was hosted at Evo 2013 after a charity vote to decide the final game to be featured in its tournament lineup.[84][85] Due to the large turnout and popularity that year, Evo again included Melee at their 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 events. In 2014 Melee was played at MLG Anaheim. Evo 2016 is the largest Melee tournament to date with 2,350 entrants.
Ken Hoang, also known as "The King of Smash", considered to be the game's best player from 2003 to 2006, has won over $50,000 from Smash tournaments.[86][87][88] As of August 2018, Adam "Armada" Lindgren has won over $300,000 from Smash tournaments in total and over $90,000 in 2017 alone,[89] placing his tournament winnings as one of the highest of all professional Melee players.[90]
Several professional Melee players including Christopher "KillaOR" McKenzie, Isai Alvarado, and Ken were seen in the 2005 "I'm a Professional Gamer" episode of the MTV reality series True Life. The competitive Smash community was featured in a 2013 crowd-funded documentary called The Smash Brothers. The film detailed the history of the professional scene and profiled seven prominent Melee players including Hoang, Azen, Jason "Mew2King" Zimmerman, Isai, PC Chris, KoreanDJ, and Evo 2013 and Evo 2014 champion, Joseph "Mang0" Marquez.[91][92] Commentary footage from a Melee tournament is the origin of the Wombo combo internet meme.[93]
Sequels Edit
Main article: Super Smash Bros. At the pre-E3 conference of 2005, Nintendo announced Melee's sequel, 2008's Super Smash Bros. Brawl.[94] Nintendo's president, Satoru Iwata requested Masahiro Sakurai to be the director of the game after the conference.[95] Although being slower paced than Melee, the game retains most of the gameplay features of its predecessors while having major gameplay additions, such as a more substantial single-player mode and online play via the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection[96] Taking advantage of the Wii's variety of controller options, the game allows the use of the Wii Remote, Nunchuk, GameCube controller, and the Classic Controller.[97] Like Melee, the game makes references to games and franchises, including those that debuted after the release of Melee; for example, Link, Zelda, and Ganondorf's character designs are taken from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess and a Nintendogs puppy is present as an Assist Trophy (a new item that summons computer-controlled characters from different games to briefly participate in the fight).[98][99] Select stages and music from Melee are included in the sequel.[100] The fourth and fifth installments,[101] Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U, were released in 2014 for the Nintendo 3DS and Wii U respectively.[102][103][104] The sixth installment, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate released in December 2018, for the Nintendo Switch.
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Smoke From Australia Fires Delivers Capital 'Worst Air Quality on Record'—With More to Come

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 83%. (I'm a bot)
Smoke from the continuing, disastrous bushfires ringing Australia has delivered the country's capital Canberra its worst air quality on record-a stark reminder to the government that the crisis is not ending anytime soon.
Dugdale said the smoke was the worst since the 2003 bushfires and was "Certainly the worst" since air quality monitoring started in the city 15 years ago.
Air quality index readings in Canberra city were at 3,463 on Wednesday afternoon, according to the ACT Health website.
Australia's foremost symbol of democracy has been hidden by a haze of smoke, as Canberra endures the world's worst air quality.
Happy NY! Air quality in parts of Canberra 15 times above hazardous level.
Guardian Australia journalist David Marr in a column Tuesday said that because the smoke from the current fires was beyond what Australia is used to in normal fire seasons, the crisis is harder to ignore.
Summary Source | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: Australia#1 Smoke#2 air#3 quality#4 Canberra#5
Post found in /environment, /nocensorednews and /worldnews.
NOTICE: This thread is for discussing the submission topic. Please do not discuss the concept of the autotldr bot here.
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super smash bros melee for the nintendo gamecube

Super Smash Bros. Melee[a] is a crossover fighting video game developed by HAL Laboratory and published by Nintendo for the GameCube. It was first released in Japan on November 21, 2001, in North America on December 3, 2001, in Europe on May 24, 2002, and in Australia on May 31, 2002. The second installment in the Super Smash Bros. series, it features characters from Nintendo video game franchises such as Mario), The Legend of Zelda, Star Fox, and Pokémon). The stages and gameplay modes reference or take designs from these franchises as well.
Melee includes all playable characters from the first game), and also adds characters from franchises such as Fire Emblem, of which no games had been released outside Japan at the time. Melee's gameplay system offers an unorthodox approach to the fighting game genre, with a counter that measures damage with increasing percentages, representing the knockback the character will experience, rather than a depleting health bar) seen in most fighting games. It builds on the first game by adding new gameplay features and playable characters. Following the popularity of its multiplayer gameplay, Melee has been featured in many competitive gaming tournaments, and is one of the most popular competitive fighting games.
Super Smash Bros. Melee received critical acclaim, as well as several awards and acknowledgements from various publications; it is now considered one of the greatest video games ever made. It achieved strong sales upon its release, becoming the GameCube's best-selling title with over seven million copies sold by 2008. Super Smash Bros. Melee was followed by Super Smash Bros. Brawl for the Wii in 2008.


See also: Gameplay of the Super Smash Bros. series
Like its predecessor, Super Smash Bros. Melee differs from traditional fighting games as the objective is to force their opponents beyond the boundaries of the stage.[1] Most attacks inflict damage and can, if enough damage is dealt, knock back the enemy. Each character's health is measured by a meter that represents damage as a percentage.[2] The higher the percentage value, the farther the player gets knocked back, and the easier they are to knock off the stage, which will result in the character's death and the loss of a stock, or life.[3] Unlike other games of the same genre, in which moves are entered by button-input combinations, most moves in Super Smash Bros. Melee can be accessed via one-button presses and a joystick direction.[4]
During battles, items related to Nintendo games or merchandise fall onto the game field.[5] These items have purposes ranging from inflicting damage on the opponent to restoring health to the player.[5] Additionally, most stages have a theme relating to a Nintendo franchise or a specific Nintendo game and are interactive to the player.[6] Although the stages are rendered in three dimensions, players can only move on a two-dimensional plane. Not all stages are available immediately; some stages must be "unlocked" by achieving particular requirements.[6] Some stages feature moving elements and platforms and hazards that harm players, while others lack these elements.


Single-player mode provides the player with a variety of side-scrolling fighting challenges. The applicable modes range from "Classic Mode", which involves the player battling multiple opponents and a boss) character,[7] to the "Home Run Contest", a minigame involving the player trying to launch a sandbag as far as possible with a Home Run Bat.[8] Some of these modes are personalized for the character; for example, the "Target Test" sets out a specialized area for a character in which they aim to destroy ten targets in the least amount of time they can. These areas may include references to that particular character's past and legacy.[9] The "Board the Platforms" minigame from the prequel was not included in Melee. Melee introduced "Adventure Mode", which takes the player to several predefined universes of characters in the Nintendo franchise. "All-Star Mode" is an unlockable feature that requires the player to defeat every character in the game while having only three health) supplements between battles.


📷Bowser), Ness from EarthBound, Kirby), and Yoshi fight in a "Sudden Death" match on the Corneria stage, based on Star Fox.
In the multiplayer mode, up to four players or computer-controlled characters may fight in a free-for-all or on separate teams. The central processing unit (CPU) characters' artificial intelligence (AI) difficulty is ranked from one to nine in ascending order of difficulty. Individual players can also be handicapped; the higher the handicap, the stronger the player. Victory is determined in five ways, depending on the game type. The most common multiplayer modes are “Time mode”, where the player or team with the most KOs and least falls wins after a predetermined amount of time, and "Stock mode",[10] a battle in which the last player or team with lives remaining wins. This can be changed to less conventional modes like "Coin mode", which rewards the richest player as the victor. Players must collect coins created by hitting enemies and try not to lose them by falling off the stage; harder hits release higher quantities of coins.[11] Other options are available, updating from Super Smash Bros., such as determining the number and type of items that appear during the battle.[12]


Trophies (known as "Figures" in the Japanese version) of various Nintendo characters and objects can be collected throughout the game. These trophies include figures of playable characters, accessories, and items associated with them as well as series and characters not otherwise playable in the game. The trophies range from the well-known to the obscure, and even characters or elements only released in Japan.[13] Super Smash Bros. had a similar system of plush dolls; however, it only included the 12 playable characters. One trophy is exclusive to the Japanese version of the game.[14]

Playable characters[edit]

See also: Characters in the Super Smash Bros. series
Super Smash Bros. Melee features 25 (26 if Zelda and Sheik are considered separate) characters,[15] 13 more than its predecessor. Fourteen are available initially, while the other 11 characters require completing specific tasks to become available. Every character featured in the game is derived from a popular Nintendo franchise.[16] All characters have a symbol that appears behind their damage meter which represents their series, such as a Triforce symbol behind Link's) damage meter and a Poké Ball behind a Pokémon species. Some characters represent popular franchises, while others were less-known at the time of the release; Marth) and Roy) represent the Fire Emblem series, which was not released outside Japan at the time.[17] The characters' appearance in Super Smash Bros. Melee led to a rise in the popularity of the series.[18] References are made throughout the game to the relationship between characters of the same universe; in one of the events from "Event mode", Mario must defeat his enemy Bowser) to rescue Princess Peach.[19] Furthermore, each character has recognizable moves from their original series, such as Samus's firearms from the Metroid series and Link's arsenal of weapons.[20]

Development and release[edit]

HAL Laboratory developed Super Smash Bros. Melee, with Masahiro Sakurai as the head of production. The game was one of the first games released on the GameCube and highlighted the advancement in graphics from the Nintendo 64. The developers wanted to pay homage to the debut of the GameCube by making an opening FMV sequence that would attract people's attention to the graphics.[21] HAL worked with three separate graphic houses in Tokyo to make the opening sequence. On their official website, the developers posted screen shots and information highlighting and explaining the attention to physics and detail in the game, with references to changes from its predecessor.[22] The game was in development for 13 months, and Sakurai called his lifestyle during this period "destructive" with no holidays and short weekends.[23] Unlike the experimental first Super Smash Bros.), he felt great pressure to deliver a quality sequel, claiming it was the "biggest project I had ever led up to that point". Despite the painful development cycle, Sakurai proudly called it "the sharpest game in the series... it just felt really good to play", even compared to its successor, Super Smash Bros. Brawl.[23]
On the game's official Japanese website, the developers explain reasons for making particular characters playable and explain why some characters were not available as playable characters upon release. Initially, the development team wanted to replace Ness with Lucas), the main character of Mother 3, but retained Ness in consideration of delays.[24] The game's creators later included Lucas in the game's sequel, Super Smash Bros. Brawl.[25][26] Video game developer Hideo Kojima originally requested the inclusion of Solid Snake to Sakurai, but the game was too far into development. As with Lucas, development time allowed for his inclusion in Brawl.[27] Marth and Roy were initially intended to be playable exclusively in the Japanese version of Super Smash Bros. Melee. However, they received favorable attention during the game's North American localization, leading to the decision for the developers to include them in the Western version.[28][29]
Sakurai stated that the development team had suggested characters from four other games to represent the Famicom/NES era until the developers decided that the Ice Climberswould be in the game.[30] The developers have noted characters that have very similar moves to each other on the website;[31] such characters have been referred to as "clones" in the media.[32] Nintendo also considered including GoldenEye 007)'s version of James Bond) in the game, but this did not come to fruition. According to Sakurai, there were a number of problems preventing Bond's inclusion; these included his uses of realistic weapons and actor Pierce Brosnan's likeness, and the fact that Nintendo did not have the rights to the character.[33]
Nintendo presented the game at the Electronic Entertainment Expo 2001 as a playable demonstration.[34] The next major exposition of the game came in August 2001 at Spaceworld, when Nintendo displayed a playable demo that updated from the previous demo displayed at E3. Nintendo offered a playable tournament of the games for fans in which a GameCube and Super Smash Bros. Melee were prizes for the winner.[35] Before the game's release, the Japanese official website included weekly updates, including screenshots and character profiles.[36][37] Nintendo followed this trend with Super Smash Bros. Brawl, in which there were daily updates by the game's developer, Masahiro Sakurai.[38] Japanese gaming magazine Famitsu reported that Nintendo advertised the game in between showings of Pokémon 4Ever across movie theaters in Japan.[39] In January 2003, Super Smash Bros Melee became part of the Player's Choice, a marketing label used by Nintendo to promote video games that have sold more than a million copies.[40] In August 2005, Nintendo bundled the game with the GameCube for $99.99.[41]

Super Smash Bros. Melee features both new and re-arranged music from many of Nintendo's popular gaming franchises. In 2002, Enterbrain released a soundtrack in Japan titled Dairantou Smash Brothers DX Orchestra Concert. The same soundtrack was released in 2003 as Smashing... Live! as a bonus for subscribing to Nintendo Power magazine in North America, and also as a free gift in an issue of the British Official Nintendo Magazine. The soundtrack does not include music taken directly from the game, but features many live orchestral arrangements performed by the New Japan Philharmonic.[42] The game contains a number of unlockable tracks that can be obtained after making certain in-game accomplishments.[43] On the same website, the developers have posted discussions about the game's music and voice acting between Masahiro Sakurai and the game's composers.[44]
Dean Harrington is the game's in-game narrator, and also voices Master Hand and Crazy Hand.


ReceptionAggregate scoreAggregatorScoreMetacritic92/100[45]Review scoresPublicationScoreAllGame📷📷📷📷📷[46]Edge)6/10[47]Eurogamer10/10[48]Famitsu37/40[49][50]GameSpot8.9/10[51]IGN9.6/10[12]ONM95%[52]
Super Smash Bros. Melee received critical acclaim from reviewers, most of whom credited Melee's expansion of gameplay features from Super Smash Bros. Focusing on the additional features, GameSpy commented that "Melee really scores big in the 'we've added tons of great extra stuff' department".[53] Reviewers compared the game favorably to Super Smash Bros.IGN's Fran Mirabella III stated that it was "in an entirely different league than the N64 version";[12] GameSpot's Miguel Lopez praised the game for offering a more advanced "classic-mode" compared to its predecessor, while detailing the Adventure Mode as "really a hit-or-miss experience".[51] Despite a mixed response to the single-player modes, many reviewers expressed the game's multiplayer mode as a strong component of the game.[48][51][53] In their review of the game, GameSpy stated that "you'll have a pretty hard time finding a more enjoyable multiplayer experience on any other console".[53]
Melee's visuals garnered a positive reaction. GameSpot lauded the game's character and background models, stating that "the character models are pleasantly full-bodied, and the quality of their textures is amazing".[51] IGN's Fran Mirabella III praised the game's use of physics, animation and graphics, although his colleague Matt Casamassina thought that "some of the backgrounds lack the visual polish endowed upon the characters" when giving a second opinion about the game.[12]
Critics praised the game's orchestrated soundtrack;[12][51] while GameSpot's Greg Kasavin commented that "it all sounds brilliant".[51] GameSpy praised the music for its nostalgic effect, with soundtracks ranging from multiple Nintendo series.[53]
Reviewers have welcomed the simplistic controls,[48][12][53] but its "hyper-responsiveness", with the characters easily dashing and precise movements being difficult to perform, was expressed as a serious flaw of the game by GameSpot.[51] With a milder criticism of controls, Bryn Williams of GameSpy commented that "movement and navigation seems slightly too sensitive".[53] The basis of Melee's gameplay system is the battles between Nintendo characters, which has been suggested as being overly hectic; N-Europe questioned whether the gameplay is "too Frantic?", even though they enjoyed the variety of modes on offer.[54] Similarly, Nintendo Spin's Clark Nielsen stated that "Melee was too fast for its own good", and "skill was more about just being able to wrap your head around what was happening as opposed to really getting into the combat".[55] In regards to the pace of the game, Edge commented that it even made gameplay features such as "blocking)" redundant, as the player is not given enough time to react to an attack.[47]
Despite the new features added to the game, some reviews criticized Melee for a lack of originality and for being too similar to its predecessor, Super Smash Bros. Caleb Hale from noted that while it was "every bit as good as its Nintendo 64 predecessor" he also felt "the game doesn't expand much past that point".[56] On a similar note, Edgestated that "it's not evolution; it's reproduction", in reference to a perceived lack of innovation.[47] The nostalgic nature of the game received a positive reaction,[48] as well as the accompanying stages and items that allude to past Nintendo games.[54] Gaming journalists have welcomed the roster of 25 Nintendo characters,[48][53] as well as the trophy system, which Nintendo Spin labeled as "a great addition to this game".[53][57]

Awards and accolades[edit]

Several publications have acknowledged Super Smash Bros. Melee in competitions and awards. In their "Best of 2001" awards, GameSpy chose it as Best Fighting GameCube Game,[67] IGN's reader choice chose it as Game of the Year,[68] Electronic Gaming Monthly chose it as Best Multiplayer and Best GameCube Game,[69] and GameSpot chose it as the Best GameCube Game and tenth best game of the year.[70][71]
GameFAQs placed it sixth in a poll of the 100 best games ever and was in the final four of the "Best. Game. Ever." contest.[72][73] In the 200th issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly, the editors selected Melee as the 92nd most influential game in their "Top 200 Games of Their Time" list, defining Melee as "Billions of things to unlock, plus Yoshi pummeling Pikachu with a bat".[74] In a similar competition, Nintendo Power named Super Smash Bros. Melee the 16th best game ever to appear on a Nintendo console,[75] and selected it as the 2001 "Game of the Year". IGN named it the third best GameCube game of all-time in 2007 as a part of a feature reflecting on the GameCube's long lifespan, citing it as "the grand stage of fighters, much like Mario Kart is for racing fans".[76] GameSpy chose it as fourth in a similar list, citing that it had "better graphics, better music, more characters, more gameplay modes, more secrets to discover" in comparison to its predecessor.[77] The game was ranked 58th in Official Nintendo Magazine's "100 Greatest Nintendo Games Ever" feature.[78] In 2019, Game Informer ranked it as the 2nd best fighting game of all time.[79]

Professional competition[edit]

Main article: Professional Super Smash Bros. competition
Super Smash Bros. Melee is a widely played competitive video game and has been featured in several high-profile tournaments.[66] Many consider it to be the most competitively viable game in the series.[80][81][82] From 2004 to 2007, Major League Gaming sponsored Melee on its Pro Circuit.[83] Although dropping Melee from its 2007 Pro Circuit, MLG still sponsored a number of tournaments as part of the Underground Smash Series. Melee was also included in the Evolution Championship Series (Evo) in 2007, a fighting game tournament held in Las Vegas and was hosted at Evo 2013 after a charity vote to decide the final game to be featured in its tournament lineup.[84][85] Due to the large turnout and popularity that year, Evo again included Melee at their 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 events. In 2014 Melee was played at MLG Anaheim. Evo 2016 is the largest Meleetournament to date with 2,350 entrants.
Ken Hoang, also known as "The King of Smash", considered to be the game's best player from 2003 to 2006, has won over $50,000 from Smash tournaments.[86][87][88] As of August 2018, Adam "Armada" Lindgren) has won over $300,000 from Smash tournaments in total and over $90,000 in 2017 alone,[89] placing his tournament winnings as one of the highest of all professional Melee players.[90]
Several professional Melee players including Christopher "KillaOR" McKenzie, Isai Alvarado, and Ken were seen in the 2005 "I'm a Professional Gamer" episode of the MTV reality series True Life. The competitive Smash community was featured in a 2013 crowd-funded documentary called The Smash Brothers. The film detailed the history of the professional scene and profiled seven prominent Melee players including Hoang, Azen, Jason "Mew2King" Zimmerman, Isai, PC Chris, KoreanDJ, and Evo 2013 and Evo 2014 champion, Joseph "Mang0" Marquez.[91][92] Commentary footage from a Melee tournament is the origin of the Wombo combo internet meme.[93]

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