UGG Comforter Set VS Other Sherpa Comforters...

comforter set dimensions

comforter set dimensions - win

Just moved into a smaller bedroom. Any ideas on how to set this up better? Sorry I don’t have dimensions yet. Most things I own are black including my bed sheets. My comforter is the khaki and red blacker in the bed. Any ideas help

submitted by actuallcannibal to DesignMyRoom [link] [comments]

First Contact - Third Wave - Chapter 421

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The day was warm, the energetic yellow star shining in the blue sky. Puffy clouds decorated the clear blue sky where two moons were evident. There were no jet contrails, no rings, no large constructs in the sky. Someone with a telescope perhaps could have seen the handful of satellites orbiting the world, but those satellites merely watched, not interfered.
On the surface were several scattered farms. Large affairs, complete with tractors and barns, corrals and fields, drying sheds and smoke houses. The houses were identical in layout but not in appearance or decoration.
While the tractors and drones that tended the fields were largely robotic, the beings who inhabited the houses were not.
The barn opened and a massive insectoid delicately stepped from the barn. It wore a leather abdominal wrap, a denim vest, and a buckskin satchel. Its look was topped off with the floppy hat on its head with holes cut for its antenna and a stalk of wheat in its mandibles.
It held a fat fowl in its hands and was petting it slowly with its bladearms.
The insectoid stepped into the sunlight and paused, raising its head and closing the cover over its compound eyes, its face raised to the sun. After a long moment it started moving again, heading to the front porch of the house. It sat in a strange chair that was a combination sawhorse and rocking chair, pulled the lever for the back to swivel into place, and leaned back slightly. It set the fluffy fowl in front of it, still petting it, and reached down to grab a piece of wood.
It sat, using one bladearm to carve the wood, the other to pet the fat and pampered fowl, and stared out at the field of grain that extended off as far as the eye could see.
Cordexen had to admit, life had suddenly turned good.
Farming was fulfilling after an eternity of high-tech slavery.
Plus, turkey was delicious.
You doing OK, sis?
I kind of feel bad for them. All of them.
It's a good thing that they're at peace.
How did you know that it would work, letting them be farmers?
Same thing CONFED does to their people that are badly messed up. Primitivism therapy.
Well, you'll be happy to know that they are indeed your ancestors.
There's some drift. Not too much that we can't track it.
They're probably the most clean Precursor species DNA we've gotten to examine.
And they're alive.
That too.
That was strange. I don't understand why the smaller ones wanted to stay with the big ones.
The 'servitor species' as the warriors put it, could hear the warriors begging them to talk but couldn't respond.
They're different than we are. I think they felt more comfortable with the ones who tried to shield them from that disgusting phasic domination system.
Speaking of which, what happened with that obscene device?
Examined, scanned, taken apart, put in storage.
You should destroy it.
You can't think of any reason to keep it?
No. It's a grotesque systems designed to enslave my people to a computer system masquerading as a queen.
And keep the servitor races non-sentient slaves.
Right! And keep us enslaved!
And prevent warriors and speakers from overriding the computer, much less the other castes.
Right! Enslaving us to a computer!
And protect you from the Atrekna shared consciousness.
Right! And protect us...
It was designed to keep the Lanaktallan and Atrekna psychic racial gestalt systems from overwhelming your people.
Hate to tell you this, sis, but we're getting some information that what happened may not be what everyone says it was.
Like what?
>squints at DASS
Like your tech went in a different direction after you fled to our end of the Cygnus-Orion Galactic Stub.
Back originally, you used a lot more phasic systems, depended on your hive mind a lot more. It even looks like there were two different societies. One that preferred sentient prey one that preferred animals.
Are you sure? That doesn't sound right.
Straight from their computer systems and memories.
All of them are pretty talkative now that they've realized it isn't a trick, that they get to live out their lives in comfort and only talk via the hololink.
They're fine talking to us.
Terrans scare the hell out of them though.
Yeah, they got some common sense at least.
Where are they?
Sorry, classified.
But... they're our cousins.
Let's not tempt either of you.
Just let them go, sis.
Let them grow old and pass on.
...I want to love them.
I know.
But I don't think they're able to understand that particular thing.
What do we know of this Atrekna? Anything?
They're one of the original three.
Psychic, but we knew that. Able to affect 4th Dimensional flow and energy, but we learned that in Hesstla. Shared consciousness with independent thought. Three and a half to four meters, eighty to ninety kilos. Prefer colder worlds, dimmer suns, usually in the red giant class, high CO and CO2, low O2 and nitrogen. Carnivores and Psyvores. Lethal reaction to Terran Descent Humanity neural tissue. Vulnerable to phasic weaponry, which is the primary weaponry they use. They often use massless phasic weapons.
This is all stuff we learned on Hesstla. Except for the original three and they jumped the Lanks and you Mantid apparently unprovoked.
Thing is, none of our new friends know much about them. They fought the Lanaktallan war castes, then the Lanaktallan Autonomous War Machines.
So, nothing that helps us?
Not really.
We're going to see them again. They attacked Atrekna, but the Case Omaha stopped the Black Fleet from counter-invading.
They use wormholes.
Maybe they aren't from this dimension.
Thatt's... that's an ugly thought.
Dimensional wars are nasty.
You aren't wrong.
Speaking of something like that, any idea on how to get TerraSol loose?
No. Not yet.
I have a bad feeling we're going to need him.
And another bad feeling that we've only seen the first part of the attack on them.
And on the gripping hand, I've got the feeling this is going to get a lot worse.
For us.
I hope not.
Me too.
Me too.
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submitted by Ralts_Bloodthorne to HFY [link] [comments]

The children who live in my dream world.

So back in 2012 I got very interested in lucid dreaming. By 2014 I had become good enough at lucid dreaming that I could do it probably 6/10 times if I got the conditions just right. One morning I woke up around 4 am (had to pee) and I decided to put a couple of dabs in the vaporizer (at 4:20) went back to bed. Sat in bed in meditation position with the comforter covering my lower half.
Side note: You want to know for sure whether you were in the right state for lucid dreaming before you woke up? Turn on your phone flashlight and face it towards yourself. Wave it around a little bit and if it leaves a trail of light in the air, it means your pupils are waaaay open and you were likely in the hypnogogic state.
In my experience, I've had more dreams that were already set up by my subconscious and I later become lucid than dreams that are purely lucid. Three locations that I frequently find myself in before becoming lucid are: a beach that is to my left with a wide street in the middle and all kinds of shops with things in the windows on the right hand side; a dense green forest with a river and a cliff; a cityscape with tall buildings and a robust subway train system, I often dream myself walking around the streets or riding the trains.
I was walking down the sidewalk with the window shops to my right. I notice some red and yellow men's and women's bathing suits hanging in the window of a shop to my right (still not lucid) and I look in the other direction and I notice that the sun is really high in the sky, it's warm and there's a really gentle breeze blowing, I can feel some sort of mist blowing onto my face and it feels quite refreshing. I look over to the left and I see that there's a street immediately in that direction, but my field of view can only see as far the curb on the other side. (still not lucid). In the dream I remember thinking "I wonder what's on the other side."
I walk across the street and the closer I get to the curb and the shoreline pops it to my view. It's really beautiful and the sunlight is making me feel great while the ocean spray feels fantastic on my skin. I'm taking a walk down the beach and just enjoying the view, and I look over at the side of the street with all the shops, the windows shine in the sun. (still not lucid)
I'm walking and I notice that the landscape is starting to change. The incline is getting steeper and steeper and all of a sudden I'm about 3-4 feet inside of the water, it's almost up to my thighs, and to my right is what has become a super tall cliff, with a river running over its side. A waterfall that empties into the ocean. I look over and I look up and down, as I tilt my head up, the cliff and the waterfall fills my entire field of view, and I can no longer see the other side of the street or the shops with the bathing suits in the window. I look at the waterfall and I remember thinking to myself, "I've never seen a beach like this before, wonder if there's anything behind there?"
Lucidity Achieved.
I walk up to the edge of the waterfall and I hold out my hand to let the water fall on it. I've made a point of trying to pay attention to the physical sensations that I feel in the dream. It feels warm like I'm putting my hand under a heat lamp, the water bounces off my palm. I stick my head under the waterfall and try to see if anything is behind the water and to take note of the physical sensations, apparently I didn't dream myself with hair, and there is something behind the water.
It's the mouth of a cave. I walk through the water curtain and it feels amazing and warm, and I can't see beyond the the cave entrance, like in a 90s 3D game whn the character opens a door and all they see is a black shadow in the doorway because the other part of the map isn't yet rendered.
I walk through the cave entrance and the black shadows gradually recede the further I walk, until the inside of rye cave is fully illuminated and I see (of what I remember): A classical Greek bathing pool, everything is marble. The pool is rectangular and it's tiled with shiny marble squares and triangular , I'd say 100 feet long with thick Greek style columns on either side of the long rectangular edges, the columns have those round plumes at the top where they meet the ceiling and they are scalloped from top to bottom.
I'm lucid and I want to go in the water because it feels like this one of the most calm places I've ever been. I want to get in there and meditate. There's a small marble staircase that leads into the water, about 4-5 steps. I get in the water and it's waist deep. I begin to notice more details in the environment, there's dozens of carved marble statues everywhere, one in particular catches my eye. It looks like a woman holding a bow and arrow, she's grabbing the bow at its center and the string is resting across her wrist. She's wearing what I thought at the time was a viking's helmet. I'm examining the statue further and I notice that the woman's body is very curvaceous and she's obviously very healthy, I'm focusing on the curves of the statue and something catches my eye from the periphery: think about being in a dark room with a lit lamp and a fly crawls across the lampshade. If you're not paying attention you might never notice the disruption in the overall luminosity.
But I noticed it. I'm towards the middle of the pool and the statue is to the left edge, and I have to physically climb out of the water onto the pool's edge. I pull myself up but I'm not wet when I get out, not dripping. I start to walk straight past the statue and I notice that there's a wall off in the distance with something on the wall. I'm walking and trying to focus on what's on the wall, I've walked a lot longer distance than I would have expected.
The wall is getting closer and at the bottom there's what I can only describe as a small bathtub type of structure, it's rectangular and it consists of 3 knee-high walls connected to the main wall. The thing on the wall is actually a very intricately carved statue, but just the face. It's the face of a lion, very striking eyes and it's mouth is fully open to expose all of its teeth and the insides of its mouth. There's a steady stream of water coming out of its mouth and it's keeping the bathtub continuously full with fresh water.
I get lost in the intricacies of the statue and out of the corner of my eye I see that I'm not alone. It's startling but it's not uncomfortable. I don't feel threatened by this presence. It's these two little kids. Two toddlers. A boy and a girl. They have light tan skin and they can both walk upright. They're holding hands and before I go there they were apparently hanging out in the cave. The boy can't be any older than 6 years old, he has a really innocent and sweet expression on his face when I look directly at him - he has dark hair and I touch him on the forehead with my palm, like he's a kid who I know personally . The little girl can't be any older than 3 years old. I notice her looking at me while I look down at her brother's face, I look at her for a second and then I immediately look back at her brother. I notice that all of his facial features: lips, eyebrows, eyes, cheeks, nose... They're floating around on his face and reorganizing themselves in different configurations, expanding and contracting and changing places. This confuses me and I look back at the girl.... Her face is doing the same thing, and I cant remember what either of them looked like when I first saw them.
I'm lucid and so I want to see if I can make sense of what's going on. I pick up the little girl and at this point I'm staring directly into her face, eye level but her eyes have floated away from their sockets. I clearly remember verbalizing inside the dream, "What are you kids doing here?"
"We live here." little girl says.
I'm lucid and I was determined to use my dream powers to rearrange this girl's face back to something that looked human. I'm trying to put all of the parts of her face back, I feel I'm expending some type of energy energy trying to get this done, but the harder I try, the more distorted her face became. Her face now resembles a black coffee that's just been introduced to a healthy splash of cream. You stir it up with a spoon and watch the cream spaghettify until the two substances mix into one.
I concentrated too hard and I lost my lucidity. There was no transition between being in the dream and eyes open looking at the ceiling. The awakening was instant and jarring, a couple beads of cold sweat dripping down my forehead.
A lot of questions: -Do those children actually live there? -Are my dreams taking me to places that actually exist? -is your consciousness still "in" this dimension when you dream? -Will I or can I ever see those kids again? I'd like to ask them a few more questions.
TL:DR: I dreamed I was at a beach and there was a waterfall there. I went behind the waterfall and there was a cave that contained a pool styled in classical Greek architecture. There were these 2 kids inside the dream who told me that that's where they live. It was creepy and I tried to take too much control of the dream by attempting to fix her face back to normal and I lost the lucidity. Woken up in cold sweat.
submitted by Towndrunk13569 to LucidDreaming [link] [comments]

If you like Fire emblem, you might like some of these games too...

Hey fireemblem wanna a REAL hot take. I like Fire Emblem. Its my favorite video game series of all time by a pretty comfortable margin, which is why its annoying theres NOT ENOUGH OF THEM! Only 16 main series games?! I demand more grid based tactical goodness! Which is why i compiled this little list of games that are reminiscent to a greater or lesser degree of these wonderful games. Just a couple quick notes
1) I am in fact, just the one person and havent played every game that exists ever much to my chagrin, So there will be some games that are also quite like Fire Emblem that wont be mentioned here. Final Fantasy Tactics definitely most notable in that regard, but also Tactics Ogre which i have recently bought a copy of for the GBA but havent really played enough to comment on
2) I also unfortunately am burdened with opinions, much of which are very bad ones, so there will also be games like fire emblem that i did play but just simply didnt like, such as Disgaea and Advance Wars. I know AW and FE are nearly cousins but i Fuckin HATE advance wars. Not gonna go into a rant about it, in fact if your interested Heres a write up on why its actually great thats probably much more detailed and thought out than the following mess
Without Further Ado:
Pokemon Conquest: Imma level with you guys i dont LOVE this game. As a big fan of both Pokemon and Fire emblem(Yes i know its a crossover of Pokemon and Nobunagas Ambition not fire embelm but pfffff semantics) i may have been holding the bar a little high but i found i found my first playthrough pretty easy, very short and kinda bare bones. And i know the first argument to that is "The first campaign is just a tutorial, theres several other different campaigns available after that add a lot more challenge and variety" And thats true buuuuuut, it doesnt add any new maps, which would be kind of annoying in of itself, but also every map, has some sort of gimmick that gets a little less fun each time you repeat it. Still i do think the idea of catching training pokemon and then battling them in grid based combat is one with a lot of potential and if a sequel were announced with some more depth id be all over that shit. Its not bad i want to stress. I could totally see someone get caught up in the simple joy of catching training pokemon with the slow tacticul fun of slowly picking of our enemy's strategically off the map. Just didnt love it as much as i hoped
Stella Glow: Okay so DISCLAIMER First of all you should know that if you dont like the "shipping/waifu" elements of say FE14 then this game ............isnt for you. Its very Fanservicy with scantily glad female anime tropes who all want to bone the self insert main character. But if you can get past that (or hell enjoy that even, who am i to judge?) Theres a great game in here. In takes a leaf out of Personas book with you having to balance battles with doing oddjobs to earn money and talk with your friends to make them more effective in battle. Also it has an interesting twist on the standard formula where rather than you moving all your units then the enemy moving all there every single unit moves back to back in other of speed, so you can technically skip enemies turns if you take them out in the right order adding a new layer of depth to combat. Also it doesnt have permadeath so every unit is unique with there own individual strengths and weaknesses rather than different changeable classes. Its a little on the easy side but its a got good story and characters and just a nice fun time.
Code Name Steam: You probably have all heard of this what with being on 3ds and being made by IS but it sort of went under the radar for a lot of people which is a damn shame because this game is hella fun. First of all you should know this game is fucking nuts. Its about Abraham Lincoln assembling a motley crew of fictional characters like Tom Sawyer, Tiger Lily and The cast of The wizard of Oz to help him and his giant fistfighting mech battle loftcraftian demon aliens. If that doesnt at least intrigue you then PLEASE seek therapy because youve clearly lost the will to live and im personally concerned for you. But anyway the game is sort of a turn based 3rd person shooter where you march your units across the field and every thing you do be it walking or shooting consumes "Steam" which can alternately be saved to go to into overwatch mode meaning anyone who walks in front of during there turn will automatically be shot but enemies can do this to you to so you have to be constantly aware of your surroundings. Theres not much customization if your into that. Every character gets 2 weapons (one of which is a signature weapon and must be equipped) and 1 Passive boosters but its fun for what it is and worth a look
SteamWorld Heist: FUCK this game is good. Played it recently and cant believe how much simple visceral moment to moment fun i had. Its a very interesting take on the genre being a sidescroller instead of grid based. You move your units forward from cover to cover manually aiming with your gun for every shot. Each of your units has a distinct and fun personality and signature abilities that makes everyone feel distinct. Billy the deep space diver can mover again after killing an enemy, Ivanski the Strongman/Aspiring Ballerina is your heavy hitter, Payroll the conman is speedy sweeper. Also its the perfect length so that you get what you come for yet it doesnt overstay its welcome (Theres only 9 playable characters and max at level 10) but if you want more theres Adjustable difficulties that get you better loot Ala Kid Icarus Uprising and new game plus. Oh did i mention its about steam-powered robot pirates fighting necromancers and evil empires in space? Kinda important.
Yugioh Capsule Monster Coliseum: Okay ill be honest im a little biased on this one since Yugioh was my 3rd parent but this game is honestly underrated as fuck. Its what i WANTED pokemon conquest to be. Collect monster from your defeated enemies and an in game shop, marching them around small but fun and interesting maps customizing your team etc. Also its got some fun ideas like certain units move in certain patterns (Eg only Diagonally only horizontally and Vertically etc ) kinda like chess. Actually that works doubly well as an analogy because both sides also have a "King" for want of better term that is completly useless but is an instant loss if destroyed. BUT if you win buy destroying the other teams "king" then the opponents monsters that you didnt defeat are ineligble for taking after the battle which adds a risk/reward aspect. Definetly worth a look if your a yugioh fan.
Lost dimension: Heres an obscure one for ya. Imagine Zero escape but as an SRPG. Okay fine youve never heard Zero escape? Imagine Anime Saw as an SPRG (No i didnt mean Danganrompa as an SRPG Shhh you). Now. Trying to steer clear of spoliers but i kinda need to go into background details for this one. So theres this melodramatic fuck called The End whose nuking everything from his weird ivory tower so the anime X-Men are sent in to destroy him. Once they get there however there locked in and informed by The End that in other to get to him they'll have to periodically vote for one of there members to be killed so the rest can progress. Dont worry though because some of your party members are traitors and working for The End. Thankfully you are Sho whose special ability is seeing the future which opens this sort of puzzle aspect as you use sporadic visions throughout the game to figure out which members are traitors. As you progress you also get to know your party members in mass effect style loyalty missions which means when one of your favorites inevitable betrays you (the traitors are randomly generated per play through) that much sorer. As the game goes you can equip the abilities of executed members to those who remain to remaining character but cant upgrade those skill trees anymore.Also the game gets meta. Cant say anymore for fear of spoilers but the game isnt over when you think is. Just trust me theres a lot of depth to this one and is definitely worth a look.
Valkyria Chronicles: I have only played the first and fourth installment of this series but its still one of my favorites. Of the two i prefer 4 but honestly theres not THAT much difference between the two from a gameplay perspective, but i think that 4 has an even better story as well as giving all of the supporting cast much more fleshing out which was a weakness of the first. Still though i think you should probably 1 first so thats the one im going to into detail on.
So its A world war II anime basically, with more magic and sci-fi weaponry. Its similar to code steam basically a turn based 3rd person shooter. While there dozens of different playable characters with there own personalities strengths and weaknesses There are 5 main classes that are leveled up together from gained experience rather than individually. Eg You put experience into the Sniper class and it will Level up, now all recruitable snipers will be at that level. There are 5 main classes. Scouts who can move furthest on foot, Lancers who are the heavys and used for taking out enemy tanks and bunker, Shocktroopers are rapid fire all rounders, Engineers who are support can heal and build cover and Snipers who are.......self explanitory. Also you have a tank. Thats self explanatory too. It has permadeath but is a bit more lenient than FE as there is a chance to save downed units. And for what its worth its the best story on this list with great and interesting character, emotional moments, compelling villians and a great OST. Fucking stellar.
Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle: Honestly this is more akin to XCOM than Fire Emblem but fuck it,lets mention it anyway. So the general gist is those rabbit progenitors of Minions end up in the Mario world because reasons and start causing shenanigans as they are wont to do. Thus Mario Squad (In this instance, Namely Mario Luigi Peach and Yoshi) have to run around the Mushroom Kingdom and PUT THEM DOWN. Straight up with GUNS! Along they way they will also meet Rabbid equivalent versions of themselves like Rabbid Yoshi and Rabbid Luigi and run around the overworld solving pretty simple but enjoyable puzzles to progress from area to area until they come across a group of Rabbids to fight. Combat works like this You pick 3 of your units (Mario and at least one Rabbid Character, presumably for contractual reasons which is honestly kind of hilarious to me) and move them around a large 3D grid finding cover and shooting down rabbids.
In battle theres a pretty simple algorithm in place to see if both you and your opponents will hit or miss with your attacks. If a unit is in full cover they have 0% percent chance of being hit and must either have their cover shot down or be outflanked. If they are in half cover they have a 50% chance being hit and if there not in cover they have a 100% chance of being hit so watch yourself.
You can have units dash further across the grid for the cost of not attacking that turn, run directly into enemy rabbids to cause chip damage before firing on them to do the real hurt, do classic Pasta Power bounces of your teammates to jump across further stretches of the map and preferably land on other enemies at the same time. Each character has there own skills and role to play, like All rounder Mario, Support healer Rabbid peach, and my favorite the Heavy Gattling gun wielding Rabbid Yoshi.
The story is obviously pretty pretty simple as with most mario games but the writing itself is honestly pretty funny especially since your classic AI guide Beep-O swears compulsively (censored obviously, but having even the implication of someone telling rabbids to fuck off every 5 minutes in a Mario game is hilarious to me. Yes i have a five year olds sense of humor sue me.
One last noteworthy point is that it has surprisingly good boss battles considering must SRPGs never reallys pull them off imo. Youll have to carefully place your units taking shots at the right moments and maximizing the amount of damage you can cause in a turn without leaving yourself vulnerable
Its a fun hectic and unusual variety on the genre and definitely worth a look if you want some grid based tactics of the lighter and more cheerful variety
The Banner Saga Trilogy: Of all the games ive mentioned here this is the one that comes even relatively close to my love of Fire Emblem. Im not going to go to much into the story because its one that i truly believe deserves more than most to be experienced blind. But to give you an elevator pitch its set in a fantasy world reminiscent of Norse Mythology. When disaster strikes the home village of our protagoints Rook and his Daughter Allete, they are forced to march across the country to safer grounds with the rest of there village and anyone else who joins there caravan. It plays like mix of 45% classic grid based SRPG a la Fire emblem, 45% Orego trail of all thing with a little 10% of the choices and consequences of something like Mass Effect (Fitting since a lot of the devs were former Bioware employees!)
Allow me to unpack that a bit
Oregon trail influences: So when i mentioned your caravan marching across dangerous territorys thats not just glossed over. You are directly in charge of managing the supplies, morale and professions of all the people marching with you. Youll need an equal supply of passive clansmen to forage for food and fighters to protect you from bandits from other threats youll meet on the road. March your followers to far without stopping and morale will steadily decrease causing members to die from exhaustion and infighting. After battles youll gain Renown, which doubles as a form of experience to the upgrade your actual party members fighting abilities or as a form of currency to purchase powerful relics to equip your units with it. Its a constant set of spinning plates that demands your attention, rewards careful planning and forethought and will brutally punish complacency that enthralls me and i adore. Speaking of battling though
Influences from Fire Emblem etc: SOOOO in your actual entire Caravan youll generally having upwards of a 100 people present to manage and care for but dont let that trick you into thinking this some kind of RTS. When Combat starts youll be choosing only 6 party members from a roster of a total of about 50 characters, but generally at any given time youll have a pool of 10-20 characters to use. But dont let yourself think that you can rely on the same 6 characters for every battle. The game doesnt have permadeath in the traditional sense (More on that later) But if a unit falls in battle they will receive an injury and fight with debuffs until they get a chance to rest at camp, sometimes for multiple days. So you can afford to let the odd unit hit zero hp but cannon fodder tactics will NOT last you very long.
In battle every unit both you and your opponent will have 2 meters that can be targeted with attacks - Health and Armour. If your health hits zero you fall for the rest of the battle, but dropping Armour first will allow attack to deal more direct damage to health. Its less complicated that it sounds so as a quick example :
An attack that deals 8 damage to a unit with 7 health and 6 armor will either do 2 damage to the there health if done directly (attack(8)- enemy armor(6)) or will break there defense if done to there armor allowing the next attack done to do more damage. Its pretty simple but works well and encourages carfeul planning and coordaiantion of your units to take down enemies efficently without getting ganged up on yourself.
Youll have all the classic units, Archers, Sword and shield wielders, spear-men, heavy battle axe wielders that kind of work exactly as you'd expect but also a few different races of people that play differently mainly Human and Varl -long living heavy hitting Ox-men who take up four spaces on the grid as opposed to the humans 1 space. Theres a few other races youll meet along the way that again i wont spoil, but the game has a lot of great world building. Which segues nicely toooo...
Influences from Bioware Rpgs: This one of the best written games ive ever played. Theres several different cultures, a pantheon of interesting gods to read about but the reall god stuff is how this game more than any other ive ever played truly makes your consequence MATTER. I mentioned a sort of atypical permadeath system and heres how it works. At several points in your journey you will be interrupted by dialogues boxes (again like oregon trail) that will present choices to you. How you respond can result in the gain or loss of resources, Caravan followers, or in some crucial occasion party members. Make no mistake you WILL have party members leave you permanently or die, ESPECIALLY going in blind and youll just have to accept that. Generally these will be the results of choices made in the story but on some (Clearly signposted mind you) events, the loss of a battle can result in the deaths of your party members.
And i really need to emphasize these characters are all really written. There plenty of characterization and development not just For the major Players, but even the supporting cast from the conflicting twins Hogun and Mogun, The Archer Nidd and her realtionship with her young sons, the wise but slgithly insane Trygvii GAHH i need to stop now before i start and essay but if you take nothing else from this long winded rambling post please let it be buy at LEAST the first game in this trilogy.
Again choices do matter in this series and you are encouraged to import save files from game to game to carry on your story which something ive always loved in games
WELP That turned longer than expected. Please agreedisagree with me in the comments, discuss some of your own Tactical RPGs or shout at me for not liking Advance Wars. NO i didnt like Wargroove either
EDIT: Grammar and formatting cause i have the typing skills of an arthritic monkey
submitted by yoshiauditore to fireemblem [link] [comments]

NY Jets Discord 3 Round Mock

We did a pre-FA mock draft in the Jets discord with 32 members GMing for the various teams. Some of the GMs provided explanations below on their thought process for the picks. Sheets link
1) Jacksonville (Gmoney): QB Trevor Lawrence, Clemson #16
I pick Trevor because we needed a qb and Trevor is a generational talented qb
2) NY Jets (stackingdollars): QB Zach Wilson, BYU #1
Both Fields and Wilson have great qualities but I think Wilson has the edge. The biggest advantage Wilson has is his anticipation. I think he would fit very well in the LaFleur offense and can become a franchise QB with the Jets.
TRADE: Miami gives 1.03 (3), Carolina gives 1.08 (8), 3.09 (73), 2022 CAR 1st
3) Carolina (cantstopthis): QB Justin Fields, OSU #1
Justin Fields is a highly talented prospect with all the tools to become a franchise guy. In Carolina, he can sit behind Teddy B and work with elite skill position players to truly hone in the skills to allow him to reach his full potential. Moving ahead of Atlanta was important because it allowed me to secure one of the top QBs in the class. Moving a future first and a third this year felt like great value because I was able to snag a QB I believe has elite potential in the nfl, while maintaining seconds which I can use to build around Fields.
4) Atlanta (jorjor): T Penei Sewell, Oregon #58
A very good tackle who I think is bpa rn. I don’t feel good taking Lance this early so I took the best player at the pick.
5) Cincinnati (Sliz): T Rashawn Slater, Northwestern #70
This is the worst case for Cinci, and they'll be kicking themselves for a meaningless late season win over Houston. OT1 Sewell was off the board, as were the top 3 QBs that could fetch decent tradeback value. While Chase has been a common mock, I think a Higgins/Boyd duo is easily complimented without spending this much capital to address it. With no trade back partner, Slater (OT1 on some boards) is a nice consolation. Slater will slot in as an immediate starter at tackle with versatility to slot inside should CIN address the tackle spot opposite Jonah Williams in FA.
6) Philadelphia (Salty): WR Ja’Marr Chase, LSU #1
The Eagles are light in the weapons department. They haven't have a reliable receiver in years, and the negatives of that have shown their face the past 2 years, with Carson Wentz and Jalen Hurts struggling at times to move the ball because of the lack of Receivers. Justin Fields was off the board at 6 and I feel like Wentz or Hurts paired with such a dominant prospect at Receiver could work wonders. Chase is a unique blend of size, speed, and talent at the WR position. He has solid size at 6 foot and a bit over 200 pounds, with sure hands and really good route running. His 2019 season at LSU was incredible and he produced one of the best WR seasons of all time at the collegiate level. I have no doubt with his abilities that he will immediately be able to put up good numbers and improve the offense and passing game, giving the eagles a much needed extra dimension to their offense.
TRADE: Detroit gives 1.07 (7), 3.25 (89), San Francisco gives 1.12 (12), 2.11 (43)
7) San Francisco (Anc): QB Trey Lance, NDSU #5
Kyle Shanahan is too good of a coach to keep languishing with a mediocre Jimmy G who is only okay when he can stay healthy. Trey Lance is a boom/bust prospect with a TON of upside and a big learning curve. In this scenario, he has the opportunity to either sit and learn with a capable bridge QB, OR if Shanahan chooses kick start his career in the best system in the league at empowering QBs to be successful. Lance joins a loaded team that, despite having some deficiencies in the IOL and a few pieces potentially leaving in FA on the defense, is ready to compete for the division right now and can afford moving down in round 2 to try and secure the future face of the franchise at QB. If he works out, the Niners get to have the type of athletic and dynamic QB under center that Shanahan has never had.
8) Miami (tolgzz): WR DeVonta Smith, Alabama #8
Bringing Tua a much needed weapon and ex teammate.
9) Denver (paxton): CB Caleb Farley, Virginia #3
At this position with no QBs in consideration, I chose to address Denver's most obvious need, CB. Farley has an almost impossible blend of physical traits. Size, speed, fluidity. Farley to me projects as a shutdown corner who plays on WR1s on the outside. In a division with Tyreek Hill, Henry Ruggs and Keenan Allen, he's a perfect fit. While Surtain was in consideration, I dont think he can match the traits and athleticism and will struggle against speedy receivers in the AFC West. Farley's ceiling is too high to pass on here.
10) Dallas (spencerw): CB Patrick Surtain II, Alabama #2
With a depleted DB core and 6 S/CBs entering FA, CB is the biggest need for the Dallas Cowboys. Going for Surtain, a corner whose best fit is an outside man-coverage CB is a huge upgrade and can be a day 1 starter on the outside for the Cowboys. Surtain's length and athleticism creates a lock-down potential that can be extremely helpful for a defense lacking talent across all three levels.
TRADE: NY Giants give 1.11 (11), New Orleans gives 1.28 (28), 2022 NOR 1st
11) New Orleans (Misery): LB Micah Parsons, Penn St #11
12) Detroit (Zingy): T Christian Darrisaw, Virginia Tech #77
Detroit sucks, OT is the second most valuable position in the NFL, Darrisaw will be a really really good tackle in the NFL and has experience playing in the scheme Goff has played in his entire career. One of the first building blocks that will actually be on this team when they get a real QB in a year or two. Okudah and Darrisaw might be the only 2 on the roster in 5 years.
13) LA Chargers (run1609): CB Jaycee Horn, South Carolina #1
The Chargers have a pressing need at CB with Michael Davis entering free agency (I expect him to be retained) and CHJ/Casey Heyward on the wrong side of 30. He profiles as a lockdown man CB who new HC Brandon Staley hopes can approximate the role Jalen Ramsey played for him across town with the Rams.
TRADE: Minnesota gives 1.14 (14), 3.27 (91), Arizona gives 1.16 (16), 3.16 (80), 2022 ARI 2nd
14) Arizona (Brodie): TE Kyle Pitts, Florida #84
TRADE: New England gives 1.15 (15), 3.33 (97), 7.15 (241), Tampa Bay gives 1.31 (31), 2.31 (63), 3.31 (95), 2022 TAM 2nd
15) Tampa Bay (rgoing): EDGE Gregory Rousseau, Miami #15
Tampa is a perfect spot for GR. He can learn behind JPP and Barrett for a year or so and get more refined as a pass rusher. Rousseau is someone who I believe can play all across the DLIne and won’t have any pressure to start right away. At only 20 years old and equipped with excellent measurables and a high motor, the sky is the limit for him.
16) Minnesota (beezus): EDGE Kwity Paye, Michigan #19
With darrisaw and horn coming off the board at 12 and 13, the Vikings sought a trade back knowing there would be suitors hungry for one of waddle/pitts. The cardinals called and offered 1.16 and a 2022 2nd for the pick. We countered, adding in a pick swap of 91 and 80. Arizona obliged and it was a done deal.
At 16, it came down to paye, AVT, and Christian barmore. After seeing a trade with the football team fall through, the Vikings took the toolsy edge rusher from Michigan. Kwity Paye has the athletic tools and the build to become an elite pass rusher. His ceiling combined with Minnesota’s pedigree of developing defensive talent is a recipe for success for the Vikings.
17) Las Vegas (jmah): IDL Christian Barmore, Alabama #58
I’ve only watched Christian Barmore in the national championship game, but he should really help the Raiders trash defense.
18) Miami (tolgzz): LB Zaven Collins, Tulsa #23
With this pick Dolphins bring in a LB they plan to start from day 1. Collins brings with him size and power combined with his athleticism. He can defend the run, play the pass in coverage and even be used to rush the QB. Collins fills a spot of need for Dolphins and hopefully turns into a stud LB for them for years to come
19) Washington (klondike): QB Mac Jones, Alabama #10
Good fit. Lots of talent and running plays out of the backfield. Smart player, good game manager. Ideal fit for both parties. He can sit behind Alex Smith for however long.
20) Chicago (Mayor): WR Jaylen Waddle, Alabama #17
With the Bears offense being eternally awful, Allen Robinson looking like a goner more and more and rookie WRs more frequently making plays fresh out of college picking up Waddle will hopefully jump start this offense with whatever vet QB the bears roll with in 2021
21) Indianapolis (Viddstuff): T Sam Cosmi, Texas #52
While the colts are lacking all over at offense, Costanzo retiring really put them in a tough spot. I could have gone WR here, but the colts offense can get creative with their weapons, and it was too early to overdraft the QB on the board. Cosmi would fit in well on the blindside and protect whoever starts at QB for a long time.
22) Tennessee (botlane): EDGE Azeez Ojulari, Georgia #13
Azeez Ojulari is an attempt to fix one of the biggest voids in the Tennessee Titans defense, the pass rush. Ojulari has a great get-off, a mixture of speed, bend and power which makes his kit very powerful to take even the most agile lineman off of their game. A great athlete with tremendous upside, Ojulari's explosion off the line is marvelous, paired with a great jab/stab, he is able to create space with his length. If you don't jam him at the line and initiate contact, he's got a solid enough technique that pairs with his athleticism. Ojulari has the intangibles to be a great pass-rusher in this league and if he keeps developing, that's right where he's headed.
23) NY Jets (stackingdollars): WR Rashod Bateman, Minnesota #0
Entering this off-season the Jets are in need of a WR. Bateman has tremendous route running ability and great hands. Pairing this pick with QB Zach Wilson will help give the Jets offense the spark they are looking for.
24) Pittsburgh (Fireblast): QB Kyle Trask, Florida #11
Although this might be a bit of a reach, Steelers desperately need a qb and neither big benor dwayne haskins is it. The plan here would be to sign a FA guy, let trask sit behind him for a year, and then he takes the reigns. Trask with the right devolopment can probably be at least a decent enough starter I'd guess, not near where ben was in his prime, but very qbs are that good.
25) Jacksonville (Gmoney): T Alex Leatherwood, Alabama #70
TRADE: Cleveland gives 1.26 (26), Green Bay gives 1.29 (29), 3.29 (93)
26) Green Bay (herb): CB Asante Samuel Jr, FSU #13
So my reasoning for picking Samuel is the packers need someone to pair up with Jaire Alexander, Samuel was the best choice available and he can really bring a much needed CB2 to Green Bay.
27) Baltimore (oman): EDGE Jayson Oweh, Penn St #28
Ravens have Judon and McPhee hitting the open market, thus opening some obvious holes. I was looking WR initially but given how the draft played out so far I liked the edge options more. I like his athletic ability in Winks scheme and he should be a good fit.
28) NY Giants (rubbersoul): WR Rondale Moore, Purdue #4
29) Cleveland (Huntington): EDGE Joe Tryon, Washington #9
Tryon is a tall, big, athletic edge who can play standing up or can be a traditional 4-3 DE. He can both drop back in coverage or rush the passer. He’s a 3-down player who can grow and complement Garrett. A very productive 2019 overshadowed by his opting out in 2020. Tryon is a high energy player with the size to defend the run though its an area he needs to improve. With Vernon both injured a free agent, Tryon will have a chance to start immediately.
30) Buffalo (AntRob): RB Najee Harris, Alabama #22
The Bills completely abandoned the run for large portions of last year and basically told Josh Allen to go win games by himself. The Bills need some juice in the backfield, I don't have confidence in Singletary or Moss being that guy for them, as evidenced by Daboll's playcalling.
Harris is the most well rounded back in this class and checks every box for me. What makes him valuable in addition to his frame and run + catch ability is his elusivity (wiggle...light, nimble feet) and his power. The blending of all these things together gives you a really upper class RB prospect that will finally be able to bring the Bills offense some multiplicity and balance in scheme.
31 New England (rgoing): LB Jeremiah Owusu-Koramoah, Notre Dame #6
The patriots fielded calls at the 15th spot, although there are questions surrounding the Quarterback position, New England ultimately felt a trade back with the Buccaneers was to the 31st pick was the best move.
New England does not draft for need in the first round, they draft for best available player. The Patriots drafted Jeremiah Owusu-Koramoah out of the University of Notre Dame with the 31st pick. Although JOK is listed as a linebacker, New England isn't going to just utilize his talents there. JOK is the new breed of defender, his ability and versatility allows him to play different roles on defense the perfect type of player for the patriots.
TRADE: Kansas City gives 1.32 (32), Cincinnati gives 2.06 (38), 4.06 (110), 7.05 (231)
32) Cincinnati (Sliz): IOL Alijah Vera-Tucker
No matter what they do in FA, the value was too good to pass up here. With OL needy teams (MIA, NYJ) sitting ahead of the Bengals this trade up felt necessary to lock up a top guy. A 4th and a 7th (Bengals got a 7th back in the Dunlap trade) was a cheap price to pay to get there, while also picking up the 5th year option.
AVT projects as a solid OG that should be a consistent starter on an IOL that desperately needs a long-term piece. I feel AVT's an insanely safe pick to be productive, putting him a tier above the next group of guys each with their own question marks (medical or otherwise). Paired with Slater in rd 1 and a healthy Jonah Williams, CIN now has several young cornerstone pieces to protect and grow with Joe Burrow and open lanes for Mixon. AVT has positional versatility, allowing the Bengals the chance to let guys compete for multiple spots and see what lineup works the best. This is a make or break year for Taylor. This is a franchise that needs to protect the future in Joe Burrow. Double dipping at OL helps both those facets.
33) Jacksonville (Gmoney): S Trevon Moehrig, TCU #7
34) NY Jets (stackingdollars): IOL Creed Humphrey, Oklahoma #56
NYJ’s OL was a huge improvement from 2019 but it still needs work especially in the middle. Creed offers versatility and a long term option at center. Connor McGovern would be able to play OG as he has experience there, or Creed can play OG as he has taken some snaps there during the senior bowl. Creed has quick hands and good size and can bring stability on the OL for years to come.
35) Atlanta (jorjor): CB Tyson Campbell, Georgia #3
36) Miami (tolgzz): S Andre Cisco, Syracuse #7
TRADES: Philadelphia gives 2.05 (37), Denver gives 2.08 (40), 4.09 (115), 2022 DEN 6th
37) Denver (Paxton): WR Kadarius Toney, Florida #1
I was shocked Toney fell this low, and after having tried to trade up multiple times before, I was finally able to make it work. I felt I needed to jump the chiefs so some might say I overpaid, but hey. Toney was IMO BPA, his evasiveness is unmatched in this class and he is a willing contested catcher. Toney is a perfect fit alongside Jeudy, Sutton and Hamler and will provide the Broncos with a true "weapon". While WR isnt close to the broncos most pressing need, this pick makes the broncos offence a lethal force.
38) Kansas City (teutonic): G Jalen Mayfield, Michigan #73
I tried trading up for the falling JOK but had no takers on my trade offers and when it got to my pick I felt comfortable with enough options that I elected to trade back for an extra 4th and 7th. Mayfield is a big man who I think will slot into a guard position at the next level, he's extremely strong and fits a need on the OL.  
TRADES: Carolina gives 2.07 (39), 2022 CAR 5th, Chicago gives 2.20 (52), 3.20 (84), 2022 CHI 4th
39) Chicago (Mayor): IOL Wyatt Davis, Ohio St #52
40) Philadelphia (Salty): EDGE Joseph Ossai, Texas #46
I originally had pick 37, and was looking at Ossai as well as other players like Nick Bolton as a possible selection. However, the Broncos came to me with a nice offer that netted me a current 4th and a 2022 6th while only moving back 3 spots. I acquired the 40th pick and used that on Ossai.
Ossai is a great pass rusher who is also talented in the run game. He was moved around a good amount in college before settling as an EDGE for the Texas Longhorns. He is big and fast, and can be moved around the D line. The Eagles run a 4-3 defense which Ossai can excel in, and he also works very well in other defensive packages. Putting Ossai on this already promising D Line with names like Derek Barnett, Brandon Graham, Josh Sweat, and most importantly Fletcher Cox could put this line back at the peaks they experienced in 2017, when their defense could take over and destroy the opposing offense.
41) Detroit (Zingy): EDGE Jaelan Phillips, Miami #15
42) NY Giants (rubbersoul): LB Nick Bolton, Missouri #32
43) Detroit (Zingy): WR Terrace Marshall, LSU #6
44) Dallas (spencerw): IDL Daviyon Nixon, Iowa #54
I'm once again addressing the putrid Dallas defense that gave up almost 30 points a game last season. Nixon can line up at the 3-tech as a 4-3 DT under Dan Quinn and can make an immediate impact on the inside as a power gap rusher and can help with one of the worst rush defenses in the league (almost 160 rush yards/game). I was hoping to grab Bolton here, but Nixon is a solid IDL that can shore up a huge hole in the Dallas defense on day 1. The Cowboys now have 2 young defensives pieces to begin rebuilding/rejuvenating a declining side of the ball.
45) Jacksonville (Gmoney): TE Pat Freiermuth, Penn St #87
46) New England (rgoing): T Jackson Carman, Clemson #79
The Patriots picked Clemson standout Jackson Carman. The Patriots are unsure if he will stay at Tackle or move to guard, what they do know is that they received a powerful and athletic player standing at 6’5 330. Carman is best known for his superb run, although he was able to neutralize DROY Chase Young in the 2019 CFP Playoffs last season. Carman fits perfectly for the Patriots offense as they are known for their smash mouth football, and play-action passing.
47) LA Chargers (run1609): IOL Trey Smith, Tennessee #73
This pick is contingent upon his medicals checking out (blood clots in lungs, 2018). Frankly, I'm not positive as to what a Joe Lombardi offense will look like, but I do know that Smith has what it takes to succeed at the next level. Very powerful, consistenly wins in a phone booth but has the requisite athleticism for his size to win in space too.
48) Las Vegas (jmah): EDGE Carlos Basham Jr, Wake Forest #9
Carlos Basham Jr.: I've seen PFF tweet about this guy before so I think he might be good. Raiders D line is already looking much improved with Barmore at 17 and now "Boogie" Basham at 48.
49) Arizona (Brodie): IDL Marvin Wilson, FSU #21
50) Miami (tolgzz): RB Travis Etienne, Clemson #9
51) Washington (klondike): T Liam Eichenberg, Notre Dame #74
WFT desperately needs tackle. He has shown great strides in advancing his game. Not the most physically gifted player, but he plays smart football.
TRADE: Carolina gives 2.20 (52), LA Rams gives 2.25 (57), 6.25 (210), 2022 LAR 5th
52) LA Rams (prime): LB Dylan Moses, Alabama #32
The Rams are projected to be bottom-5 in cap space in both 2021 and 2022 once the Stafford trade goes through according to OTC, and they don’t have a first-round choice until 2024. Even worse, they have six starters projected to be UFAs this year (Reynolds, Blythe, Floyd, Ebukam, Johnson, Hill), and four next year (Corbett, Kiser, Young, Fuller). As a result, landing a future starter with this pick was crucial. I was willing to move up a little because of how important it was to land a future starter here. Moses had a dominant 2018 season before missing 2019 with a knee injury and rebounding in 2020, and I think he fits well as a 3-4 ILB replacement to either Micah Kiser or Kenny Young in 2022.
53) Tennessee (botlane): EDGE Jaylen Twyman, Pitt #97
54) Indianapolis (Viddstuff): EDGE Patrick Jones II, Pitt #91
55) Pittsburgh (Fireblast): RB Kenneth Gainwell, Memphis #19
Although the steelers have some other needs, RB I felt was a major one. James connor isn't the answer, and I think gainwell although only really playing 1 season fully can provide versatility in the backfield, as not only did he have almost 1500 yards on the ground, with an average of over 6 yds per carry, he also had just over 600 yds receiving. Overall, I think he can be a solid RB for the steelers, assuming their offensive line holds.
56) Seattle (Kdelgado): IOL Landon Dickerson, Alabama #69
57) Carolina (cantstopthis): CB Greg Newsome II, Northwestern #2
After the Chiefs took Jalen Mayfield, I was left in an awkward spot. I didn't feel too strongly about any of the guys on the board at 2.39. Luckily, the Chicago Bears came calling and I was able to regain some of the assets that were lost in the trade up for Justin Fields. At 2.52, I had a few guys on my board I was comfortable with and decided to trade back 5 spots, taking a chance that at least one of my guys would be there. Luckily, Newsome was still on the board.
Greg Newsome II has been rising on boards everywhere, and rightfully so. He has good ball skills to combine with solid athleticism as well as a nice frame that will help him to succeed at the next level. He also has good awareness as well as good instincts to help him out. Newsome will fit right in with the Carolina Panthers, who were among the leaders with their usage of cover 3 and zone.
58) Baltimore (oman): IOL Ben Cleveland, Georgia #74
59) Cleveland (Huntington): S Richie Grant, UCF #27
Grant is tall, athletic, versatile player who can play both FS or SS and even nickel if necessary, though likely slots as aFS. A productive ball hawk, high motor player, and energetic tackler, the Senior Bowl star Grant has the makings to be a fan favorite in Cleveland for years to come.
60) New Orleans (Misery): WR Elijah Moore, Ole Miss #8
61) Buffalo (Antrob): IDL Levi Onwuzurike, Washington #95
One of the more glossed over storylines of the Bills 2020 season was their defensive regression. They lost a lot of talent in their front 7 to FA. This pick attempts to replenish the young talent in that area. Levi is quickly becoming a big riser in the draft as more people familiarize themselves w/ his 2019 film. He's a really talented defensive lineman who has the ability to develop into a potential every down force. He has a matured frame and plays with an explosiveness that jumps off on tape. In addition to his physical tools, he is also pretty advanced from a technical perspective as well, as he knows how to use his hands and understands the importance of filling space and occupying gaps. To me, in a relatively weak IDL class, he's one of the few prospects who could become something worth noting at the next level, mainly due to how well rounded he is. His natural athleticism, burst, quickness and get-off coupled with his technical refinements (hands, leverage, body control) give me confidence that he can effect the QB consistently in the passing game. Whereas his strength, quickness, instincts, length and leverage make me optimistic he can be good against the run in time as well.
62) Green Bay (herb): WR Amon-Ra St Brown, USC #8
TRADE: New England gives 2.31 (63), Philadelphia gives 3.06 (70), 4.09 (113), 2022 PHI 5th
63) Philadelphia (Salty): CB Eric Stokes, Georgia #27
I originally had the 70th overall pick in the draft, but I had not addressed one of the Eagles biggest needs yet in the draft; Cornerback. The Eagles have struggled with that position, and it has been a weak point of their defense the past few years. Greg Newsome II went a few picks before and I was getting worried that there wouldn't be a quality Corner available at my pick. Because of this fear, I traded up to pick 63. Admittedly, I overpaid. I gave up pick 70, the 4th round pick I got from the Broncos trade back, as well as a 2022 5th for pick 63, to the Patriots. This was an overpay, yet one with a reason, as it was used to secure a good Corner for the team.
Eric Stokes is a good Corner prospect who can be a day 1 starter who develops into a impact player for the Eagles. He is on the taller side at 6'1", and can play both man and zone well. He has some ball skill issues and you might see him not making some easy interceptions at the next level and can clean his technique up some, but hes a good prospect that is a bit of a steal at the end of the second round. With Stokes on the team the secondary will improve and might finally have some promise.
64) Kansas City (teutonic): LB Chazz Surratt, UNC #21
A converted QB, Surratt is another very toolsy player for the chiefs. I like the speed he plays with and he fits the mold of the 'modern' LB. He has a lot of work to do still but I think with the right coaching he can realize his potential.  
65) Jacksonville (Gmoney): CB Shaun Wade, Ohio St #24
66) NY Jets (stackingdollars): CB Elijah Moldin, Washington #3
Jets lack CB depth and arguably their best CB, Brian Poole, is a FA this year. Molden has great instincts, but is a little undersized, and can play ideally as a nickel CB. He thrives in zone coverage and is solid in run support. Molden can be a starter from day 1 and grow into the Saleh defensive system.
67) Houston (Kdelgado): T Teven Jenkins, Oklahoma St #73
68) Atlanta (jorjor): EDGE Quincy Roche, Miami #2
The falcons suck at edge and Quincy Roche is my favorite edge rusher available.
69) Cincinnati (Sliz): IDL Jay Tufele, USC #78
With Geno Atkins aging out a bit, and a potential cap casualty either this year or next, it was hard to pass on the top rated player on my board by a large margin (second time a USC player has slipped to my range). Tufele is a dominant player at the 3T with versatility to take snaps along the interior as needed. He offers value on all 3 downs, and gives a stud to slot in beside DJ Reader longterm. With the run on CBs and Edge players prior to our pick, Bengals take another pick to build the trenches.
70) New England (rgoing): IOL Quinn Meinerz, UW-Whitewater #77
Senior Bowl standout Quinn Meinerz gets selected, not many know about Wisconsin Whitewater since it is a D3 school. Meinerz impressed and dominated at the Senior Bowl, some scouts had him rising into the top 100 even the top 50 for best available players. Questions always rise when drafting a player at a lower level, I think the Senior Bowl eliminated any of those speculations for Mr. Meinerz. The Patriots love the value they have received with their pick!
71) Denver (paxton): LB Charles Snowden, Virginia #11
I was scared the patriots would pick him. Really good fit for their...ahem….organizational philosophy. Anyways, Maybe this is a bit of a reach, but it’s impossible for me to pass on Snowden. You can't teach his physical tools. A 6’7 defender who can play all over the front 7, paired with Vic Fangio? This is a bit of a risk, but its at a position of need for the Broncos and I believe his tools, ceiling and football IQ make it a risk worth taking.
72) Detroit (Zingy): S Jevon Holland, Oregon #8
73) Miami (tolgzz): WR Tylan Wallace, Oklahoma St #2
Miami selects WR Tylan Wallace to add yet another weapon for their QB they decided to stick with Tua. Tylan they feel slipped to their laps in this draft and believe he cant be a very solid weapon with good upside that has been overshadowed by an elite WR class.
74) Washington (klondike): CB Aaron Robinson, UCF #31
75) Dallas (spencerw): CB Ifeatu Melifonwu, Syracuse #23
I go defense for the third time in as many picks, I was hoping for an OT (not big on Radnunz) but none really fell the way I wanted, this is the second CB drafted but I see Ifeatu excelling way more as a S in the next level, this fills another hole Day 1 IMO and cleans up the secondary.
TRADE: NY Giants give 3.12 (76), New England gives 3.31 (95), 4.15 (120)
76) New England (rgoing): WR D'Wayne Eskridge, W Michigan #1
Patriots selected speedy receiver D’Wayne Eskridge out Western Michigan University. There were many questions why the Patriots waited to take a receiver until the 76th pick in the draft, Eskridge was the reason why! The former track star runs a (4.3 – 4.4) 40yd, putting him up as one of the fastest WR in the draft. There were a bunch of questions about the low level competition in the MAC, but D’Wayne showed he can go up against some of the best at the Senior Bowl this year. The idea is that D’Wayne can come in and be a starter day 1 on special teams returning kicks as well as a slot receiver.
77) voided
78) LA Chargers (run1609): T Dillon Radunz, NDSU #73
Was ecstatic to see Radunz at this pick. Has been training with the recently-retired Joe Staley all year and it showed at the Senior Bowl last week, where he was named OL of the week by his peers. The Chargers have no long-term pieces at OT and a ROTY that needs protecting. Radunz fits the bill perfectly.
79) Minnesota (beezus): S Hamsah Nasirildeen, FSU #23
80) Minnesota (beezus): IOL Josh Myers, Ohio St #71
At the top of the third round, the Vikings had 4 players they were targeting: jay tufele, Jevon Holland, Dillon radunz, and hamsah nasirildeen. Three of the four were gone by the time our picks came around, three out of the four were gone (whoever took Dillon radunz is a stupid dumb idiot head). After taking nasirildeen at 79, it came down to Myers and walker little. The Vikings ultimately went with Myers at 80, shying away from Little’s injury history. Myers offers a strong run blocking profile coming out of the gate, but is admittedly a work in progress in the pass game. Regardless, an upgrade over Dakota “turnstyle” dozier was needed, and Myers should be a day one improvement.
81) Las Vegas (jmah): S Paris Ford, Pitt #12
I searched Paris Ford on YouTube and he has a highlight vid with almost a million views. That’s a steal in the 3rd round.
82) Miami (tolgzz): IDL Tyler Shelvin, LSU #72
The Pick is In. Dolphins select IDL Tyler Shelvin, LSU. Miami adds a true nose tackle in Shelvin adding to their DL to help stop against the run. With Miami's plan to rotate DL Shelvin will be in during running downs where the Dolphins lack run stoppers on the DL.
83) Washington (klondike): RB Demetric Felton, UCLA #10
84) Carolina (cantstopthis): T Walker Little, Stanford #72
Little is a high upside prospect who has the potential to be one of the better tackles in this draft. With great size and length, Little is able to eliminate defenders from the play. He also has solid athleticism and can play in multiple schemes. With the Panthers oline being up in the air right now, it was important to take a guy who could protect Fields blindside.
TRADE: Indianapolis gives 3.21 (85), Cleveland gives 3.28 (92), 6.27 (212)
85) Cleveland (Huntington): S Keith Taylor, Washington #27
Taylor is a tall cornerback who isn’t afraid to tackle ball carriers or receivers. A senior, he’s athletic and has experience playing both man and zone coverage. Can stay with most receivers but will get burnt by speedsters one on one. Lack of any collegiate interceptions is concerning, but his size and coverage skills will earn him a role in any NFL secondary.
86) Tennessee (botlane): IDL Tedarrell Slaton, Florida #56
87) NY Jets (stackingdollars): LB Cameron McGrone, Michigan #44
The Jets LB group has a few question marks. CJ Mosley has pretty much had 2 years off from football, Neville Hewitt is a free agent, and Blake Cashman can’t stay healthy. McGrone can be a three down LB adding some depth and becoming a starter.
88) Pittsburgh (Fireblast): IOL Deonte Brown, Alabama #65
An absolutely huge frame at 6'4 350lbs, I believe Brown can be a solid Guard in the nfl, his size means that he can be a force both in pass and run blocking, and I think overall he can be a big peice of that aging O-line, perhaps replacing one of their current guards within the next year or 2.
89) San Francisco (Anc): EDGE Dayo Odeyingbo, Vanderbilt #10
Niners get good value here as Odeyingbo falls to them at 89. With a number of players departing in FA or victims of potential cuts across the DL, SF targets a versatile player who lined up both as a 3T and on the EDGE productively. Odeyingbo has great length which he knows how to use to his advantage to control his opponents, and has a high ceiling as a pass rusher. He has a strong club move and uses his athleticism to quickly close out on QBs once he gets free. Needs work to refine his pass rush attack, as the most common reps involve him relying on his length and burst. Against the run he has a lot of work to do, especially on the interior where his subpar pad level can get him blown up too often. Does do a good job at setting the edge. Overall, Odeyingbo is something of a project which isn't the best fit for the Niner's timeline but we didn't want to pass on good value at a position group of need.
90) Cleveland (Huntington): WR Dyami Brown, UNC #2
Tall, vertical receiver who had a highly productive collegiate career. Athletic with a great burst, he can get down the field and go after deep balls. An energetic blocker and able ball carrier, he’s a potential 3 down WR if he works on his release and route tree. Can contribute immediately and has starting WR potential.
91) Arizona (Brodie): CB Shakur Brown, Michigan St #29
92) Indianapolis (Viddstuff): WR Marlon Williams, UCF #6
With questions surrounding TY Hilton’s return, I decided to take a WR who could fill in in case TY leaves. While not a traditional slot Wr, Williams provides skill over the middle as a big slot wr, and will be a good target for any QB. He should get snaps early as a rookie.
93) Cleveland (Huntington): LB Jabril Cox, LSU #19
Tall, agile LB with superb coverage skills. A natural 4-3 OLB who fits the Browns scheme very well. Has the ability to cover TE or RB and has tremendous range and motor. Needs to learn how to take on and disengage blocks, but has the makings of a 3 down OLB who can do it all.  
94) Buffalo (Antrob): T Spencer Brown, N Iowa #76
After having a really good season Daryl Williams is set to hit FA. I think the Bills should prioritize re-signing him, but even at his best I wouldn't view him as a long term solution at RT. Spencer Brown is an interesting prospect who's recently gotten more attention after having a really nice week at the Senior Bowl. Standing at 6'8" he offers unique length and size at the Tackle position. He also has good mobility and a light, nimble lower half in which he still has the opportunity to fill out to really solidify his anchor which is already pretty decent. He plays with the 'mean streak' that you always want to see out of your OL. And as a small school guy, dominated his competition which you always want to see, which he parlayed into solidifying himself as a guy in the Senior Bowl against legitimate rushers. The hope would be that he and Dion Dawkins can be the anchors on the Bills edges in regards to protecting Josh Allen and opening up running lanes for Najee Harris for the next decade.
95) NY Giants (rubbersoul): EDGE Hamilcar Rashed, Oregon St #9
96) Kansas City (teutonic): EDGE Payton Turner, Houston #98
Turner is another player with an ideal frame that is raw. He is a big edge player with some positional versatility that should be able to take over for Kpassgnon.  
97) Tampa Bay (EFS): IOL Aaron Banks, Notre Dame #69
At 6'6", 330 lbs, Aaron Banks is a dependable, well-rounded, G who also has some experience playing at T. He's a smart player who frequently reaches the second level and neutralizes oncoming defenders. In Tampa Bay, he'll serve as a backup to Ali Marpet and serve as a welcome depth piece.
98) LA Chargers (run1609): LB Baron Browning, Ohio St #5
99) New Orleans (Misery): CB Israel Mukuamu, South Carolina #24
100) Dallas (spencerw): TE Brevin Jordan, Miami #9
I went with a piece I think can be utilized anywhere on the field besides wideout, he lined up all over the place at miami and was used a lot in pass/run blocking and route running, I wanted to go OT at some point but the board never really fell the way I wanted to so I decided to go with a high utility weapon for them to use
101) Tennessee: WR Seth Williams, Auburn #18
102) LA Rams (prime): EDGE Joshua Kaindoh, FSU #13
Floyd and Ebukam are free agents in 2021, and given the Rams’ relatively poor standing with the salary cap, it may make sense to try to get edge rushers early in the draft. Kaindoh fits the athletic mold of Floyd, and he has the length to give tackles fits whilst he develops his pass-rush arsenal over the next couple seasons.
103) San Francisco (Anc): CB Paulson Adebo, Stanford #11
TRADE: LA Rams gives 3.39 (103), Minnesota gives 4.14 (119), 6.15 (201)
104) Minnesota (beezus): IDL Tommy Togiai, Ohio St #72
tommy togaia profiles as a player who can offer year one upside as a run defender at the three tech with potential to develop as a pass rusher. This past year he logged 24 pressures and three sacks for the Buckeyes, and could continue to grow as a pass rusher under the tutelage of MN’s exceptional defensive coaching
105) Baltimore (oman): WR Damonte Coxie, Memphis #10
106) Saints (misery): EDGE Rashad Weaver, Pitt #17
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“No, no; you ENJOY my railroading.”: DM Worship, Shattered Friendships and Twenty-Four Dead Campaigns [Part 1]

Content Warnings: Emotional abuse, manipulation, gaslighting, suicidal thoughts
Note: I wrote this horror story about three weeks ago. Since then, enough new horror on top has come to light about this DM to write another story of similar length, involving false rape allegations, sexual predation, demanding and controlling behaviour, turning friends against each other, lying about his day-to-day life and age to appear older than us, spreading false rumours about us to each other, pity-farming, exploiting another very vulnerable player to worship him, and much more. This is a story that just seems to get worse and worse the more our group of survivors talk about it. That said, I hope you enjoy this initial dose of horror. Happy reading.
I never imagined I’d be penning up the next story here. I’ve had my fair share of lite horror stories, sure: the nice-enough lad who wanted to play an excessively edgy Prototype-inspired homebrew class for Waterdeep Dragon Heist, the duergar wizard who had an obsession with Prestidigitation and cleaning soiled objects to the point of screaming at the DM about whether or not a bag of holding had a bottom to it, the barbarian altering his Roll20 sheet settings and macros to add hard-to-catch bonuses to his rolls, etc… but never anything bad enough to justify a full vent piece here.
Yet I finally had one: the worst one, involving me realising a former 'serious, abusive problem player' of our group - someone who wrote up a popular story here ('DM ruins Curse of Strahd by adding his Sorcadinlock Self Insert who’s “coincidentally” also Strahd’s brother') - wasn’t actually a problem player at all, and was right in it about many things. They were totally justified to be as pissed off as they were. Unsettlingly, I realised I’d helped enable horror-story behaviour towards that poor player myself and become an accomplice without even realising it. For reference to u/newt__noot's HorrorStory linked above, we're talking about the same DM here (named 'Rob' in Newt's story).
This is a really big story with a lot to unpack, given this has come from years and years of many campaigns with the same problem DM. I’ll try to condense it as much as I can into sections. For context’s sake, know that we’ve often identified these problems with the DM before and tried to diplomatically raise them as his friend and fellow player, and nine times out of ten been shot down hard for it and made to feel guilty or as if we’re irrational for seeing the issue or thinking of it as such.
So. Context time, my friends. I write wordy, with apologies in advance, so snuggle up with some cocoa and a blanket.
I’ve played D&D for many years. The man who helmed most of my groups is, for the sake of exchanged names, called Alex in this story. For the last five years, Alex has been the first man I’ve met who I can genuinely say I’d take a bullet for. He taught me how to write fiction, be a great Dungeon Master, and though we weren’t of blood, called me his brother. I grew up in a not-so-great household, and so did he. When he told me he considered us that close, I cried. I cried like a baby with joy and felt seen and loved for weeks, and finally knew what a life-long friendship as an adult was supposed to feel like. Only a cult leader could hope to compete with his incredible charisma, and he always became crowned by everyone as the ‘Group Dad’ of every D&D and friendship group we formed. He was only two years older than any of us, or so we thought, but had the incredible wisdom, insight and maturity of a man far older. He was creative, intelligent, and the sort of guy who could give you lectures on random topics for hours and have you captivated the entire time.
For the first few years, he was a wonderful friend. He was supportive, caring, loyal, and we loved him. We all got him gifts and made tokens of affection for him, and he did so back. And he was an incredible writer. His worldbuilding, character voices, NPCs and descriptions felt on-par with Matt Mercer, and I don’t say that lightly. We often fawned over how we felt we had our very own Critical Role at points. However, we had problems - for one, games never lasted. We got through twenty-four in the last three years. Most were Alex’s. A good chunk were mine that Alex convinced me to stop running, despite the rest of the group wanting to keep playing them (except one. One was pretty crummy. We were all okay with that one going). I can name every single one and what they were about, if I sit down to list them. Each and every one lasted either only one or two sessions, or never started at all. In almost every case, we had those sessions, loved them and our characters, and Alex turned around afterwards and gave a seemingly-compelling excuse as to why we couldn’t do that one anymore - or, turned to me when I DM’d, and spent hours justifying to me why my game was bad and how despite the others loved it, I needed to shut it down, ‘be a player for a while’, and make a new one ‘in the future’ (read: repeat this all over again one month from now).
Ironically, this cycle is what’s caused us to finally wake up and realise the true issues we’ve had with our group. It’s only with the sheer exhaustion and apathy towards D&D we’ve developed as a result that it’s become apparent there’s problems. Each of us have made enough characters to, for each player individually, populate entire taverns. Every single one of them was lovingly crafted, had full backstories, completed sheets, planned potential development arcs, roleplay plans with fellow players, theme tunes picked out, the full shebang. Every single one of them has not been used for any longer than two sessions, except for one unusually long-lived game where we mercifully got a whopping 25 sessions… and then Alex said he didn’t want to run it anymore, and wouldn’t allow anyone else to take the DM’ing role on it, given that it was his world and it ‘wouldn’t feel right’ given he wanted to use it for a book.
Whenever we asked to reuse these aborted characters, we were firmly told no, with only one exception ever being made. Alex always wanted to try new genres and ideas not everyone was really on board with, but we went along with because he was a good enough narrator to make them interesting, but even if a new game was in the same genre as the last, reusing characters wasn’t allowed. Yes, even if we hadn’t played a single session with them. Alex made new worlds with every campaign, spending entire weeks worldbuilding down to entire personality profiles and written physical descriptions for every NPC (and insisting this was the only way to DM properly for me, showing me incredible disapproval whenever I used a more improv-heavy DM’ing style and telling me I wasn’t going about it right). Whenever he made these worlds, you had to make an entirely new character to fit that world. No redos. Suffice it to say, all of us ran out of character ideas quickly, and eventually simply didn’t want to make characters anymore.
That’s the core issue, so feel free to stop reading there if that’s already a lot. But, if you’re hungry for more, there’s more, all in the delightful flavours of gaslighting, manipulation and general emotional abuse. God knows I have the need to get it all out in writing at this point, so if you do read on, I hope this is both enjoyable and serves as insight into some serious and harder-to-read red flags than your typical stories. I’ll write up the problems we faced and stories in sections from here.

1.) “Your game will fail unless you only run it for 10 sessions, tops. Otherwise, it’s doomed. You might as well cancel if you don’t want to do that, because I know your style, and you’re not the sort of DM who can manage a big game.”
Alex runs his games in a very ‘compact’ way, taking modules of D&D and crunching them down to about ten or so sessions. Whenever we raised concerns about this, he’d always insist that this was the way our group needed to run these games, or we’d ‘lose interest and the campaign would collapse’. The result of this was a heavily railroaded, watered-down version of D&D where our characters were funnelled into situations we didn’t truly get a say in.
Alex always seemed to initially support and enjoy my campaigns. He was incredibly helpful from a mentoring standpoint and gave me no end of advice that, honestly, was very good in the early years. I attribute much of my players’ happiness in my games to his lessons. Though the advice became more questionable in recent years, he always told me he enjoyed my worlds a lot and wanted to play in them.
However, in the last two years, five of the games I’ve run have seen the same cycle occur. Alex joins as a player for session one with a beautifully thought-out character and decked-out character sheet. The characters are almost always a bit edgy and reflect some of his personal flaws, but that’s okay. We all often made characters like that. It doesn’t harm anyone and can actually be quite fun, especially for the player, so I allow it. They usually have a good chunk of reflavouring to bend the rules. Again, totally okay; it’s small things like allowing for STR-modifiers on bows, like Pathfinder’s Composite Longbows, or having a rope wound round their starting spear so they can pull it back after throwing. A lot of the reflavours are really cool, and reflect Alex’s talent for building interesting and compelling characters off the bat.
We play session one. It’s usually well-liked with some small issues that get brought up, oftentimes pacing. Alex had us run this routine for a long time of giving reviews of sessions when they were done, rating them out of ten and giving likes and dislikes. If the session scored an aggregate score of 80% of less between all players, whether it was him or me DM’ing, he considered it a failure and made his views known through his behaviour and how he spoke to you afterwards. If session one of my games were very successful and loved by all, he’d stick around for another. If a single session beyond that was ever simply ‘good’ or ‘great’ rather than ‘outstanding’, he’d be very cold, then lose all his enthusiasm and go very quiet about the game.
Then, he’d make excuses about not being able to attend for the next sessions. I’d often try and postpone to accommodate him (much to the others’ frustration when it became more common to postpone than actually play), and he’d quite fairly insist on having the group run without him - but he was my mentor. He was the one who supported me and taught me to DM. Honestly, I was quite codependent on him in an unhealthy way, much like all of us to a smaller extent. At the time, I felt I needed him to see and approve of my campaigns to be truly happy.
Eventually though, it didn’t matter what I did. After enough weeks or months had passed (and especially quickly if I began running sessions without Alex, as per his suggestion), Alex would pop into my DMs out of nowhere and begin suggesting I kill my own campaigns that he hadn’t played in for any longer than the openings.
Alex stuck around in my games for no longer than two sessions, and that wasn’t even continuous. Each time, he successfully convinced me to kill the campaign afterwards. I always hard a sharp reaction of “What?! Why? No!” to him at first, but then he’d start talking. “It had a weak start”, “You can do better”, “They don’t really like your game. I know what they like, so-and-so does this when they like a game and did you see them do that in yours?”, “The other players will understand. You’re the DM, too! Your fun matters!”. Every time, I was steadily made, usually over private voice calls that lasted multiple hours, to believe that I didn’t enjoy my own games. In truth, I actually enjoyed them plenty and loved them dearly until Alex started working that Natural 20 Persuasion of his.
It wasn’t until the fifth one where two of my players, rightfully so, confronted me. I’d run eight sessions without Alex, and they were having a lot of fun with the game. It was the furthest we’d ever gotten in one of my games with Alex hovering around our server. The two players both adored their characters. They had a LOT of roleplay planned out. They had been fawning over the world. They were sick of me letting Alex cancel their games over, and over, and over again.
They demanded an explanation from me. I began very calm and thought they were acting irrationally, running Alex’s reasonings through my mind. Alex was preparing to run his own game (again) and had spent three months prepping for it. Yes, this game later crashed and died after two sessions solely because Alex refused to run it again despite us asking for more, but at the time, Alex had convinced me this was the One:™: that would survive… again. Alex told me it would be selfish to continue with my game if we ran frequently at all, such as a weekly or biweekly schedule, as it would ‘take the focus away from [his] game’. In his words, “the only way you can do this without quite frankly sacrificing this new game I’ve worked on is to run it once a month, if that, maybe once every three months.” He calmly and gently, in that all-too-rational voice, described to me that it’s only natural that players in two or three games at once would naturally like one more than the other. If they liked my game more, his efforts would be wasted. My game had less work put into it than his given I clearly didn’t work as hard as he did on my worlds, which he’d spend countless hours daily for months on, and so it wasn’t fair to him for me to take the spotlight away from his new campaign. Equally, another player was running an ailing game that we both knew and admitted to each other sadly was not going to last due to their personal circumstances, but Alex insisted that I’d be doing that player a disservice by taking the light off their game, too.
My players questioned me, having a hunch that Alex was the reason I’d cancelled yet another game, and I proved them right by parroting this rhetoric to them. They felt extremely hurt I put Alex’s feelings ahead of theirs and challenged every word, and not without reason. As I had the conversation, I gradually found myself stopping short of sentences, losing my train of thought - everything I was repeating from Alex to placate my players was making less and less sense. I felt myself getting angry and upset mid-conversation as I realised I’d killed a campaign that my players and I loved for no real good reason, and upset them and myself deeply as a result. I logged off shortly after.
Without inserting personal problems too much into this, it’s worth noting I do have moderate depression. It’s thankfully on the mend and I’m managing it well. The reason I mention it is because that night was the last time I experienced a severe suicidal episode, and made plans to end my life. I’m a very sensitive person naturally, but my codependence with him put me in a position where I realised I couldn’t get out of it without upsetting my players or Alex. Alex was still in my head after I sided with him, though, and I found myself feeling heart-wrenched and guilty. I saw myself as the bad guy who was damaging Alex’s beloved new game and being a poor friend to our fellow player who ran their own. I took his reasoning as truth, and it made me believe I was a bad enough, inconsiderate person to not deserve to continue my life. Thankfully, I ended up in hospital and got further support and help for my state, and was home by the following afternoon.
Sadly enough, Alex was already then in a state of barely messaging any of us, or taking literally weeks to reply to us. My best friend, who I felt owed me a serious apology but I couldn’t stand up to, never learned nor to this day knows he put me in hospital overnight with his selfishness. It makes me furious to this day, and I’m no longer convinced he would even care if he learned that. We now believe Alex simply never wanted anyone else to DM; or, at least, DM successfully. He wasn’t exactly supportive of our mutual friend’s campaign, either.

2.) “Considering you clearly can’t take down his challenge alone, like ALL your challenges, my DMPC/the random inconsequential NPC finishes off the BBEG for you.”
Secondly, Alex had a severe issue with deus ex machina. Overpowered supportive NPCs we never asked for help from were used over and over again to make our player characters feel clownish, and destroyed our own hopes for and perceptions of them. He had an intensely-ingrained philosophy of applying JRPG mechanics or design ideas from his favourite recently-played video games into his D&D campaigns, and designed them quite literally as if he was a director on such a project.
Alex introduced various restrictive, arbitrary video-gamey mechanics into his campaigns that destroyed our immersion and punished us for things we had no agency to control. In one recent game, we had a period of time - a week - to resolve a serious incoming invasion of an army upon the capital city of the setting. We were level 3, and this was our first quest as a party, the hook being that we were prophesied heroes who everyone looked upon with great awe and expectations. We were told that for every day we did something to prepare, we would be forced to take an ‘off-day’ where we were physically incapable of doing anything to prepare. No reason was given. Later, we were told a consequence of ‘our actions’ were that the people of the city considered us lazy and were growing restless with the fact we were sitting around and doing nothing, despite the fact Alex had insisted we must spend those days essentially jacking off in a tavern with nothing better on our minds. We weren’t even allowed to roleplay during these off-days or handle downtime tasks. It was a small thing, but each of us felt frustrated. Our characters wouldn’t have sat around doing nothing, or if they did need a rest, they would’ve used that time to talk and get to know each other better, considering they’d only just met and needed to work together on an impossible-seeming suicide mission. As such, we were incredibly unsatisfied. Any attempts at roleplaying were often cut short and we were ushered along very quickly to the ‘next bit of content’ before we could exchange any more than a couple of sentences.
And don’t get me started on feeling useless or clownish. We told Alex out of character that we loved his DMPC’s personality and characterisation, because it was legit really good. Remember, Alex was an truly amazing storyteller and great actor. However, we didn’t want him to one-up us. If he had a DMPC, he was a fellow player and had the same limitations as a player. “I promise,” Alex had told us.
At level 11, Alex hurled a CR 27 custom dragon at us for a chase sequence that we only survived because his DMPC stopped the carriage and cut a mountain in half with his sword. For reference, this is the first time we, as players, had ever faced a dragon in his games, and the fucking thing was more jacked statblock-wise than an Ancient Red Dragon. I saw it. This thing would wipe a level 20 party. It would rival Tiamat. This wasn’t an encounter we were supposed to stumble into, Alex insisted, but beforehand, he had made a hidden roll and made a small awkward laugh as if he’d randomly gotten it on a random encounter table. I’ve co-DM’d with Alex before. Alex does not use random encounter tables. He had the statblock ready to go in our Roll20 while we were level 11, and he doesn’t fill in stats unless he expects to use that creature soon. He often forced us into ridiculously dangerous fights where we’d need outside help to win and could never handle problems for ourselves. This was deliberate, and I firmly believe that, though I have honestly no clue why except to further highlight how weak our party was compared to his DMPC and saviour NPCs.
During the final battle of the first arc of that game, level 10, his same DMPC fought the final boss by himself while half the party were in a basement fighting a much weaker henchman whose CR no longer posed us a threat, then barely escaping a stupidly high escape-DC instant death explosion as a ‘cool set piece’ that felt more like an unnecessary, unfair death trap to ‘up the stakes’. We got up top just in time to see him move into a pocket dimension where he claimed each strike he made against the BBEG was for us. It was absolutely insulting. We had the entire final boss and BBEG stolen from us and relegated to a DMPC’s personal moment. We were cool with DMPCs getting their own arcs and personal moments, but not that, dear fucking god. If it’d been another party member getting to 1v1 the final boss from the get-go until victory then we’d be just as upset. This was supposed to be a group challenge.
Two of our characters never even saw the BBEG’s face during the entire campaign. Before that game died, I’d actually intended to bring it up in roleplay - “huh, what did that guy even look like? I never actually saw him.” Cheeky, I know, but we were all getting upset. That said, Alex proclaimed himself a forever DM (partially now we realise because he never could accept that other DMs don’t tend to run how he does and feels the need to always do it himself), and the guilt of telling him he couldn’t or shouldn’t get to roleplay as a DMPC was too thick for us to deal with at that time. His life was in a shit place. This was one of the few things that made him happy. Nobody wanted to be the one to tell him his precious hero was overpowered and too much. Do that, and you become the asshole of the group. You make things awkward.
Alex’s character was a Paladin-Sorcerer-Warlock multiclass at one point. Roleplay reasoning? None. No, literally none. I can see the Sorcerer side a teeny bit, sure. But he took no Oath or Pact at any point. He just suddenly had the full class switchup after a solo fight scene earlier in the campaign with the BBEG (it lasted twenty minutes. Yes, we sat and watched. Yes, that was more okay to us - again, we approved for him to have some sort of personal moment here and there, but it was frustrating that he was getting the bulk of the interaction with the BBEG even back then). He came to me, knowing I liked my build theorycrafting and number-crunching, and asked me for a powerful nova class build. I suggested it the Paladin-Sorcerer-Warlock and suggested Order Of The Stick if he wanted to know more, but joked that he’d need to be careful given how powerful it was and that it might make us all feel useless. He insisted he’d take it easy, did his research, respecc’d his character from barbarian, and then proceeded to blow everything up whilst acting very stunned and surprised at the table at his own damage output.
He later reclassed to Rogue, but then proceeded to still do similar nova damage by conveniently ignoring the “one Sneak Attack per round” limitation with his self-given magic item that gave multiple strikes, claiming his character ‘had something that let him do that’. This meant his character was frequently dealing about 50 damage per round without crits at level 8 when most of us didn’t have magical weapons yet, and were still using starting gear except for the odd trinket.
He gave himself a Vestige of Divergence (a scaling, personalised unique magic weapon tailored for the character from Critical Role) before any other member of the party. And boy, did he get is EARLY. Very, very early. We’d each been promised one ‘eventually’ at my own suggestion to Alex, and we were all very excited. What wonderful, flavourful and personalised artifacts would we each be getting our hands on? I hoped for a cool cane or walking stick. I was told no, you’re getting a staff. Alright, okay, sure. It’s still going to be personalised and unique and implement my character’s personality and story arcs in its design, right?
Only one other party member ever got one. By the time they did, Alex’s DMPC’s Vestige had already Awakened (hit tier 2 out of 3 in terms of power) and gave him ridiculous abilities and bonuses (+2 CHA, +2 to-hit and damage, additional damage dice on-hit, ranged attacks with 8d6 damage per short rest, other assorted abilities) that elevated him far above the rest of us. Even worse, the one party member who did get one got an axe that was barely better than his non-magical starting one and had an incredibly niché blood-tracking ability that didn’t make much sense for the character’s playstyle, nor would likely ever come up in play more than once. Though thematically suited to the character, by comparison functionally, it was a joke of a weapon.

3.) “Fiction is reality with the boring bits taken out. So, no downtime, money or resting when you want to.”
Thirdly, Alex’s condensed style meant half of D&D 5e went out the window. Resting was bizarre. During a two-week ship journey across an ocean that our characters were forced into when his DMPC became king of a player character’s tribe (which said player character should’ve been king of at that point, by the way - this is also the player who received the borderline-useless Vestige of Divergence axe), we weren’t allowed a long rest. Why? “For the sake of this journey, you need to be somewhere safe to rest.” We were on a caravan of longboats with sheltered bedding quarters and allied warriors! You’re telling us we can’t have 8 hours to sleep once in those two weeks and get our resources back?!
We never saw money, ever. None of us ever had more than 150 gold pieces in our pockets. NPCs didn’t pay us because we didn’t ‘do quests’, we were ferried along a storyline where we weren’t ever employed by NPCs but instead always chasing a BBEG with no promise of pay except for magic items dropped by powerful foes along the way: like a video game. This wouldn’t be so bad if it weren’t for the fact that in the one game that survived for a time, Alex’s DMPC was given 5,000 gold pieces for free despite having no use for it except getting to say he was richer than the rest of us. Shopping came up exactly once in that campaign and never again, and the party were financially indebted to his character whenever payments came up. This meant many spells, items, downtime activities and such were off the table, and many spells or items were utterly useless. Rest encounters never came up, so Alarm, Leomund’s Tiny Hut and clever trap or camouflage techniques had no use here (but Alex still let you waste spell/item choices on them without a word). We never got to have cushy campfire roleplay as a casual, on-a-whim thing. Considering we never decided where to go or what to do and were told when we needed to seek a tavern for rest, money became an object of ‘how much do you want to have your wallet taxed to stay in this next chapter of Alex’s book overnight?’. Travel was turned into a minigame using yet another arbitrary video-game esque system that, ironically enough, slowed it down to a crawl and made roleplaying with each other during the travel very difficult due to how it split the party and made them go do very different things, very far away from each other.
Many spells didn’t work or had their effects handwaved away. During a travel minigame, we had to hunt for food - our Druid realised they had Create Food and Water prepared specifically because travel was ahead, and happily pitched using it to, as per the spell, create enough food to sustain us. The DM realised this would mean no hunting DC check and no chance of failure because of intelligent planning and expending limited resources, so naturally, he told the Druid that the spell ‘wouldn’t sustain you for the journey’. When the Druid mentioned they could cast it every day, the “you can’t long rest for weeks” bullshit arose again. Oh no, you all slept, you just don’t gain spell slots back or anything until I say so. For clarification, there was no prior discussion or agreement for this random, unexpected switch to what was essentially Gritty Realism long rest rules (or worse than gritty realism, considering the time was often two weeks instead of one for the rest). We were just informed it was the case when we tried to play the game as we expected it.
Many spells were banned at higher levels. I played a Wizard for it, and Alex didn’t like the Wizard. He didn’t like the fact they could bypass his encounters with clever problem solving, despite the fact it’s a core appeal of the class and requires limited resources and creative thinking to do so. Of course, I wasn’t aware of this until we were already too far into the game to make a change, and it wasn’t because Alex said so; it’s because of how he treated the Wizard as a class. It wasn’t until I hit level 13 and was genuinely excited to use spells like Magnificent Mansion for roleplay (my character wanted to give the gift of a custom-designed, comfortable home to our party) that Alex told me such spells were banned. Here’s a few and the reasonings why.
Magnificent Mansion: Our party travelled around in a carriage. I wanted to use this to show off my character’s growing mastery of the arcane and finally prove themselves as USEFUL to the party, giving them the beautiful gift of a comfortable home - something many of them had said in roleplay they wanted someday. It would be wonderful progression and open up great roleply. Alex said no. He wanted the party to be stuck in the dingy, rotten carriage that is owned by his DMPC for ‘thematic reasons’.
Illusory Dragon: One of the few lategame illusion spells. Was told I’d be allowed to use it as a ‘cool final attack’ in combat exactly once, “maybe in a big boss as a combo attack with another player or something, because it’ll become boring if you reuse it”.
Mirage Arcane: Another lategame illusion spell I’d been pumped for for a very long time. Was told no when the time came to choose my 7th-level spells, because shaping the terrain around us would trivialise his travel minigame and make the navigation DC almost impossible to fail - as if it wouldn’t be resource expenditure, a form of problem solving inherent to my chosen class and subclass specialism, and part of the expected adventuring solutions a Tier 3 play party may employ.
In case you can’t tell, being locked out of the most exciting spells in the game sucked a lot of the fun and excitement out of playing what had been becoming my favourite class for me. I had mostly no damage-dealing options and was specc’d to be all about utility, but I was already deliberately avoiding spells like Simulacrum, Clone, Contingency and Magic Jar so as to not be difficult for Alex. These bans were on top of my own self-imposed limitations. Ironically, Alex criticised that my spellbook didn’t have a lot of illusion spells at one point considering I was supposed to be an illusionist. Gee, thanks, Alex. It’s not like my Silent Images, Minor Illusions and Major Images have not worked even once because all your enemies have traits to hard-counter them, and you’ve banned all my interesting options at higher level until I’m stuck taking Chain-fucking-Lightning on my happy-go-lucky pacifist Wizard who doesn’t want to hurt anyone. Even worse, we never saw a single spell scroll or spellbook. I didn’t get to scribe any new spells. I was playing a worse Sorcerer who did nothing of value in combat. I could not have felt less useless or happy in my class choice - it was the first time I’d played a Wizard, and I desperately wanted to play a utility/support caster who helped solve problems without resorting to violence all the time. I realised very quickly that didn’t fit with Alex’s JRPG game design and the railroad forcing us into combat for ‘pacing reasons’. In his words; “No, no. I’ll be real here, think about it - we’ve tried ‘classic’ D&D. You don’t like classic D&D, not really. Our table wants a quicker game with proper pacing, whether or not you realise it now.”
I still vividly recall a pre-established PvP scenario where myself and one other characters (a Wizard and a Druid respectively, Level 10) were placed in an arena with a newly-introduced PC after a character death. This new PC started as a servant of the BBEG and needed to be fought and convinced to fight for us, with Alex and the player working together on an admittedly very cool boss fight sort of deal. We went in with the awareness that the Boss-PC would, in this area, have Lair Actions, Legendary Resistance and the full shebang. We were also clearly informed in advance that the Boss-PC had permission to kill our characters if it made sense.
We beat the Boss-PC by the skin of our teeth, but the debate after was tense. My Druid friend was down and I needed a way to guarantee her safety so I could stabilise her before she died. Afraid my not-so-charismatic Wizard wouldn’t be able to convince the Boss-PC to be nice before she bled out, I realised he had no Legendary Resistances left and pulled what I thought would be the perfect move - Sleep. He had a smattering of hit points left. No Legendary Resistance, no save. It was guaranteed to work, and meant a minute of time to get the Druid up, be safe, and then restrain and wake up the Boss-PC to have a full conversation with them - ask them who they were, have some fun roleplay, make it a memorable moment where they come aboard the team. It’d also mean the Druid’s player would get to be a part of the roleplay of convincing our new party member to join us, and I wanted to include them on this cool moment.
“... and I cast Sleep.”
Instead, Alex immediately guffaws laughing, and so does the Boss-PC player, wheezing and shouting “NO! OOHHHH, NO! NO! NO, YOU IDIOT! YOU JUST KILLED [the Druid]! WHY DID YOU DO THAT? THAT WAS SO STUPID! YOU HAD IT! YOU HAD IT! YOU THREW IT AWAY!”. These two knew my sensitive spot is having my intelligence insulted. I don’t think I’m a very smart person. In fact, I’m very, very self-conscious about it, and they know fully well how much that very-much-not-joking statement would hurt. In the moment, I became furious, horrified that Alex had just twisted the rules to give favouritism to the Boss-PC at the end of the fight to make the Druid’s now all-but-guaranteed death my fault - make me look like a clown who messed up.
I asked to retcon the move if that was the case and said ‘it’s bullshit otherwise’, and Alex immediately dropped the laughter and took on a dark tone. It was a clear-cut ‘you’ve fucked up’ tone. “No. I’m the DM. What I say, goes. If I’m bending the rules, that’s what I’m doing. I’ll let you take it back, but don’t you dare say that’s bullshit. It’s not.”
Alex never apologised for this. The Boss-PC player taunted me after the game and further insulted me by saying it was a stupid thing to do, rubbing it in that it almost got my fellow player’s beloved character killed. Worst of all, I felt like the bad guy afterwards, again. I left a completely heartfelt and self-flagellating apology in Alex’s DMs that was paragraphs long, to which I received a simple, cold ‘Just make sure it doesn’t happen again. It was very disruptive’.
At the time, everyone was on board with Alex, because it was Alex. Of course they were. I would’ve been if it was another player at the table. Now, after we’ve removed ourselves from his influence, the other players have come to see my side of events. I actually posted a story on DnD about it a while back asking for advice on how to better handle DM rulings like that personally, and received no shortage of comments telling me my DM sounded like a bad egg and that they’d be mad too. At the time, of course, I dismissed them and responded with ‘no no, you don’t understand! He’s an AMAZING DM!”.
Later shenanigans involving making our characters feel clownish or useless beyond not being able to ever achieve anything on their own include;
We're not even done yet. Told you this was a long one! I'll post the second half shortly and provide a link to it here.
submitted by PenOfChapman to rpghorrorstories [link] [comments]

Small galaxy part 6

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Galactic Standard date: Year 11356 Day, 86. Sol Standard date: 3/29/3267
Catherine Dulacy was trying to be on her best behavior as she gave the three Atteni ambassadors a tour of the Amaryllis. After leaving decon chamber the first place on the list was the mess hall. As she led the Atteni through the massive halls of her cargo ship she noticed that So'Ran was fidgeting an awful lot and was immediately beside herself with worry. " Um... So'Ran? are you ok?" she asked.
So'Ran blushed in embarrassment as he hadn't realized he had been fidgeting like an over excited child. Though he was closer now in body to being a child than he had thought to be ever possible. He took this as an opportunity to ask, " W-Well i was wondering what exactly happened in the "decontamination" chamber. After all I've clearly dropped in age by a hundred years give or take." he asked sheepishly.
Catherine stopped as she considered it before shrugging her shoulders and happily chirping out a " No clue hun! Our lead engineer is a real smart cookie though so we can probably just ask him! He's off duty right now so he's likely sleeping, lucky for you his room is a couple of blocks from the mess hall so we can visit him and then get some grub!" she said, happy as a newly wed.
Valthan's ears flicked at the mention of an engineering god. " Excuse me captain Dulacy, tell me about this engineer you spoke of please. I am quite interested in learning from his lordship." he said.
Catherine cocked her head at the "his lordship" but brushed it off as him being a bit overly formal. " You aint gotta be so formal with me hun, you're WAYYYY to adorable for that kind of talk. Though i suppose i can tell you what i know, he keeps to himself and his team mostly so i pretty much only know his resume. As for that, his name is Jason Linford, he is now 358 years old and managed several tours as a non combat engineer in the fight against the Dimensional horrors we've been fighting for the last 900 or so years, his job was repair and refit of well, pretty much everything and everyone. He was an Imperium jack of all trades engineer. That's why i hired him. He would assuredly need little to no training and what little he might need he would pick up in no time at all." she said.
The three Atteni were trying to take in all of the information she had just casually dropped and each of the three ended up trying to ask questions at the same time causing Catherine to kneel down and try to calm the small aliens enough to get a clear question from one. " Hold on there y'all ill answer one question per mouse in a rotation." she said. With a mischievous look in her eyes and an ever widening smile she said, " i know exactly how to make it as fair as possible! you three can play rock, paper, scissors!" she then explained the rules to the game and watched with glee as the tiny hands went into place and Valenthi announced the start. " Rock, paper, scissors, shoot." she said. Valenthi threw Rock, So'Ran threw scissors, and Valthan had thrown rock as well. It was down to Valenthi and Valthan now. "Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!" Valenthi yelled as she thrust out a tiny pair of scissor fingers to meet Valthans flimsy paper hand.
Valenthi pumped her fist and turned to ask Catherine her question only to see a hand inches away from the top of her head. " Wha-!" she yelped as the hand made contact with her head and started massaging between her ears. Valenthi's eyes crossed and she melted into a puddle as Catherine scooped her up and started giving her more head scritches. All of her worries were suddenly so far away, she could hear Catherine calling her adorable, and cute among other things that were lost in the blissful massage while being held so close to the warm chest of the giant. She could hear the gigantic thumping of Catherine's heart and it was the most comforting sound she had ever heard, then Catherine set her back down onto the deck breaking her from her reverie and asked her what her question was.
Valenthi looked around in shock at just how at peace she had been while being held and petted like a wild animal, then she thought about how much colder it was away from Catherine when the question finally hit her. " Wha- wait what? my question about what? and what was that? What did you just do to me? It felt amazing..." she said with a wonderous look in her eyes.
Catherine froze at her questioning. She was supposed to be on her best behavior, but she couldn't help herself. The tiny hands playing rock paper scissors had just been too adorable, and then they got into a really heated battle in it, and then the tiny mouse looked so happy with her victory that i just couldn't help myself. she thought. " I...i uh.. well I'm sorry but you looked so adorable and i wanted to reward you for your victory so i kinda couldn't help but give you scritches... sorry...." she said looking for all the world like she had just committed an unforgivable sin.

Valenthi just smiled a happy smile and said, " Its fine Miss Dulacy. I don't know why but it was really comforting when you did that, i was so at peace. It was like all of my problems had disappeared... But i still have to ask my first big question. You said that the Imperium was at war with something you called a "dimensional horror" for around 900 years. So what exactly are these dimensional horrors that have been able to keep fighting you for 900 years despite your incredibly advanced technology?
Catherine face palmed herself at that. The Azarians were probably not supposed to be revealed in the first five minutes of first contact. The her face got deadly serious. " They are called the Azarians as some general decided they needed a name that was shorter than " dimensional horror". We have been beating their lines back for the last 427 years but the first couple of centuries were pretty horrifying. As the name suggests, they aren't from our dimension, and well, they're pretty horrifying to look at. They are on average around 31 feet tall and another 17 in width. That's just the main body of it but it has a mass of on average 78 feeder tentacles that are barbed and poisonous so as to catch and kill whatever the tentacle may pass before bringing it to its giant fanged maw. These usually reach out to a full length of 230 feet, and are fairly thin at a solid 2 foot diameter. Then another two tentacles that they attack anything that the feeder tentacles cant breach. These are called Destroyers for obvious reasons. That's enough for now, we can have a history lesson on those vile beings later if you want but they sour the mood." she said.
Valenthi was shocked beyond belief. These gods had been keeping a power capable of bridging the dimensional rifts at bay, a terrible and dark power of a size and magnitude she couldn't imagine even battle cruisers destroying, and these beings were not only holding them back, but had even pushed their lines back.
The three Atteni took some time to soak that information in before Valthan asked his question. "You said that engineer Jason was 358 years old. Is my translation correct at assuming that his age was already converted to years for my people? If so, how is he 358 years old and still alive and kicking? he asked.
Catherine just shrugged, " Translation should be fine, ships A.I. knows his stuff. Our lifespan became rather infinite barring a few of the more total deaths we can just go on forever. We cant survive being atomized but so long as there's a little left we can be brought back, young, and fresh. Getting eaten by an Azarian is another way we can die totally. That one we aren't exactly sure how to fix either. Oh by the way, I'm 1007 years old!" she said.
The three just stared open mouthed and wide eyed. and they all collectively thought. " They ARE gods."
So'Ran had the final question before they would go to meet with Jason. " How did you attain immortality?" he asked. Short and simple.
Catherine just cocked her head and let out a sigh. "Same way you three did. Again Jason can explain the light thingy better than i can. All i know is that its some sort of local time reversal that can restore your body to whatever condition it was in at the time reversals set time?" she shrugged and then added. " Meh, weird wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff." she said with a big grin and rosy red cheeks.
The three couldn't handle the shock anymore and just went into shock sleep mode, falling to the floor with three tiny *tinks* as they all hit the floor.
Catherine lost her shit and panicked.

----------LIME HAS ENDED-----------
Threw in quite a bit more than i intended to tonight, was going to get to the meet with Jason but the idea hit me for the ole rock paper scissors thing and i just had to roll with it. Got work early in the morning. About three hours earlier than normal so i had to stop here but i assure you i will get to all that tomorrow! Hope you all enjoy reading it as much as i enjoyed writing it! By the by i forgot to mention that the character Jason Linford belongs to u/BlueFishcake im a fan of his series but its a bit NSFW so if y'all aint old enough or aren't down for pancakes then hold fire.
submitted by Laddimor to HFY [link] [comments]

My mom actually drove me crazy enough to be physically ill

4 days of holiday and I've already spent 3 of it in bed sleeping it off instead of doing something productive.
There are probably people with more serious family and financial problems that would probably see my problem as a joke but this actually hit he hard. Hard enough to make me actually notice that my blood pressure is elevated to pre-hypertension level and got me 2 days worth of tension headache. I'm also just using this to write down and collect my thoughts.
I've been living alone with my mom and my uncle. My uncle's paying rent in the guest bedroom and my mom is basically retired so she's taking care of the household most of the time. Mean while, I've been busy at work most of the time.
I've been mildly stress lately.

While my mom takes care of the household, she is not doing a good job of it. There's actually two problems to this. 1 being disorganization and 2 being her declining health.
Kitchen doesn't have a proper order. Pantry have expired products taking up space. Oven being used as storage instead of being an oven. Potatos and onions are growing roots because they are kept stacked instead of in a proper storage. Tones of pots and pans remain unused because they are stacked on top of each other.
This disorganization becomes a problem because it also affects her ability to plan to cook. How are you suppose to cook if you don't know where everything is?
So, since the beginning of the year, I've been taking notes and measurements, and researching on how best keep things organized. Its not easy, we have limited space so all measurements must be perfect. I've drawn diagrams, search online and cross reference product dimensions to ensure the money is going to proper products instead of accidently buying something we can't use.
Instead of relaxing on the weekend, this has been my weekend project for a good part of January. And all the while, my mom's been commenting how I am wasting money and she will take care of things. Well, if she was able to take care of it, it wouldn't be disorganized for a major part of 2020.

She is also suffering from declining health. That's normal given her age. But the problem is that majority of her health problems are actually manageable but is unmanaged. Biggest thing is her diet. She has really bad diet. Super high carb diet. She eats like a massive plate full of rice with a little bit of fish or one piece of chicken. High carb diet are bad for people in general but worse for older people. They can't exercise hard so carbs gonna get stored as fat. There are some studies that suggest high carb diet in older people may lead to cognitive issues and high carb diets leads to fatigue.
She's been complaining about being sluggish and lack of energy, and have asked me if there are supplements she can eat to give her energy. I've just signed and said there's no supplements on earth that can counteract a bad diet. She needs a proper diet but I can't give it to her because I can't cook and I can't monitor her eating 24/7. And because of this lack of energy, she's having a hard time organizing and planning for cooking.

She also have been ultra religious. This has been a problem for me for many years because I'm a closet atheist. But the bigger problem is that she is self teaching herself Islam. You can already see a lot of problems from this. Unauthentic sources, questionable Indonesian preachers on youtube, old and outdate books with questionable sources are what she use as teaching materials for herself.
This has been a point of conflict for us because every time she shares something which I find questionable, I point out that this thing might not be authentic. She then said there's no way this Ustaz is lying and we will break out into a small fight.

Also, although this may sound mean, she's kinda stupid. While it is common to see older folks struggle with technologies, her problem is she doesn't bother to learn. This has been going on since my childhood. I had to set up the VCR for her back in the day while I was still in lower primary school because she didn't bother to learn how the VCR work. This problem snowballed to current modern era where she can barely function with any modern day lifestyle. She can't google, she can't look up phone numbers, she can't read google maps, she can barely do anything without my help.

Aside from all this, I'm going through a re-contract period. Company is undergoing restructuring. I'm an trying to learn new skill and certification. I need to keep track of my motorcycle maintenance. Every commute to and from work is a life and death battle with idiots on the road. And I'm not getting enough sleep.

So this all finally leads to 3 days ago on Chinese New Years eve when I took a day off. I had plan to bring my mom along to Ikea so we can look up how else we can organize the kitchen. At the same time, I've finally got a Dishwasher to help with with household chores but have a bit of a problem because I don't have a faucet Y-splitter with a washer hose adapter to pipe in water to the dishwasher.
Mom used this opportunity to berate me for "wasting more money" when I bought this dishwasher specifically to lessen her workload at home. She then said I am wasting her time in the kitchen with all these unnecessary organization.

At that point, something snapped in me. I literally felt my chest tightened up and felt a headache rush upwards. I took a seat gather my thoughts, maybe its just mild stress and cancelled the ikea trip.

While resting, I shared with her my plan for her room. She has been complaining her room is cluttered with old magazines. The plan involve re-arranging some of the furniture. And her answer to that was the bed cannot have the head facing north because that is how we bury dead people. An ustaz on youtube laughter her that. This comment came after her recent feeding of ants in the kitchen because Prophet Sulaiman respects ants.

My headache got worst from that and I had to sleep it off. But worst still, I checked my Blood pressure and I'm seeing numbers I never seen before. 138/83 to high 140/80. This is pre-hypertension level. My normal BP last checked was in the low 117.

So now, 3 days into the holiday period, I spent 2 days in bed. But on the third day, I finally felt well enough, checked my BP is back to normal, chest tightness gone and I was able to go for a short run to ensure heart's working properly.

Then later in the afternoon, we had an argument again about religion and I told her not to stress me out until I got sick. She became really upset when she realized that I was in bed for the last 2 days because of her and started bawling, saying she doesn't want to be a useless mother and hope god takes her away.

I comforted her, apologized for making her sad, but that event took me out again and I slept from noon all the way to 8pm because of that.

Life sucks. Anyway, I've emailed the local mosque enquiring if there are any religious programs for the elderly so she doesn't believe in non-sense. Hopefully there's a program for her.

Sorry for the boring story. Mods can remove this if deemed inappropriate.
submitted by Mikeferdy to singapore [link] [comments]

Why Valentine's Day and Aquarius Season Go Hand in Hand

this is an updated write-up of my Reframing Aquarius post from years ago. re-sharing for new and old subscribers alike. Happy Valentine's Day.
I want to disclaim, before you jump in, that Love in this write-up and in my opinion, is not a feat of romantic heroism or distilled in ambiguous twin-flame theory. It is not a Drew Barrymore rom-com or an episode of The Bachelor. The Love I speak of here transcends the human trappings of performance, expectation, and desperation. The Love I speak of here, the Aquarius Love, is dispassionate, impersonal, and vastly encompassing. It is a validation of humanity, in all its forms. It is the simple act of non-judgement and fundamental acceptance, that allows the human spirit space to breathe and be. That is my Love.
I want to disclaim, also, that this write-up is about the archetype of Aquarius, what exists in the ether independent of human form. I write from my personal brand of Mercury conjunct Neptune magic. Therefore, this is not necessarily about your Aquarius Sun mother, or your Aquarius Venus crush, or about historical figures of Aquarian nature and lore. It is about energy. What human beings do with that energy sprouts a myriad of potential. Below is one of those potentials.
Like Capricorn and Christmas, Aquarius and Valentine’s Day seem to be fundamentally at odds. Where the serious Saturn-ruled earth sign seems incongruous to merrymaking, so does the Saturn-ruled air sign seem an out-of-place home for one of the more romantic days of the year. If pop Astrology had its way, Aquarius would remain inextricably associated with stereotypes of distance and detachment. While those descriptors are certainly relevant, they are not the end of the story. You may find Taurus or Libra more fitting for Valentine’s Day, where the planet of love and romance is home. Or Pisces, where the planet of love and romance is exalted. Perhaps even Leo, where bouquets of red and pink balloons and Leo-ruled heart-shaped boxes of candy proudly boast and roar: love! But in removing the superficial layers that surround the misunderstood Aquarius, we can come to understand why Cupid’s foray through this cerebral sign is no accident, and rather points us towards a more fitting, yet shocking, conclusion: that the Aquarius love is deep and endless, that the Aquarian heart throbs with an alien passion. If this shocks you, good. Aquarius can enjoy a revolution, a subversion, a brain-fuck. And so may this revolution set Aquarius free from misinformation, and set ablaze a different way of thinking. If you choose to want to think it, that is—Aquarius doesn’t care!
Where Taurus makes love physical, Libra makes love delightful and Pisces makes love dreamy or transcendent—Aquarius makes love ideal. In any working definition of the word romance, “idealized love” makes a literal or alluded appearance. It could be said, then, that from Aquarius, the idea of love is born, even if not practiced. And from ideas, all things sprout. This isn’t altogether odd. Aquarius deals with intellect and logic. And ruled by Saturn, striving towards lasting standards of excellence and fairness, signposts of anything ideal, lines up with what we know about the archetype. In potentializing love to an ideal place, the Aquarius Love comes with a bigger heart and bigger mission. As a human sign, Aquarius is not particular about love— who deserves it, who is giving it, why it went away, when it’ll come, how it looks, etc. With the power of scope and objectivity, Aquarius Love transcends physical limitations and instead becomes a universal concept under which all of humankind can shelter. And what could be more loving than the unrelenting acceptance Aquarius offers? And so where things aren’t sensual or material or comfortable enough for Taurus, where things aren’t refined or classic enough for Libra, or magical and hypnotizing enough for Pisces—Aquarius asks no price of admission, for love to them remains priceless, a public good to be doled out and shared not on pretense, but on brotherhood. It is Aquarius’s diligent eye on humankind and fraternity that expands the concept of love: come one, come all, and come as you are.
Saint Valentine of Rome, whose written account has come to serve as an historical template for the inception of Valentine’s Day, acted out these Aquarian ideals. He performed weddings for those forbidden to marry and when sent to jail, healed his jailer’s daughter of blindness. Afterwards and right before he was due to be executed, he sent a letter to the jailer’s daughter, and signed it, your Valentine. Saint Valentine of Rome was also said to give out paper hearts while ministering to people about God’s love (an impersonal Aquarius resonance, equality under an all-seeing eye), and a direct line can be drawn from this action to the Valentine’s Day decorations we see today. In this brief recounting, we meet two Aquarian archetypes, the former more recognizable than the latter: rebellion and compassion. A human thing to do despite the laws of the time, Saint Valentine, though perhaps not an Aquarius himself, extolled all of the best, yet often ignored tenets of the sign—the push towards equality, that all deserve to have their love legitimized and recognized, endless openness to the human condition, and the Love with a capital L that drives one to such measures. Questionable religious ideology aside, Valentine lived and died on one principal: that love, in all its myriad of incarnated forms, in all of its ceremonials, is for all. That the Sun was travailing through Aquarius as the framework for our modern conception of Valentine’s Day was underway can be no coincidence. All of Astrology bears correspondence to human events, even if they remain obscured or misunderstood for a time.
In Ancient Greece, Aquarius season coincided with Gamelion, the month of marriage. Two festivals occurred then, roughly translated to Sacred Wedding and Divine Wedding. These festivals celebrated the union of Zeus and Hera. In Roman texts, Hera was known as Juno, the goddess of marriage. If Juno sounds familiar, it is because an asteroid was named after her and has come to represent what is looked for in marriage and commitment. Modern natal chart calculators can show where Juno is in the sky for an individual, and can points towards the characteristics of a most suitable long-term partner. So what is it about Aquarius that corresponds to this cultivation of lasting love and marriage? Look to the element and modality: fixed air. Like any fixed sign, Aquarius holds on tight and when best expressed can exalt the virtues of fidelity. Of course, any ideal marriage or partnership needs this brand of loyalty and perseverance. Though much is said about the Aquarius need for space, even the Aquarius need for isolation, it cannot be overlooked that when in intimate partnership, Aquarius is one of the more steadfast partners, seeking not for frivolous union, but for deep connection. But the elemental nature of Aquarius sets it apart from the rest of the fixed family. It can be said that inherent to Aquarius symbolism are two life-sustaining elements: air, and water, as Aquarius is the water-bearer, often mistaken by novices as a water sign. Let me poetically pontificate: no living being can do without air or water. And so the Aquarian love is life-sustaining, from which all bounty and blessings grow, from which all beings benefit. It is the grandeur of this concept that gives Aquarius its aloof quality—their Love is so universal and welcoming that to the casual observer, it appears impersonal. But it is precisely the scope of Aquarius Love that makes it so palpable, an equally matched breadth and depth. Where fixed Taurus can become materialistic, fixed Leo can become self-aggrandizing, and fixed Scorpio can brood and become paranoid, no more fixed is Aquarius than the air it represents: ubiquitous, self-sustaining, stretched over distance yet deeply intimate, as oxygen and the connectivity of breath is shared by all. Co-dependency has long reigned as a romantic model of love, clinginess and self-dissolution perversely used as measures of affection. Psychology has now caught up and identified this proclivity as self-sabotaging and maladaptive. The Aquarius model of live and let live in relationship can appear threatening to the osmosis some wish to experience, or expect to experience. But it offers us a great chance at healthy love—as when air is squelched out of the equation, breathing becomes labored, and the life of the relationship is threatened. When inserted in mutually consented amounts, air allows for space, wherein two individuals (or more, *wink*) can fully stretch out into their identity, their lived experience, always feeling supported, but never entrapped. That is what Aquarius can offer—a Love given the air to float, fly, and flex.
In a sense, and as alluded to above, Aquarius love can be cerebral. But all things start first with thought. The belief of a thing creates the experience of a thing. So for Aquarius to hold you in their minds with love and affection is to tap into a potent creative energy, one that serves as the basis for all emotion and action. And because these ideas are fixed, good luck changing the Aquarian mind. Once loved, always loved. For Aquarius, the idea of love for a person, up close or from afar, is to render that love timeless and shapeless, graduated out the physical dimensions of gift-giving, face-time and attention, and into an ethereal experience. Aquarius is associated with personal freedom and independence. Aquarius gives Love the freedom to expand, to individuate, untethered by expectation or precedent.
Aquarius is traditionally ruled by Saturn. There is, then, a resonance with Aquarius and Saturn’s sign of exaltation—Libra. They trine one another, and share a common Saturnian DNA. Libra, in some ways, is the sign of marriage, one-on-one partnership, diplomacy, and fairness. Therefore, there is an invisible but what I find a personally noteworthy through-line and resonance connecting the idea of peaceful partnership to the Aquarius archetype. With this link, Saturn, and by virtue, Aquarius, can delight when relationships become stable and enduring, planting fertile ground for love to blossom perennially, even after the cold and dry winters.
In sum, I invite you to reconsider what you’ve heard about Aquarius. Leave room for the wondrous ways in which this sign offers us love, and hold space for a history that can corroborate it symbolically. Remember that as the water bearer, Aquarius has within it wells of untapped emotional capacity. Only, unlike any other sign, Aquarius shoulders these emotional conditions with impenetrable strength and understanding, turning them into nutrient, tilling human soil, watering it with compassion. In this alchemical process, all human experience, the sordid and splendid, meet their highest resolution in the arms of Aquarius. It is this level of belonging, of feeling seen and heard, that allows unbridled love to flow. It could be that the Aquarius tendency for distance and austerity is merely erected as a means of protection. That the love they feel for others must somehow be contained behind a wall, less it completely overwhelm them, less their waters drown the world. But do not be mistaken—beyond the ideas of coldness and detachment lies a soft, loving center. A sweetness disguised, but always alive.
“Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.”
-William Shakespeare
submitted by millymichelle to astrology [link] [comments]

I am a sex worker. [Final]

My brain was throbbing against my skull. I could almost feel the parietal bones stretching from the pressure.
Christ. Another twist in the tale?
I was getting sick and tired of this shit. Secrets within secrets. Lies within lies. Just when I thought I was sliding the last piece in its place Victoria walks in and tells me I'd been solving the wrong damn puzzle all along. So incredibly frustrating.
Beads of sweat budded on my forehead from the heat of the candles in the room.
"What the fuck are you talking about, Victoria?" I asked. "What do you mean she's going to destroy the city?"
She paced back and forth near the small coffee table, running her fingers through her hair. "Fuck. I don't have the time to explain, they're going break through the door any second. We have to do this. Quickly."
"Do what?"
"I'll explain later. Just do as I tell you."
I crossed my arms in defiance. "Nuh-uh. I'm not doing shit until you tell me what's going on."
She stopped, gritted her teeth, clenched her fists. "Fuck. Okay, okay. I'll give you the abridged version. So try and keep up, will ya?"
I nodded, turning my nose at the warm and musty stench in the room. Smelled like stale bread and molten wax in there.
"Right." She said. "So, to keep things nice and simple, we are not where you think we are right now."
"The house transported us somewhere else?"
She shook her head. "No. I mean, of course it can do that, but it hasn't. Yet. But that's not what I'm talking about. I'm referring to something more fundamental than that. The city itself."
"What do you mean?"
"This city doesn't exist in the world that you know of. It's more of a," she twisted her hands in front of her, as if rubbing an invisible basketball, "pocket dimension."
I blinked. Confused.
"I know what it sounds like," she continued, "but it's true. With everything you've seen you know it's not outside the realm of possibility. So like I said, we aren't on earth right now, not exactly. Sure you can access the internet and stuff, but in reality we are very weakly connected to our world. The physical traffic, so to say, between our city and what we know as earth is very tightly controlled. The Madame wants to change that, smash the barriers and force her way through."
She paused for a moment, letting me digest this new information.
"This house is the key." She said. "The spell that is at its core, the one that allows it to move from place to place within the city can be reworked and scaled up. Applied on a citywide basis to transport us all - land and trees and buildings included - into the real world. And just like the house needs a sacrifice to work its magic - all the victims of the serial killer who lived here - so does the scaled up spell. The Madame is going to massacre half the city to bring her plans to fruition."
I had no words. My thoughts were violently churning in my brain, like a cat tumbling around inside a washing machine.
I settled for a simple response. "Un-fucking-believable."
"The Madame wants to use my creation, the worms, to pull it off. Use them to make monsters like the one in the hallway outside and unleash them on the city."
"Wait a second. Your creation? You fucking created those worms?"
She bit her lip nervously. "I didn't know what the Madame was planning, trust me. I just - I just wanted to bring my family back, those who were killed by my monstrous stalker. She promised me she'd help me. Told me there was a way to cheat death. I didn't know what she planning. I didn't know that she orchestrated the whole fucking thing. She sent the Stalker after me to kill people close to me, to give me the motivation to work on the spell."
This doesn't make any sense.
"Why would she do that?"
"I'm a witch." She replied in a matter-of-fact manner. "Possibly the only one who could work this spell."
I paused, then slowly shook my head. "Of course you are."
"We're running out of time, Natasha. We need to move. Now."
With trembling fingers, I rubbed my forehead. My scalp was tingling with anxiety and indecision. What the fuck should I do? Do I trust her? Was she telling the truth? I knew that the Madame had been involved in this, that she'd been recording our sessions with our clients, that a ghostly presence wandered the establishment when it was shut down and that she was most likely aware of it. But this? I could never have anticipated an explanation as insane as this. We weren't on earth? A pocket dimension? A magic spell that can hurl a whole fucking city through space?
What the fuck?
Where even were we? Who, or what created this place? And why? Why was the Madame so desperate to leave that she was willing to massacre so many people?
And what if Victoria was lying? She had already admitted to creating those god-awful worms, the ones that destroyed Elise. What else was she hiding? Trusting her would be idiotic.
But honestly, what other choice did I have? I was all alone, trapped inside a demonic apartment with a self-proclaimed witch and the only man I could trust was outside fighting worm-crazed monsters supposedly created by this woman.
Lil Pimp.
I needed to get to him. If Victoria was telling the truth we needed to help her put a stop to all this. And even if she wasn't and was instead working with the Madame like the Stalker had claimed our best course of action would be to keep the two away from each other, at least until we could figure out what to do next.
Fuck. Our plan was just to take control of this apartment, to use it as a base to make our move, instead it was fast turning into the stage for the final showdown.
I sucked in a deep breath. Exhaled. "Okay. So what do you need?"
"Elise." She replied. "She's the key to all this."
"What? How?"
"She's the first subject that the transformation worked on. But I slowed the process down, so she's not going to turn into a beast like the one outside quite as quickly."
So that's what was happening to her.
"I also added a fail-safe in her. If I can reverse the transformation in her, it will end the ongoing transformation in everyone infected with those worms right now. It will put an end to the spell, buy us some time to try and stop the Madame."
"I can't believe I'm saying this, but that makes sense."
If it was true.
"So how far into the transformation is she?" She asked.
I shrugged. "I don't know. She was turning into some strange worm-thing last I saw here."
Her shoulders relaxed. "Good. Good. She's still cocooning. We have time. Take me to her. Please."
I nodded. "Okay. We can link up with Lil Pimp outside and he'll escort us to the warehouse where she's being kept."
And fight with the Stalker and the Madame's forces along the way.
"Awesome. Let me whip up a fire to deal with the brute outside." She replied.
I nodded, then moved towards the door to check for any sound made by the monster.
A realisation struck me like an arrow dropping out of the sky. "Wait." I turned around. "Why can't we just use the house? Lil Pimp will keep the Madame's forces engaged outside and we can transport ourselves to the warehouse where Elise is. And you can your magic before they can get to us."
It was too easy. So of course it wouldn't work.
Victoria shook her head. Furiously. "No. We'd need a sacrifice to do it, remember? And we don't exactly have one nearby. Unless you're volunteering."
I felt a chill on the back of my neck, little hairy spider legs brushing against my skin.
No. Just a joke. She can't actually kill me. She doesn't know where the warehouse is.
Thank fuck I didn't tell her.
Placing my hand against the cold wooden door, I watched as Victoria snuffed out the candles burning on top of a chair, lifted it over her head and smashed it onto the floor. I flinched. She then bent over and wrenched a loose leg off the chair before tearing up a tablecloth and wrapping the rag around the broken piece of wood.
My mouth dropped open when she closed her eyes, and muttered something under her breath, only for the rag to flare with bright blue flames.
"Right." I said. "Witch."
She held her little torch in front of her and nodded at me, her tense face dappled with quivering shadows. "Okay. Open the door when I tell you."
I reached for the door knob, wrapped my hand around it and waited for any signs of movement from the monster outside. Straining my ears didn't help much. I couldn't her anything over the distant sounds of gunfire.
*Be safe, Lil Pimp."
"Open it!"
My breath hitched in my chest, tightening it as I turned the knob and pulled the door open. Victoria padded across the floor, went past me and out into the hallway, causing the heat from the blue flames to wash over my face. I followed. The gunfire sounded louder there, but was still far more muted than it really should have been. The strange acoustics in the building made my head swim.
The long limbed bastard was standing near the front door, his back towards us. Faintly glowing candelabras lit up his lanky frame. Wispy grey hair fell over hunched shoulders. Dry, leathery skin stretched over unnaturally bent bones. I could see the outline of his spine as it pressed up against his flesh and skin, looking like a swollen white centipede. Bile coated my tongue. Disgusting creature.
Victoria gestured at me to stay behind her and move towards the back door.
I took at step sideways. The floorboard creaked.
The thing growled and whirled around, stretching his arms out and scratching the wallpaper on the walls on either side with black, jagged fingernails.
Victoria waved the flaming stick in front of her, and the thing hesitated.
"Move." She whispered.
I took a step back. And another. Then another, with Victoria never straying more than a couple of inches away from me.
The creature advanced towards us, trying to get closer with each step, its simian face tense with fear of the dazzling blue fire. Its baleful growls, mixed with the sound of tearing wallpaper and the muffled gunfire outside sent steady pangs of fear shooting through my heart. Yet I continued to move.
Near the stairwell, about ten metres away from the backdoor, I stumbled. My right ankle jabbed at my left shin and I wobbled, quickly placing my hands on the wall to steady myself. It didn't take long for me to regain my balance.
But unfortunately, it wasn't the same for Victoria. She bumped into me, letting out a little yelp as she began falling, the stick slipping from her grasp and crashing down onto the floor, which immediately burst into flames. The hardwood floor set ablaze with fiery, smokeless flames that leapt at the walls and the roof, devouring everything in their path, shifting colours every second. Blue, then gold, then amber, then red like the devil's skin.
Victoria screamed, like her very soul was being scorched. Then there was another scream, much more animalistic. I didn't see what it was.
Crying, gasping, coughing, I crawled towards the backdoor. The heat was intense, hotter than any fire that I'd ever seen, seemed to melt the flesh off my bones. My cheeks burned, my eyes watered and immediately dried up as the tears evaporated. The fabric of my clothes seemed to stick to my skin like molten plastic. I could feel my lungs shrinking, my rib cage deflating from the sudden lack of oxygen. My vision darkened. I was not going to make it.
There was an immense bang, made my heart tremble.
The backdoor exploded outwards, shattering into a thousand pieces. The air in front of me shimmered as a cold draft weakly pushed against the impenetrable wall of heat.
"Move!" Something yelled behind me in a guttural voice. I dug my elbows into the scalding hot floor and propelled myself forward. When I reached the three small steps at the threshold of the door, I felt a mighty push at my back, sending me sliding across the floor and tumbling outside.
The moist dirt felt like ice on my skin. I pressed my face against the mud, wanting to wriggle into the ground and hide. Hide until my flesh stopped burning.
"Get up."
A hand, rough and warm on my back. Caught me by the scruff of my neck, hauled me up to my feet.
"Let's go!"
I coughed and leaned against the person who'd lifted me up. Was it Victoria? Why couldn't I recognise her voice? I blinked, then glanced to my left.
It was Victoria. Almost unrecognisable though, her clothes were torn to shreds, most of her skin charred black. Her jaw had been ripped clean off, tongue lapping inquisitively at big, blood stained teeth. Wide, lidless eyes glared at me. I whimpered, felt my knees go weak.
"Ha - how? How?" I whispered.
How the fuck are you still alive?
She answered my question by starting to heal herself. Shredded tissues stitched themselves back together, flaps of skin slowly curling back into their appropriate place. Good God. She was just like t,he Stalker.
I'm putting my life in the hands of this monster?
The sound of glass shattering jolted my eyes away from Victoria's hideous visage. On the corner of the street we were on was a car, its hood dented and windshield broken into pieces from the weight of the monstrosity that had slammed into it. The creature was identical to the one we'd seen inside the building. The one that had been burnt to ashes from the accidental fire. Bright flashes lit up the unlit alley as bullets slammed into the beast, causing its flesh to become mangled in the broken frame of the vehicle.
The sound of boots clicking on asphalt bounded around the corner, followed by angry shouts.
"There's more of them!"
"Kill it! Don't let it get close."
Their voices were drowned out by the ensuing gunfire and harsh growls of the worm-beasts.
"There's my car." Victoria said, sounding much more normal now. "Quick. Follow me."
I gave one last look to the dead thing crammed into the crumpled car at the corner of the street and turned around and began following Victoria. She was practically naked now, burnt, shredded clothes draped over her bony frame like rags. Yet she marched across the street without a care in the world.
Her car, a black SUV, was parked under a dull, flickering streetlight. As she went around to the driver's side, I pulled my phone out of my pocket, biting my lip and hoping that the heat hadn't destroyed it.
Fuck. It worked.
My heart leapt in jubilation. If nothing else, I could at least contact Lil Pimp.
If he hasn't been killed by the monsters. Or by the Madame's crooks.
No. Not letting that morbid shit fill my head. No way.
Victoria's car chirped. She slid into the driver's seat, pushing the passenger door open moments later.
"Get in."
No sooner had I jumped in did she bring the car to life. Sharp headlights splashed on the blacktop, and the car rolled towards the corner that cut around the side of the building.
"Where is the warehouse?" She asked.
I gave her vague directions and called Lil Pimp when she turned her face back towards the road. He didn't pick up the phone, but even if he had, I don't think I would have been able to say anything. The carnage that had occured, that was still occuring on the streets had my undivided attention. Blood and gore splattered the walls, flowed as thick rivulets in the cracks in the asphalt. Bodies everywhere. Human. Beasts. Sometimes whole, often in pieces. Entrails festooned treetops, decapitated heads jammed between punctured tyres and the mangled frame of cars. A hellish nightmare come to life.
Gunshots echoed in the neighborhood like a never ending stream of thunder. Worm-infested demons, in different stages of their transformation fell upon armed men who were shooting at each other. Some civilians were scurrying out of their homes, to try and get away from all this madness.
I couldn't see Lil Pimp. Or the Stalker. Hell, I couldn't even see the faces of those in combat. Victoria pushed down on the accelerator and we began zooming out of the area, with the car bumping over the odd corpse or two. Two long-limbed worm-bastards broke away from the ongoing battle and started chasing us.
"Holy shit!" I exclaimed, gaping at the rear-view mirror. "They're coming after us."
"I can see that." Victoria said, picking up speed. "There's a gun in the glovebox. Shoot them if they get too close."
I scrambled for the glovebox, yanked it open, my hand frantically searching for the cold metal, almost squealing when I found it. The weight of the gun felt very reassuring in my hands. I knew that I could not really defend myself from some of the things I'd seen that night using one measly pistol, but the illusion that I could was more than enough to keep me going.
The worm-things ran after us with quick, loping strides, their eyes glinting under the glare of streetlights. I popped my head out of the window, felt the cold wind lash my face, and took aim.
No. They were still too far away. With the distance, and how the car was swerving there was no way I could hit them.
Let them get close.
My instincts were screaming at me, telling me that it was a terrible idea and that I could not allow that to happen. But I buried those instincts deep within me and settled back into my seat.
"They're too far away." I told Victoria as she made a sharp left turn. She nodded.
Keeping an eye on the rear-view mirror I called Lil Pimp again. This time he answered. Promptly.
"Natasha! Where the fuck are you going?"
He was screaming, yet his voice was garbled, drowned out by the chaos around him.
"I'm with Victoria. We're heading towards the warehouse. She says she can stop this." I shouted back. "What about you?"
One of the worm-monsters behind us roared. I shot a glance at the rear-view mirror. How does did they get so close?
"Hold on." Victoria shouted, and I braced myself against my seat.
"Still near the apartment building." Lil Pimp huffed. "Fighting off these things. Razor and Madame showed up too. Started shooting at us before we could so much as even talk."
Victoria pulled the handbrake, and I pitched forward violently. The car shrieked as it made a sharp U-turn, causing the two monsters to go smashing through the glass doors of a salon. We turned again, and set off towards the warehouse, having bought some time.
"Jesus Christ." I cursed.
"What happened?" Lil Pimp asked. "You okay?"
"Yes." I replied. "Just meet us at the warehouse."
"Alright, I'll meet you there. God, I hope you know what you're doing." He said. "Nat. Be careful. Madame's gonna sent some men after you."
A shudder ran through me as he cut the call. Of course she was coming after us. She was going to try and kill us with everything she had.
"Here they come!"
I turned around, thinking that the worm-beasts had caught up to us again. They had, but they weren't alone. 3 motorcycles were hot on their heels, their rumbling piercing through the air. Black jackets, black gloves and bright red helmets. Madame's men. They'd caught up to us.
Muzzle flashes. A sharp burst of gunfire and the creatures began tumbling.
"Fuck." I said, sliding down in my seat.
"Sounds like they've got some uzis." Victoria said. "We're coming up on the industrial district, Natasha. Where's the warehouse?"
I quickly gave her the exact address, despite myself. If things were even slightly more in control, I would have thought twice about it.
Just roll with the punches, Natasha.
The car flew past a rusted wrought iron gate, causing the drowsy security guard to jump back in fright. We were fast coming up on the first factory in the area. This one was still functional, wide windows ablaze with fiery yellow light. I could hear the grinding of gears and churning of old machines. The workers inside were not even going to hear what was going on right outside.
The sound of small stones raining down on glass caught my attention. I poked my head out from the gap between Victoria's seat and mine. The rear windshield now bore dozens of little holes.
"They're shooting at us." I stated the obvious.
"Well, shoot back." She spat just as a bullet tore through the back of her head, destroying her right eye, causing thick dark red blood and white gooey liquid to slide down her cheeks. She shook her head, and the round fell on the steering wheel with a dull clang.
"Bastards." She swore, wiping blood off the windshield. "We need to get rid of them."
She really was a witch, or it was a terrific fucking coincidence that loud shrieking sirens joined the cacaphony of the night. I risked a peek at the side mirror and noticed flashing red and blue lights in the distance.
Victoria laughed. "Cops. Right on time for once."
The bikes trailed off, turned around and opened fire on the approaching police cars.
"They won't be able to stop them for long." I said.
"It'll be enough."
The rest of the journey was relatively quiet. Gave me the time to calm my nerves and collect my thoughts. But I was no closer to figuring out how to wriggle out of this mess when we arrived at the warehouse. The silence here was painful. My ears were still ringing from the non-stop gunfire.
We jumped out of the car and marched towards the gate of the warehouse. The padlock hung lose from the latch. Thank fuck.
Victoria pulled the gate open with a metallic groan. It was dark inside, beams of moonlight filtered in through shattered windows and illuminated the sides of the building. I switched on the flashlight of my phone, pointed it at the center of the warehouse.
"There." I jabbed my finger at the dark silhouette of the coffin. "Elise is in there."
Or at least she was, last I'd checked.
"Shut the gate." Victoria said as she strode towards the coffin. I swung the gate shut behind us, throwing the warehouse into a deeper darkness.
The coffin was open by the time I reached there. Victoria was kneeling next to it, muttering something under her breath and drawing strange patterns on the wood with her fingernails. Elise lay motionless inside the coffin, her limbs twice the size they used to be. Her skull was deformed, looking almost ape-like. Her skin was dry, like sandpaper. She was lying on top of what I can only describe as a bed of old placenta. Smelled like it too. And it was throbbing.
She was still transforming.
I shone the flashlight at Victoria, wanting to ask her what she was doing but deciding against it.
This was way out of my paygrade. I clutched the gun tight in my hand for comfort.
About ten seconds later, the sound of a car crunching gravel drifted in. I rushed over to the nearest window and peered outside.
It was a black SUV. Lil Pimp climbed out of the car. A smile crossed my face, but froze halfway when I saw him put his hands in the air. The Stalker got out behind him, pointing a gun at his head. The Madame was next. Old, wrinkled face set in a regal expression. Short, neatly combed grey hair. Her very presence was intimidating.
Victoria was right. The Stalker and the Madame were working together. More cars were pulling up on the warehouse. Madame's forces. All of them. I understood what must have happened. Lil Pimp's soldiers had been subdued. The worm-things were dead. No cops in sight.
This was why you didn't fuck with the Madame.
"Victoria." She shouted, her voice loud and commanding. "It's over. Stop this nonsense already."
I looked behind me. Victoria was still busy chanting. Hurry the fuck up already, I thought.
"Did you really think I'd let you stop me?" She continued. "You of all people know how hard I've worked to get this far, to break free from this fucking prison. I won't let anything get in my way. Not when I've come this far."
She signalled at her men to start surrounding the warehouse. She was talking just to buy them time.
"Victoria, child, you really picked an awful time to develop a conscience. I am so disappointed. After all the terrible things you've done until now, to try and stop this close to the finishing line? How absurd."
I backed away from the window, moved towards the coffin.
"Victoria." I whispered furiously. "You better come up with a goddamn miracle quick, for we're about to get swarmed any second."
"I'm coming in Victoria." The Madame's voice boomed outside.
A gasp. Short, rough, like it was pulled through weak, diseased lungs. It wasn't me, and it wasn't Victoria either. I looked inside the coffin. It was Elise. She was awake. Her eyes, tired but full of life were darting around. Her limbs had shrunk back to their original size, her skin was wet, pink. She was turning back to normal. She was nothing but bones though.
"I did it." Victoria said, her voice full of wonder. "I actually did it. The spell is reversed, she can't use it to slaughter the city anymore..."
She was cut off by the sound of shattering glass and heavy boots landing on concrete floor. Dozens of flashlights mounted on rifles swung our way. Then the gate was thrown open. Madame walked in, flanked by Razor and Lil Pimp who was still being held at gunpoint by the Stalker.
"Ah." The Madame said. "Found you."
"It's over, you bitch." Victoria spat. "The spell won't work anymore. I ended it."
Her proud declaration made the Madame take a pause. "What do you mean?"
"Take a look for yourself." She replied as we helped Elise get up on her feet. "Recognise her?"
"Elise? How?"
"I fixed her. The worms are all gone now. Dead. Like they should be."
"You fucking bitch." The Madame screamed. "Why? Why did you do that?"
"Because. It's psychotic to slaughter an entire city."
A tense silence fell over the warehouse like a heavy black shroud. It wasn't Victoria who'd said that.
It was Razor.
She gawped as her most trusted lieutenant drew his gun on her.
A knot swelled up in my throat. I didn't understand why, but Razor was betraying his master. For a second it looked like that would be the end of this nightmare.
But of course it wasn't that easy. It never is. The Stalker was quick to react, slapped Razor's gun away and launched himself at the burly man, only to get tackled by Lil Pimp.
Then the warehouse erupted in utter chaos. Razor's men turned on the others and bullets started flying everywhere. Victoria grabbed Elise and forced her down onto the ground. I ducked behind the coffin, covered my head with my hands.
Muzzle flashes. Gunshots that echoed in the large, empty warehouse. Blood everywhere. I wanted to dig a hole under the coffin and hide until everyone there was dead.
Not everyone.
Fuck. Lil Pimp was out there struggling to survive. I had dragged him into this mess. I couldn't just abandon him and save myself.
A bullet slammed into the coffin near me, sending splinters flying in all directions. Less than a second later, I popped my head out, gun aimed straight ahead. Razor and Lil Pimp were fighting with the Stalker, slashing him open with their knives but he was quickly stitching himself back together. The Madame was sitting on Victoria's chest, choking her.
The fuck? How was she this strong? Was she a witch too? If yes, then why did she need Victoria's help at all? There was so much I didn't understand about this. Fuck it.
Shoot first. Think later.
The gun rocked in my hand, sending a small cloud of smoke up in the air. The Madame's body shook with the impact of the bullet in her chest. Her eyes turned black. She snarled.
My fingers curled around the trigger again.
Bang. Bang. Bang.
I kept firing at her torso until the gun ran empty.
"Had your fun Natasha?" She growled.
"Bitch!" Victoria coughed, then held on to her head. "Time to go to sleep."
The Madame screamed as her scalp began to sizzle. Victoria's hands turned red, and began to fuse with the Madame's skull. Smoke rose up from the point of contact.
Bile coated my throat, splashed my tongue as I watched the two women melt into each other. Bones snapped, skin sloughed off and flesh consumed flesh until they were nothing but an unrecognisable pile of goo on the floor.
Victoria had sacrificed herself to kill the Madame. In the most grotesque manner imaginable.
That just left the Stalker.
I hauled myself up on my feet. The fighting had died down. Everyone there was too terrified at the spectacle Victoria had put up to do anything else but stare at the fleshy mess on the floor. Everyone except the Stalker. He was still fighting, volleying punch after lunch at Lil Pimp. Razor was lying motionless on the ground nearby, a big hole punched through his chest. I bent and picked up a shotgun off a corpse.
A solid fist sent Lil Pimp reeling. Cleared the way for me to pack the Stalker's chest full of shells. The bald fucker fell backwards, his white shirt now soaked with blood. I stepped towards him.
He coughed. "You know can't kill me with that."
His wounds started knitting themselves back together. I fired again, blew half his head off.
He healed again. "You don't know what you're doing."
Another shot.
"If the Designer knew what you were doing to me..."
Another shot. My gun was the only one firing in the warehouse at this point.
"Stop that!"
Another shot. The shotgun was empty. The Stalker moaned and tried to lift himself up.
I felt someone tap on my shoulders. Didn't look behind me. Didn't have to. Lil Pimp presented me with another gun. A pistol this time. I fired at the Stalker's head again.
It was satisfying, wearing this bastard down piece by piece. All the shit that I had gone through, to finally get back at one of the instigators like this was beyond satisfying.
A rifle, another shotgun, two more pistols. More and more and more. Empty shells began forming little hills around my feet. And I kept cycling through the weapons, slowly killing this motherfucker.
I don't know how many guns I went through, but I'd done it. The Stalker's healing stopped, and he finally lay dead on the floor.
"That did it. I really think he's dead now." Lil Pimp whispered.
"Let's not risk it. Cut this fucker up and throw his body in a furnace. Drown the ashes in the fucking sea if you have to."
It was over. Thousands of questions still buzzed in my head. Who created our city? Was it the "Designer" that the Stalker just spoke of? Was he working for this Designer? Then why help Madame try and escape? Why did she want to leave so badly? Who was Victoria? What was the source of her powers.
So many questions. But at least I was alive to dwell on them.
"God. I need a break."
Lil Pimp smirked. "Of course you do. I'd say you've more than earned it... Madame."
I frowned. He gestured me to look around. The remaining soldiers, weak but alive Elise.
They were all looking at me.
submitted by Mandahrk to nosleep [link] [comments]

comforter set dimensions video

REVIEW ExceptionalSheets Queen Size Comforter Set - 3 ... Bedsure Comforter Set Twin Size Reversible Down ... Sewing a comforter / blanket. - YouTube Intelligent Design Gemma Comforter Set Queen Size Bed In A ... Folding blanket easily with these tricks So clever - YouTube Madison Park Aubrey Full Size Bed Comforter Set Bed In A ... How to Make a Duvet Cover - YouTube Intelligent Design Gemma Comforter Set Queen Size Bed in A ... Cozy Beddings Queen Size Comforter Set - 3 Piece Down ... Intelligent Design - Mila Comforter Set Full/Queen Size ...

Crane & Canopy Size Chart. Crane & Canopy sells duvet covers and duvet inserts in three sizes, Twin/Twin XL (68" x 86"), Full/Queen (88” x 92”) and King/Cal King (106” x 92”), and flat sheets in four sizes, Twin/Twin XL (66" x 96"), Full (90” x 105”), Queen (96” x 105”) and King/Cal King (108” x 105”).. We sell fitted sheets and mattress pads in six sizes that exactly match 200 matches. ($63.75 - $79.99) Find great deals on the latest styles of Comforter set double. Compare prices & save money on Bedding Sets. About the UGG Comforter Set: Queen Dimensions: 92″ Wide x 96″ Long King Dimensions: 110″ Wide x 96″ Long Weight: 16 lbs Material: 100% Plush Polyester 3 Color Options: Fawn Brown, Seal Grey, Imperial Blue Machine Washable Comes with 2 Matching Shams Style: Blissful Brand: UGG; For Sale: Where to Buy the 3-Piece Set To find the right bedding width, measure the width and the thickness of your mattress. Then, add those numbers together. If you have a standard queen size mattress, it should measure 60 inches wide. If your bed is 12 inches high, you should select a comforter that is at least 84 inches wide. Pay attention to the dimensions of your queen comforter set. While you would think that queen-size bedding would be the same size from company to company, it’s not. Sizes change from company to company, with 86 by 86 inches at the small end of the spectrum and 92 by 96 inches at the large end. Bedsure Black Comforter Black Queen Comforter Set Bed in A Bag 8 Pieces - 1 Comforter (88x88 Inches), 2 Pillow Shams, 1 Flat Sheet, 1 Fitted Sheet, 1 Bed Skirt, 2 Pillowcases 4.5 out of 5 stars 5,238 $68.99 $ 68 . 99 The size difference between a queen and king comforter can be significant. Queen-size comforters range in width from 92 to 96 inches, while the length can be anywhere from 96 to 110 inches. Plaid Comforter And Sheet Set Bed in A Bag(8- or 10-Piece) Give your bed a new look with this 10-piece(8-piece for twin size) bed-in-a-bag set. This casual set includes a down-alternative comforter for snuggly,hypoallergenic softness, with attractive embossed diamond pattern and box quilting to hold the fill in place. COMFORTER SIZE: BLANKET SIZE: Twin: 39" x 75" 80" x 110" 68" x 86" 66" x 90" Twin XL: 39" x 80" N/A Use Twin: 68" x 90" N/A Use Twin: Full or Double: 54" x 75" 96" x 110" 78" x 86" to 86" x 86" 80" x 90" Queen: 60" x 80" 102" x 116" 86" x 86" to 86" x 94" 90" x 90" California or Western King: 72" x 84" 114" x 120" 102" x 86" to 102" x 94" 108 The standard dimensions of a queen-sized comforter range from 86 by 86 inches to 90 by 94 inches. Down comforters come in slightly larger dimensions, usually measuring 90 by 98 inches. Standard queen bedspread sizing runs longer and wider than sizing for comforters, with bedspreads measuring 102 by 116 inches.

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REVIEW ExceptionalSheets Queen Size Comforter Set - 3 ...

Intelligent Design - Mila Comforter Set Full/Queen Size - Purple Medallion – 5 Piece Bed Sets – All Season Ultra Soft Microfiber Teen Bedding - Perfect For D... Cozy Beddings Queen Size Comforter Set - 3 Piece Down Alternative Comforters - Decorative Pinch Pleat Pintuck Design - Wrinkle Resistant Microfiber Bed Set -... Intelligent Design Gemma Comforter Set Queen Size Bed in A Bag - Teal, Medallion Paisley 9 Piece Bed Sets Ultra Soft Microfiber Teen Bedding for Girls Bedroo... Intelligent Design Gemma Comforter Set Queen Size Bed In A Bag - Teal Medallion Paisley – 9 Piece Bed Sets – Ultra Soft Microfiber Teen Bedding For Girls Bed... Folding blanket easily with these tricks So clever 👍😁 Sewing tutorial. In this video I will show you how I made a baby/kids comforter. For this project you need cotton fabric, batting, thread, scissors, and sewi... Click here for the best price: is an Affiliate linkMadison Park Aubrey Full Size Bed Comforter Set Bed In A Bag - Black, Champagne... - Bedsure Comforter Set Twin Size Reversible Down Alternative Comforter Microfiber Duvet Sets (1 Comforter + 1 Pillow Sham) Tree Bran... ExceptionalSheets Queen Size Comforter Set - 3 Piece Down Alternative Comforters - Decorative Pinch Pleat Pintuck Design - Wrinkle Resistant Microfiber Bed S... Get the fabric & supplies you need at OnlineFabricStore: more info on this project, including written instructions? Fi...

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