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FREE Tools / Apps / Sites that you use to help you to become “Pro” FPL Manager

As a first-timer FPL manager, there are tonnes of valuable resources at your fingertips, I will name a few that I have recently discovered, cannot recommend them highly enough. Please note all of them I recommend are completely free of charge.
Please use the following template.
Name of the Tool/App/Site
Why is it essential for you as FPL Manager?
PS: Any good ones, I will add to the list and name you as the contributor.
Name FPL Statistics
Why is it important? The most accurate site to predict FPL price movements. I check it on daily basis.
Why is it important? Real-time dashboard to track your points, subs and rank compared to all other players in your mini-league, including your rival’s captain choice, key differentials, chip usage, transfer strategy, squad value, all in one view.
Name Understats
Why is it important? Free statistics to check xG, xG+A, all the essential stats for both clubs and player level.
Name myfplanalysis
Why is it important? Best analysis tool for top 10K managers, my favourite section is the "Rough and Smooth" of the Game Week.
Name Premier League > Player List
Why is it important? You can download the Points and Cost for all premier league players. One of the key metrics I use to determine best value players for Goalkeepers, Defenders, Midfielders and Forward is Av Points per Mil £.
Name A new planet FPL
Why is it important? Excellent to track live bonus points, live team line-ups, Live-League and your team statistics.
7) Contributed by PharaohLeo
Name FBRef
Why is it important? Full stats of teams and players powered by StatsBomb.
8) Contributed by PharaohLeo
Name Premier League Fixture (2020/21 Season)
Why is it important? This fixture difficulty tool is based on 538's Soccer Power Index (SPI) model, intuitive and visually stunning.
9) Contributed by Wwdc4
Name FPL Review
Why is it important? It is a great tool for point predictions and team planning, transfer suggestions, with some fun graphics.
10) Contributed by AngelKnives
Name Who Scored
Why is it important? Good for live score, match reports including heat maps, team stats and player ratings (based on its unique algorithm).
11) Contributed by Mestiano10
Name Fantasy Football Fix
Why is it important? Potential Transfers, Price Prediction, Match Stats, Player Performance Report are included as free features, plus tonnes of premium features.

submitted by SuperWise88 to FantasyPL [link] [comments]

Who Am I?

Who Am I? Well, it is all on my profile but I'll restate it here. I am a fifteen year old student living in San Jose, California. I am decently smart and do competition math and computer science. I enjoy Ultimate, running, breakdance, and being in the outdoors. I am currently delving deeper into some more advanced algorithms and expanding my computer science knowledge. I attend hackathons and do some Android development, specifically in the rooting sector. What Are My Credentials? Many of you may already be looking down on me with scorn. "This guy is only 15 years old! Who the hell does he think he is, trying to preach to us as if he was some elite god?" Well, it is true I am quite young. However, I am fortunate enough to live in what is probably the best place for students in the whole world: Silicon Valley. Yup, that magical place in California where Apple, Facebook, and Google were founded and all those amazing new technologies are invented. Here, new companies are created every single day. (In fact, that may not be an exaggeration) The people and environment around me is amazing. For example, students and people I know are setting up TedX at their respective schools, inviting a friend that happens to be a Tesla co-founder to give a talk (This is a student and a great friend of mine), attending hackathons every month where students are encouraged to 'hack' and create new and innovative projects(and prizes are handed out, as well as scholarships and other free sponsor stuff), and it being strange when we don't have some national finalist in areas such as business, STEM, competition math, engineering, etc. Probably the best public school in all of the USA. The atmosphere, type of parents, teachers, and community we have are simply so dedicated that it is amazing. 4.0 is practically given. The environment here simply churns out successful entrepreneurs, businessmen, and thinkers. So I get to experience all these innovative people, be one of these people who are doing things that grown-ups or college students do, and everything is just so advanced here. Everyone does extra stuff, everyone has amazing background, etc. Repigyou, for example, goes to a school a few minutes away from mine and he quit Minecraft because he got a few bad grades in freshman year, which many might say doesn't matter because colleges don't look at that. Very ignorant mindset. Anyways, this might not have happened in other areas. In my opinion, this is a sharp contrast to most of you folks. In Mexico, Hong Kong, and other places in America, school is probably all that students have to do. You aren't pushed to do more, a couple of B's and maybe a C is fine. (Keep in mind this is general. In Korea for example I know the education standards are extremely high, due to the format of the College applications process) So I'm saying that many of you guys live in normal, ordinary schools where you aren't pressured to study and if you are it's only to get good grades in school, which is still not easy for some and can delude you into thinking that you're doing something. Perhaps you feel you are involved because you are in some clubs and your parents have encouraged participating in a club sport. Or perhaps you are depresed because Minecraft is taking over your life. Whatever. My point is that unless you are Apple, Plastix, Khazhyk, or somebody who's in a good Ivy college and still apparently plays on Overcast, you will find that I have a stronger background and experiences to be able to talk about this topic of studying, dedication, and life with certainty and conviction. But it's not all fun and games here. It's very stressful for some people. Sometimes I envy you careless gamers who don't have to worry about life. Actually, I don't. I'm happy I have this opportunity to live here. You should all envy me. So What is the Point of this Thread? Yes, we're getting to that. And as a note, what I say is really only applying to the players who've been on this server for double digit days. The donators, the people in teams, the people that are obsessed. Don't worry about this if you are very active in real life , which I'm sure many of you are. But still read this, hopefully you can learn something. The people this doesn't apply to are the noobs that get rotated out every month that are used to raise your KD to 1.0. Or the hacker noobs that stack up on the ban list, making the several thousand pages or however many pages there are. I recently found some depression threads on, and I never actually totally realized what type of people were on this server. Now I know that this place is filled with young and immature kids, in addition to the diseased, homeschooled, depressed, and normal kids. For example, people that spend all day on mumble wasting time playing porn for the other immature players to laugh at..(Not pointing fingers at all, please don't be offended, I still respect you. This example just helps to prove my point) Really. I had always thought that I was only playing with kids that even if they were young, were mature and had control over their lives and gaming. But still, there are a couple of specific cases I want to address. The most basic case. This was me for the past two months or so, and in my guess 50% or so of the really good players on this server: You are a normal or dedicated student, but Minecraft has taken over your life. Your grades are suffering, but you and your parents don't really care. You have stopped playing sports and ditch track practice every day. You play until morning, and finally sleep when you ask yourself exactly what you are accomplishing by ruining your eyes and sleep quality. Finally, you go to sleep and wake up on the same day, eyes burning in the morning and vision foggy. You tell yourself that you will never ocktick again, and finish your homework at school, finishing each classes' homework in the class right before. Sometimes you are unable to. (I always did, as I am BS and clutch master. And got full score. And my grades didn't suffer. But my eyes and self-esteem did.) You come back in the afternoon, find that your mom is not home and clock a couple of hours before dinner. You tell yourself you will work later, but find yourself playing Minecraft again. This vicious cycle repeats over and over. To aid in your slump, you download and tweak some programs so you can hotkey and hide Minecraft from your taskbar and screen. These people know Minecraft is bad for them. But they can't tear themselves away from farming a couple of more monuments on Primed or wrecking noobs on Conquer. Then the minority case. You are bullied or depressed from real life problems. Perhaps you are antisocial and unable to make real friends. You are immature and get depressed about yourself because your 'crush' is in a 'relationship' with another person. You find yourself disappointed with yourself and the current state of affairs. Perhaps you are diseased. You turn to Minecraft for comfort and friends and to lose yourself and forget all your fears, expectations, and homework. You find that friendships online are easier to maintain. Eventually the only thing you look forward to is Minecraft and it becomes your life. And these are the problems I would like to address, and hopefully provide some valuable tips, advice, and insight to help anyone that might be in this situation. I want this to be a wake up call for you guys. Great, So What Can I Do to Help Myself? Okay, I have a lot of information for you guys. I'm going to try to organize it as best as possible, but please don't be disappointed if it's not so clear. I'll do my best, and please try your hardest to stay with me. I'll provide a brief summary at the end as well. Step 1: Finding an Interest The first step in getting out of this slump is to set a goal. Without a goal, you're just a sad looking Magikarp floundering around. If you don't have a goal of becoming a elite Lvl. 100 Magikarp or a sexy Gyrados , you're not going to get anywhere in life. So this first step is finding what interests you. This could be anything, from art to design to computer science to biology to law to business to e-commerce to networking to engineering to fashion design. A common answer I've gotten from my ocktick buddies to this question is 'gaming'. Now. Guys. Galls, girls, folks, buddies, homies, niggas, besties, strangers. Listen! 'Gaming' is not an answer choice for this question! Games are flipping made to appeal to people. They accomplish absolutely nothing but merely provide enjoyment. Like drugs. I know most of you fantasize about getting rich off a youtube channel, but this is very unrealistic. 99.9999% of you need to stop thinking that this is an interest. Gaming is a time-waster. The only purpose should be to help de-stress, there when you need a break and need to forget about life for a short while. It is not something that is going to turn into a career. So get that mindset out of your heads this instant. And you will have an interest, trust me. The only reason you don't have one right now is because you've been wasting all of your time ockticking! So how do you find an interest? I encourage you to take some time to just surf the web. If you're interested in technology, go to popular tech websites such as the Verge or similar sites and just read about current technology. Find something that seems cool, or interesting. Anything that strikes out at you as potentially interesting, learn more about it! If you are interested in what rooting does to an Android phone, google it. Try rooting your android.(Actually, don't if you don't know what you're doing) If you think 3D printing is amazing, learn more about it. To find an interest, you really just need to spend time out on the web surfing, researching, becoming interested. I don't know. Bioengineering? Step Two: The Inevitable Now that you've found an interest, you need to be able to spend some time learning about it. And that means steering away from Minecraft a bit. I know you're all fearing this, but it must be done. You don't have to quit, but you should definitely cut down on the time you spend gaming. You have to. It's not a suggestion. Go do it. If you're feeling particularly adventurous, uninstall Minecraft and all the related mods, texture packs, recording programs, etc. I can't tell you how to play a game less. But the main things: If you've realized that Minecraft has a negative impact on your life, step away from it. Try leaving it for three days. Or restrict yourself to 1 hour a day for a week. See what happens. Enjoy the fact that your head doesn't fall back in class every ten seconds in the morning. Enjoy the fact that your eyes aren't blurry or painful in the morning. There will be so many immediate improvements in physical health, as well as mental health. You will immediately feel more purposeful and energetic. Once you've commited to this, it should be easy because you know it is for your own good, and you see instant results! For others, however, this step may be difficult. But there are other things that will actually cause you to spend less time playing because you're so busy! I'll discuss those things later. You need to overcome a certain threshold of understanding for this step. It will be different for everyone. You need to realize that stepping away from Minecraft is a good thing. You might suffer. But you need to push through and simply PLAY LESS. There is no simple way to do this one. Good luck. Step Three: General Life Tips This step is not really a step. These tips are just here to improve your life. Read on! Blue Light Filters!!! Something really important! Blue light filter and reducing screen brightness! So in a nutshell, blue light is really bad for your eyes. The LED stuff. It will ruin your eyes multiple times faster than other light, and sadly this is what is used in AMOLED screens and LCD. Basically all screens such as computers, TV, and phones. LED is simply very bright artifical light. As in, when you look at it late at night, it tires your eyes and disrupts your sleep patterns, as you are only supposed to experience bright light during the day. Getting a blue light filter such as f.lux brings the screen closer to natural, room light. This is so much better than killing your eyes with LED 24/7. Ideally, the computer screen is barely brighter than room brightness, to minimize strain on your eyes. Actually, the most ideal would be less bright than room, but that is not realistic. Also, never use screens in the dark. Anything in the dark is too bright because there is no room brightness to counter it, so your eyes are basically getting wrecked no matter how low you put the brightness. The colors are more yellow-reddish and more washed out, but you get used to it. Currently, when I disable blue light filter I can really tell a huge difference and too much blue light is extremely uncomfortable, as my eyes are not accustomed to such unhealthy screens now. Minecraft without the filter seems way too bright and over-emphasized, and it strains my eyes. Which is not me having weak eyes, it's my eyes not being used to such lethal screens. Which is good. Trust me and try using the filter for a week straight without turning it off. You will see improvements in sleep and eye condition. Get some Good Music! Okay, you can group music into several groups. I'm not going to pretend I'm a music expert but hopefully I can suggest some good producers at the very least. The music I have is some party music, because everyone's got to have that when you're with groups, electronic music, and inspirational music. You listen to hardcore, dubstep electronic music when you game or work out. Like Monstercat if you're weird like dukman or biixerv. Nightcore and some Tobu if you're me. It turns you on and your body just enters a high-activity state. Or rap music is fine for these purposes as well, which I prefer. You listen to inspirational music when you need inspiration. This is like people singing... Simple electronic can't really touch chords such as words do with humans. Some mainstream inspirational music I have is We Are the Champions (Queen) and You Raise Me Up (Martin). I was listening to one when I finally decided I would write this for my ocktick buddies. I also have peaceful electro music such as Kygo, which is for when I am doing homework or taking a break. Calms you down. Check him out, he's an amazing producer. I've bolded his name for a reason. And I have Buddhist mantras for when I'm feeling overly religious and need that dose of mindfulness and insight. For any of you atheists out there, I reccomend Buddhism. I could probably write a whole 'nother page on how Christianity has ruined Koreans in my community and Buddhism actually is proved in real life and is not a flipping worship of Buddha. Buddha was the first person to achieve enlightenment, a state of true insight. You have probably all experienced flashes of it, like when you unclouded the mystery behind something,(solved that elegant math problem, finally realized WHY something happened) you felt that ephemeral, raw beauty. Enlightenment is not some bullshit state of godly being, it is just pretty much constantly having that feeling. And we are followers, and he merely offers us guidance. We are not worshipping him like Christians worship God as the creator of this earth. And you know when you're all like thanking God for trivial stuff.. And then you look over at Africa and really that's 'God's doing' as well... Some God. Anyways. Don't want to get controversial here. Skype me for more. Check out the book "Outliers" by Malcolm Gladwell for a good read and good content. It has a lot of mind-blowing and thoughtful content. Anyways. Back to the main topic. Exercise! Exercise can have different purposes, but this is a vital aspect in ensuring that you are a well rounded Homo sapiens. Just like music, exercise touches off important chords in humans. And if you don't like sports, that's simply because you haven't explored enough. And if you're weak, even more reason for you to get out and do some sports. Even if you're fat or a twig. I really cannot emphasize how important sports and physical activity are for the human. Some not-so-considered sports that you might not have considered? Badminton. This is not sissy tennis, boys. It is definitely easier to play than tennis but still has the same dedication and skill required at higher levels. Fun and entertaining for both gender and all ages. Ultimate frisbee. This is not a sissy sport, kids. This is more tiring than tennis, volleyball, basketball, or any other 'legit' sport you play. You're constantly cutting to get open, or staying on the right side of your man. It encourages co-ed playing, and has a lot of strategy involved. Definitely more strategy than sports like soccer or tennis, which I've both played at a competitive club level. If you think it is a toss-and-go, easy-money game, learn about Horizontal Stack, Zone, handler movements, dead disc plays and come back. But it is very easy to pick up, as all you need to do is be able to run and throw. And all you need is a disc and some open space! Very entertaining, and google AUDL matches if you're interested. Working out. This improves confidence, makes you stronger, and is just helpful to your health and well-being. I have started doing this recently, and contrary to popular misconceptions, you don't need to go to a gym or be a buff guy to do it. You get buff from doing it, not you do it because you're buff. This is most realistic for anybody from a twig up to a bit overweight person. All you need is bars and motivation. Also if you're young, lifting weights is actually bad. Stops bone growth by crushing your growing muscles. Calisthenics, or bar workouts, is what I'm recommending, and you can still get insanely buff... Check out the Bar Brothers. Anyways, Someone I know was 98 pounds at 16 years and put on 20 in a month. 20 more in the next two with simply bars and eggs, nothing else. I'm no expert, but you need to work till you physically can't do another set. And buff up on protein such as milk, eggs, meat, etc to fill up the muscle tears you get from working out. Do a lot of dips and pull ups if you want big arms. ;) And work out every two days, for usually half an hour or until you're muscles have enlarged to twice their size and you can't control them very well. It's not a big time commitment at all. Here's a link to an inspirational Quora article for y'all about this guy that bounced back from gaming and disease to become an amazing person: Click on this link for an inspirational article!> You Can't Make Good Food out of Bad Ingredients Stop eating junk food. Often times I hear people say they will go out for Jamba Juice or something before their workout. When I ask why, they reply that they'll burn it off anyways. Now that's just stupid. Health does not consist of two variables, fat level and work level. Unhealthy is not the same as fat. You need to understand that even if you don't see immediate negative results, junk food is bad for you. I don't know to what extent this may seem weird to you, but if my friends offer me chips or a cookie, I always decline. If I'm offered food by my mom at around 3, I usually refuse. You folks need to understand the benefit of good eating habits. They are vital to your health, wellbeing, and happiness. Have you ever seen girls who drink Boba every day as they go into high school? Or try too hard to impress? Their aura, their faces, suffer. They just have a more negative, less natural, less attractive face. Food is what your body uses to build itself. If you give yourself bad food you will become a 'bad' person. Just eat healthy, eat greens always. And get a lot of protein. Have a balanced diet, and eat good food. But you don't have to deprive yourself of sweets. I enjoy eating cereal and blueberry pie and baked treats every now and then, which in my opinion taste much better than the artificial junk most eat nowadays. I don't eat any junk food, because I actually think it tastes bad. And I'd like to propose to you what's known as intermittent fasting. In a nutshell, if we eat when our tank is full, the excess becomes fat. Simple. So you group your food intake . You eat 3 big meals a day, giving your body time to use all the energy. For adults, you usually take a break from a meal about three times a week. This is a very effective and healthy way to burn fat, as you're not starving yourself or using pills, and just burning fat naturally. If you're really interested, google it. Just know that how you eat is just as important as what you eat. Don't always be stuffing yourself with small snacks throughout the day to keep up your metabolism, because that's ignorant BS that will just keep your excess energy spilling over into fat. Eat balanced, and keep to 3 meals a day. If you're going to eat some unhealthy food, eat that soon after the meal, to keep your meals grouped. Now, the meat of this article: The Inspiration Now that you've found an interest, and successfully stepped away from Minecraft a bit, you need to be inspired to study... Let me tell you guys something. In life there are geniuses, and normal people. Geniuses are mutants. Their IQ is over 155, their brains are wired differently. They'll work out everything in their heads and spit out an answer that normal people can not comprehend. Geniuses can visualize multi variable calculus, and visibly see the changes that occur when you add in another equation. Socrates is a good example. In debates, in his head he would predict what the response would be to his answer, and then the next, and the next, and so arrive at the final conclusion before it occurred. Try googling it if you're interested. Now, everything comes easily to geniuses. They can skim through a book and understand 80 percent. Then they have to try for the rest of the 20. Normal people understand 5 percent, and then they have to try for the rest of the 95. It's not fair, but life is not fair. But many geniuses are homeless drug addicts. Since everything comes so easily they never work or do anything with their talent and their lives are ruined. However, when geniuses try that's when you get people like Einstein or Socrates. Their work is studied for centuries after as people attempt to understand why they said what they did. Now the rest of the people learn that they must work to understand things. And that's how it is for most people. Even if you're a little bit smarter than the person next to you, that person will succeed if they try harder. It's as simple as that. The more you work, the more you will succeed. There's nothing to it. If you want to be smart, you have to be prepared to lose sleep studying. The genius that works hard will always win. But between the genius and the diligent worker, the diligent worker will always come out on top. One of my Korean adult 'buddies' came from Korea as a kid. The education here was so different, so much more encouraging than Korea. But he struggled, as he didn't know any English. Anyways, he set his sights on Harvard Law School (Arguably the best law school in the USA) and became zealously dedicated. He didn't sleep, he worked his butt off day and night. He ended up putting in ONLY ONE college application. That is insane. Psychopathic. And guess what? He got in. You ask me, what if he didn't get in? Then it would be over. It was a leap of faith. If he hadn't gotten in, as my man Rise likes to say, bleach would have been the answer. But the thing is that is how dedicated you need to be if you want to be that sure of your success. How much dedication do you think it required to be able to only put in one app like that? I don't know what you are all feeling. Maybe annoyed that your mom is pressuring you to study and it's annoying as hell. But when high school sophomore year rolls around, and you're starting to get worried, it will be too late for many of you. All those other kids you're competing with, the serious ones, have already put in thousands of hours. You need to start right now. If you don't want to look back at your life once you're in college and have regret, regret that you're going to the number one party college where it's literally impossible to work as girls in bikinis rollerblade outside your college classroom, regret that you go to a college where the new law allowing mobile homes to stay on campus has led to 500% increase in drug dealings, you need to start studying. You're deluding yourself if you think you're going to succeed somehow, or that you're going to be satisfied with mediocre. You need to get out there and make something happen. And I'll tell you right now, school is not enough. To put it simply, school is just something you have to do. The bare minimum. Everyone does it. You took a couple of harder classes and got a 4.0? Great. Nobody cares. What will really help you get into a college and help you enjoy life and get a good job and so on and so forth is having passion for what you do. (And also soft skills, which you will never develop by staying home playing games anyways.) And don't worry if you are scared about locking yourself into a field of study this early. The fact that you're taking anything seriously and with maturity shows that you have diligence. Many people change majors in college, they change in their junior year even. And they succeed. You know how the 2 years of Spanish in middle school equates to 1 year in high school. That's 1 semester in college. You're not locking yourself in. You need to learn how to work and set yourself up to be successful in the future. And if you end up enjoying and spending the rest of your life doing what you're doing in high school, even better! More time to practice. More hours put in. That's what's really important. The question you need to ask yourself, is "How bad do you want it?" Do you or do you not want to be satisfied and successful the rest of your life. Don't think you can make up everything in junior year of high school or magically turn your life around in college. That will be much more difficult. You need to start right now. Stop fooling around. You know how everyone says that getting into a good college doesn't matter, grades don't matter, etc. Trust me. That's important. It's not everything, but it is a huge advantage. The type of people, atmosphere, and what they teach you using the material is different. Do you really want to go to some shit college and work for those Harvard people in the future? Capitalist slavery. Is that appealing to you? The answer is very simple. Hard work = success. So get to work kiddos. Extra Stuff for Homeschooled/Miscellaneous Tips For the homeschooled, I'm not educated in your situations and context so I can't say much, and I'm not sure how college works for you guys. According to Pugsley, there should still be a lot of clubs and activities in your area that are unrelated to school that you can still find. Which you should. There's something I've observed. It's that when I find I'm distracted from homework with my phone, I'll usually put it away and think that the problem is is solved. An hour later, I'll still have made no progress on my homework. That's because if you're not focused, no matter what you do, you'll always be distracted and unable to finish your work. That's why all my steps are necessary. You not only need to step away from Minecraft, you also need to inspire yourself. If you don't accomplish the latter, you might as well go back to Minecraft. Because you won't accomplish anything anyways. So delete the facebook app, quit skype, don't go on reddit or whatever time-wasting sites you go to, stop going on youtube and watching pro ladder drops and wool caps, and focus. Music helps. But you have to be inspired. Simply deleting PAD or Trivia Crack from your phone or uninstalling Minecraft and LOL is most likely not going to magically make you focus on your work and succeed. Maybe you're finding it difficult to become more involved. As well as learning more about your interest on your own and studying, you need to become involved in activities. This is really important in widening your contacts network and being exposed to more opportunities such as internships or events. Again, I don't know about all of your lives and the situations about people in different parts of the USA or the world. But go to competitions, meet more people, ask and get emails. Learn about other events. Consult your teachers that are most involved with extracurricular things at school. Attend camps or sessions or competitions. I can't tell you the specifics, but you need to get out and actively try if you want to extend your network outside of your little school bubble. That is really important. Use google to find events near you! Don't stop searching. Don't think that somehow opportunities will come to you because you deserve it. You need to reach out and contact people yourself. But remember, you can only use these events and contacts to their full capability if you have knowledge in the area. That's why your personal studies are just as important as reaching out. Trust me: Nothing's fun unless you're good at it. It's not going to be easy. Being inspired to study and actually studying are completely different things. Often times you may be pressured to just give up your 'pointless' studying and come loose yourself in Minecraft. Don't do it. You have to stay dedicated. In a Nutshell: I wanted to wrap up everything I've said: Step 1: Find an interest. Step 2: Step away from overcast and Minecraft in general. Step 3: Become inspired and dedicated. Learn that there is purpose behind your studies. Step 4: Get to work. Work till you drop. Study your butt off. Step 5(Optional): Follow SilentBuddha's exceptionally wise Life Tips to become a better person. Step 6:(Optional): Quit Minecraft forever. Step 7: Reply on the forum post if this has helped, and share your stories. Wrap up, and about me. So some of you may be wondering by now, and can see from my profile, that I've ranked up a decent amount of playing time on this server. Is this guy even practicing what he's preaching? What a hypocrite! Well, recently I had a wake up call from my good Korean adult mentors/buddies. (It was indirect, they don't even know I play the game. My parents don't know either. I was just inspired) But before that, my friends criticized me. But I played on. I was ignorant and stupid. And perhaps it was easier to step away from Minecraft because it was difficult keeping it secret and having my parents pressure me about my work. It will be more difficult for you because your parents don't care that you game. But if you have parents that care, they will be so proud and impressed at your changes. But that's only if you change. Stop dreaming and start doing. But I'm glad that I got to see the light before things got worse. I decided that I wouldn't let Minecraft ruin my life, and luckily I wasn't as deeply rooted as some of you are and stepping away from Minecraft a bit is really easy. However, I've always wanted to help my fellow Minecrafters. I reached out to some people on my team and tried to initiate the first step of finding interest, and the only person that listened to anything I've said is Biixerv, I guess. Creds to that guy. He's really cool, people. Never let biases, first impressions, or anything affect you. You have to stay positive and always try to maintain good relationships with people. Once people see your true nature, you can convert them. You can make anyone a good friend of yours through kindness, respect, and compassion. Don't be an asshole or a jerk. But remember that people like me aren't stupid. When my attempts fail, I can be a real asshole. I have been. But hopefully that never has to happen with you guys. I changed two people that bullied me. (I wasn't affected at all, don't worry peeps. AKA Their attempts FAILED MISERABLY) One leaves me alone, and is a lot more subdued now. The other is a really good friend of mine now. We're hella chill. And he's much nicer to everybody in life now. I haven't seen any truly mean actions from him since two years ago. Stuff like that makes me truly happy. I've met some great people, and apply everything in my profile to real life, always staying positive and cheerful but serious enough so that I am taken seriously. And I've met a lot of jerks in real life. Recently a lot of my closest friends I'm having doubts about. Currently only one candidate is in my 'true friends' list, and I don't even know her that well. My other best friends would have to be two Korean adults, who have helped me so much. And they're not benevolent, kind people. They're rough. They're brutally honest. But inside, they're the kindest people ever. Their personalities and mindsets have rubbed off on me. They've brought me above everyone else I know that is my age. In a good way. And they've made me into a new person, someone who wants to give back, and will help if you reach out. But you'll never know. They're scary on the outside. And they changed my inner personality. On the outside, I'm usually over-cheerful and very immature, although that's changed recently due to my friends and just aging. But inside I've become more like them. The people who you choose to associate yourself with is important, people. People this age are mostly all immature on the inside, even if they seem adult-like. Unless you guys meet people like my Korean friends in real life, you will probably be that way as well. I really don't know why I'm saying this... It feels necessary to tell you where this post is coming from. Sorry if it's awkward. I'm just typing what's coming into my mind. I've got a lot of philosophic stuff that I've thought about and if you have any questions or are curious feel free to ask me on skype. About friends, studying, attitude, dedication and diligence in any academic area... How to approach life and problems... The affect of school and education on friendship, ethics and the morals in mini Cold Wars that happen in your schools... Feel free to hit me up if you need inspiration. Or want to talk. I'm here and I want to help you all! Hopefully this post helped you. I took a solid couple of hours to write this for you guys. I'd like to hear any stories or reports back if this has helped. Share your stories! They will teach me and everybody else something. As for Overcast, I'm not really sure what is going to happen. I'm not sure if I'll be able to cut myself off so suddenly. But I'm definitely going to be playing less. I have goals, people. Educational, social, and personal goals. And Minecraft is not helping me achieve those. I already know that many of you will just brush this off. Please don't. Others will be inspired but they won't actively follow this guide. You have to stay inspired. But that's your job. I'm not your life counselor. Be thankful I'm here helping you. I assure you that you won't get this type of advice in your life. In the rare case that you do, it will most likely be too late. I'm doing you people a favor because I want to help you. And I've still got fuel for y'all! Ask me on skype if you'd like to learn more. And even if this doesn't do anything to help your lives, at least try to be mature people and stay courteous and respectful in-game and in mumble. I hear stories about completely unacceptable responses in mumble. Don't be a jerk. You're only bringing yourself bad reputation and discouraging others to contribute to making this server better, as well as making it worse yourself. And lastly, I really have no idea what to expect from Overcast community. I've never done something like this before and I'm not sure whether my 50 percent estimate was correct. Maybe all of you are much smarter and involved than me and I'm just psychopathic. Who knows. Anyways, thanks everybody. Hope this helped and best of luck in your lives!
submitted by a_guy_from_Florida to copypasta [link] [comments]

Teams I Hate In The Spotlight #3: The England National Team. (tl;dr warning)

Welcome to the 10th edition of ‘Teams I Hate in the Spotlight’: a series of posts in which football clubs I properly hate get their well-deserved spot in the limelight. As this is the 25th edition, I'm throwing an international party. Enjoy.
“The level of football in England is the top. English football is the leader in the world.”
Pele (Brazil 1957-1971)
The England national team - A football club so richly steeped in national dishonour they would be more aptly associated with Marcus Junius Brutus than seen as the inventors of the greatest sport of all time. A team so unjustly engulfed in optimism, they are, somehow, masters of under-performing - even though they have only ever won one major competition in their pathetic 141 year history. A team so shit that their fans are forced to quote a senile, fair-weathered, narcissistic old man like Pele in a bid to gain credibility.
The English Football Association was conceived in 1863 and began operations tremendously when they decided to solely sanction competitive fixtures against Scotland, who they foretold, and quite rightly so, as utterly shit. However, in what would become stereotypical fashion for the national team, England did not live up to the hype and failed to win their first game, drawing against their to-be age old rival. As if gazing in to a crystal ball, the team were able to give the general public a brief glimpse of the terror that was to come in the future. Further fixtures between the two nations occurred and England managed to secure three wins and another draw, confirming that they were undisputedly the greatest national team of all time at that stage in football history –it was almost as if nobody else was trying. However, the ploy of only playing Scotland was soon to backfire as England’s best-friend Catastrophe was waiting around the corner with the lead pipe of disappointment. Within eight years of the first match against Scotland, the Scots had already become much better than England at the game they invented – a recurring theme that would sweep the world faster than Beatlemania. Scotland thrashed England 7-2 in 1878, passing them off the park in a technically superior display as the English side stuck diligently to their kick-and-run, physical approach to the game. Evidently, England needed to find much shitter teams to beat in order to prove their greatness.
Due to the lack of air travel, England were left to play Scotland, Wales and Ireland over the next 40 years in what still ranks as the worst International league of all time. The first opportunity to show the rest of Europe just how great we believed we were soon arrived and England put the inexperienced nations of Austria, Hungary, and Bohemia to the sword. Get fucked you footballing peasants. England's first defeat outside of the British Isles came in a 4-3 loss to Spain in Madrid. The Spanish team was, at the time, heavily influenced by their English assistant manager Fred Pentland. An early precursor of just how easy it was for England to be capable of beating themselves.
England did not enter the first three World Cups due to a disagreement and subsequent exodus from FIFA over payments to amateur players. It was to prove costly as they somehow - from the lofty heights of their high horse - defeated the 1934 World Cup champions Italy 3-2 shortly after the competition had finished. Once again, England were the self-anointed, unofficial, greatest team in the world. A title they would hold numerous times throughout their illustrious and padded history.
After the Second World War, England re-joined FIFA much to the not-made-up-as-I-write-this adulation of the world football community. Upon re-joining, the FA hired the nation’s first dedicated team manager, Walter Winterbottom (whose name still reigns undefeated to this day). Before this, and even during Winterbottom's reign, the England first team was selected by a committee of old relics who would, reportedly, place pictures of potential squad members on the floor and then have a psychic chicken select players by pecking the photographs of those deemed worthy of representing the country.
England entered their first World Cup in 1950 and immediately set the standard for future competitions they would compete in. The national team painted themselves with embarrassment as they lost in the group stage to the United States – the equivalent of being beaten on FIFA by your friend who doesn’t really like football- and subsequently crashed out of the competition at the first hurdle. Billy Wright, the England captain, was heavily criticised for the failure and as such the legend of the English scapegoat was born.
Towards the ‘60s English football began to flourish with a core nucleus of truly world class footballers emerging from the foray: Banks, Moore, Charlton, Ball, and Greaves, to name a few. The man appointed to manage this international A-Team was Alf Ramsey and he was given full control of team selection as the coven at the FA agreed to loosen their grip. Success isn’t funny though so after quickly glossing over this brief era of supremacy, we’ll be moving on.
After the greatest World Cup victory ever in 1966, results in subsequent tournaments have resembled sequels in a horror movie franchise with each instalment becoming increasingly disappointing, regardless of efforts from the FA and future managers to try to freshen up the formula. The FA breezed through the ‘70s and ‘80s as if they were playing Jumanji as with every roll of the managerial dice they would unleash new horrors upon the nation. Ramsey was replaced by Don Revie who immediately got to work enhancing England’s reputation of being shit by failing to qualify for the 1976 European Championships. Brian Clough applied for the role after Revie’s departure but was immediately deemed too talented an option and his application was subsequently turned down. The FA opted for Ron Greenwood instead who, like a vampire rising from a crypt, emerged from retirement to take the job. His record still stands tall today: failed to qualify for World Cup 1978, failed to reach beyond the group stages at Euro 1980, and went out at the second round of World Cup 1982. Three more achievements to pin to the shit board. All hail the footballing powerhouse.
A series of appointments including Sir. Bobby Robson and Graham Taylor took the team in to the ‘90s. Whereas Robson tried his utmost to alter the world view of the England national team for the better, Taylor, who has a section in ‘The Official History of the England Team’ titled ‘Best We Forget’, did his best to eradicate any good Robson had achieved. Failing to win a single game at Euro 92 while only scoring one goal was an adequate response to Robson’s achievements and ensured the reputation of being pure overhyped shit was upheld. Believe it or not, Taylor was actually a talented manager who was clearly struggling with the inappropriate amount of pressure that comes with the England national job. However, like a gypsy selling haunted goods, the FA very often cackles and then magically disappears in to thin air when a manager turns to them for help.
By the time Euro 96' rolled around, Terry Venables was in the hot seat and, due to the tournament being hosted domestically, there was a buzz about the country. With the foreign temptations of riding rented quad bikes to stadiums, shagging girls named Gabriella and Maria, and smuggling cigarettes back from Duty Free all unavailable to the players, the team somehow performed. Paul Gascoigne, a man plagued by demons due to a very serious alcohol problem, celebrated a goal against Scotland by having one of his team-mates demonstrate one of the drinking games the squad had invented. As expected, the English fans and media loved it, and once again the nation was celebrating for all the wrong reasons. England were eventually eliminated by their kryptonic enemy: the penalty shoot-out. If England ever show signs of breaking away from their usual conglomerate of failure, you can bank on a penalty shoot-out appearing from the darkness to return balance to the force.
After the FA made a mess of Terry Venables’ contract extension, Glenn Hoddle was appointed. Hoddle, a relatively foreign thinking manager - and player for that matter – was a break away from the stereotypical Premier League ethos and deployed tactics which heavily involved ball retention coupled with methodical and meticulous build-up play - something which allowed the England players to retain their energy and not simply mill around the pitch until exhaustion set in like a Sim trying to escape a swimming pool which has just had its ladder deleted. To super ensure his players wouldn't succumb to physical and mental fatigue or injuries, he employed a high priestess - Eileen Drewery - as part of the national physiotherapy team. I'm not making this up. Stannis and Melisandre Hoddle and Drewery had worked previously at Chelsea and now had their sights on the Iron Throne World Cup. To couple Hoddle's appointment of his high priestess, he then also hired the witch doctor Dr. Rougier to the physiotherapy team, a man who gained a reputation for injecting and feeding players with unknown formulas before big games – the equivalent of Bugs Bunny giving the Tune Squad Michael Jordan’s ‘Secret Stuff’ in Space Jam. Hoddle, a man so willing to sacrifice his own beliefs to that of higher powers, it is assumed he used a Magic 8-Ball to aid him with his team selection, was also famous for dropping Paul Gascoigne from the squad. “Should I select Gascoigne?” .. ‘Outlook not so good’. So, with a back room staff resembling the species selection of a Dungeons and Dragons game and his Magic 8-Ball in hand, Hoddle set off for the 1998 World Cup. Once again, the team crashed out via a penalty shoot-out.
Hoddle, also an avid believer of reincarnation, was eventually released by England due to claiming all disabled people were suffering for sins they had committed in a previous life – that actually happened. The FA once again rolled the Jumanji dice and Kevin Keegan emerged from the board, who then became famous for losing the last game at the old Wembley stadium to bitter rivals Germany. An excellent addition to the shit heap.
After the very predictable disappointment of Kevin Keegan's reign as England manager, the English Football Association decided to mix things up. Sven-Goran Eriksson became the first ever foreign England manager and, regardless of looking like Marge Simpson's painting of a naked Mr. Burns, he immediately started shagging everything in sight (including Germany who he bonked 5-1). This adored him to the nation. According to folklore, Sven’s had programmed his CV to play the ‘The Thong Song’ by Sisqo when the chief staff selector at the FA opened it. Sven’s had limited success as the England national coach but was never able to back it up with actual trophies. He did, however, continue the stellar England tradition of having never won a penalty shoot-out at a World Cup.
Eriksson was followed by Steve McClaren, who is the only person with a bigger claim to the umbrella than Mary Poppins. Men across England recoiled in horror like an overacting actress from the silent-era when they saw McLaren pop open an umbrella on the touchline during a bout of torrential rain. How dare he use a perfectly good invention in the correct manner. He lost his job soon after. Fabio Cappello was next up and he got straight to serving up the type of football that made you wish the Y2K apocalypse scenario had happened. The performances under Capello were dreary to say the least. Watching Capello’s England was like being forced to watch videos of your friend’s children; you don’t really want to but you feel compelled to hang in there until the end and pretend you enjoyed it. The team’s efforts got the results you would have expected – the worst World Cup performance of all time by an England team. You can’t top that level of dire shitness. It’s the ultimate.
Ever since the success in 1966, England have been a team operating in fancy dress; a nation so preoccupied with emulating the style of play and success of other countries that they shed their own identity a long time ago. As each new tournament arrives, England show up grotesquely wearing the skin of another country trying to pass themselves off as something they’re not. However, things are looking up. Well, maybe. Roy Hodgson and Gary Neville are currently attempting to reconstruct the England team like OCP did when they melding parts of Murphy's body to steel in order to create Robocop. The difference is, Hodgson and Neville are creating a really shit footballing version of Robocop, and honestly, Robocop wouldn't even be that useful a footballer. The problem is, we are still fantastically shit when it comes to tournaments, as displayed at the 2014 World Cup. At this point, FIFA would be better treating England and their World Cup campaigns like a beggar entering a restaurant looking for food. Pour some soup in to the hands of the players and then quietly shuffle the team out of the establishment before anybody notices. Qualifying for Euro 2016 is going swimmingly with England dispatching of all those who dare play them in the qualifiers. However, as history suggests, this is simply the precursor for a catastrophic exit when the tournament finally kicks off.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, I'll still inexplicably get my hopes up.
Fuck off, England.
Tl;dr - That's over 9 drafts and 2,000 words worth of work up there. Shove your tl;dr up your arse.
First of all, sorry for the delay. I've recently moved house and also took on a new job.
Secondly, you turds played a big part in helping me acquire that job so thank you from the bottom of my black heart. I'm now the Community Manager for new Fantasy Football app 'Battle Stars Football' and one of the reasons I got the job was due to the recruiter reading my 'Teams I Hate' posts on /soccer - the posts that you all upvoted. It's only part-time but it marks the first time in my life I will receive money for writing about football so, genuinely, thank you. Also, the app is pretty fun too. In a nutshell, it's live Fantasy Football that accompanies you on match days. Battle Stars Football is free on the app store - coming to Android very soon - so feel free to go download it and call me a cunt in the review section. It's Premier League centric so you'll have to wait for the international fixtures to pass in order to play but I promise you it's worth downloading. I'm already becoming really good at this corporate shilling malarkey. Queue the "You sold out!" chants.
If you want to follow me on Twitter and read condensed versions of my thoughts on football you can on the following:
Again, thank you very much.
Previous editions:
submitted by Bill_Murray_Movies to soccer [link] [comments]

The Life of Pablo

Kanye Omari West (/ˈkɑːnjeɪ/;[1] born June 8, 1977) is an American rapper, songwriter, record producer, fashion designer, and entrepreneur. Born in Atlanta and raised in Chicago, West briefly attended art school before becoming known as a producer for Roc-A-Fella Records in the early 2000s, producing hit singles for artists such as Jay Z and Alicia Keys. Intent on pursuing a solo career as a rapper, West released his debut album The College Dropout in 2004 to widespread critical and commercial success, and founded the record label GOOD Music. He went on to pursue a variety of different styles on subsequent albums Late Registration (2005), Graduation (2007), and 808s & Heartbreak (2008). In 2010, he released his fifth album My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy to rave reviews from critics, and the following year he collaborated with Jay Z on the joint LP Watch the Throne (2011). West released his abrasive sixth album, Yeezus, to further critical praise in 2013. His seventh album, The Life of Pablo, was released in 2016.
West is among the most acclaimed musicians of the 21st century, and is one of the best-selling artists of all time, having sold more than 32 million albums and 100 million digital downloads worldwide.[5][6] He has won a total of 21 Grammy Awards, making him one of the most awarded artists of all time and the most Grammy-awarded artist to have debuted in the 21st century.[7] Three of his albums have been included and ranked on Rolling Stone's 2012 update of the "500 Greatest Albums of All Time" list. He has also been included in a number of Forbes annual lists.[8] Time named him one of the 100 most influential people in the world in 2005 and 2015.
West was born on June 8, 1977 in Atlanta, Georgia.[9][10] His parents divorced when he was three years old. After the divorce, he and his mother moved to Chicago, Illinois.[11][12] His father, Ray West, is a former Black Panther and was one of the first black photojournalists at The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Ray West was later a Christian counselor,[12] and in 2006, opened the Good Water Store and Café in Lexington Park, Maryland with startup capital from his son.[13][14] West's mother, Dr. Donda C. (Williams) West,[15] was a professor of English at Clark Atlanta University, and the Chair of the English Department at Chicago State University before retiring to serve as his manager. West was raised in a middle-class background, attending Polaris High School[16] in suburban Oak Lawn, Illinois after living in Chicago.[17]
West demonstrated an affinity for the arts at an early age; he began writing poetry when he was five years old.[20] His mother recalled that she first took notice of West's passion for drawing and music when he was in the third grade.[21] Growing up in Chicago, West became deeply involved in its hip hop scene. He started rapping in the third grade and began making musical compositions in the seventh grade, eventually selling them to other artists.[22] At age thirteen, West wrote a rap song called "Green Eggs and Ham" and began to persuade his mother to pay $25 an hour for time in a recording studio. It was a small, crude basement studio where a microphone hung from the ceiling by a wire clothes hanger. Although this wasn't what West's mother wanted, she nonetheless supported him.[20] West crossed paths with produceDJ No I.D., with whom he quickly formed a close friendship. No I.D. soon became West's mentor, and it was from him that West learned how to sample and program beats after he received his first sampler at age 15.[23]:557
After graduating from high school, West received a scholarship to attend Chicago's American Academy of Art in 1997 and began taking painting classes, but shortly after transferred to Chicago State University to study English. He soon realized that his busy class schedule was detrimental to his musical work, and at 20 he dropped out of college to pursue his musical dreams.[24] This action greatly displeased his mother, who was also a professor at the university. She later commented, "It was drummed into my head that college is the ticket to a good life... but some career goals don't require college. For Kanye to make an album called College Dropout it was more about having the guts to embrace who you are, rather than following the path society has carved out for you."[23]:558
1996–2002: Early work and Roc-A-Fella Records Kanye West began his early production career in the mid-1990s, making beats primarily for burgeoning local artists, eventually developing a style that involved speeding up vocal samples from classic soul records. His first official production credits came at the age of nineteen when he produced eight tracks on Down to Earth, the 1996 debut album of a Chicago rapper named Grav.[25] For a time, West acted as a ghost producer for Deric "D-Dot" Angelettie. Because of his association with D-Dot, West wasn't able to release a solo album, so he formed and became a member and producer of the Go-Getters, a late-1990s Chicago rap group composed of him, GLC, Timmy G, Really Doe, and Arrowstar.[26][27] His group was managed by John "Monopoly" Johnson, Don Crowley, and Happy Lewis under the management firm Hustle Period. After attending a series of promotional photo shoots and making some radio appearances, The Go-Getters released their first and only studio album World Record Holders in 1999. The album featured other Chicago-based rappers such as Rhymefest, Mikkey Halsted, Miss Criss, and Shayla G. Meanwhile, the production was handled by West, Arrowstar, Boogz, and Brian "All Day" Miller.[26]
West spent much of the late 1990s producing records for a number of well-known artists and music groups.[28] The third song on Foxy Brown's second studio album Chyna Doll was produced by West. Her second effort subsequently became the very first hip-hop album by a female rapper to debut at the top of the U.S. Billboard 200 chart in its first week of release.[28] West produced three of the tracks on Harlem World's first and only album The Movement alongside Jermaine Dupri and the production duo Trackmasters. His songs featured rappers Nas, Drag-On, and R&B singer Carl Thomas.[28] The ninth track from World Party, the last Goodie Mob album to feature the rap group's four founding members prior to their break-up, was co-produced by West with his manager Deric "D-Dot" Angelettie.[28] At the close of the millennium, West ended up producing six songs for Tell 'Em Why U Madd, an album that was released by D-Dot under the alias of The Madd Rapper; a fictional character he created for a skit on The Notorious B.I.G.'s second and final studio album Life After Death. West's songs featured guest appearances from rappers such as Ma$e, Raekwon, and Eminem.[28]
West received early acclaim for his production work on Jay-Z's The Blueprint; the two are pictured here in 2011. West got his big break in the year 2000, when he began to produce for artists on Roc-A-Fella Records. West came to achieve recognition and is often credited with revitalizing Jay-Z's career with his contributions to the rap mogul's influential 2001 album The Blueprint.[29] The Blueprint is consistently ranked among the greatest hip-hop albums, and the critical and financial success of the album generated substantial interest in West as a producer.[30] Serving as an in-house producer for Roc-A-Fella Records, West produced records for other artists from the label, including Beanie Sigel, Freeway, and Cam'ron. He also crafted hit songs for Ludacris, Alicia Keys, and Janet Jackson.[29][31][32][33]
Despite his success as a producer, West's true aspiration was to be a rapper. Though he had developed his rapping long before he began producing, it was often a challenge for West to be accepted as a rapper, and he struggled to attain a record deal.[32] Multiple record companies ignored him because he did not portray the 'gangsta image' prominent in mainstream hip hop at the time.[23]:556 After a series of meetings with Capitol Records, West was ultimately denied an artist deal.[22]
According to Capitol Record's A&R, Joe Weinberger, he was approached by West and almost signed a deal with him, but another person in the company convinced Capitol's president not to.[22] Desperate to keep West from defecting to another label, then-label head Damon Dash reluctantly signed West to Roc-A-Fella Records. Jay-Z later admitted that Roc-A-Fella was initially reluctant to support West as a rapper, claiming that many saw him as a producer first and foremost, and that his background contrasted with that of his labelmates.
West's breakthrough came a year later on October 23, 2002, when, while driving home from a California recording studio after working late, he fell asleep at the wheel and was involved in a near-fatal car crash.[35] The crash left him with a shattered jaw, which had to be wired shut in reconstructive surgery. The accident inspired West; two weeks after being admitted to the hospital, he recorded a song at the Record Plant Studios with his jaw still wired shut.[35] The composition, "Through The Wire", expressed West's experience after the accident, and helped lay the foundation for his debut album, as according to West "all the better artists have expressed what they were going through".[36][37] West added that "the album was my medicine", as working on the record distracted him from the pain.[38] "Through The Wire" was first available on West's Get Well Soon... mixtape, released December 2002.[39] At the same time, West announced that he was working on an album called The College Dropout, whose overall theme was to "make your own decisions. Don't let society tell you, 'This is what you have to do.'"[40]
Carrying a Louis Vuitton backpack filled with old disks and demos to the studio and back, West crafted much of his production for his debut album in less than fifteen minutes at a time. He recorded the remainder of the album in Los Angeles while recovering from the car accident. Once he had completed the album, it was leaked months before its release date.[32] However, West decided to use the opportunity to review the album, and The College Dropout was significantly remixed, remastered, and revised before being released. As a result, certain tracks originally destined for the album were subsequently retracted, among them "Keep the Receipt" with Ol' Dirty Bastard and "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly" with Consequence.[42] West meticulously refined the production, adding string arrangements, gospel choirs, improved drum programming and new verses.[32] West's perfectionism led The College Dropout to have its release postponed three times from its initial date in August 2003.[43][44]
The College Dropout was eventually issued by Roc-A-Fella in February 2004, shooting to number two on the Billboard 200 as his debut single, "Through the Wire" peaked at number fifteen on the Billboard Hot 100 chart for five weeks.[45] "Slow Jamz", his second single featuring Twista and Jamie Foxx, became an even bigger success: it became the three musicians' first number one hit. The College Dropout received near-universal critical acclaim from contemporary music critics, was voted the top album of the year by two major music publications, and has consistently been ranked among the great hip-hop works and debut albums by artists. "Jesus Walks", the album's fourth single, perhaps exposed West to a wider audience; the song's subject matter concerns faith and Christianity. The song nevertheless reached the top 20 of the Billboard pop charts, despite industry executives' predictions that a song containing such blatant declarations of faith would never make it to radio.[46][47] The College Dropout would eventually be certified triple platinum in the US, and garnered West 10 Grammy nominations, including Album of the Year, and Best Rap Album (which it received).[48] During this period, West also founded GOOD Music, a record label and management company that would go on to house affiliate artists and producers, such as No I.D. and John Legend. At the time, the focal point of West's production style was the use of sped-up vocal samples from soul records.[49] However, partly because of the acclaim of The College Dropout, such sampling had been much copied by others; with that overuse, and also because West felt he had become too dependent on the technique, he decided to find a new sound.[50] During this time, he also produced singles for Brandy, Common, John Legend, and Slum Village.[51]
Beginning his second effort that fall, West would invest two million dollars and take over a year to craft his second album.[52] West was significantly inspired by Roseland NYC Live, a 1998 live album by English trip hop group Portishead, produced with the New York Philharmonic Orchestra.[53] Early in his career, the live album had inspired him to incorporate string arrangements into his hip-hop production. Though West had not been able to afford many live instruments around the time of his debut album, the money from his commercial success enabled him to hire a string orchestra for his second album Late Registration.[53] West collaborated with American film score composer Jon Brion, who served as the album's co-executive producer for several tracks.[54] Although Brion had no prior experience in creating hip-hop records, he and West found that they could productively work together after their first afternoon in the studio where they discovered that neither confined his musical knowledge and vision to one specific genre.[55] Late Registration sold over 2.3 million units in the United States alone by the end of 2005 and was considered by industry observers as the only successful major album release of the fall season, which had been plagued by steadily declining CD sales.[56]
2007–09: Graduation, 808s & Heartbreak, and VMAs controversy Main articles: Graduation (album) and 808s & Heartbreak Fresh off spending the previous year touring the world with U2 on their Vertigo Tour, West felt inspired to compose anthemic rap songs that could operate more efficiently in large arenas.[59] To this end, West incorporated the synthesizer into his hip-hop production, utilized slower tempos, and experimented with electronic music and influenced by music of the 1980s.[60][61] In addition to U2, West drew musical inspiration from arena rock bands such as The Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin in terms of melody and chord progression.[61][62] To make his next effort, the third in a planned tetralogy of education-themed studio albums,[63] more introspective and personal in lyricism, West listened to folk and country singer-songwriters Bob Dylan and Johnny Cash in hopes of developing methods to augment his wordplay and storytelling ability.[53]
West working in the studio in 2008, accompanied by mentor No I.D. (left). West's third studio album, Graduation, garnered major publicity when its release date pitted West in a sales competition against rapper 50 Cent's Curtis.[64] Upon their September 2007 releases, Graduation outsold Curtis by a large margin, debuting at number one on the U.S. Billboard 200 chart and selling 957,000 copies in its first week.[65] Graduation once again continued the string of critical and commercial successes by West, and the album's lead single, "Stronger", garnered the rapper his third number-one hit.[66] "Stronger", which samples French house duo Daft Punk, has been accredited to not only encouraging other hip-hop artists to incorporate house and electronica elements into their music, but also for playing a part in the revival of disco and electro-infused music in the late 2000s.[67] Ben Detrick of XXL cited the outcome of the sales competition between 50 Cent's Curtis and West's Graduation as being responsible for altering the direction of hip-hop and paving the way for new rappers who didn't follow the hardcore-gangster mold, writing, "If there was ever a watershed moment to indicate hip-hop's changing direction, it may have come when 50 Cent competed with Kanye in 2007 to see whose album would claim superior sales."[68]
West's life took a different direction when his mother, Donda West, died of complications from cosmetic surgery involving abdominoplasty and breast reduction in November 2007.[69] Months later, West and fiancée Alexis Phifer ended their engagement and their long-term intermittent relationship, which had begun in 2002.[70] The events profoundly affected West, who set off for his 2008 Glow in the Dark Tour shortly thereafter.[71] Purportedly because his emotions could not be conveyed through rapping, West decided to sing using the voice audio processor Auto-Tune, which would become a central part of his next effort. West had previously experimented with the technology on his debut album The College Dropout for the background vocals of "Jesus Walks" and "Never Let Me Down." Recorded mostly in Honolulu, Hawaii in three weeks,[72] West announced his fourth album, 808s & Heartbreak, at the 2008 MTV Video Music Awards, where he performed its lead single, "Love Lockdown". Music audiences were taken aback by the uncharacteristic production style and the presence of Auto-Tune, which typified the pre-release response to the record.[73]
West performing in August 2008 on the Glow in the Dark Tour. 808s & Heartbreak, which features extensive use of the eponymous Roland TR-808 drum machine and contains themes of love, loneliness, and heartache, was released by Island Def Jam to capitalize on Thanksgiving weekend in November 2008.[74][75] Reviews were positive, though slightly more mixed than his previous efforts. Despite this, the record's singles demonstrated outstanding chart performances. Upon its release, the lead single "Love Lockdown" debuted at number three on the Billboard Hot 100 and became a "Hot Shot Debut",[76] while follow-up single "Heartless" performed similarly and became his second consecutive "Hot Shot Debut" by debuting at number four on the Billboard Hot 100.[77] While it was criticized prior to release, 808s & Heartbreak had a significant effect on hip-hop music, encouraging other rappers to take more creative risks with their productions.[78]
West's controversial incident the following year at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards was arguably his biggest controversy, and led to widespread outrage throughout the music industry.[79] During the ceremony, West crashed the stage and grabbed the microphone from winner Taylor Swift in order to proclaim that, instead, Beyoncé's video for "Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)", nominated for the same award, was "one of the best videos of all time". He was subsequently withdrawn from the remainder of the show for his actions. West's tour with Lady Gaga was cancelled in response to the controversy.[80]
2010–12: My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy and collaborations
Following the highly publicized incident, West took a brief break from music and threw himself into fashion, only to hole up in Hawaii for the next few months writing and recording his next album.[82] Importing his favorite producers and artists to work on and inspire his recording, West kept engineers behind the boards 24 hours a day and slept only in increments. Noah Callahan-Bever, a writer for Complex, was present during the sessions and described the "communal" atmosphere as thus: "With the right songs and the right album, he can overcome any and all controversy, and we are here to contribute, challenge, and inspire."[82] A variety of artists contributed to the project, including close friends Jay-Z, Kid Cudi and Pusha T, as well as off-the-wall collaborations, such as with Justin Vernon of Bon Iver.[83]
My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, West's fifth studio album, was released in November 2010 to widespread acclaim from critics, many of whom considered it his best work and said it solidified his comeback.[84] In stark contrast to his previous effort, which featured a minimalist sound, Dark Fantasy adopts a maximalist philosophy and deals with themes of celebrity and excess.[49] The record included the international hit "All of the Lights", and Billboard hits "Power", "Monster", and "Runaway", the latter of which accompanied a 35-minute film of the same name.[85] During this time, West initiated the free music program GOOD Fridays through his website, offering a free download of previously unreleased songs each Friday, a portion of which were included on the album. This promotion ran from August 20 – December 17, 2010. Dark Fantasy went on to go platinum in the United States,[86] but its omission as a contender for Album of the Year at the 54th Grammy Awards was viewed as a "snub" by several media outlets.[87]
Following a headlining set at Coachella 2011 that was described by The Hollywood Reporter as "one of greatest hip-hop sets of all time",[88] West released the collaborative album Watch the Throne with Jay-Z. By employing a sales strategy that released the album digitally weeks before its physical counterpart, Watch the Throne became one of the few major label albums in the Internet age to avoid a leak.[89][90] "Niggas in Paris" became the record's highest charting single, peaking at number five on the Billboard Hot 100.[85] In 2012, West released the compilation album Cruel Summer, a collection of tracks by artists from West's record label GOOD Music. Cruel Summer produced four singles, two of which charted within the top twenty of the Hot 100: "Mercy" and "Clique".[85] West also directed a film of the same name that premiered at the 2012 Cannes Film Festival in custom pyramid-shaped screening pavilion featuring seven screens.[91]
2013–15: Yeezus and Adidas collaboration
Sessions for West's sixth solo effort begin to take shape in early 2013 in his own personal loft's living room at a Paris hotel.[92] Determined to "undermine the commercial",[93] he once again brought together close collaborators and attempted to incorporate Chicago drill, dancehall, acid house, and industrial music.[94] Primarily inspired by architecture,[92] West's perfectionist tendencies led him to contact producer Rick Rubin fifteen days shy of its due date to strip down the record's sound in favor of a more minimalist approach.[95] Initial promotion of his sixth album included worldwide video projections of the album's music and live television performances.[96][97] Yeezus, West's sixth album, was released June 18, 2013 to rave reviews from critics.[98] It became the rapper's sixth consecutive number one debut, but also marked his lowest solo opening week sales.[99] Def Jam issued "Black Skinhead" to radio in July 2013 as the album's lead single.[100]
On September 6, 2013, Kanye West announced he would be headlining his first solo tour in five years, to support Yeezus, with fellow American rapper Kendrick Lamar accompanying him as supporting act.[101][102] The tour was met with rave reviews from critics.[103] Rolling Stone described it as "crazily entertaining, hugely ambitious, emotionally affecting (really!) and, most importantly, totally bonkers."[103] Writing for Forbes, Zack O'Malley Greenburg praised West for "taking risks that few pop stars, if any, are willing to take in today's hyper-exposed world of pop," describing the show as "overwrought and uncomfortable at times, but [it] excels at challenging norms and provoking thought in a way that just isn't common for mainstream musical acts of late."[104]
In June 2013, West and television personality Kim Kardashian announced the birth of their first child, North. In October 2013, West and Kardashian announced their engagement to widespread media attention.[105] November 2013, West stated that he was beginning work on his next studio album, hoping to release it by mid-2014,[106] with production by Rick Rubin and Q-Tip.[107] In December 2013, Adidas announced the beginning of their official apparel collaboration with West, to be premiered the following year.[108] In May 2014, West and Kardashian were married in a private ceremony in Florence, Italy, with a variety of artists and celebrities in attendance.[105] West released a single, "Only One", featuring Paul McCartney, on December 31, 2014.[109]
Having initially announced a new album entitled So Help Me God slated for a 2014 release, in March 2015 West announced that the album would instead be tentatively called SWISH.[114] Later that month, West was awarded an honorary doctorate by the School of the Art Institute of Chicago for his contributions to music, fashion, and popular culture, officially making him an honorary DFA.[115] The next month, West headlined at the Glastonbury Festival in the UK, despite a petition signed by almost 135,000 people against his appearance.[116] Toward the end of the set, West proclaimed himself: "the greatest living rock star on the planet."[117] Media outlets, including social media sites such as Twitter, were divided on his performance.[118][119] NME stated, "The decision to book West for the slot has proved controversial since its announcement, and the show itself appeared to polarise both Glastonbury goers and those who tuned in to watch on their TVs."[119] The publication added that "he's letting his music speak for and prove itself."[120] The Guardian said that "his set has a potent ferocity – but there are gaps and stutters, and he cuts a strangely lone figure in front of the vast crowd."[121] In December 2015, West released a song titled "Facts".[122]
2016–present: The Life of Pablo and Turbo Grafx 16
West announced in January 2016 that SWISH would be released on February 11, and that month released new songs "Real Friends" and a snippet of "No More Parties in L.A." with Kendrick Lamar. This also revived the GOOD Fridays initiative in which Kanye releases new singles every Friday. On January 26, 2016, West revealed he had renamed the album from SWISH to Waves, and also announced the premier of his Yeezy Season 3 clothing line at Madison Square Garden.[123] In the weeks leading up to the album's release, West became embroiled in several Twitter controversies[124] and released several changing iterations of the track list for the new album. Several days ahead of its release, West again changed the title, this time to The Life of Pablo.[125] On February 11, West premiered the album at Madison Square Garden as part of the presentation of his Yeezy Season 3 clothing line.[126] Following the preview, West announced that he would be modifying the track list once more before its release to the public,[127] and further delayed its release to finalize the recording of the track "Waves" at the behest of co-writer Chance the Rapper. He released the album exclusively on Tidal on 14 February 2016 following a performance on SNL.[128][129] Following its official streaming release, West continued to tinker with mixes of several tracks, describing the work as "a living breathing changing creative expression"[130] and proclaiming the end of the album as a dominant release form.[131] Although a statement by West around Life of Pablo's initial release indicated that the album would be a permanent exclusive to Tidal, the album was released through several other competing services starting in April.[132]
On February 24, 2016, West stated on Twitter that he was planning to release another album in the summer of 2016, tentatively called Turbo Grafx 16 in reference to the 1990s video game console of the same name.[133][134] On June 3, 2016, West premiered the first single "Champions" off the GOOD Music album Cruel Winter, which was six minutes and featured Travis Scott, Big Sean, Gucci Mane, Desiigner, Yo Gotti, Quavo, and 2 Chainz.[135][136] He told the radio host, Big Boy, that the beat had been in works for a year and a half.[135] In June, West released a controversial video for "Famous," which depicted wax figures of several celebrities (including West, Kardashian, Taylor Swift, president and businessman Donald Trump, comedian Bill Cosby, and former president George W. Bush) sleeping nude in a shared bed.[137] In August 2016, West embarked on the Saint Pablo Tour in support of The Life of Pablo.[138] The performances featured a mobile stage suspended from the ceiling.[138] West postponed several dates in October following the Paris robbery of his wife Kim Kardashian.[139] On November 21, 2016, West cancelled the remaining 21 dates on the Saint Pablo Tour, following a week of no-shows, curtailed concerts and rants about politics.[140] He was later admitted for psychiatric observation at UCLA Medical Center.[141][142] He stayed hospitalized over the Thanksgiving weekend stemming from a temporary psychosis stemming from sleep deprivation and extreme dehydration.[143]The current West seems to be based on trying to create a world that he wants his daughter, North, to grow up in. In an interview for Paper (magazine) West states that all that time, all the seemingly sporadic actions and outbursts, he was fighting for his daughter Nori’s future “‘Let's just tap back into the real world for a second we can have children. Let’s be thankful, we can raise our kids, let’s be thankful. But how about we raise our kids in a truthful world, not a world based on brands and concepts of perception? Perception is not reality. When I look in North's eyes, I'm happy about every mistake I've ever made. I'm happy that I fought to bring some type of reality to this world we choose to stay in right now, driven by brands and corporations.'"[144]
Early in his career, West made clear his interest in fashion and desire to work in the clothing design industry.[36][92] In September 2005, West announced that he would release his Pastelle Clothing line in spring 2006, claiming "Now that I have a Grammy under my belt and Late Registration is finished, I am ready to launch my clothing line next spring."[186] The line was developed over the following four years – with multiple pieces teased by West himself – before the line was ultimately cancelled in 2009.[187][188] In 2009, West collaborated with Nike to release his own shoe, the Air Yeezys, with a second version released in 2012. In January 2009, West introduced his first shoe line designed for Louis Vuitton during Paris Fashion Week. The line was released in summer 2009.[189] West has additionally designed shoewear for Bape and Italian shoemaker Giuseppe Zanotti.[190]
On October 1, 2011, Kanye West premiered his women's fashion label, DW Kanye West[191] at Paris Fashion Week. He received support from DSquared2 duo Dean and Dan Caten, Olivier Theyskens, Jeremy Scott, Azzedine Alaïa, and the Olsen twins, who were also in attendance during his show. His debut fashion show received mixed-to-negative reviews,[192] ranging from reserved observations by[193] to excoriating commentary in The Wall Street Journal,[194] The New York Times,[195] the International Herald Tribune,, The Daily Telegraph, Harper's Bazaar and many others.[196][197][198] On March 6, 2012, West premiered a second fashion line at Paris Fashion Week.[199][200] The line's reception was markedly improved from the previous presentation, with a number of critics heralding West for his "much improved" sophomore effort.[201]
An advertisement for West's 2015 shoe collaboration with Adidas, the Yeezy 350. On December 3, 2013, Adidas officially confirmed a new shoe collaboration deal with West.[108] After months of anticipation and rumors, West confirmed the release of the Adidas Yeezy Boosts. In 2015, West unveiled his Yeezy Season clothing line, premiering Season 1 in collaboration with Adidas early in the year.[202] The line received positive critical reviews, with Vogue observing "a protective toughness, a body-conscious severity that made the clothes more than a simple accessory."[203] The release of the Yeezy Boosts and the full Adidas collaboration was showcased in New York City on February 12, 2015, with free streaming to 50 cinemas in 13 countries around the world.[204] An initial release of the Adidas Yeezy Boosts was limited to 9000 pairs to be available only in New York City via the Adidas smartphone app; the Adidas Yeezy Boosts were sold out within 10 minutes.[205] The shoes released worldwide on February 28, 2015, were limited to select boutique stores and the Adidas UK stores. He followed with Season 2 later that year at New York Fashion Week.[110] On February 11, West premiered his Yeezy Season 3 clothing line at Madison Square Garden in conjunction with the previewing of his album The Life of Pablo.[126] In June 2016, Adidas announced a new long-term contract with Kanye West which sees the Yeezy line extend to a number of stores and enter sports performance products.[206] The Yeezys will be seen in basketball, football, soccer, and more.[206]
West founded the record label and production company GOOD Music in 2004, in conjunction with Sony BMG, shortly after releasing his debut album, The College Dropout. John Legend, Common, and West were the label's inaugural artists.[208] The label houses artists including West, Big Sean, Pusha T, Teyana Taylor, Yasiin Bey / Mos Def, D'banj and John Legend, and producers including Hudson Mohawke, Q-Tip, Travis Scott, No I.D., Jeff Bhasker, and S1. GOOD Music has released ten albums certified gold or higher by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA). In November 2015, West appointed Pusha T the new president of GOOD Music.[209]
West, alongside his mother, founded the "Kanye West Foundation" in Chicago in 2003, tasked with a mission to battle dropout and illiteracy rates, while partnering with community organizations to provide underprivileged youth access to music education.[226] In 2007, the West and the Foundation partnered with Strong American Schools as part of their "Ed in '08" campaign.[227][228] As spokesman for the campaign, West appeared in a series of PSAs for the organization, and hosted an inaugural benefit concert in August of that year.[229]
West has been an outspoken and controversial celebrity throughout his career, receiving both criticism and praise from many, including the mainstream media, other artists and entertainers, and two U.S. presidents.[36][92] On September 2, 2005, during a benefit concert for Hurricane Katrina relief on NBC, A Concert for Hurricane Relief, West (a featured speaker) accused President George W. Bush of not "car[ing] about black people". When West was presenting alongside actor Mike Myers, he deviated from the prepared script to criticize the media's portrayal of hurricane victims, saying:
I hate the way they portray us in the media. You see a black family, it says, 'They're looting.' You see a white family, it says, 'They're looking for food.' And, you know, it's been five days [waiting for federal help] because most of the people are black. And even for me to complain about it, I would be a hypocrite because I've tried to turn away from the TV because it's too hard to watch. I've even been shopping before even giving a donation, so now I'm calling my business manager right now to see what is the biggest amount I can give, and just to imagine if I was down there, and those are my people down there. So anybody out there that wants to do anything that we can help—with the way America is set up to help the poor, the black people, the less well-off, as slow as possible. I mean, the Red Cross is doing everything they can. We already realize a lot of people that could help are at war right now, fighting another way—and they've given them permission to go down and shoot us!
Myers spoke next and continued to read the script. Once it was West's turn to speak again, he said, "George Bush doesn't care about black people." At this point, telethon producer Rick Kaplan cut off the microphone and then cut away to Chris Tucker, who was unaware of the cut for a few seconds. Still, West's comment reached much of the United States.[243][244] Bush stated in an interview that the comment was "one of the most disgusting moments" of his presidency.[58] In November 2010, in a taped interview with Matt Lauer for the Today show, West expressed regret for his criticism of Bush. "I would tell George Bush in my moment of frustration, I didn't have the grounds to call him a racist", he told Lauer. "I believe that in a situation of high emotion like that we as human beings don't always choose the right words." The following day, Bush reacted to the apology in a live interview with Lauer saying he appreciated the rapper's remorse. "I'm not a hater", Bush said. "I don't hate Kanye West. I was talking about an environment in which people were willing to say things that hurt. Nobody wants to be called a racist if in your heart you believe in equality of races."[245] Reactions were mixed, but some felt that West had no need to apologize. "It was not the particulars of your words that mattered, it was the essence of a feeling of the insensitivity towards our communities that many of us have felt for far too long", argued Def Jam co-founder Russell Simmons.[246] Bush himself was receptive to the apology, saying, "I appreciate that. It wasn't just Kanye West who was talking like that during Katrina, I cited him as an example, I cited others as an example as well. You know, I appreciate that."[247]
On September 13, 2009, during the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards while Taylor Swift was accepting her award for Best Female Video for "You Belong with Me", West went on stage and grabbed the microphone to proclaim that Beyoncé's video for "Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)", nominated for the same award, was "one of the best videos of all time". He was subsequently removed from the remainder of the show for his actions.[79][268][269] When Beyoncé later won the award for Best Video of the Year for "Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)", she called Swift up on stage so that she could finish her acceptance speech.[268] West was criticized by various celebrities for the outburst,[79][270][271][272] and by President Barack Obama, who called West a "jackass".[273][274][275][276] In addition, West's VMA disruption sparked a large influx of Internet photo memes with blogs, forums and "tweets" with the "Let you finish" photo-jokes.[277] He posted a Tweet soon after the event where he stated, "Everybody wanna booooo me but I'm a fan of real pop culture... I'm not crazy y'all, I'm just real."[278] He then posted two apologies for the outburst on his personal blog; one on the night of the incident, and the other the following day, when he also apologized during an appearance on The Jay Leno Show.[271][279] After Swift appeared on The View two days after the outburst, partly to discuss the matter, West called her to apologize personally. Swift said she accepted his apology.[280][281][282]
West began an on-and-off relationship with designer Alexis Phifer in 2002, and they became engaged in August 2006. The pair ended their 18-month engagement in 2008.[304] West subsequently dated model Amber Rose from 2008 until the summer of 2010.[305] West began dating reality star and longtime friend[306] Kim Kardashian in April 2012.[307] West and Kardashian became engaged in October 2013,[308][309] and married on May 24, 2014 at Fort di Belvedere in Florence, Italy.[310] Their private ceremony was subject to widespread mainstream coverage, with West taking issue with the couple's portrayal in the media.[311] They have two children: daughter North "Nori" West (born June 15, 2013)[312][313] and son Saint West (born December 5, 2015).[314] In April 2015, West and Kardashian traveled to Jerusalem to have North baptized in the Armenian Apostolic Church at the Cathedral of St. James.[315] The couple's high status and respective careers have resulted in their relationship becoming subject to heavy media coverage; The New York Times referred to their marriage as "a historic blizzard of celebrity."[316]
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I wrote over 13 essays and articles about Top ICOs and Cryptocurrencies, 8 of them are about Pivot Community Application./ My Telegram Channel I'D: @iranpivot98 (over 1k professional subscribers about Pivot) ■ My Informations: Written by : Pivot's Nickname : ehsan davoodi Pivot's ZID : 167016786
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Who am I?

Who Am I? Well, it is all on my profile but I'll restate it here. I am a fifteen year old student living in San Jose, California. I am decently smart and do competition math and computer science. I enjoy Ultimate, running, breakdance, and being in the outdoors. I am currently delving deeper into some more advanced algorithms and expanding my computer science knowledge. I attend hackathons and do some Android development, specifically in the rooting sector. What Are My Credentials? Many of you may already be looking down on me with scorn. "This guy is only 15 years old! Who the hell does he think he is, trying to preach to us as if he was some elite god?" Well, it is true I am quite young. However, I am fortunate enough to live in what is probably the best place for students in the whole world: Silicon Valley. Yup, that magical place in California where Apple, Facebook, and Google were founded and all those amazing new technologies are invented. Here, new companies are created every single day. (In fact, that may not be an exaggeration) The people and environment around me is amazing. For example, students and people I know are setting up TedX at their respective schools, inviting a friend that happens to be a Tesla co-founder to give a talk (This is a student and a great friend of mine), attending hackathons every month where students are encouraged to 'hack' and create new and innovative projects(and prizes are handed out, as well as scholarships and other free sponsor stuff), and it being strange when we don't have some national finalist in areas such as business, STEM, competition math, engineering, etc. Probably the best public school in all of the USA. The atmosphere, type of parents, teachers, and community we have are simply so dedicated that it is amazing. 4.0 is practically given. The environment here simply churns out successful entrepreneurs, businessmen, and thinkers. So I get to experience all these innovative people, be one of these people who are doing things that grown-ups or college students do, and everything is just so advanced here. Everyone does extra stuff, everyone has amazing background, etc. Repigyou, for example, goes to a school a few minutes away from mine and he quit Minecraft because he got a few bad grades in freshman year, which many might say doesn't matter because colleges don't look at that. Very ignorant mindset. Anyways, this might not have happened in other areas. In my opinion, this is a sharp contrast to most of you folks. In Mexico, Hong Kong, and other places in America, school is probably all that students have to do. You aren't pushed to do more, a couple of B's and maybe a C is fine. (Keep in mind this is general. In Korea for example I know the education standards are extremely high, due to the format of the College applications process) So I'm saying that many of you guys live in normal, ordinary schools where you aren't pressured to study and if you are it's only to get good grades in school, which is still not easy for some and can delude you into thinking that you're doing something. Perhaps you feel you are involved because you are in some clubs and your parents have encouraged participating in a club sport. Or perhaps you are depresed because Minecraft is taking over your life. Whatever. My point is that unless you are Apple, Plastix, Khazhyk, or somebody who's in a good Ivy college and still apparently plays on Overcast, you will find that I have a stronger background and experiences to be able to talk about this topic of studying, dedication, and life with certainty and conviction. But it's not all fun and games here. It's very stressful for some people. Sometimes I envy you careless gamers who don't have to worry about life. Actually, I don't. I'm happy I have this opportunity to live here. You should all envy me. So What is the Point of this Thread? Yes, we're getting to that. And as a note, what I say is really only applying to the players who've been on this server for double digit days. The donators, the people in teams, the people that are obsessed. Don't worry about this if you are very active in real life , which I'm sure many of you are. But still read this, hopefully you can learn something. The people this doesn't apply to are the noobs that get rotated out every month that are used to raise your KD to 1.0. Or the hacker noobs that stack up on the ban list, making the several thousand pages or however many pages there are. I recently found some depression threads on, and I never actually totally realized what type of people were on this server. Now I know that this place is filled with young and immature kids, in addition to the diseased, homeschooled, depressed, and normal kids. For example, people that spend all day on mumble wasting time playing porn for the other immature players to laugh at..(Not pointing fingers at all, please don't be offended, I still respect you. This example just helps to prove my point) Really. I had always thought that I was only playing with kids that even if they were young, were mature and had control over their lives and gaming. But still, there are a couple of specific cases I want to address. The most basic case. This was me for the past two months or so, and in my guess 50% or so of the really good players on this server: You are a normal or dedicated student, but Minecraft has taken over your life. Your grades are suffering, but you and your parents don't really care. You have stopped playing sports and ditch track practice every day. You play until morning, and finally sleep when you ask yourself exactly what you are accomplishing by ruining your eyes and sleep quality. Finally, you go to sleep and wake up on the same day, eyes burning in the morning and vision foggy. You tell yourself that you will never ocktick again, and finish your homework at school, finishing each classes' homework in the class right before. Sometimes you are unable to. (I always did, as I am BS and clutch master. And got full score. And my grades didn't suffer. But my eyes and self-esteem did.) You come back in the afternoon, find that your mom is not home and clock a couple of hours before dinner. You tell yourself you will work later, but find yourself playing Minecraft again. This vicious cycle repeats over and over. To aid in your slump, you download and tweak some programs so you can hotkey and hide Minecraft from your taskbar and screen. These people know Minecraft is bad for them. But they can't tear themselves away from farming a couple of more monuments on Primed or wrecking noobs on Conquer. Then the minority case. You are bullied or depressed from real life problems. Perhaps you are antisocial and unable to make real friends. You are immature and get depressed about yourself because your 'crush' is in a 'relationship' with another person. You find yourself disappointed with yourself and the current state of affairs. Perhaps you are diseased. You turn to Minecraft for comfort and friends and to lose yourself and forget all your fears, expectations, and homework. You find that friendships online are easier to maintain. Eventually the only thing you look forward to is Minecraft and it becomes your life. And these are the problems I would like to address, and hopefully provide some valuable tips, advice, and insight to help anyone that might be in this situation. I want this to be a wake up call for you guys. Great, So What Can I Do to Help Myself? Okay, I have a lot of information for you guys. I'm going to try to organize it as best as possible, but please don't be disappointed if it's not so clear. I'll do my best, and please try your hardest to stay with me. I'll provide a brief summary at the end as well. Step 1: Finding an Interest The first step in getting out of this slump is to set a goal. Without a goal, you're just a sad looking Magikarp floundering around. If you don't have a goal of becoming a elite Lvl. 100 Magikarp or a sexy Gyrados , you're not going to get anywhere in life. So this first step is finding what interests you. This could be anything, from art to design to computer science to biology to law to business to e-commerce to networking to engineering to fashion design. A common answer I've gotten from my ocktick buddies to this question is 'gaming'. Now. Guys. Galls, girls, folks, buddies, homies, niggas, besties, strangers. Listen! 'Gaming' is not an answer choice for this question! Games are flipping made to appeal to people. They accomplish absolutely nothing but merely provide enjoyment. Like drugs. I know most of you fantasize about getting rich off a youtube channel, but this is very unrealistic. 99.9999% of you need to stop thinking that this is an interest. Gaming is a time-waster. The only purpose should be to help de-stress, there when you need a break and need to forget about life for a short while. It is not something that is going to turn into a career. So get that mindset out of your heads this instant. And you will have an interest, trust me. The only reason you don't have one right now is because you've been wasting all of your time ockticking! So how do you find an interest? I encourage you to take some time to just surf the web. If you're interested in technology, go to popular tech websites such as the Verge or similar sites and just read about current technology. Find something that seems cool, or interesting. Anything that strikes out at you as potentially interesting, learn more about it! If you are interested in what rooting does to an Android phone, google it. Try rooting your android.(Actually, don't if you don't know what you're doing) If you think 3D printing is amazing, learn more about it. To find an interest, you really just need to spend time out on the web surfing, researching, becoming interested. I don't know. Bioengineering? Step Two: The Inevitable Now that you've found an interest, you need to be able to spend some time learning about it. And that means steering away from Minecraft a bit. I know you're all fearing this, but it must be done. You don't have to quit, but you should definitely cut down on the time you spend gaming. You have to. It's not a suggestion. Go do it. If you're feeling particularly adventurous, uninstall Minecraft and all the related mods, texture packs, recording programs, etc. I can't tell you how to play a game less. But the main things: If you've realized that Minecraft has a negative impact on your life, step away from it. Try leaving it for three days. Or restrict yourself to 1 hour a day for a week. See what happens. Enjoy the fact that your head doesn't fall back in class every ten seconds in the morning. Enjoy the fact that your eyes aren't blurry or painful in the morning. There will be so many immediate improvements in physical health, as well as mental health. You will immediately feel more purposeful and energetic. Once you've commited to this, it should be easy because you know it is for your own good, and you see instant results! For others, however, this step may be difficult. But there are other things that will actually cause you to spend less time playing because you're so busy! I'll discuss those things later. You need to overcome a certain threshold of understanding for this step. It will be different for everyone. You need to realize that stepping away from Minecraft is a good thing. You might suffer. But you need to push through and simply PLAY LESS. There is no simple way to do this one. Good luck. Step Three: General Life Tips This step is not really a step. These tips are just here to improve your life. Read on! Blue Light Filters!!! Something really important! Blue light filter and reducing screen brightness! So in a nutshell, blue light is really bad for your eyes. The LED stuff. It will ruin your eyes multiple times faster than other light, and sadly this is what is used in AMOLED screens and LCD. Basically all screens such as computers, TV, and phones. LED is simply very bright artifical light. As in, when you look at it late at night, it tires your eyes and disrupts your sleep patterns, as you are only supposed to experience bright light during the day. Getting a blue light filter such as f.lux brings the screen closer to natural, room light. This is so much better than killing your eyes with LED 24/7. Ideally, the computer screen is barely brighter than room brightness, to minimize strain on your eyes. Actually, the most ideal would be less bright than room, but that is not realistic. Also, never use screens in the dark. Anything in the dark is too bright because there is no room brightness to counter it, so your eyes are basically getting wrecked no matter how low you put the brightness. The colors are more yellow-reddish and more washed out, but you get used to it. Currently, when I disable blue light filter I can really tell a huge difference and too much blue light is extremely uncomfortable, as my eyes are not accustomed to such unhealthy screens now. Minecraft without the filter seems way too bright and over-emphasized, and it strains my eyes. Which is not me having weak eyes, it's my eyes not being used to such lethal screens. Which is good. Trust me and try using the filter for a week straight without turning it off. You will see improvements in sleep and eye condition. Get some Good Music! Okay, you can group music into several groups. I'm not going to pretend I'm a music expert but hopefully I can suggest some good producers at the very least. The music I have is some party music, because everyone's got to have that when you're with groups, electronic music, and inspirational music. You listen to hardcore, dubstep electronic music when you game or work out. Like Monstercat if you're weird like dukman or biixerv. Nightcore and some Tobu if you're me. It turns you on and your body just enters a high-activity state. Or rap music is fine for these purposes as well, which I prefer. You listen to inspirational music when you need inspiration. This is like people singing... Simple electronic can't really touch chords such as words do with humans. Some mainstream inspirational music I have is We Are the Champions (Queen) and You Raise Me Up (Martin). I was listening to one when I finally decided I would write this for my ocktick buddies. I also have peaceful electro music such as Kygo, which is for when I am doing homework or taking a break. Calms you down. Check him out, he's an amazing producer. I've bolded his name for a reason. And I have Buddhist mantras for when I'm feeling overly religious and need that dose of mindfulness and insight. For any of you atheists out there, I reccomend Buddhism. I could probably write a whole 'nother page on how Christianity has ruined Koreans in my community and Buddhism actually is proved in real life and is not a flipping worship of Buddha. Buddha was the first person to achieve enlightenment, a state of true insight. You have probably all experienced flashes of it, like when you unclouded the mystery behind something,(solved that elegant math problem, finally realized WHY something happened) you felt that ephemeral, raw beauty. Enlightenment is not some bullshit state of godly being, it is just pretty much constantly having that feeling. And we are followers, and he merely offers us guidance. We are not worshipping him like Christians worship God as the creator of this earth. And you know when you're all like thanking God for trivial stuff.. And then you look over at Africa and really that's 'God's doing' as well... Some God. Anyways. Don't want to get controversial here. Skype me for more. Check out the book "Outliers" by Malcolm Gladwell for a good read and good content. It has a lot of mind-blowing and thoughtful content. Anyways. Back to the main topic. Exercise! Exercise can have different purposes, but this is a vital aspect in ensuring that you are a well rounded Homo sapiens. Just like music, exercise touches off important chords in humans. And if you don't like sports, that's simply because you haven't explored enough. And if you're weak, even more reason for you to get out and do some sports. Even if you're fat or a twig. I really cannot emphasize how important sports and physical activity are for the human. Some not-so-considered sports that you might not have considered? Badminton. This is not sissy tennis, boys. It is definitely easier to play than tennis but still has the same dedication and skill required at higher levels. Fun and entertaining for both gender and all ages. Ultimate frisbee. This is not a sissy sport, kids. This is more tiring than tennis, volleyball, basketball, or any other 'legit' sport you play. You're constantly cutting to get open, or staying on the right side of your man. It encourages co-ed playing, and has a lot of strategy involved. Definitely more strategy than sports like soccer or tennis, which I've both played at a competitive club level. If you think it is a toss-and-go, easy-money game, learn about Horizontal Stack, Zone, handler movements, dead disc plays and come back. But it is very easy to pick up, as all you need to do is be able to run and throw. And all you need is a disc and some open space! Very entertaining, and google AUDL matches if you're interested. Working out. This improves confidence, makes you stronger, and is just helpful to your health and well-being. I have started doing this recently, and contrary to popular misconceptions, you don't need to go to a gym or be a buff guy to do it. You get buff from doing it, not you do it because you're buff. This is most realistic for anybody from a twig up to a bit overweight person. All you need is bars and motivation. Also if you're young, lifting weights is actually bad. Stops bone growth by crushing your growing muscles. Calisthenics, or bar workouts, is what I'm recommending, and you can still get insanely buff... Check out the Bar Brothers. Anyways, Someone I know was 98 pounds at 16 years and put on 20 in a month. 20 more in the next two with simply bars and eggs, nothing else. I'm no expert, but you need to work till you physically can't do another set. And buff up on protein such as milk, eggs, meat, etc to fill up the muscle tears you get from working out. Do a lot of dips and pull ups if you want big arms. ;) And work out every two days, for usually half an hour or until you're muscles have enlarged to twice their size and you can't control them very well. It's not a big time commitment at all. Here's a link to an inspirational Quora article for y'all about this guy that bounced back from gaming and disease to become an amazing person: Click on this link for an inspirational article!> You Can't Make Good Food out of Bad Ingredients Stop eating junk food. Often times I hear people say they will go out for Jamba Juice or something before their workout. When I ask why, they reply that they'll burn it off anyways. Now that's just stupid. Health does not consist of two variables, fat level and work level. Unhealthy is not the same as fat. You need to understand that even if you don't see immediate negative results, junk food is bad for you. I don't know to what extent this may seem weird to you, but if my friends offer me chips or a cookie, I always decline. If I'm offered food by my mom at around 3, I usually refuse. You folks need to understand the benefit of good eating habits. They are vital to your health, wellbeing, and happiness. Have you ever seen girls who drink Boba every day as they go into high school? Or try too hard to impress? Their aura, their faces, suffer. They just have a more negative, less natural, less attractive face. Food is what your body uses to build itself. If you give yourself bad food you will become a 'bad' person. Just eat healthy, eat greens always. And get a lot of protein. Have a balanced diet, and eat good food. But you don't have to deprive yourself of sweets. I enjoy eating cereal and blueberry pie and baked treats every now and then, which in my opinion taste much better than the artificial junk most eat nowadays. I don't eat any junk food, because I actually think it tastes bad. And I'd like to propose to you what's known as intermittent fasting. In a nutshell, if we eat when our tank is full, the excess becomes fat. Simple. So you group your food intake . You eat 3 big meals a day, giving your body time to use all the energy. For adults, you usually take a break from a meal about three times a week. This is a very effective and healthy way to burn fat, as you're not starving yourself or using pills, and just burning fat naturally. If you're really interested, google it. Just know that how you eat is just as important as what you eat. Don't always be stuffing yourself with small snacks throughout the day to keep up your metabolism, because that's ignorant BS that will just keep your excess energy spilling over into fat. Eat balanced, and keep to 3 meals a day. If you're going to eat some unhealthy food, eat that soon after the meal, to keep your meals grouped. Now, the meat of this article: The Inspiration Now that you've found an interest, and successfully stepped away from Minecraft a bit, you need to be inspired to study... Let me tell you guys something. In life there are geniuses, and normal people. Geniuses are mutants. Their IQ is over 155, their brains are wired differently. They'll work out everything in their heads and spit out an answer that normal people can not comprehend. Geniuses can visualize multi variable calculus, and visibly see the changes that occur when you add in another equation. Socrates is a good example. In debates, in his head he would predict what the response would be to his answer, and then the next, and the next, and so arrive at the final conclusion before it occurred. Try googling it if you're interested. Now, everything comes easily to geniuses. They can skim through a book and understand 80 percent. Then they have to try for the rest of the 20. Normal people understand 5 percent, and then they have to try for the rest of the 95. It's not fair, but life is not fair. But many geniuses are homeless drug addicts. Since everything comes so easily they never work or do anything with their talent and their lives are ruined. However, when geniuses try that's when you get people like Einstein or Socrates. Their work is studied for centuries after as people attempt to understand why they said what they did. Now the rest of the people learn that they must work to understand things. And that's how it is for most people. Even if you're a little bit smarter than the person next to you, that person will succeed if they try harder. It's as simple as that. The more you work, the more you will succeed. There's nothing to it. If you want to be smart, you have to be prepared to lose sleep studying. The genius that works hard will always win. But between the genius and the diligent worker, the diligent worker will always come out on top. One of my Korean adult 'buddies' came from Korea as a kid. The education here was so different, so much more encouraging than Korea. But he struggled, as he didn't know any English. Anyways, he set his sights on Harvard Law School (Arguably the best law school in the USA) and became zealously dedicated. He didn't sleep, he worked his butt off day and night. He ended up putting in ONLY ONE college application. That is insane. Psychopathic. And guess what? He got in. You ask me, what if he didn't get in? Then it would be over. It was a leap of faith. If he hadn't gotten in, as my man Rise likes to say, bleach would have been the answer. But the thing is that is how dedicated you need to be if you want to be that sure of your success. How much dedication do you think it required to be able to only put in one app like that? I don't know what you are all feeling. Maybe annoyed that your mom is pressuring you to study and it's annoying as hell. But when high school sophomore year rolls around, and you're starting to get worried, it will be too late for many of you. All those other kids you're competing with, the serious ones, have already put in thousands of hours. You need to start right now. If you don't want to look back at your life once you're in college and have regret, regret that you're going to the number one party college where it's literally impossible to work as girls in bikinis rollerblade outside your college classroom, regret that you go to a college where the new law allowing mobile homes to stay on campus has led to 500% increase in drug dealings, you need to start studying. You're deluding yourself if you think you're going to succeed somehow, or that you're going to be satisfied with mediocre. You need to get out there and make something happen. And I'll tell you right now, school is not enough. To put it simply, school is just something you have to do. The bare minimum. Everyone does it. You took a couple of harder classes and got a 4.0? Great. Nobody cares. What will really help you get into a college and help you enjoy life and get a good job and so on and so forth is having passion for what you do. (And also soft skills, which you will never develop by staying home playing games anyways.) And don't worry if you are scared about locking yourself into a field of study this early. The fact that you're taking anything seriously and with maturity shows that you have diligence. Many people change majors in college, they change in their junior year even. And they succeed. You know how the 2 years of Spanish in middle school equates to 1 year in high school. That's 1 semester in college. You're not locking yourself in. You need to learn how to work and set yourself up to be successful in the future. And if you end up enjoying and spending the rest of your life doing what you're doing in high school, even better! More time to practice. More hours put in. That's what's really important. The question you need to ask yourself, is "How bad do you want it?" Do you or do you not want to be satisfied and successful the rest of your life. Don't think you can make up everything in junior year of high school or magically turn your life around in college. That will be much more difficult. You need to start right now. Stop fooling around. You know how everyone says that getting into a good college doesn't matter, grades don't matter, etc. Trust me. That's important. It's not everything, but it is a huge advantage. The type of people, atmosphere, and what they teach you using the material is different. Do you really want to go to some shit college and work for those Harvard people in the future? Capitalist slavery. Is that appealing to you? The answer is very simple. Hard work = success. So get to work kiddos. Extra Stuff for Homeschooled/Miscellaneous Tips For the homeschooled, I'm not educated in your situations and context so I can't say much, and I'm not sure how college works for you guys. According to Pugsley, there should still be a lot of clubs and activities in your area that are unrelated to school that you can still find. Which you should. There's something I've observed. It's that when I find I'm distracted from homework with my phone, I'll usually put it away and think that the problem is is solved. An hour later, I'll still have made no progress on my homework. That's because if you're not focused, no matter what you do, you'll always be distracted and unable to finish your work. That's why all my steps are necessary. You not only need to step away from Minecraft, you also need to inspire yourself. If you don't accomplish the latter, you might as well go back to Minecraft. Because you won't accomplish anything anyways. So delete the facebook app, quit skype, don't go on reddit or whatever time-wasting sites you go to, stop going on youtube and watching pro ladder drops and wool caps, and focus. Music helps. But you have to be inspired. Simply deleting PAD or Trivia Crack from your phone or uninstalling Minecraft and LOL is most likely not going to magically make you focus on your work and succeed. Maybe you're finding it difficult to become more involved. As well as learning more about your interest on your own and studying, you need to become involved in activities. This is really important in widening your contacts network and being exposed to more opportunities such as internships or events. Again, I don't know about all of your lives and the situations about people in different parts of the USA or the world. But go to competitions, meet more people, ask and get emails. Learn about other events. Consult your teachers that are most involved with extracurricular things at school. Attend camps or sessions or competitions. I can't tell you the specifics, but you need to get out and actively try if you want to extend your network outside of your little school bubble. That is really important. Use google to find events near you! Don't stop searching. Don't think that somehow opportunities will come to you because you deserve it. You need to reach out and contact people yourself. But remember, you can only use these events and contacts to their full capability if you have knowledge in the area. That's why your personal studies are just as important as reaching out. Trust me: Nothing's fun unless you're good at it. It's not going to be easy. Being inspired to study and actually studying are completely different things. Often times you may be pressured to just give up your 'pointless' studying and come loose yourself in Minecraft. Don't do it. You have to stay dedicated. In a Nutshell: I wanted to wrap up everything I've said: Step 1: Find an interest. Step 2: Step away from overcast and Minecraft in general. Step 3: Become inspired and dedicated. Learn that there is purpose behind your studies. Step 4: Get to work. Work till you drop. Study your butt off. Step 5(Optional): Follow SilentBuddha's exceptionally wise Life Tips to become a better person. Step 6:(Optional): Quit Minecraft forever. Step 7: Reply on the forum post if this has helped, and share your stories. Wrap up, and about me. So some of you may be wondering by now, and can see from my profile, that I've ranked up a decent amount of playing time on this server. Is this guy even practicing what he's preaching? What a hypocrite! Well, recently I had a wake up call from my good Korean adult mentors/buddies. (It was indirect, they don't even know I play the game. My parents don't know either. I was just inspired) But before that, my friends criticized me. But I played on. I was ignorant and stupid. And perhaps it was easier to step away from Minecraft because it was difficult keeping it secret and having my parents pressure me about my work. It will be more difficult for you because your parents don't care that you game. But if you have parents that care, they will be so proud and impressed at your changes. But that's only if you change. Stop dreaming and start doing. But I'm glad that I got to see the light before things got worse. I decided that I wouldn't let Minecraft ruin my life, and luckily I wasn't as deeply rooted as some of you are and stepping away from Minecraft a bit is really easy. However, I've always wanted to help my fellow Minecrafters. I reached out to some people on my team and tried to initiate the first step of finding interest, and the only person that listened to anything I've said is Biixerv, I guess. Creds to that guy. He's really cool, people. Never let biases, first impressions, or anything affect you. You have to stay positive and always try to maintain good relationships with people. Once people see your true nature, you can convert them. You can make anyone a good friend of yours through kindness, respect, and compassion. Don't be an asshole or a jerk. But remember that people like me aren't stupid. When my attempts fail, I can be a real asshole. I have been. But hopefully that never has to happen with you guys. I changed two people that bullied me. (I wasn't affected at all, don't worry peeps. AKA Their attempts FAILED MISERABLY) One leaves me alone, and is a lot more subdued now. The other is a really good friend of mine now. We're hella chill. And he's much nicer to everybody in life now. I haven't seen any truly mean actions from him since two years ago. Stuff like that makes me truly happy. I've met some great people, and apply everything in my profile to real life, always staying positive and cheerful but serious enough so that I am taken seriously. And I've met a lot of jerks in real life. Recently a lot of my closest friends I'm having doubts about. Currently only one candidate is in my 'true friends' list, and I don't even know her that well. My other best friends would have to be two Korean adults, who have helped me so much. And they're not benevolent, kind people. They're rough. They're brutally honest. But inside, they're the kindest people ever. Their personalities and mindsets have rubbed off on me. They've brought me above everyone else I know that is my age. In a good way. And they've made me into a new person, someone who wants to give back, and will help if you reach out. But you'll never know. They're scary on the outside. And they changed my inner personality. On the outside, I'm usually over-cheerful and very immature, although that's changed recently due to my friends and just aging. But inside I've become more like them. The people who you choose to associate yourself with is important, people. People this age are mostly all immature on the inside, even if they seem adult-like. Unless you guys meet people like my Korean friends in real life, you will probably be that way as well. I really don't know why I'm saying this... It feels necessary to tell you where this post is coming from. Sorry if it's awkward. I'm just typing what's coming into my mind. I've got a lot of philosophic stuff that I've thought about and if you have any questions or are curious feel free to ask me on skype. About friends, studying, attitude, dedication and diligence in any academic area... How to approach life and problems... The affect of school and education on friendship, ethics and the morals in mini Cold Wars that happen in your schools... Feel free to hit me up if you need inspiration. Or want to talk. I'm here and I want to help you all! Hopefully this post helped you. I took a solid couple of hours to write this for you guys. I'd like to hear any stories or reports back if this has helped. Share your stories! They will teach me and everybody else something. As for Overcast, I'm not really sure what is going to happen. I'm not sure if I'll be able to cut myself off so suddenly. But I'm definitely going to be playing less. I have goals, people. Educational, social, and personal goals. And Minecraft is not helping me achieve those. I already know that many of you will just brush this off. Please don't. Others will be inspired but they won't actively follow this guide. You have to stay inspired. But that's your job. I'm not your life counselor. Be thankful I'm here helping you. I assure you that you won't get this type of advice in your life. In the rare case that you do, it will most likely be too late. I'm doing you people a favor because I want to help you. And I've still got fuel for y'all! Ask me on skype if you'd like to learn more. And even if this doesn't do anything to help your lives, at least try to be mature people and stay courteous and respectful in-game and in mumble. I hear stories about completely unacceptable responses in mumble. Don't be a jerk. You're only bringing yourself bad reputation and discouraging others to contribute to making this server better, as well as making it worse yourself. And lastly, I really have no idea what to expect from Overcast community. I've never done something like this before and I'm not sure whether my 50 percent estimate was correct. Maybe all of you are much smarter and involved than me and I'm just psychopathic. Who knows. Anyways, thanks everybody. Hope this helped and best of luck in your lives!
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